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02x02 - Dreamlands

Posted: 03/12/24 04:53
by bunniefuu

Vergara, my dear son.

I don't know how

to get out of here, but I'll do it.

You're so stubborn, I love it.

Aren't surface people incredible?

Weak, fickle, useless.

Always suffering perennial sorrow.

Without you, I wouldn't exist.

I provide you with pleasure

and the suffering of desire.

It's my duty.

Stop this nonsense.

What do you want of me?

For centuries I've supported good or evil,

according to what is necessary.

However, for the first time

I'm facing someone new.

You don't know him.

Vergara, that man

he doesn't want anything.

Worse still, what he wants is nothing.



She's here.

Good morning.

I hope that everything

is to madam's liking.

After all we've been through,

won't you address me informally?

It's a question of respect.

By the way,

they're only here for your safety.

You may come and go as you please.

Ah! Thank you.


If you don't like the house,

we can get you another.

There are several similar houses

in the area.

No, it's all to my liking, don't bother.

No, no, it's no bother.

And how long must I stay here?

No, you don't understand.

I'm trying to tell you

that this house is yours.

- Excuse me?

- Mm

The house, the gardens,

the entire grounds, it's all yours.

Indeed, what a surprise.

And why is that?

Out of gratitude.

What have I done to deserve it?

Well, while half of the Roman Curia

was groveling on the ground,

begging for a little power,

the coin lay at your feet.

It chose you.


You said it yourself:

No modesty.


Shall we eat?

Let's eat.

From the first moment

I noticed a connection between us.

We speak the same language.

Go ahead.

When you give us the coin,

we'll have a party,

something small, but classy,

and I'll introduce you to our other

members. There are four of us.

- Four?

- Mm

Two in Warsaw and one in Paris.

The other coins are in the hands of power

groups to whom we don't yet have access.

The idea is to have them all,

as you'll imagine.

Of course.

We have a plan,

but there'll be time to explain that.

Twenty seven to go. It seems difficult.

I count 26.

I still haven't said

if I want to be part of anything.

I thought perhaps this house

could help make the decision.

This house and what else?

I don't know, I don't know

How about?

I have a surprise for you.

- Really?

- Uh, oh, yes. Here he is.

Let me introduce you to Octavio,

your new friend.

Ah! Very nice, but I don't

Let's say he's totally yours,

like the sports car.

- Mine?

- Mm

And what does that mean?

You can do with me whatever you like,

miss, and I'll do whatever you ask.

I'm your sl*ve.

Octavio, it's clear, thank you.

I don't understand what all this is about.

Let's say that I know you lost someone

very important in your life recently.

- Do you mean my husband?

- Exactly.

I imagine it must've been

a huge emotional blow,

and that's hard to address,

but in terms

of the merely physical, uh,

I assure you that Octavio

can more than make up for it.

No, I'm sure he can, but

In short, he's like the car,

we have other models.

But if you didn't like him,

you only had to tell me.

Didn't he say I could do

what I wanted with him?

I'm going. I'm tired.

You must be more intuitive, Lagrange.

Lagrange, wasn't it?

Surprise me.

Ah! And another thing:

I didn't lose my husband,

get that straight.

Out of the way, please.

Thank you.


Here, son. I just got this one on time

travel. Multiverses, metaverses

No, we're not on that now.

Now we want ticks.


Yes, ticks, lice, bugs.

A nature magazine or collectible cards

And Stephen King?

No, that's fiction.

We're not interested in fiction.

I find real life disappointing,

it's beyond belief.

Must you swerve like that,

or is it the car?

No, it's you, you're old.

Eyes on the road or we'll crash and burn.

- Laguna.

- The same.

Take that right, to the highway,

I'll show you.

How did you find me?

We didn't,

that's why we wanted to talk to your wife.

Hands off my family

or I'll blow your head off.

Okay. We should talk.

Yeah, sure. Like last time, right?

Me hanging from a hook

and you putting out cigarettes on my feet.

I barely remember any of that.

Well, I sure haven't forgotten.

Take that right, to the highway.

Get out of the car.

Get out of the f*cking car. Come on.

To the cabin.

Who else knows we're here?

Laguna, you've got it wrong.

I'm not with those people.

OK, you're not with anyone.

What do you want from me?

To find out what happened.

Don't take my line.

That's my f*cking line.

I'm the one who asks "What happened?"

You were with those people,

you followed their orders

and carried them out.

