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02x10 - b*ll*ts and Tears

Posted: 03/15/14 00:04
by bunniefuu

[distant siren wailing]

[speaking Ukrainian] Please, please. I swear to you, I never took a penny! Please, you have to tell him. I would never steal from him.

You can tell him yourself.

[car door closes]

Please, Mr. Rabbit.

Shh. Shh, shh, shh.

Did you steal from me, Yuri?

No. Please. Let me explain.

Did you steal from me?


Thank you.


For being honest with me. Now we can talk like men again.



[theme music playing]

2x10 - b*ll*ts and Tears








And I toast the two of you.

The truck job was brilliantly ex*cuted.

Tell me, how did you get your false credentials for that job?

The background check should have taken six months.

Yeah, I know a guy.

It sounds like we should all know this guy.


He doesn't like crowds.

Rabbit: Leave him, Olek. Where would we be without our secrets?



So, you've had a very good year.

One last job next week and then we go quiet for a while, yes?


What? What?

That's what someone always says in the movies right before they get caught.

Stop it.

I'm just saying.

Well, don't say.

Well, you know.

You watch too many movies.

Why don't you watch some with me?

Learn some English. Get rid of some of that accent.

It's part of my charm.

Is that what you call it?

Daddy, what's this last job?

Capital Diamond.


We've been down this road.

I know, but I have some new information.

One package, 10 million in loose stones.

Lucas: Listen, that place is a fortress.

The electronics alone...

Yes, but luckily, you know a guy. [Olek laughs] Right?

Well, I am wiped.

I'm gonna go home.

Olek will drive you.

Good night, Daddy.

Good night, Anastasia.


[door closes]




I know when you're troubled.

Look, Capital Diamond, it's high risk.

Yes. Are you worried?

I don't know yet. Just let me do some recon.

You listen to me.

Every time you and Ana go out on a job, I'm trusting you with my daughter's life.

I could never do that if I didn't see you as a son.

Do you understand?

You do your research.

You consider the risk.

You decide.

Have a good night.

You look very beautiful tonight.

[chuckles] Thank you.

Why don't I come in for one more drink?

It's been such a long night.

I can barely keep my eyes open.

Another time.


Thanks for the lift.

Good night.

[door closes]

[lock clicks]

I need to get a better lock.

I'd just come through the window.



You know what.


We said it had to be the big one.

10 million in loose stones, that's pretty big.

No one's ever stolen from Rabbit before and lived.

We could do this.

He'll k*ll you.

No, he won't.

He won't. By the time Rabbit realizes what's going on, we'll be long gone.

He'll find us.

No, he won't.

I have it handled.

You have it handled?


You have to be a little more specific than that.

You know what? You're right.

I think you're ready.

Ready for what?

Not what, who.


[music playing]


[crowd cheering]

Patron: Whoo! Go, girl.

♪ When we're out there dancing on the floor, darling ♪
♪ And I feel like I need some more ♪
♪ And I feel your body close to mine... ♪

You take me to the nicest places.

♪ ...about that time, make me feel ♪
♪ Mighty real ♪
♪ Make me feel ♪
♪ Mighty real ♪
♪ You make me feel ♪
♪ Mighty real ♪
♪ You make me feel ♪
♪ Mighty real ♪
♪ When we get home, darling ♪
♪ And it's nice and dark and the music's in me ♪
♪ And I feel real hot and you kiss me back ♪
♪ And it feels real good ♪
♪ And I know you love me like you should... ♪

Nice shoes.

Did your daddy buy those for you before or after he sodomized you?

Man: What did he say?

[music stops]

[crowd murmuring]

That was nasty.

[feedback squeals]

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the music.

What was that you were saying?

I said your daddy ass r*ped you.

[crowd clamoring]


No, no, no. This here's a place where we all can come to express ourselves freely.

Lord knows I do.


These gentlemen here have every bit as much right to express themselves as any of us.

I applaud you gentlemen.

Coming here was an act of great courage.

At this stage in your lives when you're struggling with your h*m*.

