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02x01 - How We Live Now (Part 1)

Posted: 03/11/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
[ominous music playing]

-[horse neighing]
-[fire crackling]

[hooves thud lightly]

[horse neighing]

[horse snorts]

[man 1 inhales and grunts]


-[crow squawks]
-[axe thudding]

[grunting and groaning]

-[cork pops]
-[satisfied moan]

[exhausted sigh]

-[man 2] Here you go.
-[man 1] Thanks.

[deep sigh]

It grows back faster
than we can cut it down.

Well, it's the most godforsaken place
I've ever been to.

[man 1] It's this forest...

it's strange.

How many men have we lost
since we got here?

In the forest,
in the rivers, in the ravines...

-The forest is against us.
-Don't worry,

we'll raze it to the ground
and build a nice road over it.


What's taking so long?

Where did he go?

[horse whinnies]

[eerie rattling noise]

-[high-pitched noise]
-[unsettling animal sound]

[Claudius screaming and shouting]

-[unsettling noise]
-[animal crunching]

[animal grunting]

[horse neighs]

-[unsettling animal hiss]
-[loud thud]

[shocked gasps]

[unsettling music playing]

-[eerie animal noise]

[exhilarating music playing]

[unsettling animal noise]

[heavy panting]

Can we go now?

I couldn't go...

Some people wax poetic about the joys
of urinating in the wild.

I feel like I'm being watched, I can't go.

[Teddy Bear] You've only been here
four months, give it time.

We'll stop at the gas station,
they have a bathroom.

[light, strange music playing]

Don't you feel like
there's something in the air?

[deep inhale] It smells a bit like

[sniffs] ...and also high meat...

Nah, I can't smell anything.
Maybe it's just the smell of fall.

You'll see, it's a hella cool season.


[crow squawks]

-[deep breathing]
-[gloomy music playing]

[Leila] You're sure you don't feel
tight in the abs?

[Laurène] No.

[Laurène sighs] I already told you
I'm fine.

Laurène, it's barely been two months.

Nobody recovers
this fast from g*nsh*t wounds.

They weren't supposed to heal so quickly.

-I got lucky, it happens.
-[Leila] Yeah, right.

[Leila chuckles] Truth is,
it should've k*lled you, I don't get it.

You had traces of plant juices
on your skin when you got to ER.

But Teddy Bear didn't notice
anything odd when he found you.

You sure you don't remember anything?

No, sorry.



take it easy
during your final two weeks of leave.

[Laurène] Yes!

How's Cora doing?

She's doing okay.

[Laurène] She's seeing
the high-school shrink twice a week.

She has nightmares
about the bog, about Marion,

but I think she's doing better.

We're fine,
there's nothing to worry about.

[Teddy Bear] I hope we didn't come
all this way for nothing.

[Siriani] Ferrandis,

all this boundless optimism
won't rid Villefranche of Gérald Steiner.


[indistinct talking in background]


[Rossi] Come in.

[door slams shut]

[floor polisher buzzing]

I'm sorry, old chap,
but this case is falling apart.

We've established that Marion Steiner
was indeed k*lled by Camille Laugier...

But charges won't be pressed,
since our m*rder*r's dead.

I'm actually after Gérald Steiner.

Laugier was on his payroll,
we could prove

he's responsible
for his daughter's m*rder.

Well, he covered all his bases.

No money transfers,
no proof of communication between them.

Does that mean he's getting away with it?

[sinister music playing]

[Rossi] Look, old chap,
I want to nail him as much as you do,

but nothing links him to the m*rder.

Marion copied
some family documents onto that key.

There has to be stuff
about her grandfather's schemes

involving the quarry.

Come on, move it!

Let's go!


The figures
from the storage site seem legit.

We got nothing at all.

-The public consultation's been rectified.

He probably bribed the entire town.

[brakes screeches]

Marco, make sure nobody's there.

-[man] Still around?
-I ain't coming back.

See you later.

What about Centurion Environnement?

It's a dead end...

Their lawyers say everything
is subcontracted to Gérald Steiner.

[indistinct talking]

[Siriani] Your Honor...

this girl d*ed
because he's hiding something.

We just need to find out what it is.

[music fades out]

[crows squawking]

[gentle music playing]

-[sinister music plays]
-[car engine humming]


[sinister music playing]


[heavy breathing]

[music intensifies]

[music accelerates]

[sharp inhale]

[g*nsh*t echoes]

[wings flapping]

[ominous music playing]

-[Hermann sighs]
-[Teddy Bear] Eric Bordier.

He worked at the quarry.

He had a wife... and a son.