You f*cking carried them out!

I told you: I don't remember.

Tough luck.

What I do remember is waking up

next to the body of my partner.

She was dead

and everyone had vanished.

For months I tried to convince myself

that it was the end.

Isn't it the same for you?

Don't you have the feeling

that this has only just begun?

There's something,

something, I don't know what,

growing and growing,

and before we know it, it'll be too late.

Antonio says the same thing.

Antonio? Is he alright?

Yes, he's with me.

Is he still having visions?


- I write them down.

- You write them down?

In a notebook.

To remember their names,

their details.

How do I know I can trust you?

How do I know you're not tricking me,

that I'll end up like you,

hanging people from hooks?

If you don't like something,

you know what to do.

Why the f*ck are you filming?

Why are you filming?!

Who the f*ck is she?

Relax, man, relax, this is for YouTube.

I won't post it and that's that.

I'm here recording details.

And compiling, just like you.

I'm sorry.

But who is she?



This hurts me

much more than it hurts you, you know?

No, I'll end up being the one

who has to apologize.

Must you always be the victim?

Whatever happens, you suffer the most!

We're all here to console you,

and I didn't get married for that!

Then why did you get married?

Huh? What for?

- What?

- You heard me!

Why did you get married, Merche?!

If you're going to start like that,

you'd better go.

It's true, Merche.

Before, we had a common aim,

which was very simple.

To be happy.

Do you think we're happy now?

I'm not talking about that.

That's what we have to talk about,

Merche! That's it!

What's wrong, Paco?

Do you want to tell me something?


For a year now

we've only been partners in a company.

Or so it seems.

Do you think we have anything in common?

You knew it from the start!

You knew I couldn't have children!

Merche, calm down.

Piss off!

Do you think I'm an idiot?

That I don't know what this is about?

- Huh?!

- What is it about?

Do you really think

you have any chance with her?

Hi, baby.

She's heading down.


Hello, my love. Hello!

My love.




The girl in 212 has been discharged.

We'll be next, I can see it coming.

Really, that girl was in bad shape,

and in a fortnight

she bounced right back.

They discharged her.

I saw them in the corridor,

she and her husband.

He's really nice.

He hugged me and everything.

What's this?

What have they put on you?

What's this?

What have they put on you?

For f*ck's sake.



Paqui! Paqui!

I can't now, Paco.

- You have to see this.

- What's wrong?

- Come on.

- Huh?

- Where is it?

- What?

The fetus that was in the toilet!

Where is it?

What fetus?

This makes no sense.

Elena had a dried
-out fetus on her belly!

- I didn't see anything.

- No? And what's this?

You must've seen it,

you were in the bathroom. Where is it?

Don't touch me! I only flushed it!

Calm down! That'll do!

Paco, relax! Paco, look at me.

You have to get some sleep. This strain

would wear anyone out. Please, Paco.


It must've been him.

- Who?

- The man who went into the room.

- Here?

- Yes.

A few days ago,

a priest in a black trench coat went in.

Look, Paco.

I'm going for a pill

and you're going to bed, OK?

I swear, if you don't,

I'll admit you today. OK? Enough.

- That's it. That's it.

- OK, yes.


Here we are

Here we are,

with you once again, Night Rats.

Trying to find out what happened

to the disappeared of Pedraza.

It seems that one of them hid up here,

in this windmill.

What the f*ck is she doing?

Haruka, this is not the time.

Hey, put that down or I'll hit you so hard

you won't get up for two days!

- OK.

- Relax, eh? Come on.


Antonio, don't get nervous, OK?

She's on our side now.

Look who's come to see you.


The typical f*cking nutcase room.


Look, all the photos joined by threads.



Excuse me?

That's odd.

He never goes out, he's scared.

He must've plucked up the courage.

Will you stop filming

with the f*cking phone!

Antonio! Antonio!

- Where are you?

- Let's go.

- He can't have gone far.

- Labatsky!

- He wouldn't just run away.

- Antonio!

If he'd gone on the road,

we would've passed him.


- There he is!

- f*ck!

Antonio! Get down from there!

He loves heights. Don't ask me why.

He sees a high spot

and he wants to climb it.

Will you get down from there!

I can't! I'm busy!

It must be the voices.


- Antonio!

- No, Haruka. No, please.

Maybe in a bit, OK?

f*cking hell!


Is this?


Be careful, Antonio!

- Be careful, OK?

