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02x02 - The Thunder Man

Posted: 01/18/14 08:14
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

♪ And I hope ♪
♪ And I hope too... ♪

[water shuts off]

♪ As I come ♪
♪ Ever close to ♪
♪ You... [vocalizing] ♪

[door opens, closes]

♪ You... [vocalizing] ♪
♪ Darkness won't break through ♪
♪ Oh, darkness won't break through ♪

# And I sold... #

You got a f*ckin' problem?

♪ My soul so... ♪



♪ Darkness won't break through, no ♪
♪ Darkness won't break through, no ♪
♪ Darkness won't break through, no ♪
♪ Darkness won't break through ♪
♪ I am not yours ♪
♪ I will not ♪
♪ Follow you down ♪
♪ I am not yours ♪


♪ I will not ♪
♪ Follow you down... ♪


♪ [vocalizing] ♪

[panting, moaning]

♪ Darkness won't break through, no ♪
♪ Darkness won't break through, no... ♪


# Darkness won't break through, oh #

♪ Darkness won't break through. ♪

[wood clattering]




[theme music playing]

2x02 - The Thunder Man

[music playing]


Juliet, Mr. Proctor here?

Is he expecting you?

Oh, I imagine some part of him is always expecting me.

I hear that.

You can head back. I'll let him know.



Oh. Sorry, I didn't realize you were in a meeting.

No, it's fine. Come in, come in.

We were just finishing up anyway. Weren't we, Mr. Camden?

Deputy Lotus, this is my associate Isaac Camden.

What the hell is going on in here?

Mr. Camden had an unfortunate accident on his way in, but we sorted it out.

Right, Isaac?

That's right.


Brock: Hey.

You sure?

Yes, it's fine.

Burton, why don't you get Mr. Camden a drink on his way out?

See you next week.

[door closes]

What the hell was that about?

That was just a small negotiation.

[cork pops]

May I pour you one?

No, thanks. I'm on duty.

So, what can I do for you?

Well, I'm, uh... I'm just following up on those two bodies we dug up last month.

Yeah, Munson and Randall. I'm well aware.

Yeah. They, uh... they work for you?

They worked for me, yeah.

In what capacity?

They hauled meat, mostly.

Right. Not a job you generally associate with getting shot and buried in the woods.

No, it's not. And as I told Agent Xavier, I have no idea what they may have been up to in their free time.

Yeah, I read the report.

Well, just figured I'd stop by and see if maybe you had anything further to share.

Are you implying I may not have been truthful with the FBI?

Like I said, I'm just following up.

Yeah. And now you have. You can see yourself out.

Well, okay. Thank you for your time.

You've been a big help, as always. Oh, by any chance, do you remember the last time you saw either one of those men?

I do, actually.

It was the same day Sheriff Hood came to town.

It's fascinating how the mind makes connections like that.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now we have yet to fully calculate the losses sustained in the expl*si*n...

[door opens]

No one told me the council was meeting.

George: I called an emergency session.

Really? What's the emergency?

I've been up front with you, Alex.

We can't sit back while our tribe's fiscal security is threatened.

I've been chief less than two months and he's already planning a coup.

And in those two months, our hotel project has been destroyed and now our casino has been robbed.

Alex: Those are not unrelated events.

Look, I'll admit we've had some setbacks, but my people and I are working on it.

We expect to have the missing money back shortly.

It's not about the money, Alex.

It's about your ability to lead.


I'd have a lot more faith in his intentions if he weren't angling to be chief himself.

That may be, but his ambitions don't in any way mitigate the troubles we've been having.

I'm very aware of the problems we've been having, Mr. Thompson.

I just need some time.

You had quite a bit of time already.

Mr. DeLoria, I...

Davis: This isn't a witch hunt, Alex.

We're just trying to do our duty to the tribe.

George: Now, I loved and respected your father.

We all did. But to give fitting honor to his memory...

Don't get ahead of yourself, George.

And don't ever tell me how to honor my father again.

I'll see you all at the next meeting.

[distant train whistle]

Hey, Squirrel.

Breece. [sighs]

Jesus Christ.

You look good.

Deputy, huh? Congratulations.

You can't be here right now, okay?

I have a restraining order against you.

I know, I'm sorry.

I just didn't know how else to get a hold of you.

You're not supposed to get a hold of me. That's what a restraining order means.

I know. Look, I'm not here to cause you any trouble...

You need to leave right now.

Siobhan, please.

Just... just give me two minutes. That's all I ask.


Okay, two minutes.

Thank you.

Listen, Squirrel...

Don't call me that.


