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02x06 - Armies of One

Posted: 02/15/14 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Banshee...

Lucas: I've been thinking.

It's probably time for me to be moving on.

Carrie: Where would you go?
What would you do?

Lucas: Best thing I can do for you is to leave.

Job: Bad shit happens to people standing too close to you.

Lucas: The rules are different out here.

Sugar: No, same rules.

Same rules they had since the first man picked up the first stick and beat the second man's ass with it.

People like you and me, we don't need bars.

We build our own cells.

Lucas: Every time I think I know the way forward, something just kicks me back on my ass.

I don't know what's coming next, but it's coming.

[engine revving]


[theme music playing]

2x06 - Armies of One

Man: Who the hell left this here?

It's not from around here, I can tell you that.

[dogs barking]

Big shot thinks he's got a fancy freakin' car and he can block the pump.

It's like he's telling the world he's hot shit.

Ooh-whee. This is one fine-ass machine.

[man laughs]

I have to piss.

Do it quickly.

We're on a schedule.

Must have cost a f*cking fortune.

What's the matter? It ain't gonna bite you.

My apologies, gentlemen.

I'll just get that out of your way.

Oh, shit. It's 007.

Man: Nah, it's Austin Powers.

Well, 00-h*m*, why don't you take your ride and get back to your own f*cking country?

You know, you shouldn't be smoking at a petrol station.

Safety first, fun later.

Who the f*ck do you think you are?



[bone cracks]


[bone cracks]


[bone cracks]


[urinating, whistling]

[bone cracks]



[bone crunches]

[screams] f*ck!

Alex Longshadow. What brings you around?


Anything you want to say, you can say in front of her.

George Hunter wants me out as chief.


And they have the votes to unseat me.

Sounds to me you have a real problem there.

If Hunter becomes chief, you can kiss any piece of that casino good-bye.

Hunter won't let you near it.

Yeah, well, you always said that you wouldn't either.

I'm young, as you so enjoy pointing out.

My mind can change.

Get me the list.

List? What list?

Kai: Of the council members who will vote against you.

They meet next week.

That's plenty of time.

Alex: Okay. Thank you.

No, don't thank me.

After all, we're partners.




[music playing]

Hey. The new you.

Passports, credit cards, IDs, the works.

Buddy, buddy, buddy!

All right, all right.

[laughs] Oh, man.

Just keep it safe, okay?

This is great.

Don't f*ck around with it.

Thanks, man.

Don't thank me. Thank Job.

Sugar: Sorry, friend. We don't open till noon.

Gentlemen, I'll have what my young friend Jason is having.

Hello, Jason.

Sugar: Um, I said we're not open.

Where's the money, Jason?

Jason: I don't know what you're talking about.

You know who I am, right?


Then you know I mean it when I tell you this is the last time I'm gonna ask.

Where's the f*cking money?

Hey, Sugar.

Don't you have some sort of house rule about g*ns?

Yeah, no g*ns.


You hear that, Clover? No g*ns allowed.

Well, then, I think we might have a problem.

Hey, Hood!

[tires squealing]


You all right?


What money?

Why is the casino so important to you?

I mean, you've got all these other businesses.

Just seems like a lot of trouble.

I have no illusions about what I am. These other businesses, they'll either k*ll me or I die with them.

Either way, I leave nothing behind.

And since I have no children...

So the casino, being protected from local law enforcement, offers me the shelter I need to do something legitimate.

You know, something that will live on when I'm gone.

Now do you understand?


Emmett: Go on.

Sugar: Sheriff Hood and I were having coffee when this one guy chases the other guy through the door.

Have you ever seen either one of them before?

Never. They were arguing with each other.


Are you okay?


See, the one guy, he had a thick British accent.

Who fired first?

You know, you really got to start taking better care of yourself.

I'm still in one piece.

But the day's just started and the sh**t's still out there.

Hey, I'm fine. Okay?

We got an alert out for his car. A red Jag, right?

Yeah. Yeah, should be easy enough to spot.

Brock: Holy shit.


Is it just me, or does it seem like every scumbag with an a*t*matic w*apon comes to Banshee to sh**t you?

No, it's just you.


You all right?

Yeah, thanks for asking.

Did you get a good look at him, Sheriff?