- Yeah.

One thing

Salcedo is here.

Don't you want to come down?

When she goes.

- I spoke to her. I trust her.

- I don't.

So, what do I do, tell her you're busy?

When she goes,

I'll come down! I have to finish this!

OK, OK! Alright! It's fine, but

be careful, please, OK?


Looks like it can't be today.

Make it another day.

That's fine. We'll be back.

Tell him I'll bring chocolate

and churros next time. He loves them.


- Hand me that light.

- Hm?

There are loads of physicists

from the early 20th century:



Planck and Schrödinger.

Then a lot of threads

leading to clippings on pigs.

- Good Lord.

- I think it means there's a direct link

between the Pedraza meat factory

and quantum physics.

f*ck, man.

What are you laughing at?

Nothing, sorry.

We have to understand

that this is the mind of a madman.

It's all quite incomprehensible,

but real life is incomprehensible too,

and given the choice,

I'd prefer this shit.

What do you want me to say?

There's a direct link in all of it,

we have to find it, nothing more.

And nothing less.


This is a quantum computer, okay?

It's directly linked to Judas' coins

and Erich Von Daniken.

- What does it mean?

- Hm?

No idea. But I'm going to find out, Hm?

Because Antonio's like a f*cking radio,

he picks it all up,

the waves, he hears everything.

That's why we're living here

in the windmill,

because he says he hears better

and they can't see us.


Do you have a problem

with our investigation method?

What the f? No.

Look. This is the man

who fell from the balcony.



- Yes.

- What balcony?

- I'll explain later.

- And this is the one who's replacing him.

He's very powerful, he turns up a lot,

they're very scared of him.

- He isn't a priest?

- No. But Antonio's very sure.

- What's his name?

- Barbrow!

This is f*cking Christian Barbrow.

- The leader of BEPHAM.

- What's BEPHAM?

"Brotherhood for Peace

and Harmony Among Men."

Hm. A sect.

Their color is blue.

They dress in blue, they're bonkers.

He's a multimillionaire.

He lives on a fleet of yachts, he writes

-fi novels and self
-help books.

And half of Hollywood,

half, are f*cking Bephamists.

OK, and supposedly, that's his company.

It's like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle,

it has to be assembled

by the corners, or the colors

I've spent months on this shit.

And really, I don't know,

I'm lost, forgive me. I don't know.


These people,

these people are in Pedraza.

They're the new owners of the castle.

Her boyfriend died there.

He was not my boyfriend.

What castle, in Pedraza?

I haven't been back there

since it all happened.

But what's this guy up to in Pedraza?


Which came first,

the chicken or the egg?

Some would say the chicken,

but of course, an egg is also needed.

It's like the Big Bang.

There must have been something

that came before, isn't that so?

Or does everything come from nothing,

without anyone's help?

I don't know which came first, the chicken

or the egg, but I do know this,

someone or something from outside

put them both here.

We need to reclaim that narrative.

Only when we can master our past

we will be masters of our future.

Do you know why?

Because when we arrive at the end,

we will be back at the beginning.

Thank you.

Forgive me

for bothering you, Mr. Barbrow.

I'm a great admirer of your work.

It's no bother, not in the slightest.

Next Tuesday, March the 20th,

the spring equinox:

the only moment,

until another 35 years pass,

when Saturn will be aligned with Jupiter.

You didn't manage it before

and you won't manage it now.

I know your disguises.

That stone is only useful for one thing.

I work for someone

who doesn't want that to happen.

Tell your boss if he wants to negotiate

with me, he has to come in person.

- Well, he has a bad memory of it.

- Mm.

The last time he came, he was crucified.

He gets too involved.

If you want to own the world,

I can help you.

Do you think I need help?

I can show you much better tricks

than that one, I assure you.


In exchange for my soul?

You need a new bag of tricks, man.

I don't want this world,

I don't like it.

I want a new one.

Excuse me! Please!

You have to let me into room five.

I can't explain right now,

but I've seen things

You must let me in, you have to trust me.

Paqui, please.

Why can't he go in?

He's upset.

I don't think it's a good idea.

What's so strange?

I want to see if she's alright!

- I'm sorry, Paco, no.

- Please.

Paqui, let him in, five minutes

and then out, as usual.

Just one moment, please.

- Under your responsibility.

- Go on.

Yes? OK, here I go.

You don't like the truck, love, why?

- You're so cute!

- Indeed, amazing.