[crowd whooping]

Still buying each other rounds, hoping one of you gets drunk enough to suck the other one's d*ck and then pretend to forget about it in the morning.

Let's hear it for our new gay friends, ladies and gentlemen.


Let's give them a hand.

I am gonna f*ck you up!

Baby, you ain't my type.


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

I'll be here all week.

[crowd cheers]

[music resumes]

Let's go.

Lucas: Hey, Job. How you doing?

Another night, another drunk bigot to emasculate.

You almost made it through the whole song. You're getting better.

f*ck you.

You, too.

So this is her?

Job, Ana. Ana, Job.

Hello. [sighs]

Honey, you're much too hot to be shopping retail.

That dress means well, but it's cut all wrong.

Thanks, but I don't know if we're going for the same look.

Style is style, honey.

You either got it or you just think you do.

Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour.

Place looks great.

The place is an abortion.

Sometimes I think I'm just gonna gut the whole thing and open a hair salon.

You cut hair?

Baby, I've hacked the CIA, the FBI, and the World Bank.

I think I can probably cut some hair.

How we doing on the diamond job?

It'll be ready when you are.

And the other thing?

You'll be Carrie and Tom Palmer.

Licenses, credit cards, checking accounts.

I've already leased you matching Hondas.

You're both boring as sh*t.

Carrie. That'll take some getting used to.

Well, then you'd best get started.

'Cause, girl, I am not doing it again.

Can I help you, Agent?

[chuckles] Now how can you tell?

[laughs] If you weren't a fed, Viktor over there would have already made you pay for your disrespect.

I'm Agent Jim Racine.

I'm taking over for Agent Daniels.

What happened to Paul?

Paul was dirty.

But then I don't have to tell you that.

I've been playing the game.

All the usual stuff... wiretaps, surveillance, shakedowns.

And today I thought I've been spending all this time looking at this guy, I ought to just come down and meet him face-to-face.

I hope you're not disappointed.

On the contrary.

It's a real thrill.

It's a shame about Paul.

I quite liked him.

Of course you did. He was weak and stupid.

You're very sure of yourself, Agent Racine.

Is that gonna be a problem for you?

Not at all.

It will make it all the more pleasurable when I break you.

Don't be a stranger.

[engine starts]

So we're looking for a Chinese gangster named Fat Au?

He's not Chinese.

The Triads are backing him?

It's kind of hard to explain.

He's someone I knew from the old days. Before your time.

Rabbit's not gonna be alone in that church. We need more firepower.

Oh, so he's a g*n dealer?

Among other things.

Are you sure he's gonna help you?


We had a complicated relationship, but I did him a favor once.

I hope he remembers.

Me, too.

[men speaking Chinese]

Hey, hey.

Yeah, I'm looking for Fat Au.

There's no Fat Au here.

Yeah, I'm not a cop, okay?

I'm an old friend of his.

He's gonna be very upset if he hears you turned me away.

I don't know what you're talking about. This is a private club.

Get lost.

I came a long way to see him.

That's too bad. Now get the f*ck out of here.

We better go.

Hang tight. Just do what I do.

What are you gonna do?


You're welcome.


[g*n hammers click]

Thug: Don't f*cking move.

Well, the good news is we're going to see Fat Au.

[men shouting in Chinese]

Now who the f*ck are you?

Are you kidding me?

I look like a f*cking comedian?

You look like two f*cking comedians.


I heard you d*ed, man.

Yeah, I heard the same thing.

Y'all get the f*ck out of here.

So you're running things now, huh?

Somebody's got to keep the peace.

Who is this you brought with you?

This is Ana.

Hello, beautiful.

What can I get you? Anything.

Name it, it's yours.

Eight Springfield automatics with silencers, preferably the AAC Prodigy suppressors, a few dozen a*mo packages, and something to carry it all in.

Ooh, I hope like hell you're sleeping with this woman.

[snaps fingers]

Listen, I don't have the money on me.

Your money is no good here.

You risked your life to save mine.

I think about it every day.

