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01x08 - No Matter What

Posted: 03/12/24 05:40
by bunniefuu
He really deactivated his account.

What’s going on?

This, too?

I hope he’s okay.

Good morning, baby.

Please take your breakfast.

I know you’re going through a hard time.

I really wish I could be beside you right now.

Please know that I’m just here
if you need someone to talk to.

Hi baby.

I hope you’re doing well today and every day.

Let’s have lunch.

Just don’t eat only French fries.

And always eat on time. OK?

Hi, baby.

Good night. Sweet dreams.

You’ll have sweet dreams for sure
if you think of me before going to bed.

But don’t think about me too much.

You’ll keep us both awake.

Good night.

Good morning, baby!

Here’s your daily reminder to smile
and always be strong.

Like this.

Should I call him?

Am I ready to talk to him?

Cai is still not answering your calls?

I hope he’s okay.

I hope so too. I’m really worried.

Let’s give him time to grieve.

You know what he’s going through.

Did you send them flowers?

Of course.

Your stalking skills came in handy.

We were able to confirm what happened.

You know me.

It helped that his brother’s posts are all public.

London is really cute, by the way.

He’s got nice legs.

So you were stalking him.

It’s just an observation.

An observation?

How many photos did you swipe through,
in order to conclude he’s got nice legs?

I wanted to distract myself, OK?

I don’t want to be depressed.

I know.

It’s sad that they couldn’t even hold a wake for his dad.

I can’t imagine how devasted he must be.

They couldn’t see him when he got sick.

They never had the chance to say goodbye.

It’s important to give your loved one a proper burial.

It gives you some closure.

Baby boy is strong.

Let's just give him space.

I’m sure he’ll call you once he feels better.

It’s frustrating that I can’t do anything.

I really want to be there for him and hug him.

If you only saw how he wept…

That’s why you also need to be strong for him.

I’m this close to breaking the law.

I really must see him.

Don’t be stupid.

You’ll be arrested by the police before you even reach him.

You will just add to his worries.

I need to know he’s OK, then I’ll be OK too.

I made a wish

to the stars

hoping you’ll be here soon

and we’ll be together

I always miss you

When you’re not around

I get restless without you

Each and every time

Where is the way to your heart

I’ll go to you no matter how far

And fulfill my promise

That one day we’ll meet again

For this moment I wish

You can be here with me

Every day I hope

That you’ll be here

To make me smile again

So I'll cry no more

I’ll make one more wish

Please hear me

As I pray

You’ll be with me someday

Where is the way to your heart

I’ll go to you no matter how far

And fulfill my promise

That one day we’ll meet again

For this moment I wish

You can be here with me

One day our hearts

Will be together again

Hi, baby. How are you?

Are you okay? How are you feeling?

You got some toothpaste there.

Sorry. I was going to brush my teeth when
I heard the phone ringing.

I knew it was you.

How are you?

I received the flowers you sent us.

Thank you.

I know flowers are not enough to ease your sorrow.

If you want to talk, I’m here to listen.

If not, I will still be here for you.

Even if you don’t want me here, I’ll be here.

You never run out of punchlines.

Never. Especially if it makes you smile.

Please tell Pearl, thank you.

I will.

She helped me find out what was
happening with you.

Oh, so that’s why.

I really envy you guys.


I used to have a friend: Risa.

Like you, we were very close.

Where is she now?

She confessed to me that she had feelings for me.

Anyone would fall for you, baby.

You’re so cute.

So what happened? Did you become a couple?

I wish we did.

Maybe all of this wouldn’t have happened.

I didn’t know for a long time that she was attracted to me.

When I told her that I didn’t feel the same way,

she was really hurt.

She demanded to know why.

Because who wouldn’t fall for her?

She’s beautiful, she’s nice, she’s intelligent.

Anyone would fall for her.

If you don’t like her, you don’t like her.

You have nothing to explain.

She couldn’t accept it.

The rejection made her lose her self-worth.

So, I decided to tell her the truth…

that I’m not sure I’m into girls.

I thought she would understand.

Why, what happened?

She told my parents.

She spread it around school.

She spread it online.

"Beware this guy who leads you on. He’s not into girls!"
- I wasn't ready.

I was still trying to figure out and understand myself.

But she took it away from me.

She took away the opportunity for me
to decide for myself.

I just really thought she was my friend.

She apologized later, after she realized her mistake.

She said she only did it because she was angry with me.

She’s crazy.

She had no right to do that to you.

Our situation is already difficult as it is.

I was really scared.

I didn’t know how I could face my parents,

even my brothers.

They’d find out that I wasn’t the Cairo they thought I was.

I knew I couldn’t take it if they rejected me.

So I ran away.

In the middle of this pandemic.

You know, Papa...

Papa’s immunity was already weak.

Aside from asthma, he also had a heart problem.

He was so worried about me.

Even if it could compromise his health,

he still went to look for me.

My brother said he went searching for me every day.

Until he started showing symptoms.

No, Cairo. It’s not your fault.

Stop blaming yourself, baby.

I only went home when I learned that Papa was sick.

We never got the chance to talk.

He was already in the hospital.

It’s my fault why this happened.

No, baby. It’s not your fault.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

How could you have known what would happen?

Your fears are valid. Your feelings are valid.

- But you mustn’t blame yourself.
- Cairo.


Your friend is right, Cairo.

Stop blaming yourself.

It’s not your fault.

It would have never happened if not for me.

The things I said to you,

I didn’t mean them.

I was looking for someone to blame out of frustration.

I’m sorry for making you feel that way

I should have reached out to you.