Good enough.

Yeah, 'cause you just happened to be here when the sh**ting started, right?

Yeah, I live here.

Yeah, I guess that much is true.

[car starts]


Maybe now's not the best time to give the sheriff a hard time.

I mean, he just got shot at.

Come on, Emmett.

You don't wonder why this shit keeps happening with him?

Sure, I do. But you know he's still the boss.

So you don't question anything that he does, huh?

Well, maybe that's the difference between us.

No, the difference between us is you still haven't wrapped your mind around the fact that he's in charge.

Sugar: What I want to know is who's gonna pay for this stuff?

Who's the English guy?

His name's Quentin.

Quentin, he's an enforcer for Brantley.

Brantley? That's the guy you stole the money off, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Dude, I've only seen Quentin once before, okay?

But the guy's a f*cking legend.

They sent four guys for him once...

Wow, great story. What did you take?

It was like a drug payment or something. I don't know.

Brantley's into a lot of shit, man.

Look, I was just supposed to pick up the money from some guy in Eugene and run it back.

But you ran off with it instead.

Yeah, because I had to.

Look, I saw some shit I wasn't supposed to see.

Brantley... Brantley's a paranoid f*ck.

Look, I knew I was getting sent on some sort of errand that I wasn't supposed to come back from...

Shut up. Shut up.

How much are we talking?

[sighs] 62K.

Jesus Christ.

Yeah, I know.

I f*cking panicked, man.

Shut up.

Where is it now?

I figured, like, if I got far enough away, they'd have to forget about it.

Forget about it?

They're never gonna forget about it.

These guys have rules.

There's only 49 here. You're 13 short.

Where is it?

I spent some.

I've been using it to live off since I left Oregon.

You must have lived pretty f*cking well.

God damn it.

I've got to get out of here, man.

And go where?

He's still out there, though.

Go where?

Where are you gonna go? He followed you across the country.

He's gonna find you. What are you gonna do?

I'm so f*cked.

[crying] There's no way out of this.

All right, hey, hey, hey.

Listen to me. Hey. Jason, listen to me.

I'll figure something out, okay? Just calm down.

In the meantime, you don't leave this room.

Say it.

I stay in the room.


Maybe clean it up.


Instructor: Eyes forward. Watch your position.

Girl: She's such a freak. And her mother is a total whack job.


Hi, baby.


You can't be here. You know that.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to see you.

Mom, no. [laughing]

Instructor: Deva, watch your speed.

You can't keep doing this.

Sneaking into the house and leaving me little toys.

It's creepy.

[wheels squeal]

Deva, slow down right now.

I'm sorry I lied to you. I was only trying to keep you safe.

Deva, brake!

[girls scream]

I didn't have a mother to keep me safe.

Girl: Please slow down. Slow down!

Instructor: Brake!

[girls scream]

[horns honking]

Instructor: Pull over right now!

Honey, it's me.

Girl: Deva, please slow down! Please!

I don't know who that is.

[tires squealing]

[horn honks]

[girls whimpering]

Hey, Sugar.

How you doing, Brock?

Uh, pretty good, you know.


Just trying to track down Hood.

Thought you had radios for that.

Yeah, well, you know Hood. He never keeps his on.

And I was just passing by, so I...

Man, that was something yesterday. How you holding up?

I didn't get a belly full of lead.

Yeah, well, I've got to head back. So, good to see you.

Yeah, I'll tell Hood you were looking for him.

All right, thanks.

Are you all right?

I'm okay. We were screaming at her...

What the hell happened, Deva?

Nothing. It was an accident.

That's crap. You could have hurt someone!

You could have k*lled someone. What are you thinking?

They were talking shit about Mom.

Girl: She freaked out. She started going super fast.

She almost k*lled us.

Deva: I'm sorry.

You're sorry? You could have k*lled those girls.

Hey, you talk to me.

Your freak show of a kid put my daughter in danger.

You say another f*cking word about my daughter and I'll feed you your f*cking lungs.

Got me, you piece of shit?

[chuckles] Max.


Come here. Oh.

I didn't know you were coming.

You didn't? Didn't Daddy tell you?

I mean, he said you were coming, but he didn't say when.

I'm here now.

Come here. Mwah.

