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02x04 - Bloodlines

Posted: 02/01/14 19:05
by bunniefuu
[gate rattles]

[gate buzzes]

I didn't think you'd come.

How are you?

I don't know yet.

What about you?

I don't know.

I'm gonna need some time, okay?

I'm ready to tell you everything.




Hi, Mom.


Where's Gordon?

I don't know. Where's Ana?

Yeah, Mom, where's Ana?



Guard: Morning, ladies. 5:00 A.M.

Time to get your fingers out of your happy hole
and give God the glory.

[women groaning]


[theme music playing]

2x04 - "Bloodlines"


[drums beating]

You know, we've never been formally introduced.

Lucas Hood.


Yeah, the Chief's prodigal daughter.

I asked around. Small town.

Nola: Heard you arrested Tommy Littlestone.

We questioned him. He's not a k*ller.

And you've got Chayton locked up?

That must have taken some doing.

He a friend of yours?


But he didn't do it either.

Chayton is a k*ller, but he's also a purist.

He would never k*ll a Kinaho girl.

You can't know that.

Call it an expert opinion.

Okay. So in your expert opinion, where should I be looking?

Are you seriously asking me that?

I mean, isn't that where you'd be the expert?

[phone ringing]

He behaving?

Yeah, so far.

Hey, black man.

You're a disgrace to your race.

They tore your ancestors from their land, r*ped their women, and enslaved your people for generations.

And now you wear their uniform.

Where's your dignity?

How do you live with yourself?

By getting scum like you off the streets.

I live with myself just fine.

You get anything from the state police?

They searched the woods, came up empty.

Okay. We should press the Bowmans.

Okay. They might know more than they're saying.



Or what? We should talk to the kids.

If Solomon is hiding, one of his buddies might know where.


Yeah, and I should talk to them.


Look, Hood, it's hard enough to get the Amish adults to talk to us, but the kids, kids are off-limits. And your... style, well, it won't work with them.

But they'll talk to you?

I've always had good relations with the elders.

They trust me.

Okay. Let me know what turns up.

You were looking for me?

You went a little overboard on this room, don't you think?

Proctor is one man.

You are the head of the entire Kinaho Nation.

It doesn't matter if you are weak or you just appear weak.

There's blood in the water.

And men like Proctor and Hunter can smell it.

I'm the Chief of this tribe, Nola.

I don't have the luxury of being able to take out anyone who challenges me.

Isn't that why you keep me around?

Get your feet off the table.

[signal buzzes]

[phone buzzing]

You've reached the voice mailbox of Gordon Hopewell.

Please leave a message. [beeps]

Gordon. It's me, again.

I know you don't want to talk to me and I understand that. I do.

Good morning.


Hey, where you going?


Carrie: Last night I dreamt that we were a family again.

I know it was just a dream, but I've got to believe that if I could find the right words to say to you, you would find a way to forgive me.

I can survive this place.

I can't live without you and the kids. I won't survive that.

Please tell the kids that I love them.

That much at least I hope you know is true.

Oh, dude, I heard this Indian chick had, like, the whole back of her head busted in.

Do you mean like "scalped"?


Deva: Oh, my God. That is so messed up.

Oh, shit, the cops.

[thunder rumbling]


Sleep well?

Okay, what the f*ck?

Right back at you.

Hey, man, I don't know what kind of kinky shit you're into...

Get up and brush your hair.

Job's here to take your picture.

I am?

Okay, who the f*ck is this and what the hell am I doing here?

Well, this is where it gets interesting.

Introduce yourself.

Jason Hood.

f*ck me.


We got to make him someone else.

Well, the m*therf*cking hits just keep on coming.

Nice tie.

Shut up. And why aren't we k*lling him?

Hey, whoa.

Shut up.


Morning, Chief.

Paul Moon needed six surgeries.

I'm sorry, Paul Moon?

The man whose balls you crushed.

Ah, I never caught his name.

You came to my home, you violated my privacy...

You kidnapped my niece.

Yeah, we can stand here and trade accusations all day.

The bottom line is your own people have lost faith in you.

And you have no one else to blame but yourself.

Hey, Alex. How are you? What can I get you?

You're a thug, Proctor. And when you go down, and you will go down... no one's gonna miss you.