[Hermann] I don't know what they hit with,
but it was gruesome.

Looks like bite marks, don't you think?

Should we tell Laurène?

Absolutely not.

Leila's already on her way.

[Siriani] Did you find anything
in the truck?

His travel routes.

Have the Children of Arduinna
ever assaulted anyone before?


But the quarry's operations
were bound to light a fuse.

[Laurène] Okay.


[Cora] Mom?

They're talking about the quarry
on the radio.

I know, someone told me.

A truck got att*cked.

They think
the Children of Arduinna did it.

Are you going there?

-It was cool to have you around.
-[gentle music playing]

Yeah, it was nice.

[Siriani] I know you're not used to this,

but I'm handing this
to the Regional Police Service.

I'm sorry sir, but...

I don't think that's a good idea.

[Hermann] What he's trying to say
is it's a sh*t idea.

[Teddy Bear] No, I mean it's
a big enough mess,

no need to bring in the suits.

Adjutant Ferrandis, you are one of two...

gendarmes in a town where corpses
pop up every time a door is opened.

Yeah, I called her.

I got some groceries.


Long time no see.

[gloomy music playing]

This is for you.

[Siriani] Major...

I know you're a medical mystery, but...

you're still on sick leave.

It's up to us to solve this case.

[Siriani] Your obsessions
have already taken a toll on you.

I don't want to have to follow you...

on a hunt
for some kind of imaginary man...

Don't worry,
I'm done sleeping in the forest.

I heard you haven't given up
on the Steiners.

You know I'd do the same for that trucker.

Last time the SRPJ was here
it took us two days to find 'em.

I can't say
I've missed your stubborn ways.

You got 48 hours to find solid evidence.

[Siriani sighs]

[somber music playing]

[music intensifies]

The road's been fixed?


I noticed they're building
a new sports center.

Courtesy of Centurion.

We're about to nab
the "Attractive Town" award.


We'll let you know when you can claim
your husband's body.

When did you last talk to him?

This morning.

Before he left for work.

The job at the quarry
was a great opportunity for us.

[Teddy Bear] Have you ever been threatened
by the Children of Arduinna?


Why? Are they the ones who did this?

We don't know for sure, but...

the truck was vandalized,
their symbol was drawn on it.

I thought no one
was supposed to know the routes.

Yeah, but they may have found
a way to access them.

-Do you guys have a computer?

Maxime's got one.


[shaky breath]

What did you do?

[mother] What did you do, Maxime?

[sobs] He hated that his dad
was working for the Steiners.

If you know something, you gotta tell us.

I didn't do anything, I was at school!

[Laurène] How did they find out
about your dad's route?

Tell me you're not involved!

[Maxime] They didn't plan to hurt him.

-They wanted to send Steiner a message.
-[the mother sobs]

How could you?

[somber music playing]

[Maxime] Mom!


The email the kid used

to contact the Children of Arduinna
has been deactivated.

[Laurène] Why am I not surprised?

Do you have any leads on them?

We've been trying to locate
their hideout for weeks.

What about their leader, Roman Barthélémy?

He wouldn't snitch,
so he spent two months in prison.

Since he got out, he's been layin' low.

[Hermann] Guys, let's keep our spirits up.

What are you doing?

You're back... We need to celebrate that!

This is a good one.
I was keeping it for a special occasion.

It's a tad early for this,
don't you think?

We gotta look for potential hiding spots.

Check all the electrical billing data
in brownfield sites.

That's gonna take a while.

We could also clean up Camille's desk...

Her desk is fine as is.


I warned you.

You know it wasn't her fault.

Gérald's the one who corrupted her.

[somber music playing]

Nobody mess with Camille's desk.

[Laurène] I checked the electric billing
data, couldn't find anything.

[Teddy Bear] They must have
a power generator.

-Or solar panels.
-[Laurène] Hmm.

[bike engine whirring]

It won't be easy to find them.

We had a tough time finding Hermann.

[Laurène] Yeah, I know.

Is that why you stopped coming over?

Among other reasons.

What reasons?

I dunno...

Like... why did I find you
butt naked in the forest?

Half-buried in the ground?
It does raise a few questions.

I never told anyone, for your sake.

-I need to understand.
-I don't want to talk about it.

It's in the past now.

You can't pretend like nothing happened.

Why not?

I got Cora, I'm getting back to work.
It could work.

Yeah, it could work...

like it did last time.

-[loud thud]
-[sinister music playing]


[Laurène] They're saying
they didn't k*ll Bordier.

There are better ways
to get the message across.

[sighs] For f*ck's sake...