How are you?

I'm so happy to see you.

Deva's not home.

Know what, buddy?

This time, I came just to see you.

Go show me that trick again.

Let me see.

All right.

You found this in his apartment?


Why would the sheriff have a picture of your family?

I have no idea.

And what about these guys that shot at him yesterday?

Well, we haven't ID'd the stiff yet and one of them got away, so we don't have much to go on there.

Gordon, you all right?

Yeah, sure, Brock. I'm great.

On top of the f*cking world.

Hey. You asked me, remember?

Look, I'm sorry. I'm just...

I'm not at my best these days.

Listen, you let me worry about Hood, all right?

I feel like things might be starting to break there a little bit.

We just got to be patient, wait for them to break a little more.

All right?

Yeah, all right. Thanks.


Nice spot.

Sheriff Hood.

Myself, I stopped drinking some years ago.

I didn't make a very good drunk.

Some might say I made an excellent one.

Either way, I now feed booze to the birds.

For some reason it soothes me.

You're not exactly keeping a low profile.

And you don't fight like a small-town sheriff.

You, my friend, have the sort of skills that can't be taught, only acquired.

We were all something else once upon a time, eh?

Guess so.


Men like us, we've every reason to appreciate a day like this.

Men like us?



Armies of one.

I don't know anything about you, but I know everything I need to know.

The way we live our lives, we know every day could be our last.

Sooner or later, it will be.

The sooner, most likely.

Lucas: Maybe, but right now let's talk about the money.

When I figure I'll have to stay in a place for a bit, I like to check out the local law enforcement.

It's a practice I've developed for some years.

A little due diligence.

Well, when I discovered the sheriff's name was Hood... that complicates things.

How so?

In any other case, you and I might be able to work out some kind of professional courtesies.

But a father's not gonna give up his son.

You're not leaving town without him.


I have a strict mandate to bring the boy and the money back to Brantley.

He likes to deal with this sort of thing up close and personal.


So, one of us is gonna have to k*ll the other.

Which is a shame, really, since neither one of us made this mess.

You know, in my experience... there's usually a deal to be made.

I have a similar experience, but in this case, I don't really see...

50 on top of the 62 the boy owes.

So you're offering me a bribe?

Not a bribe, a token.

I'd give you more if I had it.

50,000, you go back, you tell them he's dead.

You and me... we both get to live another day in the sun.

What's that?

That's the 13 to go with the 49, make up the 62 you owe.

Wait, you're giving me your money?

No, I'm giving it to Quentin, and this.

What are you doing?

We have an agreement.

Jason: I mean, I can't let you do this.

Really? Come on, cut the shit.

Jason: When do we bring him the cash?

Lucas: Not we. Me.

What do I do?

You get on a train, go to Canada.

Live your life.

112,000, all in.

Don't want to count it?

Just make sure you keep your end.

I will.

My condolences, then.

What for?

You just lost a son.

Yes, I did.

Let's hope so.

For all our sakes.

Why are you helping me?

You're not the first guy to make a mistake.

[engine starts]

Things happen.

[music playing]

Mr. Procter.

Juliet, I told you many times before, call me Kai.

You're here for your money?

If that's okay.

Of course.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

Don't ever apologize for asking for what you're owed.

It's just that sometimes I get a little behind on the rent, so...

It's fine. It's all fine.

Payroll is next door. Why don't you come with me?

Uh, actually, I need to go pick up my son from the babysitter soon.

So I should probably just get out of here.

Just stay a little while.



Hello, Jason. Get your knickers on.

So it went smoothly?

I guess so.

And now you're broke.


That's a lot of money to give a stranger.

Why the kid? It's not like you owe him anything.

No. But maybe I owe his old man.


Got rats in the basement.

Fumigated a few weeks ago. Thought they were gone.

Turns out they only wanted me to think they were gone.

[trap snaps] So now I'm bringing out the big g*ns.


Played by a bunch of rodents.


[door closes]


Jason: Hey! Hello!

Now I thought we had a deal.

If you thought that, you wouldn't have followed me, eh?

True. I guess we're both full of shit, huh?

I suppose so.

The kid in the trunk?



Jason: Hello!

You all right, kid?

You know, you could have been a long way away by now.

