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01x06 - Dark Heroes

Posted: 03/11/24 19:55
by bunniefuu
[sinister music playing]

[heavy breathing]


Laura! Laura! [man]

My daughter Help her! [man]

She's in that car She's trapped Help! [man screams]

- [Julie sobs]

- [man]

Quick, quick! [man sobbing]


Laura! Laura! [Julie]

Stop! Stop! Stop! [man]

Laura! [Bertrand]

Julie! You OK? Someone's trapped in a car!
- That one back there?
- Yes, back there! [Bertrand]

Marc, come here! Come with me.

You OK?
- Is the girl OK?
- Laura! [man]

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! [Marc]

Julie, darling, are you hurt? No, I'm OK.

It's over now.

- [Marion]

Dad, are you OK?
- Don't go there, it's dangerous.



Let me do it.

- The whole town will be there.

- Oh, relax, will you?
- You just need to smile.

- Yeah.

You deserve that medal.

Go now.

They're waiting.

I need some makeup.

I'll catch up.

[lively music playing]


Last time I saw you dressed like this [Laurène]

Why don't we talk about your hair? [Hermann]

You gotta respect your uniform.

- You're late.

- My alarm clock didn't ring.


Paul's didn't ring either, it seems.

It's been three times this week.

You look really good in this.

I'm ready.

Let's get on with it.

- Hopefully, they'll turn up.

- I hope so.

Should we do it then? Great.

All right kids, sit down now.

Hello my friends, welcome to the town hall.


There's a reason we're together today: it's to celebrate one man's courage.

This man, we all know him around here for his involvement in local non
-profits [Bertrand]

Among other things, he's the coach of the swim club [somber music playing]

the President of the Sports Committee, and, more recently, he became a real
-life hero.

He did not think twice to risk his own life to save the life of a child.


I've known this man since what 30 years?
- [Bertrand]

40 years?
- [Marc]

Longer than that!
- [Bertrand]

Yeah, don't mention it.

- [people laugh]

Anyway, I've known him forever, I'm proud of him, so let's clap our hands for Marc Lercier.

Take the picture over there! [g*nsh*t rings]

Congratulations, Marc! You can clap! [clapping]


There's a buffet over there.

Dig in, the town's money paid for it! [light music playing]

BLACK SPO [Laurène]

I'm sorry Marc, but I have a few questions to ask you.

Did something seem off with Julie this morning? And the r*fle? Is it yours? [Laurène]

Maybe she was a bit depressed lately? I don't know.

I'm not sure anymore.

Laurène, is this really necessary?
- [Laurène]

I'm sorry, it's the procedure.

- Another time maybe? He's not well.

Never mind.

I'll see you later.


How is he doing? Like a guy who loses his wife the day he gets a medal.

[somber music playing]


Did she sh**t the g*n? [Leila]

With the gunpowder on her hands, no doubt.


She messed up her face so bad.

It's like a Picasso.

Her eyes are inside her mouth It's horrible.

- Did you know them well?
- [Laurène]

Not that well.


They're Bertrand's friends.

- Did she leave a message?
- [Nounours]


No letter, no note.


But this was on the dresser.

A datebook laid in front of her.


October 31.

The day of the accident.


Can you send me the pics? [sinister music playing]

[crows squawking]

[shivering sounds]

[sinister music playing]


Hey! Sir? [creaking eerie sounds]

[knock on the window]

[window opens]

- [Rudy]

- Mmm.

I've been calling you for two days.

Leave me alone.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Did someone tell you?
- Marc's wife k*lled herself.

- When?
- Earlier today.

- [Cora]

This town sucks so bad [Rudy]

Come on, cheer up.

- There's a party tomorrow
- [Cora]

You think I'm in the mood? I saw the woods snatch a guy, for f*ck's sake! [Cora]

That's not what it was, Cora.


What was it then? I don't know.

Roman's friends, I guess.

- [Rudy]

Did you tell your mom?
- Not yet.


What are you waiting for? You did all this to find Marion, but what did you find? [Rudy]

Nothing but trouble.


She has to deal with this now.

You're right.

[sinister music playing]


She's going to k*ll me.

[Cora sighs]


It cost me a ton of money, but it's classy as sh*t.