[Laurène] We could've missed
a clue at Bordier's house.

[mother] Here you go.

This is where he spent most of his time.

Do you think he had any problems?


But... I thought
the Children of Arduinna did it?

I'm confused...

[quietly] Nothing interesting
in the house.

I don't understand what we're after.

He had no criminal record,
never broke the law.

The Children of Arduinna
could be messing with us.

Murdering people is not their style.

Yeah, I know.

Look, you've had
a rough first day back on the job...

You should go home.

No, I'm good.

-[tense music playing]

Hold on.

[Teddy Bear] What now?

[Laurène] Check this out.

[indistinct soft whispering]

[Leila] Nice! On your first day back.

There's a piece of cervical vertebra,
it was torn off.

[Laurène] It didn't happen recently.

For sure.
It's at least several hundred years old.

I'd say this skull belonged to a man.

[Leila] These patterns on the temples

may have been caused
by congenital disease.

Well, somebody dug him out from somewhere.

It's not from the cemetery.

You really think
it's linked to the m*rder?

Weird. Why would he keep it in his home?

I keep far weirder stuff in my nightstand.

I don't even want to know.

Maybe you guys should talk to Verbeck.

The librarian?

[Leila] He used to be a historian.

He helped me out
with the bones from the bog.

He is kind of eccentric, but...

Let's go talk to him.

Adjutant Ferrandis.

Long time no see. Way too long...

Sorry, I never found the time
to return my books.

Aha! You think you're the only one
who wants to read Sense and Sensibility?

We got something for you.

[unsettling music playing]

Ah, you're back.

It was more than 30 years ago.

Bordier found it
in the forest with a buddy of his.

I learned about what happened to him
this morning.


We'd like to find out
if the skull is linked to his death.

Where do you think it comes from?

-I can tell you when it's from.
-[metal clanking]


It dates back to the 1st century BC.

Was he from around here?

That's what people thought at first.

But look at these patterns here...

and here.
They could be early signs of syphilis,

a disease that wasn't around
in those days.

It came here with the Roman legions.

Hold on... I thought the Romans
never made it all the way here.

-That's what set us apart.
-[Verbeck] Ferrandis,

you really think Caesar invaded
all of Europe but not Villefranche?

[Verbeck] There's proof.

Pliny mentioned it in his works.

Rome sent a centuria to the region
to build a road.

All the legionaries vanished.

-What happened?
-[Verbeck] Nobody knows.

We'd need the rest of the body
to find out.

[sinister music playing]

We need the name of the other kid.


[unsettling music playing]

[heavy panting]

What was that?

I don't know.


Stay strong.

You stay with me, all right?

We'll find some shelter.

Come on.

-[lively country music playing]
-♪ I'm a bad dog ♪

♪ Scratching at your door ♪

[indistinct chattering]

[door slams shut]

[howling on song]

Looks like I'm really popular around here.

We're not used to seeing people
come back from the dead.

Turns out Villefranche could use a church.

-I'll have a beer, please.
-[Sabine] Sure.

Cut it out.
I was just wounded in the line of duty.

-[Sabine] Yeah, right.
-Any progress on the Children of Arduinna?

Don't be naive.
They didn't k*ll the trucker.

[Laurène] We got nothing at the moment.

Regardless, we need to arrest them.

Bertrand must be going crazy
with all the stuff that's happening.

I've been trying to call him.

The mayor has changed.

He's a broken man
since they buried Marion.

We're not even sure...

he realized his wife's pregnant.

You don't want to lock him up anymore?

Let's say I'm focusing
on his father for now.

But later on, perhaps...

Keep drinking from the Steiners'
money well while you can.

[man] Hey, don't be a party pooper
just because you lost three lambs.

It was our greed that k*lled them.

[ominous music playing]

I saw the signs.

We'll all have to pay for this.

[man laughs] Damn...
You sound like the tax inspector!

[male voice]
Hello, this is Philippe Granger,

the psychologist
your daughter Cora is seeing.

She hasn't come to our sessions
for the past three weeks.

I'd like to talk to you about that.


[melancholic music playing]

[door clicks shut]

[keys jingle]

[footsteps approaching]

Did you have dinner yet?

[Cora sighs]

Yeah, with Rudy.

[Laurène] If I call Rudy,
what's he gonna tell me?

Is it like your therapy
you've been missing for weeks?

I don't need people
to tell me that I'm traumatized.

Whenever I hear a crow,
it all comes back to me.

The bog, Marion...

-[Cora] Can your shrink fix that?
-Where were you this morning?

I found this in your desk.

Don't hang out
with the Children of Arduinna.