I'm gonna come back later.

You know what, Alex?

You care too much about what people think of you.

You'll never achieve any power like that.

Lie, cheat, extort... and you call that power?

That's not power, that's just being a sociopath.

I'm running a business. You're running a tribe.

The difference is I've earned my spot.

You're a criminal.

That's just semantics.


You're operating out of fear.

Fear of losing your position. Fear of the consequences.

I'm not always the smartest guy in the room, but I'm fearless.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want.

And because of that, people fear me.

Now, unless you can do that, your tribe will smell the weakness on you and the stronger ones will take you down.

That's a great speech. Thank you.

But I'm not scared of you.

I'm not really getting through to you, am I?

This is my fault. I may have come on too strong with you.

And now you feel that anything other than w*r is backing down.

You know, we could have been great partners, you and I, Alex.

With the casino and all.

Sometimes it takes more strength to make peace than to fight.

Something your father taught me, God rest his soul.

You were just a tool to my father.

He thought you were garbage.

Why don't you go back to the reservation, Alex?

There, at least, you are something.

In the meantime, I have more important things to deal with.

Don't worry. We'll find your nephew.

If anyone from your tribe touches that boy, I'll hold you personally responsible.

Maybe I should talk to your sister.

Seems to me she's the one with the balls anyway.


I should slit your throat right here.

Yeah? Now that would take some balls.

Mr. Proctor, Alex, do I need to call the BSD?

I have them on speed dial.

That's okay, Daria. Sorry, just a small disagreement.

Here, that should cover that. I'm sorry, Daria.

Here's the rest of the Kinaho statements.


About last night...

Oh, it's all good, boss.

Hey, Hood, I...

You got a minute?



This may be nothing, but one of the Amish boys just told me that Solomon had a friend named Daniel Moses who left the fold.

Guess he was a bit of a problem child.

He ran away a few times. They kept dragging him back.

But the last time he ran, he was 18, so they just let him go.

You know where he lives?


Kid said he's squatting in a building over on Delafield.

Let's go.

All right.

[bell tolling]

[tires squeal]

What the f*ck?!

Were you or were you not supposed to stay in your m*therf*cking room?

I got hungry.

Get in the f*cking car.

I kind of don't want to.

Bitch, I should be sh**ting your dumb white ass right now, but instead I'm offering you a ride.

So show some f*cking gratitude and get in the f*cking car or I will run you into a wall and say my foot slipped off the clutch!

[tires squeal]

[pipe clatters]

[door opens]

Lucas: Daniel Moses?

Brock: Oh, great.


[bottles clatter]

Hey, hey, hey.

I'm not going back. I'm not going back!

I'm not going back!

I'm not gonna take you back.

I'm 18 years old and you can't make me go back.


We're not... hey!

God damn it! We're not taking you back.

That's not why we're here. We're looking for Solomon Bowman.

Solomon? Why? What's wrong?

Brock: You haven't heard?


Solomon's missing. We know he's a friend of yours.

We thought maybe he was crashing with you.

I haven't seen him in weeks.

Listen to me.

There's other people looking for him, okay?

If they find him before we do...

I'm telling you the truth.

If you don't believe me, you can come check my place.

[music playing]

[people chatting]

Lucas: Fix the place up yourself?


You like to read?



They don't let you read that at the Amish school?

No, they don't let us read anything.


It's just a way to keep us trapped on the farm... ignorant, unable to engage the outside world.

So whenever I went to town, I'd buy one or two books and hide them in the crawlspace beneath the house.

You ever get caught?

There was this teacher at our school.

Even though we stopped going to school after eighth grade, he was still responsible for our religious training.

He caught me reading "Lord of the Flies" and he just went off on me.

Punching me, kicking me, screaming like a maniac that my mind was "poisoned by filth."


I heard what happened to you. I am so sorry.

You sent me into the woods.

I know.

My Mom, she made me come back home after what your uncle did to those Kinaho men.

Well, someone knew where to find me.

I didn't tell anybody! I promise.

Daniel: I wasn't a rebel or anything.

I wasn't having sex or doing dr*gs.

I just wanted to read.

So I ran away.

Patia, what were you going to tell me yesterday?