[snaps fingers]

I couldn't do it.

Professional pride f*cking with me.

Fair enough.

So what now?

You're no small-town sheriff.



[horns blaring]

[tires squealing]


[truck hissing]

Hello! Hey.

Let's go.




Dad, you're drunk.

No, I just had some drinks.

Come on.

We're almost there. Two more steps.

I've got it.

Two more steps.

Back to bed, Max. Now.

Are you okay, Dad?

I'm good, Max. Just go to bed, okay?

It's okay.

Dad's okay.

It's good.


I'm sorry.


I took this off your father before I buried him.

I don't know why I kept it.

Just didn't feel right to throw it away.

I thought you should have it.


There's a train, leaves tomorrow at 10:00.

I'll be by at 9:30 to pick you up.

You get on the train, you go North.

You go all the way to Canada. Even you can't f*ck that up.

[laughs] Okay, yeah, I got it.


What about you?

Who knows? Maybe one of these days, I'll be getting on one of those trains myself.

Huh. Not yet?

Not yet.


Thank you.

Just remember, you only get one second chance.

I know.

Here's your toast.

Sure I can't get you anything else?

No, thank you.

Gordon: I haven't seen you before. Are you new?

Uh, I just moved from New York.

Most people go in the other direction.

What, do you got family in Michigan?

Just needed a change.

What can I get you, Mr. Marine?

[chuckles] My name's Gordon Hopewell.


I know.


Don't say anything.

What can I get you?

I'll take blueberry pancakes and some syrup.

You got it, honey.

When did you first figure out your father was a criminal?

♪ You don't know ♪
♪ what you're doing ♪
♪ All that you will ruin... ♪

I heard you were on the way out of here.

Not without saying good-bye.

So you put the pieces back together?

Yeah, just about.

Be nice to keep it that way.

I'm just here to thank you.

Well, then, one for the road.


[pours drink]

Sugar: Hey.

Nobody needs to know your plans.

It's my last night in town. I'm just trying to make it count.

You don't want to go there.

See, that one's more trouble than you know.

It's the good kind of trouble, all right?




This is nice.


What are you thinking about?

I don't know.

I was thinking about something someone said to me the other day.

I mean, you get used to a certain way of being and, uh...

Do you think we are who we are?

Or do you think we can change?

What, you mean people like you?

Well, me, you, people in general.

I don't know if anyone ever changes, really.

But we can evolve, right?

I mean, that's what we're trying to do, isn't it?

Just become better versions of ourselves.


So you think we evolve?

I'm counting on it.



You're either with me or you're not.

Do you understand?

You okay?

I'm fine.

[door opens]


[music playing]

[man singing opera]

[whip cracking]


[whip cracking]


[whip cracking]

[music stops]

[door closes]

Long day?

[laughs] You have no idea.

Hmm, you know, my mother used to say even a train got to stop sometime.

I'm gonna make you my Last Call cocktail.

[car pulls up]

Why don't you make it a double?

No, I'll make it any damn way I want to.


[car door opens, closes]


Where's mine?

Lucas: Hey, Job.

How was New York?

I see you got your ass kicked again while I was gone.

It's starting to be a thing.

Every man needs a hobby. Do I even want to know?

Probably not. How'd it go?

[sighs] How'd it go?

You couldn't get rid of them?

There was a wrinkle.

I should have found out everything there was to know about those diamonds before you went in.

Where they came from.

[anvil rings]

Rabbit f*cked you.

He f*cked you hard.

You served 15 years for stealing a handful of glass.

♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ She keep coming 'round ♪
♪ She know I love good cooking ♪
♪ She be piling up the plates ♪
♪ And she asking me to taste ♪
♪ And she, look it here ♪
♪ She keeps trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ She told me the other day ♪
♪ Stop running all these women ♪
♪ I don't know if she feeling ♪
♪ The doing it's gonna take ♪
♪ To keep my attention ♪
♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ She keeps coming around ♪
♪ She keeps coming around ♪
♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend ♪
♪ Let me tell you ♪
♪ This girl ain't afraid to get kinky ♪
♪ Let me do something freaky ♪
♪ All just to keep me, look it here ♪
♪ She be trying to be my girlfriend. ♪

[birds chirping]