Two equalizers, a four
-channel amp, two component audio kits, and dual subwoofers in the trunk.

That's 500 Watts of pure power! [man]

Good sound quality? Well, no Too much static.

[sinister music playing]


Are we sure it's the Children of Arduinna? Who else could it be? How the hell did they get him up there? [Gérald]

If they know that place, we got to clean up.


That includes him.

Did he have any relatives?
- I don't think so.

- You don't think so?
- OK, I'm sure of it.

- Yeah.

Take him down and bury him somewhere.

- Mr.

- Do as I say, Gaspard!
- What do I tell your son?
- [Gérald]

Same as always: nothing! [crow squawking]


"An offense of passive corruption occurs as soon as an offer or solicitation is made" sh*t.

"The promise!" I can't do it! You'd love to see me fail, huh? Watching me all that time, whispering by the window to keep me awake.

It's all your fault!
- How are you, Camille?
- Good.

- [Laurène]

When's your exam?
- In a week.

And I'm not ready.

I guess working reception is my ceiling.

You'll do fine! We need people like you.

Thanks, Major.

Uhm, Siriani wants to see you.

I don't know if it's about what happened earlier.

I'll call him.

He's in your office.

[light music playing]

[door opens]

[door closes]

- Cleaning up?
- [Franck]


I was thinking about that woodsman theory.

I won't go so far as to say I believe it.

But I sent the samples to the lab, and you'll get the results back within days.

Thank you, I mean it.

What about this? The guy who snatched you, wild or not, must have had a criminal record.


What you have here is all the region's sex offenders since the '90s.

A "thank you" would be nice.

He's not in there.

- It's not a sexual motive.

- [Franck]

I don't get it What happened when he kidnapped you? I don't remember.

At the hospital, they did all the tests.

I wasn't r*ped.


Well then, if that's not it, why would he kidnap Marion Steiner? [Laurène]

I'll let you know when I've found her.

And, how did the medal ceremony go? [Laurène]

The hero's wife put a b*llet through her head.

I don't know how you can get used to all this.

I don't get used to it.

6:15 PM Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Committee Meeting [sinister music playing]

7:15 PM Committee Meeting.

Bertrand? [Lea]

He took the day off to stay with Marc.


You're the one I came to see.

- Did you know his wife?
- [Lea]


[phone rings]

We'd hang out from time to time.

What are you looking for? Ever heard of these committee meetings? It's Lercier's datebook.

His wife left it open on October 31.

There was no meeting that week.

We were on vacation.

On our way back here, we saw the accident.

Marion was still with us.


The committee meetings are every Tuesday, the Thursday ones were a lie.

So, he lied to her? [Lea sighs]

You never saw his creepy stares? You think he cheated on her? There's always a woman hidden away The kind of woman with big dreams who ends up all alone, like an idiot, know what I mean? I also found this at her place.

[unsettling music playing]

Does it ring a bell? Marc bought it two years ago.

And Julie k*lled herself in front of the painting.

And? I don't know On the day of the accident, she saw Bertrand coming back from a trip.

She found out there were no meetings.

She found out that Marc was hiding something.

She k*lled herself because he was cheating on her? Damn! I hate these f*ckers! [Nounours]

Laurène, it's I know it's super sad, but it's none of our business.

We're not supposed to be here.

[unsettling music playing]

She wanted us to come here.


Laurène! Laurene [Nounours]

Laurène, no! [Nounours]

Laurène! [Laurène]

Maybe this is where he'd take his lovers.


Such a romantic location.


What about this? Romantic enough for you? [floorboards creaking]

[music intensifies]

[music abates]

What the hell are you doing here? Checking what you were up to on Thursdays.

I don't get it.

Is it for Julie? Is this an investigation? It wasn't a waste of our time, it seems.

How could you do this? [Marc]

After what happened to me? [Laurène]

Your wife led us here.


So? What were you doing in this barn? Nothing! And you have no right to be here, so get out! [music intensifies]

[chattering and laughing]

[lively music playing]

You're sure you're not hungry? I need early dinners, for my blood sugar levels.


What's Marc up to over there? I just can't see him k*lling women and burying them in his yard.