A few pieces of hardware doesn't begin to make us even.

Thank you.

Now, with that being said, I've got to ask, what are you gonna do with the g*ns?

Target practice.

Not below Canal Street, you hear me?

You got it.

All right, then.

Package will be waiting for you downstairs.

Just like that?

Oh, honey.

If I weren't so smitten, I'd be insulted.

Now, let's celebrate, huh?

[laughs] Solider boy.

Back from the dead.

[kisses] Today is a blessed day.


Why did he call you "soldier boy"?

It's just a nickname.

Yeah, I know, but why?

I guess when we first met, I was a soldier.

You never told me you were in the Army.

Not in the Army. Not exactly.

Anyway, it was a long time ago.

How many lives have you lived?

None, really.

You ready for the diamond job?

Will be.

It's a big score. Big risk.

You got something on your mind?

So much money. So much risk.

Some men would think to take the money and run.

Where would I go?

I don't know. But I would find you.

You want to talk sh*t or you want to box, huh?

I want to fight.

What the f*ck, Olek?

Whoo, that was a good sh*t.

I see stars.


You crazy m*therf*cker.

That's why they pay me the big dollars.

You're quiet today.

I'm just thinking.

Are you worried about this job?

We could still walk away.

No. No, I think we have that covered.

So, what, then?

It's nothing, Daddy. I'm fine.

You wouldn't keep something from me, would you?

Of course not.

[thunder crashes]

He knows.

He doesn't know.

You didn't hear him this morning.

There's no way he could possibly know.

You're reading into things.

I think we should wait.

Hey, listen to me.

He doesn't know.


Look, every time we steal for him, we risk our lives.

Why not risk our lives for us?

I just have a bad feeling about it.

Hey, hey, hey.

He doesn't know.

It's two miles from the highway surrounded by forest.

At least we got that going for us.

The package is in a safe on the top floor.

How do you know all this?

You know a guy, I know a guy.

Hey, you just worry about getting in.

There are two guard dogs on free patrol.

The entrance has a fingerprint scan.

The lobby has video surveillance and infrared.

This will get you through the fingerprint scanner.

As soon as you go in, I'll k*ll the infrareds, but they're on an a*t*matic reset.

You got 12 minutes to get in, cr*ck the safe, and get out.

The safe is a Xerxes XO series.

That's no problem.

It's not gonna be easy.

Nothing worthwhile ever is.

And then what?

And then you don't call me.

You don't e-mail me. Nothing.

Y'all are gonna have the cops, the feds, and the Ukrainian mafia after you.

I don't know you anymore.

You're having second thoughts?

No. No second thoughts. We'll get it done.

These are your new documents.

You're married, by the way.

Mazel tov.

Thanks for everything, Job.

Don't mention it.

No, I'm serious.

I'm serious, too.

Don't you f*cking mention it.

I don't care if they're blowtorching your balls off. You hear me?

I'll miss you.


Get the f*ck out of here.
[weapons clicking]

A direct as*ault is exactly the wrong way to go here.

Take it from someone who's tried.

What do you suggest?

Blow the f*cking place to smithereens.

Nuh-uh. Too messy. We got to be sure.

This is f*cking su1c1de. I'm coming.

Hey, you won't make it to the lobby... Job.

Get back in bed.


How am I gonna know if you're dead?

You wake up tomorrow and we're not here, we're dead.

Like I'm really gonna sleep tonight.

How we looking, Job?

Job: Police bands are quiet.

I'm already into the security system.


Ana, come on.


We don't have to do this.

We can't back out now.

Yes, we can.

I'll talk to my father. I'll tell him about us.

He is never going to let us be together.

You know this. This is the only way.

Baby, I have a very bad feeling about this.


Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Listen to me. It's gonna be okay.

I want to report a robbery in progress at the Capital Diamond warehouse.

211 Saw Mill River Road.


It's gonna be okay, I promise you.

Tomorrow we're gonna be Tom and Carrie Palmer.


We're gonna have our entire lives ahead of us.



But right here, right now, we have to do this, okay?