Lucas: Is that normal?

Any other teachers hit you?

No, this guy was kind of a... religious nut.

And that's saying something considering where I'm from.

[speaking Pennsylvania Dutch] Solomon is missing.

He might be dead.

You can help him.

But, I could be wrong.

Please. Just tell me what you know.

He'd look for me, demanding I repent.

Getting rough with me when I wouldn't.

I told Solomon that if things ever got too bad, he could come here.

Lucas: Wait, wait. So this teacher was picking on Solomon as well?

Yeah, Solomon has his sister.

The teacher, he's twisted.

And he hates Solomon.

Rebecca: Why?

I don't know. Maybe because he's your brother?

They were worried he was gonna go the same way.

Like the whole bloodline was cursed or something.

Superstitious bullshit.



Daniel: Then Solomon met this Indian girl.

He tried to keep it a secret, but word always gets out, you know?

So this teacher, what's his name?

Jonah Lambrecht?


Sheriff Lucas Hood.

Can I come in?

Yes. Yes, of course.

It's about the boy, Solomon, right?

That's right.

Please, have a seat. I'll cook up some water.

It's terrible about the girl.

How can I be of help?

You live alone?

Yes, I know it's a bit messy.

No, no. It's not that.

I just didn't realize there was Amish bachelors.

My wife Sara died a few years after we were married.

I'm sorry. You have any kids?

No. She'd always been a frail woman.

Couldn't have any children. But I loved her very much.

So you never remarried?

No. When she died, I just...

[sighs] I don't know. I lost interest in getting married.

Once you've loved someone a certain way, you... you know you'll never love another like that.

So tell me about Solomon.

He was your student, right?


A few years ago. He's a bright boy.

Maybe a bit rebellious, but a sweet boy.

I don't think for one minute that he hurt that girl.

What do you mean "rebellious"?

Well, Solomon was curious.

He couldn't always accept the restrictions of our faith.

It's a big world out there and boys will be curious.

I know I was. [chuckles]

So, what, it was your job to bring him back into line?

No, no, no. That falls to the parents.

I'm simply there to teach them the precepts of our faith.

And as a part of this teaching, you ever get physical with them?

I'm sorry?

You ever hit them?



Of course not.

We do not believe in v*olence of any kind.


'Cause that's not what Daniel Moses told me.


That was a mistake.

I think about Daniel a lot.

At the time, I told myself it was self-defense.

After all, it was he who att*cked me.

But I would do anything to see that boy again.

To tell him how sorry I am.

To ask him to forgive me, and... to ask him to come home.

[teakettle whistling]

Excuse me.

You hurt your leg?

It's an old injury. I got kicked by a horse.

So why is it still bleeding?

What happened to no v*olence, Jonah? You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent...
[g*nshots popping]

[Jonah growling]




Where's the boy? Where's the boy?!

[screams] Where's the boy!



Where is he?



He's not gonna tell you.

His psychotic belief in his own righteousness is too strong.


So what do you suggest?

Just leave us alone for a bit.

[music playing]

Job: You know, I'm finding everybody's reaction
to this kid disturbingly underreactive.

We should be digging a m*therf*cking hole.

Look, he's just a kid looking for a second chance.

And when did we become "Touched by an Angel"?

Sugar: It is strange, though.

What's that?

Well, of all the chairs he could have chosen, he chose the same chair his father chose the day he got k*lled.

So, Job.


When do you think my fake ID will be ready?

Fake ID, hmm?

Bitch, what you think this is?

This ain't some phony Virginia driver's license you're buying for 50 bucks in the back of a head shop so you can host a kegger in your backyard and date-r*pe the m*therf*cking prom queen.

I'm giving you a new name, credit history, Social Security number and a m*therf*cking birth certificate.

I am turning you into a whole new g*dd*mn human being.

Okay. Jesus, I'm sorry.

And let me tell you something else.

Once I have performed this little miracle, you are going to disappear and we are not going to see or hear from your punk ass again because if you show up a second time looking for a handout because you f*cked up again, I will personally put a b*llet between your eyes.

And just for that, I'm gonna name you Marion.

[faint crackling]

Now, you may not be aware, Jonah... but there is a debate currently raging in civil society about the efficacy of t*rture.