- Try these.

- Oh, yes.

Oh, the latex ones.

The others are no good.

- Do you need anything?

- No. Nothing, thanks.

Anything we can do

With him, I'm more than satisfied.

You should see your face.

I think we finally got it right.

It can't have been easy.

Above certain amounts,

people lose their scruples.

But legally?

Legally, the papers are in order.

He's your son

before any court in the world.

And now, in exchange, I give you the coin.

That's the idea?

-hm. Basically, yes, that's the idea.

Take it, it's in that drawer there.

I love you.

It's not my fault.

I should've known. You're in league.

It only wants to be with me.

If I leave it anywhere and go

it follows me.

It'll do anything to get back to you.

It chose you.

I know.

- f*ck, I knew it.

- Grab her shoulders.

- Grab her shoulders.

- Stop it! Leave Elena where she is!

Ay! Paco!


Elena! Here!

Up here!

I'm getting you out of here!

No, no, no! Don't open the door! No! No!

You have to wake up, Elena. Listen to me!

When you have it in your power

Have what?!

A book. When you have it

in your hands, don't look at it!

You have to find Lombardi.

He knows what must be done.

Remember, Elena, Lombardi!

Lombardi! You have to find Lombardi!


Run! Run, Elena! Don't think!

Run! Run!

Paco! What?


Stop! Stop! Where the hell are you going?

Where are you going? Hey.

I don't want to hurt you!

I don't want to hurt you!

Paco. Paco, you've lost your mind.

- I don't want to hurt you. Leave me alone.

- Neither do we.

But if you get rough,

we'll do it the hard way.

- Let go of Elena.

- Get back!


Paco, Paco! Get out of the lift.

Get back!

Stop! Stop! Hold it!


- Let go of her. Paco, let go of her.

- Stop where you are!

Let her go, please!

- More? You'll fly off.

- No such luck.

Ignore your father, Ricardito,

he loves you very much.

He's just not mature

enough to have a relationship

without insulting the other person.

But it's insecurity,

I'll explain when you're older, alright?

Don't say those things to the boy,

he might understand you.

- Have you found out anything?

- No.

And I'm not going to.

Ricardito, what a shitty adolescence

you have waiting for you.

I can't pass you information,

María, because it's illegal.

I can't talk to you.

In fact, I'm not talking to you.

I'm just in the park with my son.

Don't tell me anything,

but tell your son.

Do you know what French company

is trading on the Spanish stock market?

The supermarket?

No, a much bigger one.

The RNUK Project.

Do you know what it does?

It makes toys?


It manufactures arms

in some facilities it has in Minsk.

Arms and hotels?

Go on, go and play.


They manufacture arms, nanotechnology,

and they're turning the castle

in Pedraza into a hotel.

What's a hotel in Segovia

got to do with nanotechnology?


Jeez, it's late. Ricardo!

- No

- Ricardito, come. Bath time.

School tomorrow. Come on.

Aren't you going to tell us

who's behind it?

Say goodbye to Auntie Maria.

- Goodbye, Auntie Maria.

- Goodbye.


There was something between you?

Is it that obvious?

Body language doesn't lie.

I was pushing the swing.

- Sure, pushing the swing.

- That's enough, Laguna.

No f*cking way.

- You know him?

- Let's go.

The lamb is here, are you ready?

There's too much activity here.

The frequency needs

turning down, alright?

Let's continue.

Oh, yes.

We'd have to revise the texts

from the last session

There, patient number three stated

that Monsignor Reinhold

was to the right of the balcony,

right next to Cardinal Jacobi.

- Mm

- Item one

We're going to begin the transfer

to the group. Now.

Nothing yet. I'll try something else.

What's going on?

It seems that Martín, the guard,

was responsible

for slaughtering the animals.

We've gotten a lot

of information out of him

but he knows nothing about the coins.

Double the dose.

Martín, what scares you most

about all of this?

It must be like this if we want

to follow his thoughts in real time.

- Otherwise, we wait for the rendering.

- Hm.

Is this Is this his wife?

- Yes, the one who k*lled herself.

- Mmm.

We'll be recording all this, I assume.

Of course. We have 200 hours of it.

It's hard to find anything new.

This is new, you fool.

Have we located that coin?

Yes, recordings from three cameras

of the next five minutes.

- Delacruz took it.

- Excuse me?

Delacruz. The Mexican took it.

So I see.

Then I continue with Martín?