We have to.

You ready?



[muffled g*nshots]

[men grunt]


[muffled g*nsh*t]


[muffled g*nshots]


Hello, Ana.

Don't move!

I am unarmed.



You have her face.

Almost exactly.

Stay there.

I'd hoped to meet you in friendlier circumstances.

Not likely with our family.

Where is he?

He is safe.

Whereas you, on the other hand, are not.

[weapons clicking]

When a family goes to w*r, there can be no victory.

Him or us, right?

Damn straight.


[g*nf*re crackles]

You okay?

I'm out.

Me, too.

Hey, stick to the trees for at least two miles. You'll be fine.

When I get up, you run like hell for the back of the church.

No, I'm not leaving you.

Listen to me! You do it!

What are you talking about? Where are you going?

I'm gonna throw them off.


You do it and you get back to your family.

You hear me?

Don't do this. Don't do this.

We can make it.

Hey! Hey!

When I get up, you run to the back.


I'll catch up to you.

I'll be right behind you.

I love you. I love you.



[rapid g*nf*re popping]


Fat Au: Seven guys with machine g*ns and you're gonna s*ab them?

You really are f*cked in the head.

I almost didn't sh**t 'em just so I could see you try and pull that off.

Welcome to my life.

Hi, guys.

I had it handled.

The f*ck you did.

So when did you two hook up again?

Fat Au: Job tracked me down.

m*therf*cker walked right into my office with his g*n out.

Looked like he was gonna pass out right there on the floor.

You try getting a f*cking appointment with you.

How about we all go downtown, get some breakfast?

You can tell me what the f*ck happened here.

I have a feeling it's gonna be a hell of a story.

You have no idea.


This is one f*cked-up church.

He's not who we came for.

Fat Au: I'll make sure the cops stay away for the time being.

Buy you guys some time.


Hey, soldier boy.

Still want to hear that story.

You will.

This time, make sure he stay dead.

Come on, you crazy bald f*ck.

I'll buy you some breakfast.

Job: This could be the start of a beautiful, f*cked-up friendship.


The relentless Agent Racine.

I just figured I'd stop by.

See what you've been up to.

What's the expression?

"Same sh*t, different day."

[laughs] That's it, yeah.

I spent the night at the 13th Precinct downtown.

They arrested some kid who managed to break into the Capital Diamond building.

It's not an easy place to get into.

Kid would have gotten away with it, too, except someone tipped off the cops.

Olek on recording: I want to report a robbery in progress at the Capital Diamond warehouse.

211 Saw Mill River Road.

I'm no expert, but that sounds a lot like a Ukrainian accent.

Doesn't it?


So I asked myself how many Ukrainians do I know who could report a robbery in progress before that robbery was actually in progress?

And then I thought Rabbit is Ukrainian.

Maybe he could point me in the right direction.

So what do you say?

Can you... point me in the right direction?

Go... now.


I had a feeling.

Well... it was worth a try.

Agent Racine.

Someday I will lose my patience and this wall between us... the one you count on to keep you safe... it will come down.

That's what I'm hoping for.


Is he dead?


And now me?


There's a part of you that always knows it will end like this.

b*ll*ts and tears.

Yet you keep telling yourself you will find a way out.

But there is no way out because of who you are.

Sit with me.

Just for a minute.

Eternity can wait a bit longer.

I got married in this courtyard.

The band was over there.

Your mother... she was so beautiful.

I couldn't stop shaking.

I thought I might pass out.

Just breathe.

Something in me broke when she d*ed.


I'm sorry, Anastasia.

I hope in death I can give you some of the peace I stole from you in life.

Time will tell.

Goodbye, Daddy.

You look at me and remember.

Somewhere in the future, there is a bench just like this waiting for you.

Go to hell.


[g*nsh*t echoes]

[music playing]

♪ There are things ♪
♪ I have done ♪
♪ There's a place ♪
♪ I have gone ♪
♪ There's a beast ♪
♪ And I let it run ♪
♪ Now it's running ♪
♪ My way ♪
♪ There are things ♪
♪ I regret ♪
♪ You can't forgive ♪
♪ You can't forget ♪
♪ There's a gift... ♪

[gate slams] #

♪ That you sent ♪
♪ You sent it... ♪

[phone ringing]

♪ My way...