I know how angry you must be at me, and I deserve all of it.

But I want you to know that I left here three years ago angry and drunk, and I'm neither of those things anymore.

I've been sober now for two years. Anyway, the thing is,

I haven't had steady work in seven months.

As soon as they do a background check on me, all the stuff here comes up and...

Oh, I know you're not about to blame me for your police record.

No, no, no, no, of course not.

It's just my cousin Jesse. You remember Jesse.

Anyway, he said that I could come back here and work for him building swimming pools.

It's decent pay, benefits, but he won't have me on while I have that restraining order on me.

You're kidding me.

Look, I know this is a lot to ask, Squirr...


[car door closes]

And I know I don't deserve mercy from you.

But I have been looking everywhere for work and I'm telling you there's nothing out there.

This is my best shot.



Hey, Emmett.

What the hell are you doing here, Breece?

It's okay, Emmett.

Move along now or I'll move you along.


Emmett, I got this.

Sheriff, I need you to sign off on these reports.

[sighs] What do you got?

Now I can write it all up, but only you can sign your name.

What's up?

Breece Connors, Siobhan's ex-husband.

So what was that about?

A job he's after.

He wants me to lift the restraining order.

Hope you told him to get lost. You told him "no", right?

I told him to take the job and I'd think about it.

He needs to work.

Are you kidding me?

After everything he put you through...

Emmett, look...

I'm not the same person anymore. Maybe he's not.

But either way, I'm not gonna keep him from working.


Judge: So the prosecution and defense have both signed off on the plea deal.

Is that correct?

Woman: Yes, Your Honor.

Man: Yeah, we're good with it, Judge.

Judge: For these charges of reckless endangerment and discharging of an illegal firearm.

Yes, Your Honor.

Okay, then.

Mrs. Hopewell, please rise.

[door opens]

I've reviewed the police reports from the night in question and considered the mitigating factors as well as the recommendation of the DA's office and the agreement of the attorneys present.

Based on minimum sentencing guidelines and the recommendation of the prosecution, you're hereby sentenced to serve no less than 30 days at the Mercer County Women's State Correctional.

Man: Your Honor, really? Mercer County is 200 miles away.

That is an undue hardship on her family.

Overcrowding in the county system compels us to follow the empty beds.

There's nothing you can do about it, Jackson.

The prisoner is to be remanded into custody immediately.

Jackson: Can you at least stay the sentence for 72 hours so that Mrs. Hopewell, who is the mother of two children,
can get her affairs in order, please?

We're good with that, Your Honor.

Judge: Mrs. Hopewell, you are to surrender yourself to the Banshee Sheriff's Department at 9:00 A.M. three days from now.

If you do not appear, you will forfeit your bond.

Do you understand?




How are the kids?

How the f*ck you think they are?

Racine's squeezing her.

He thinks she knows something.

Yeah? For all I know, he's right.

Is that why you let her go to jail?

f*ck you. You don't put that shit on me.

She's in this mess because of you, not me.

Oh, you want to hit me back? Yeah, go ahead, hit me.

It's what you do, isn't it?

Come on, m*therf*cker, hit me. Hit me, m*therf*cker.

[groans, grunts]

I gave you the first one. You don't get another.


[music playing]

Come dance with me.

No way. I'm good here.

Come on. I want to dance with my husband.

That's okay, Squirrel.


Breece: Just enjoying the view.

Okay, I'm giving you 10 minutes... and then I'm coming back for you.

10 minutes. 10 minutes.

♪ Nothing's gonna stop it, we'll rise again. ♪

[music playing]

♪ My heart beats ♪
♪ So hard if I... ♪


f*ck you, man.

Breece, what are you doing?

Get the f*ck out of the way!


Stay the f*ck away from my wife.

Stop it!


This is your f*cking fault, too. You're shaking your f*cking ass on his d*ck right in front of me?



Lucas: Hey.

You okay?

Emmett's got a big mouth.

Just leave it alone, okay?




Sugar: So Carrie's really going inside?


You know, I don't want to seem insensitive, but I need...

Racine's not interested in you and Job.

We get off, just like that?

What do you want, your own hearing?

Oh, no, thank you. [scoffs]

I just think we need to worry about a high-ranking federal agent who doesn't seem to answer to anyone.

Didn't your mother ever tell you?

A wise man never looked a gift horse in the mouth.

No, my mother told me a word to the wise is unnecessary.

It's a damn fool who needs the advice.

Well, look here. Ain't we all just domestic as shit?

Your cut, baby.

Yours, too.

What the f*ck you lookin' at?