I’m the eldest, I should know better.

It’s not your fault, okay?

Look at you. All grown up and still a cry baby.

You can stop crying now.

And who’s this?

I’m the guy who wants to date your brother.

Is it true?

Don’t listen to him.

So, you’re the one sending us food and flowers? Nice.

Do you approve, sir?

Just promise not to make him cry.

Look how ugly he cries.

Stop talking. You’re making me cry even more.

So what now, I already have your big brother's approval?

What? Don’t you dare make trouble again.

Wait please.

You’re already at it. I haven’t even said anything.

Why? Do you need an introduction before I scream at you?

Okay, okay.

I get it why you’re reacting that way.

But can you hear me out first?

And why should I listen to you?

Of all people, you should understand me.

We’re the same, we’re both Gav’s exes.

Hey, hey, hey!

We’re not same.

I’ve moved on long ago.

I don’t fancy Gav anymore.

Unlike you,

still bitter up to now.

That’s why I want to talk to you.

I’m here to apologize.
I realized that what I did was wrong.

It’s so wrong!
It was an assh*le move to do such a thing.

You deserve a big virtual slap on the face!

OK, fine. I admit I was an assh*le.

That’s why I want to apologize to them.

This quarantine is really affecting my mental health.

Wait, Terrence.

I know this crisis is affecting everyone’s mental health.

But if you did something stupid,

don’t use mental health as an excuse.

Own up to your mistakes,

make up for it and don’t do it again.

Now if you’re really sincere in asking for forgiveness,

now is not the right time.

They’re still pissed at you!

Sorry. You’re right.

I’m an idiot.

I just need someone to talk to.

Pearl… I’m really sad.

It’s normal to be sad.

It’s okay to admit it.

Why not use this time to reflect on your actions?

You’re not a bad person.

OK, sometimes you’re an assh*le.

But I hope…

I really hope you get over your sadness.

Thank you, Pearl.

- Hi, Ma.
- Hi, son.

Is your brother there?

What about Paris?

He went to the car to get something.

Paris is already asleep.


Have you had dinner?

Yes, Ma.


When are you coming home, Ma?

In a few days,

when it’s safe for me to come home.

Do you have symptoms, Ma?

You don’t have to worry about anything.

I was exposed to people when...

I went to get your Papa’s urn.

I just want to be safe.

OK, bye.

Ma, wait.



I’m sorry.

Why are you apologizing?

Because I’m not the son you think I was.

I’m sorry. I’m…

Sorry, I’m gay.


Don’t be sorry.

You don’t apologize

for being who you are.

If anyone needs to say sorry,

it’s me.


there’s nothing wrong with you.

I didn’t do enough.

You know, I knew all along.


I didn’t make an effort to

gain your trust

so you could tell me...

tell us anything.

Somehow I failed you.


I wasn’t able to show you

that we’re on your side.

That you’re safe with us,

with me and your Papa.

I’m really sorry, son.

I love you so much, son.

Ma, thank you. I love you so much.

What are you doing?

You’re not taking this seriously.

Sorry, Pearl. I’m getting hungry.

We’ve been meditating for only 10 minutes.

We look stupid. Why are we on video chat
if we’re just closing our eyes?

Come on. It’s what we need to get rid of stress.

I think I was dreaming.

It’s so weird.


There was this old man.

He asked me to choose between two things
to survive the pandemic:

the actor Alden Richards

or face masks.

What did you choose?

Alden, of course.


Yes! For sure Alden would stock up on face masks.

Would a face mask be able to give me an Alden?


So you’re really a fan of Alden?

Dimples are my weakness.

Right, Gav?

That’s how he fooled me.

Shut up.

You might say something wrong again.

Well, if you don’t want to meditate, then I’ll do it alone.



you’re eating junk food again.

So what?

It looks like you’re drinking grass, but I don’t mind.

This is not grass.

It’s delicious.

Then just enjoy it.

Leave my chips alone.

I’m tired of crying.

Is that the reason why you stopped crying?

I thought I was the one making you happy.

I thought, my smile was making you smile.

You’re right…

these chips make me happy.

Sure, I’ll let it go for now.

Baby, what’s the matter?

It’s Papa…

he sent me an email.


His ghost?


It’s a scheduled email.

Oh, I thought…

What does it say?

"Dearest Cairo,

I want to tell these things to you personally
when I get well.

But just in case something bad happens to me,

I hope you get this email.

You’re probably hurting from everything that happened,

and afraid to approach me and your mama.

If I were in your position, I’d probably feel the same way.

I understand that you had to go away and
be alone for a while.

But, of course,

I worried to no end. I had to look for you.

It saddens me every time you texted me
at the hospital asking for forgiveness.

I already told you that it’s not your fault.

Maybe, you really need to hear me forgive you.

OK, I forgive you, Cairo.

I hope you forgive yourself, too.

Take care of your Mama for me.

Don’t forget to bring her favorite camellias
on our anniversary.

I want you and your brothers to love each other.

And always remember, that I love you very much,
no matter what.

Love, Papa."


I said I wasn’t going to cry anymore.

It’s okay to cry, baby.

Stop that, baby.

You’re starting to look yummier.

You’re crazy.

Where are you going?

I’ll just wash my face. Wait.


According to the news, they might lift the lockdown soon.

I hope it’s true. We can finally meet!



What’s taking you so long? I miss you already.



Is that better?

Yes. You’re still cute.

You talk too much

Let's play a game?


Did you change your username? I can't see it.

Oh yeah. I have a new account.

What's your username?



You're really my baby now?

And I'm also your baby?