Now, I happen to fall on the side of those who believe that pain is a tool...

[clinks] any other.

And where pain will work... it's far and away the most efficient tool for the job.



Just tap your foot when you're ready to talk.




[screaming continues]

[screaming continues]

[screaming stops]

There's an unused silo on the adjacent property.

He's got Solomon locked away.

Oh, it took me a few extra teeth to get this.

f*ck that. Let's drive.

You k*ll him?


But you should probably call an ambulance.

Yeah, I probably should.


God damn it. Hey.



I found him.

Rebecca: Oh, God.

Solomon. Hey, Solomon.

Solomon. Solomon.

Hey. Hey.

Solomon. It's okay.

I got you. I got you. Okay.

I love you. It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I love you. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

Miriam: Solomon!

Oh. Oh.

[men whispering]

When your own grandson was lost, you cowered and prayed to God, and the Almighty would have left him dead beneath your feet.

Well, maybe God just doesn't love you as much as you'd like to believe.

Maybe He finds it laughably arrogant for you to think you even know His will.

God brought him back to us.

Yeah, you go and see what I did to Jonah Lambrecht.

You'll see that God had nothing to do with it.


Let's go.

You're gonna be okay.

[chains rattling]

All right. Here's the paperwork on him.

It's two hours to Jefferson County.

Sheriff's Department will meet you at the county line.

All right. See you later.

Christ, he's a big one. Stay alert, huh?

We will.

[breathes deeply]



Hey, what the f*ck?!

[chanting continues]

Jesus Christ!


Hey, cut that shit out now!

Hey, you want to f*cking get tased again? Stop!

[chanting louder]

Stop it right now!

This is Deputy Yawners with the BSD.

Shit. Stop that. You want me to sh**t you?

[tires squeal]


[phone buzzing]

Flynn: It's happy green. It makes you happy.

Flynn, where did you get this stuff?

Actually, I can't tell you.


Come on, Deva. Please, baby, pick up.

Ow! Ow! [laughing]


Pick up, pick up, pick up.

It's amazing, right?

Flynn: Watch this.

Hey, it's Deva. Leave a message.

Or don't. Bye.


Hi, Deva. It's Mom.

I don't even know where to start. I have so much to say.

I just want you to know that I love you.

That I always have. That part was never a lie.

All I ever wanted was for you and Max to be happy and to feel safe. When I come home, you can ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth.

Baby, we can find our way back.

Just don't give up on me. Okay?

I love you.

Tell Max I love him, too.

♪ The morning sun ♪
♪ It don't shine as bright... ♪


♪ ...are dim tonight ♪
♪ Your ancient voice ♪
♪ Soothes my fearful soul ♪
♪ I miss your rays ♪
♪ I miss your rays... ♪

Is there something I can help you with?

You look so sad.

You have no idea.

Want some company?

You know, any other night I would tell you to get lost.


What the hell happened to him?

He resisted arrest.


[Jason panting]


Don't do this, Father.

Israel: You did this.

Daddy! Mama!

Don't let them do this to me!

Did you get a confession?

Lucas: Don't need one. We got the boy.

How is the boy?

He'll give you everything you need to pin the m*rder on him.

Alison: Well, you did a number on him.

Congratulations, Sheriff. Your department needed this win.

Here to serve.

[panting heavily]

I hope it hurts like hell.

Brock: You heard from Emmett or Siobhan?

No, why?

I can't seem to get them on their cells or on the radio.

You know what? They still got another half an hour.

Keep trying.

Yeah. Yeah, I will.

[phone ringing]

[chains rattling]

[gasps] Be still.

[motors roaring]

What is it with white people and chains?

From the day you got here, you've been locking people up.

[key clinks]


Tell your sheriff I'll see him soon.

Hit the dirt, cop!

Get down. now!

Drop it.

[p*stol clatters]

Here you go, black man. I think these are yours.


[car door bangs]

Deva: It's strong, yo.


Flynn: I'm bummin'.

Look at him in that hat.

Oh, my God.

It's the cops.

Flynn: Oh, shit.


Deva: It's fine. Just stop.

How you doing, Officer?

We weren't doing anything, man.

Your parents know you're out here getting high?