You went through my stuff?

Please answer my question.

[Laurène] You said it was only
to help Marion, that it was over.

-I can't believe it.
-[Laurène] It's too dangerous,

I don't want you to get involved.

-I want you to have a normal life.
-I want a normal life too, Mom.

Marion wanted a normal life too.

But she's dead,
and now there's a new sports center.

If you're not booking me for a flyer,
I'm going to bed.

-[footsteps disappearing]
-[sinister music playing]

[indistinct whispering in the wind]


[tense music playing]

[shaky breathing]

[somber music playing]


[lively music playing over radio]

-[Teddy Bear] Mr. Acker?
-What do you want from me?

For starters, could you please
fasten your bathrobe?

My bad, I wasn't expecting visitors.

We have a couple of questions.

Next to Eric Bordier, here, is that you?


We'd been friends since kindergarten.

And you both worked
at the quarry together?

We got hired together.
Why are you showing me this now?

Why didn't you arrest the little assholes
that did it? Huh?

Sorry about that.

They k*lled my best friend...

We'll take care of them, don't worry.

We'd like to know why Bordier
kept that skull.

It had symbolic value for us.

We were so proud of ourselves. [chuckles]

Verbeck would tell us stories
about the Romans, the Celts,

bodies buried in the forest...
Maybe even a treasure.

A treasure? Sounds kind of farfetched.

[Acker] We were kids,
kids tend to exaggerate everything.

We started digging in the forest

on weekends and whenever we had
a break from school.

So did you find anything?

Apart from a huge pile of junk, no.

We didn't find any treasure.

And then we gave up.

-We came to our senses!
-[gloomy music playing]

-[Teddy Bear] I'll check his alibi.
-[Laurène] Hmm.

-What if they did find a treasure?
-Teddy Bear, there is no treasure.

Did you see how the Bordiers live?

[Laurène] Can you drop me off?
I'm meeting up with Cora.

[Teddy Bear] Yeah.

[sinister music playing]

[heavy breathing]

[eerie sound]

[eerie rattling sound]

[eerie rattling sound]

Another one.

Why were they chained up?

What happened?


Must be a sanctuary
for one of their degenerate gods.

[eerie rattling sound]

[music intensifies]

[Verbeck] Any progress on
the Bordier case?

That's not why I'm here.

When we found Marion Steiner in the bog,

you mentioned Celtic sacrifices
to our coroner.

That was before we found out
your colleague had k*lled her...

The Celtic connection was uncertain.

Maybe you were onto something.

I have other elements.

Another young woman, 20 years ago,

who was found in the forest.

She'd been kidnapped

and had been chained up for days
before she could escape.

And why do you think
it has anything to do...

with a Celtic sacrifice?

I don't know, I'm not sure of anything.

But the kidnapper's really into all this.

And he has a very strong
connection with nature.

I need to know more about this
to track him down.

I'm willing to help you...

but I may need to talk to this young lady
who was kidnapped.

[melancholic music playing]

That won't be possible, she left town.

That's a shame.

After all those years,
you're still looking for her kidnapper?

[deep breath]

[indistinct whispering in the air]

Cernunnos, the stag-god,

was one the main deities
in the Celtic pantheon.

[shaky breaths]

Major, are you okay?

[whispers] I'm fine, thanks.

[inaudible speech]

You gotta talk to me, Laurène. Huh?

I thought you were dead
when I found you...

I don't want to go through this again.

Enough with all the secrets, huh?

What are you doing with Verbeck?

[sharp inhale]

What are you looking for in the forest?

I'm looking for...

-the guy who kidnapped me 20 years ago.
-[sinister music playing]

[Laurène] I have no memory of him.

All I know is I ended up
chained up somewhere...

at the bottom of a pit.

I had to cut my fingers
so I could escape.

And then I woke up in the hospital.

They told me Bertrand
had brought me there.

Why did you never tell anyone?

Nothing was clear in my head.

My mother was dying.

My father didn't want her to worry.
And then...

it was too late.

It's like a cage...

that you build around yourself.

For years, you feel safe inside it.

But over time...

the cage's bars start choking you,
crushing you...

and you're always alone.


And you think it was
this "Wood Man" who buried you

after Camille sh*t you?

I don't know.

I feel like he's the reason
I'm still alive.

Let me get this straight...

He kidnapped you 20 years ago...

and then he did all he could
to save your life?

I've been obsessing about it
for the past two months...

I still don't understand.

All I know is... I almost d*ed,
I put my daughter in danger.

I think Cora joined
the Children of Arduinna.

I don't know what to do.