Carrie: You f*cking bastard.

Anastasia. I've been waiting for your call.

You turned us in.

You lied to me.

Carrie: So what are you gonna do, huh?

Are you gonna k*ll your own daughter?

No, you I forgive.

Carrie: Well, I don't forgive you.

And I will tell your grandchild, his child, who you will never know, what a sick f*ck you were.

You're pregnant?

Carrie: f*ck you.



♪ So take this night ♪
♪ Wrap it around me like a sheet ♪
♪ I know I'm not forgiven ♪
♪ But I need a place to sleep ♪
♪ So take this night ♪
♪ And lay me down on the street ♪
♪ I know I'm not forgiven ♪
♪ But I hope that I'll be given ♪
♪ Some peace ♪


♪ So take this night ♪
♪ Wrap it around me like a sheet ♪
♪ I know I'm not forgiven ♪
♪ But I need a place to sleep ♪
♪ So take this night ♪
♪ And lay me down on the street ♪
♪ I know I'm not forgiven ♪
♪ But I hope that I'll be given ♪
♪ Some peace... ♪

Look at that. We made it.


It's kind of a strange name for a town, don't you think?

No, it's just a town like any other.

I think we're gonna be very happy here.

♪ Some peace. ♪


He's dead.

You sure?


Well, then, good riddance.


Sugar: What about Job?

He stayed in New York. He's gonna look up some old friends.

Figure out his next move.

It's gonna be strange without him here.

Then again, it's strange when he is here.

What about you?

What about me?

What happens now?

[door closes]

[billiard balls cr*ck]

Lucas: I've got to go see someone.

The deputy?

You sure about that?

[engine starts]

Well, where would we be without women to f*ck us up?


I guess you came back after all, huh?

I guess so.

How are things here?

Emmett left today.

Otherwise, all quiet.


That's good.

I just wanted you to know that I'm back.

See you at work tomorrow.


Why did you come here?

I needed to see you.

So say that.

I needed to see you.

Well, now you've seen me.


Well, what are you gonna do now?

It's okay.


How did you get in here?

I have my ways.

Do you have a message for me?


So what can I do for you, Amish girl?

I don't know.

What can you do for me?

There can be no question of your loyalty.

There won't be.


Is that a Kn*fe or are you just happy to see me?


You stupid bitch.

You really think you can come in here and k*ll me?




Are you really that f*cking crazy?

You can't k*ll me, you stupid c**t.


I'm the Thunder Man!

I didn't realize we'd crossed the state line.

Yeah, about 10 miles ago.

It already feels better, you know? Safer.

I think this is gonna turn out to be the best decision we've ever made.






Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

[tires squeal]


I've got all the thunder I need.

I was expecting Burton to come pick me up.

What happened?

He's tying up some loose ends for us.

What loose ends?

Who did this?

I did.

For you.




Till next time.

Till next time.

[door closes]

[door opens]

Hey, Deva.

Hello, Dad.

[crowd cheering, shouting]



Crowd: One, two, three, four!

Hell, yeah, bitch!


Crowd: One, two, three!





This is Chayton.

What is it?

Alex Longshadow is dead. Pack up.

Where we going?


[music playing]

♪ I'm on the run ♪
♪ But they ain't got me yet ♪
♪ I've got to get someplace ♪
♪ Where nobody knows my name ♪
♪ And I leave that devil in the dirt ♪
♪ With no medicine for this curse ♪
♪ I leave the k*lling to the careless ♪
♪ And the bold to the count of 10 ♪
♪ And I wear my p*stol so it shows ♪
♪ Dress my g*n up in calico ♪
♪ I'm gonna ride into the sun ♪
♪ Till the sun's sinking way down low ♪
♪ Way down low, here I go ♪
♪ Let the credits roll. ♪