It's just sometimes I just forget how...

Never mind.

Came out to about 156,000. Split four ways, 39 grand apiece.

Definitely not our finest hour.

This one is hers.

I'll let you hang on to it.

So she's really going in, huh?

It's 30 days. It's, uh... it's not so bad.

Locked up is locked up.

[cattle bellowing]

Man: Okay, they're coming out.

[cell phone ringing]

Kai: What now?

One way or another,
you're gonna learn to stay the hell away from my casino.

This is getting boring. Can't you come up with something new?

Okay, here's something new.


[cattle bellowing]


I guess you're not the only one in this town who can get their hands on C-4.

You stole $156,000 from my truck. I want it back.

Man: Let's go. Close it down.

[cattle bellowing]

Man: Move aside. Move aside.

Let's go.

Let's go. Move 'em in.

[distant dog barking]

[vehicle approaching]

[wrench clicking]

[Breece grunts]

Hi, honey. I was hoping we could talk.

What are you doing here, Breece?

I heard from some of the guys that you had a fire.

I just figured I'd... I don't know.

Do you need something from inside?

No, I just wanted to see you.

I'm going away soon, and...

Yeah, I know.

The whole town knows. Congratulations.

I'm sorry, I thought I was gonna be gone before you got back.

No, you can't come around here, Breece.

I know.

Well, maybe I'll just come inside and give Max...

You can't come in.

I'm still his mother, Deva, and yours.

I don't know. Are you? How do I know that wasn't a lie, too?

Look, I know...

No. No.

I have a lot to make up for.

Baby, I had reasons...

I don't give a shit, Mom!

You know Max is still sleeping in my bed?

He's too scared to sleep in his own room because you let them take him?

You said you needed to work and that's all this was, okay?

I've moved on. I don't wanna hear from you and I don't want you coming around my house.

Well, either way.

It's great to see you doing so well.

Just stay away from us.

[door slams]

[running footsteps]

[door slams]

[music playing]

Man: Yo, check this shit out, bro.

Hello, beautiful. Why don't you come join us for a drink?

No, thanks.

We're shipping off soon.

I'll pass. Thanks.

Well, pass a bit slower so I can get a good look at that ass.

Damn, girl! That's a thing of beauty.

You ever consider modeling?

You ever consider shutting the f*ck up?

Oh, shit! You got dissed, bro.

Shut the f*ck up, man.





Well, well, look who's back.

Hold on. Slow down, now. You weren't very nice to me back there.

But now you can make up for it.




You were thinking about hitting a United States Marine?

Get off of me!

You better learn how to throw a better punch than that, little girl.

f*ckin' bitch.

I'll teach you to shove...

Oh, God!

[groans, coughs]


Who the f*ck are you?

I'd tell you, but you wouldn't remember anyway.


Thank you.

Don't thank me yet.

What is that?


It's chloroform.

[muffled screaming]

This better be good.

What are you doing?

She's important to him.

Besides, he owes us a lot more money than what we'll ask him for.

George Hunter is gunning for you.

You need a win to keep this council quiet.


She just brings Proctor to the table.
[banging on door]

Hey! Can I help you?

Where is she?

What are you talking about?

Rebecca... I'm talking about Rebecca.

Where is she?

Hey, you're gonna want to back off right now.

I haven't seen her.

Well, she didn't come home last night.

Have you tried calling her?

Yeah. Earlier.


Hello, Kai.


Don't worry about Rebecca.

She's perfectly fine, for the moment.

I'm still waiting for my money.

Put her on the phone now.

Uncle Kai?

You listening now?


Bring me $156,000 by noon today and she walks out of here.

I didn't rob your f*ckin' truck.

Well, then, I guess we'll consider it a down payment on the casino you blew up.

Now listen to me. At some point in the very near future, you will be made to understand how badly you misjudged me today.

And when that time comes and you're begging me for mercy,

I want you to remember this moment because this is the moment you've sealed your fate.

Yeah, okay, duly noted. Just bring my f*cking money.

It's Alex Longshadow. He's taken Rebecca.

I need you to go get her back.

I have no jurisdiction on the reservation.

Well, neither do I, but I'll get around that by going in with an army.

Is that what you want?

Why don't you tell me what's going on?

A few weeks ago you told me you owed me one.

I'm sure you recall that conversation.

Good. Then go get her.


Go on. It's all right.

Go on.



I'm sure your uncle will be here soon.

I'm sure he will be, too.

I used to see you at the farmers' market. Yeah.

Your family sold pies, right?


Now you've left that behind, moved into another family business.

Sad, really. I loved those pies.