He has the most information so far.


I see that the signal is clean.

Don't let him muddy it

with personal motives.

Right, carry on.


What are you doing?

Working. And you?

Why are you so interested in the keys?

I don't know.

f*ck. Doesn't it stress

you out not knowing?

It's best to let yourself go.

Right. That's what you do,

let yourself go?

What's better for that than a windmill?

Look, from here you can see Sepúlveda.

How long have you had powers?

What powers?

Hearing voices. That's a power.

I don't know. A couple of years.

Just so you know, you're a medium.

And you're really hot.

In the village

there are no women like you.

- I hope I'm not bothering you.

- Hmm.

No, no. Not at all.

At school the same thing happened to me.

- You had powers?

- No, no way.

They laughed at me.

Nobody laughs at me.

OK, sorry, I meant

No, I know what you meant.

Treat me like an assh*le

and I'll throw you off the windmill.

OK, man.

I'm sick of talking to people

who think I'm an assh*le.

People just don't think as fast as I do.

I have to say half the things

that go through my head,

because if I said them all

I'd never shut up.

I know everything.

Do you know how stressful that is?

It must be disturbing.

Anyway, see you later.

Where are you going?


Sure, but not like that!

- You can't do this!

- Yeah, champ, whatever you say.

- You can't hold me!

- Tell it to the police!

Taking a patient by force.

They'll throw the book at you!

Let's go.

- How is he?

- A real fighter.

- May I see him?

- Of course.

Relax, Father,

he's not getting out of that bed.

Son, don't bother.

What's going to happen is inevitable.

So you understand, it's as if it's already

happened. It's better that way.

You blame yourself.

You blame yourself

for what happened to Elena,

but you did the right thing.

I'm here to warn you that He has come.

He's come from afar because

he needs to ask you for something.

Don't disappoint him.

Father, what do you think?

He's nervous, but fine.

I explained my task here to him,

to give spiritual succor to the sick.

He's not the first person

to be scared upon seeing a priest.

But he was like someone else,

he was beside himself.

That girl is all he has,

and just thinking this situation

has no solution could drive anyone mad.


Are you sure there's nothing else?

What do you want there to be?

Something strange.

He told me he'd seen things

and, I don't know


There's nothing strange here.


Don't expect a big speech.

There's no time.

There's a couple of things

that must be done and done now.

Get Elena out of here,

but use your head,

don't be crazy about it.

It does us no good

if one of those idiots ruins it all.

Then you must find a quiet place.

A hotel room,

a boarding house, without a lot of people.

Something else.

You'll need someone

with specific medical knowledge.


we both know that you're not a pervert,

so you mustn't feel guilty.

Listen to me

It was no one here.

Don't go mad with jealousy

or anything like that.

Accept it graciously,

like Saint Joseph.


Do you understand?

It's inexplicable.

It's a mystery.

It's your destiny and ours.

He wants it that way.

Come and play with us.

Don't leave us!


See how I was right?

There it is.

What are you doing?

What are you doing here, Paco?

What are you doing here, for God's sake?

What do you think I'm doing? Huh?

When you tried to take her away,

I began to suspect something.

It's not the first time it's happened.

I did a test on her, another one.

If only I were wrong, but no.

I wasn't wrong.

You're scum.

You hear me? Scum.

- I didn't touch her!

- Oh, no? Then who was it?

The Holy Spirit, f*ck that.

The Holy Spirit?


The funeral home people are here.

Hurry up.

Do you have the papers?

No, man. I'll get her.

- Come on!

- OK.

You're going to help me, right?

What? To put this down?

Are you a dickhead or what?

Let's go!

Where's this going?

- The M
-30 Funeral Home.

- You sure?

- What do you mean?

- It wouldn't be the first time.

Here it says Salvador de Madariaga,

one hundred and one.

- You coming?

- No. I'm going to have a cigarette.

Stop the car!

- Stop the car!

- Is he crazy?

Stop the car! Stop the car!

- What's going on?

- Are you crazy?!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!


- What the f*ck is he doing?

- I don't know, he's nuts.

- Call the police.

- Elena!

- f*ck. This guy's mad.

- Get him out!

- You f*cking get him out!

- Come on, breathe.

Come on. Breathe, please.

Wake up.

Wake up, please.

I'm so sorry.

- Hey! Stop, man!

- What are you doing?

Hey! No! No! Stop!

- Hey! Stop!

- Hey!