Allegedly high.

Go home.

Don't have to tell me twice.



Let's go, dude. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Beaty: You guys are idiots.

You know, you really shouldn't smoke pot.

Yeah, I know.

Fair enough.


You angry at your mom?

You don't know how I feel.

No, but that's what you're doing, right?

Trying to hurt her.

It won't work. Just make more mess.

What makes you the expert? Do you have any kids?


But I know how to make a mess.

[Deva laughs] I believe it.

There's your dad.


Thanks for the lemonade.

[car starts]

So I suppose congratulations are in order.

You're a father!


I have to say, when it was about the money, I got it.

When it was about true love gone tragically wrong, I even got that.


But if you think you're gonna hang around here, take a couple parenting classes, make all this evil shit right, you are sadly mistaken.

Bad shit happens to people standing too close to you.

If you care for them, you have to get out of their lives.

Take the diamonds to New York.

Fence 'em. Get what you can.

Say amen, somebody.

The man has come to his senses.

Call me when you're done.

I'll... come up.

Job: Anywhere but here, baby.

Anywhere on this big, beautiful planet but here.


You okay?

Jesus Christ! Jesus.

We got to get you checked out.

I'm fine. I'm fine.

I didn't realize it was this bad or I would have come.

I know.

For a moment, after the crash...

I thought I was dead.

Come on. I'm gonna take you home.

Come on.

Here to go another round?

No. I said something to you earlier.

That it takes more strength to make peace than to fight.

I think I need to learn that lesson again myself.

I hope you'll consider this an adequate peace offering.

Those are seven teeth of the man who m*rder*d the girl.

The rest of him is in lockup in town.

Why don't you make a necklace of them?

Go tell your people you brought peace on the land.

I think you'll be pleased to know he wasn't one of yours.

"And thine eye shall not pity, but life shall go for life.

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

This doesn't change anything, you know.

I don't like Proctor any more than you do, but he may be right.

This isn't a time to fight.

Alex, you will not get into bed with Proctor.

Hunter's working the council hard.

I can't afford another embarrassment.

You said it yourself, there's blood in the water.

Yeah, that's right. So be the shark!

Be the f*cking shark, Alex!

What are you gonna do, Nola? You gonna hit me?

[faint clanging]

Alex: I think I was wrong to ask you to stick around.

After everything that's happened, everything you went through, I should have thought about that.

I'm sorry, but you don't belong here anymore.



I never did.

No, I guess you didn't.

Where you gonna go?



You're finally being a Chief.

Don't ruin it by second-guessing yourself.

Nice outfit.

Right back at you.

Thank you.

Where are we going?

You have a visitor. This way.

In there?

In there.

[door slams]

Go on.

Sit down.

You're surprised to see me?


Not really.

It seems you and me are both very hard to k*ll.

It's a family trait.

What are you doing here?

I see your mother every time I look at you.

It warms me.

And it kills me at the same time.

When I met your mother, she was with another man.

But I courted her shamelessly.


At first she thought I was insane.

And then later she knew I was insane.

But there was no questioning my love.




These are all more connected than people want to believe.

I made...

I made mistakes, Anastasia.

Too many. And too terrible to forgive.

But I wanted to tell you before it's too late that what you think was insanity... was the greatest love I have ever known.

This is the last time we will see one another.

♪ Your g*n, my heart ♪
♪ You're shaking in the dark ♪
♪ Your dr*gs, my veins ♪
♪ You'll never lock these chains ♪
♪ Well, if you call my name ♪
♪ I won't walk, I'll crawl to you, baby ♪
♪ I'm a crawling queen ♪
♪ And I'll show you I rule my den ♪
♪ Your cars, your whores ♪
♪ You want to be a star ♪
♪ Your bread, I'm starved ♪
♪ You'll never taste this scar ♪
♪ And if you call my name ♪
♪ I won't walk, I'll crawl to you, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm a crawling queen ♪
♪ And I'll show you I rule ♪
♪ And if you call my name ♪
♪ I won't walk, I'll crawl to you, baby ♪
♪ I'm a crawling queen ♪
♪ And I'll show you I rule my den ♪
♪ And I'll show you I rule. ♪

[breathing deeply]