Did you help him do it?

Help him do what?

I think you know exactly what I mean.

You know, my people have this myth about the Thunder Man.

He's reborn once each generation.

He's got the power of a god, prodigious lover, fiercest warrior.

But outwardly, he looks like a normal man.

So every man has to ask himself whether he might in fact be the Thunder Man.

And every woman has to wonder whether the man she's with is him.

Some women live to find him.

Others know that he'll destroy them if they stay with him.

I believe you think you found your Thunder Man.

I've got all the thunder I need.

Is that so...

Amish girl?

Did your uncle rob my truck?

My uncle sells meat.


Your uncle blew up my f*cking hotel.


If I were you, I'd be more worried about what he's going to do to you.


We'll see about that.

Five more seconds.

And we in. [lock buzzes] And by "we," I mean you.


Job: You should be in the kitchen now.

Excuse me, Sheriff, are you lost?

Is this the kitchen?


Then no.

Job: Okay, the most isolated room is the VIP room.

Where is it?

Baby, I'm looking at two sets of plans here... the old casino and the new one... and I got no f*cking clue what's real and what ain't been built yet.

Lucas: Best guess?

Job: Take a left at the end of the hall.

I could be hacking Google or the Caymans,
but, no, I gotta be infiltrating Fort Apache.

Hey. BSD. I need to get in there.

BSD has no jurisdiction on the rez.

If you're not on the list, you don't get in.

Yeah. Um...

I could sh**t you.

We could sh**t each other.




[grunting, panting]

[heavy breathing]


That sounded nasty.

[coins jingling]


[slot machines chiming]

And no dice.

Job: Puns? Really?


Okay, cut across the gaming room, go upstairs.

Ah, shit.


[batons clicking]

[bone crunches]


What the hell's going on?


Baby, come back. Baby?

[sighs] f*ck.



[electricity buzzing]


[sighs] Seriously.

[glass breaking]


Alex: Sheriff Hood.

[panting] Oh, hi.

Hi yourself.

Ah, you think you know someone, huh?

I know, right?

I'm sorry, am I missing something?

We've met before.

Lucas: I'm just here for the girl.

Oh. So you're one of Proctor's lackeys, is that it?

No, no.

If your argument's with Proctor, you gotta take it up with him.

I just get involved when you start kidnapping young women.

[breathing heavily]

Now cut her loose.

Well, you're in no position to make demands here.

What, this?

Come on, we both know she's not gonna sh**t me.

I wouldn't be so sure.


Okay, this is Kinaho land.

I have no authority to arrest you; we all know that.

But my guess is she's not gonna press charges anyway.

So we can chalk this whole thing up to one big misunderstanding.

You let her go now, this never happened.

Alex: Put the g*n down.

f*ck that.



Are you okay?

I'm fine.



Are you kidding me?

We're not gonna sh**t a sheriff.

It was a bad idea to begin with.

I'm done sending messages.

It's time to take a more direct approach.

You came for me. Thank you.

[exhales] Don't mention it.

You're bleeding.

It's fine. It's just a scrape.


I said it's fine.



I know this is a hard time for you, but your uncle, he's not a good man.


You shouldn't be living there.

Well, then, let me live with you.

I'm not a good man either.

[engine starts]

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I'm gonna go get something to eat.

So how did it go?

Piece of cake.

Well, thank you. I do appreciate it.

Like you said, I owed you one.

Sheriff... you never did ask me if I robbed that truck.

I guess I figured it wasn't your style.

No, it's not.

[car door opens, closes]

[engine starts]

This is nice.

I got you something.


It's stunning.

What do you think?

You look beautiful.


Proctor, what the f*ck?

[gasps] Hello, Alex.

You come here to my home? Are you crazy?

Yeah, your security personnel weren't very effective.

You may want to talk to them when they wake up.

This is very romantic.

Get the f*ck out of here.

Don't worry. Just be a minute.

[chuckles] What the f*ck is this?

[woman screaming]


[woman screaming, sobbing]


You go near my niece again and it won't be cow's blood.

It will be the blood of your family.

Every single one of them I can get my hands on.

I'll f*cking drown you in their blood.



[screaming, sobbing]

[music playing]

I'm not even going to ask.

Figured I'll be seeing you tomorrow.

Yeah, well, there's not much of a difference between my motel room and a cell, so I figured I'd get a drink while I still could.

It's 30 days.

That's not long enough for the walls to start f*cking with your head, okay?

Anyone messes with you, you don't engage.

You keep to yourself, do quiet time.

It's not prison I'm worried about.