I can't cope anymore.

I'll need a while
to process all this, but...

but you're not alone anymore. Okay?

I'm here for you.

Together, we can do this.

[Hermann over police radio]
Hermann to Laurène...

Yeah, I'm listening.

We got the results back from the lab
and something interesting turned up.

Bordier had traces of gunpowder
on his right hand

and the blood on his truck
was a different blood type.

[Laurène] He was armed.
Do you think he wounded his assailant?

Possibly. Leila says a young man got
to ER last night, gushing blood.

It's worth a check, right?

-[tense music playing]

-[indistinct chattering]
-[slow music playing from inside]

-[biker] Hey!
-[dog barking in distance]

Watch where you're going, assh*le!


-[biker] Yeah, that's right, f*ck off!
-[bikers laughing]



[grunting and groaning]

[biker] Let go of me! Let go of me!

[indistinct shouting]

[heavy breathing]


Should we call the gendarmerie?

No big rush.

It won't even help us arrest Gérald.

He says it was a hunting accident.

He's in room 12.

[Cora on voicemail] Hi.
You've reached Cora's voicemail.

-Leave me a message and I'll--
-[phone beeps]

[sinister music playing]

[Leila] Can we come in?

What the hell is going on?

We must've moved him somewhere,
I'll ask around.

[music intensifies]

Hey! Teddy Bear!

[child] Run!


[Teddy Bear shouts]

I'll go around the other way!

-[heavy breathing]
-[tense music playing]

[man sobs]

Stop moving around,
you'll only bleed out faster.

I'm not afraid of death.

You're not gonna die.

So you guys didn't m*rder Bordier, right?

Yeah, we just vandalized his truck.

But when we jumped him,

he seemed to be waiting for someone.

Who? Did you see anyone else?

[man] No...

We heard weird noises
coming from the trees.

We went to check it out...

It gave Bordier an opportunity
to pull out his g*n, and he sh*t me.

We ran away.

And we're the t*rrorists now?

In the trees, what was it?
What did you see?

Did you see anything else?

[man sighs]

What the hell are you doing?

Don't do anything stupid!

[leader] We told you to drop it.

We didn't k*ll him.
We have no beef with you!

This is going too far!

[leader] We don't have a choice.

Everyone sucks up to the Steiners,
we gotta fight 'em.

[Laurène] You're not alone in that fight,

don't mess everything up!

[Teddy Bear shouts]

Don't do anything stupid.

[Teddy Bear] Drop it!

Drop it.

Drop your weapons!

Step back.

[Laurène] Step back.

Take your f*cking masks off.

Take them off!

[music intensifies]

You too.


Nice catch! Six in one go.

Yeah. We sent them
to the Departmental Gendarmerie.

[Hermann] What about Bordier?

[Laurène] They insist
they didn't k*ll him...

They say he was waiting for someone.

[Teddy Bear] We need to find out who,

it's either the last person
to have seen him alive,

or it's his m*rder*r.

What a shitstorm.

And it can't be Acker,

he was getting his truck serviced
at the time of the m*rder.

[Teddy Bear] You know what?

We're still gonna check the bank accounts.

Including Bordier's.

I got a hunch we'll find
a treasure somewhere.

[sighs] Here we go again.

[man coughs]

Someone's in the cell?

[somber music playing]

What happened to you?

I haven't heard from you in two months.

[quietly] We could talk.

About what?

About everything, about you.

There's no more me.

Nothing's left.

[sighs] Don't say that.

[Laurène] I can't imagine
what you're going through, but...

let me help you.


[Laurène] Did you call Léa?

Yeah, she'll come and pick him up.

[Laurène sighs]

I could use a drink right now.

-Excuse me?

Not too tall.


-[glasses clink]
-[gloomy music playing]

To us.

[indistinct talking over TV]

[ominous music playing]

[footsteps approaching]

-[knock on door]

[door squeaks open]


Did you go back to the bog?


[sobs] I go there a lot.

It's a beautiful place...

to cry.

I'm sorry about yesterday,
I was worried about you.

[Cora] No biggie.

[sobs] I'll go back to the shrink...

Does it ever go away?

This emptiness?

No, it never will.

-You get used to it.

-[melancholic music playing]
-It can also make you stronger.

I hope so.

-You're gonna be all right.

-[indistinct talking on TV]
-[jacuzzi water bubbling]

[wings flapping]

[eerie animal sounds]

[tense music playing]

[hurried footsteps rustling leaves]

[music intensifies]

[screaming stops]

[menacing music playing]

[indistinct whispering in the wind]

[gloomy music playing]