That'll all work itself out.

You just have to give them time.

You should get some sleep.

We got a long drive tomorrow.


You okay?

This is all on me.

She's going to jail 'cause of me.

You did 15 years for her.

It doesn't make it right.

Look, I think you didn't consider what would happen to her when you set up shop here, but no one does a stretch like you did without making some mistakes when they first come out.

Now you tell me.

No, I think I told you then.

Listen, you can sit here and get drunk while you dissect everything you've gone through.

We're ex-cons. It's what we do.

But at some point or another, there's only one question really worth asking yourself... what are you going to do now?


You remember what I said.

Quiet time.

I know.

Guard: Back it up.

[lock buzzes]

[humming sound]

[lock buzzes]

Guard: Rehall, let's go.

Move it, huh?

Rowe, against the fence.

[door slams]

[lock buzzes]

Woman: Bye-bye!

[lock buzzes]

[lock buzzes]


[gasps, panting]

Look at this bitch.


[horn honks]

f*ckin' Malibu Barbie coming to do time.


Woman: Backtracking, huh?

You got some attitude, bitch?

Breece: Come on, Squirrel. We're gonna be late.

Siobhan: I'm doing my hair.

Do it faster.

Relax, Breece. The restaurant isn't gonna run out of food.

[screaming] Don't you f*cking tell me to relax!

Siobhan: Please, Breece...

[metal clinks]

[dryer stops]


Hey, Squirrel.

What the hell are you doing here?

I just thought, you know, I'd make you dinner, like I used to.

You can't just come into my house!

Remember our Friday nights like this?

I'd cook and then we'd dance right in the kitchen.

I thought you weren't drinking.

It's just a beer, baby.

Come on. One more dance, come on.

No. No.

Come on!

Get the f*ck out of my house!

Careful, now.

I'm trying to be gracious here, to make amends.

I said get the f*ck out of my house! Now!

You're gonna sh**t me, Squirrel? Hmm?


Is that it?

[g*nsh*t] Jesus! What the f*ck, Siobhan?!

The next one's going in your gut.

Big f*cking cop now, huh?

Want your f*cking hair all perfect?

Well, there you go.


Well, go on, then.

God! [grunts]

sh**t me.

Breece... ow! God!



sh**t me. Hmm?

f*cking do it, you f*cking c**t!


[screaming] No!



[screaming] Stop!

Come on!

No, no!

[screaming, sobbing] No, Breece, please!

Come on!

Hey, Alma, what's up?

I'm a little worried about Siobhan.

She was supposed to show up for the night shift an hour ago.

You tried her cell?

I tried her everywhere.

I was getting ready to call one of the other deputies to swing by her place.

No. No, that's fine. I'll go.

[tires squealing]


[lock clicks]

What's up, boss?

You expecting someone else?

I wasn't expecting anyone.

[thunder rumbling]

You want to talk about it?

Not really.


Then just tell me where he's staying.

He's at the motor lodge.

It's right near his cousin's place.

[door opens, slams]

[music playing]

[thunder rumbling]

♪ The fog came... ♪

f*ckin' Dream House Barbie.

♪ Morning dew ♪
♪ All over you... ♪

[woman moaning]


Woman on TV: Oh, that's so good.

[knock on door]

Oh, yeah. Oh, harder.



You got a f*ckin' problem, Barbie?

No. [laughing]

Look who came to apologize.


[women cheering]


♪ The flood came and then the rain ♪
♪ The flood came down... ♪


[gags, grunts]



Come on.

Come on!

Come on!




So... it turns out Breece isn't staying at the motor lodge after all.

[sighs] Sorry. My bad.

I already called for an ambulance.

Yeah, I heard.


You hurt?

I'm good.

[sighs, clears throat]

I know I'll lose my badge for this.

I'm on probation, for f*ck's sake.

Go home. I'll clean this up.

He'll tell 'em it was me.

Yeah, I'll have a talk with him.

He won't stick around.

Are you sure about this?


Go home.

You know, for the last four years, there wasn't a day that I didn't imagine some version of this playing out.

How does it feel?

Better than I imagined.


Thanks, boss.

Don't mention it.

[music playing]


[moaning, panting]


[music playing]

♪ I wanna stay ♪
♪ I can't go on ♪
♪ And I'm gonna wait ♪
♪ Till morning comes ♪
♪ However warped my head ♪
♪ And I won't be on my way until I ♪
♪ Fluttering, shuttering eyelids ♪
♪ And my skin is crawling ♪
♪ My fingernails scrawling ♪
♪ As my lungs begin to shudder... ♪