Well, he doesn't go there to drink tea.

Marc Lercier, the guy you just awarded a medal to? [Bertrand]

Enjoy your meal.

You got to leave Marc alone.

He just lost his wife, don't make it worse! I know he's your friend, but we went to his barn and believe me, we saw [Bertrand]

What? You only imagined things.

- Ever heard of the right to privacy?
- You'll believe anything, huh? What if your daughter had been taken there? Don't say stuff like that! His wife did not die in vain.

We need to ask questions.


To his relatives, the girls from the swim club You can't always cover for him! You're the one I'm covering for.

If you keep this up, you're in for a lot of trouble.

Tell him.

That's curious I never thought you'd be such a stickler for the rules.


But he's right.


Can't open an investigation without a complaint or a victim.


There you go.


Thank you, sir.

We need to raid the house before he cleans it up.

So, you only help me when you see fit.

We need to choose our battles, Major.

[men laughing]

[sinister music playing]

[hissing sounds]

[silly music playing]

[animation series playing]

f*ck! [feint whispering in the wind]

[sinister music playing]

[hissing and slithering]

Still in your PJs? It's not like I'm really needed at the town hall.

Oh, dammit Let me see I'll do it.

- Stand still.

- [Bertrand]

Don't slit my throat [Bertrand]

I know you'd love to, but [Steiner shivers]


You knew Marc was cheating on Julie.

Come on, not now.

He's my buddy, he's not well, I want to help.

- He hasn't been your friend for a while.

- [Bertrand]

What are you saying now? It's just like the others.


You give medals out to better control the recipients.

It's your father's system.


- I do what I have to do
- For Villefranche.

I know.

[sinister music playing]

[girls laughing and talking]

When I get out of school Sorry, girls.

Can you help me out? Someone brought this in.

Is it yours?
- No.

- No.

Have you seen another girl wear it? No.


[thunder rolling]


Hi, Cora.

- Oh, hi.

- Do you want a ride home? No, my bus is coming soon.

Don't be ridiculous! It's on my way.

And you're already soaked.

Come on, get in! [love song playing over radio]


Still training for that competition? Yeah, I try my best.

I've been watching you, you know.

You got that little something.


Don't waste it.


I wanted to tell you I'm really sorry, you know About your wife Thanks.

That's funny I never noticed before What is it? How pretty you've become.

Well, I'm dressed like a tomboy.

I need to pick something up at a friend's house.

It's not too far out of the way.

You're not in a hurry, are you? No.

No, no.


First days in a new relationship, huh? [Laurène]

Are you in love? [Nounours]

It was a huge risk you took last night? You're falling in his trap, you never should've gone back.

Hermann, why don't you tell her? [Hermann]


I never talk to her when she's like this.

[door opens]

[Camille shivers]

It's raining cats and dogs! [Camille]

I got some news about the bracelet, Major.


So, everyone's lost their mind now? [Camille breathes deeply]

This type of rock is called serpentine.

I heard it's good against snakebites and cramps.

Anyway, there's a shop downtown that sells jewelry like that.



I'm sure it belongs to a girl from the swim club.

Marc holds sway over them, they stayed mum.


sh*t, there's a bunch of girls there.

[unsettling music playing]

Get out of here now!
- Get out!
- [Cora]

What's the matter? What's the matter? [Laurène]

Why is my daughter in your car? [Laurène]

You OK? You go over there! [Laurène]

Let me tell you something If you hurt her, I'll k*ll you.


I bring your daughter back, you thr*aten me.

It's kind of unfair.

Don't worry Laurène.

We only talked.

- Laurène forget it.

- [Marc]

Cora's all grown up now.

She's almost a real woman now.

- You stay away or I'll k*ll you!
- Stop!
- I'll k*ll you!
- Stop!
- f*ck!
- Leave that assh*le alone.

Come on, you got to go home now Just go home, OK? You can get him now.

[sinister music playing]


Marc Lercier lodged a complaint with your higher

An internal investigation will be launched.

Adjudant Ferrandis, right now, you'd better go home.

- And you didn't react?
- [Hermann]

No, I didn't.

It's just a head
-butt, come on! It could've been much worse! Is that what you teach your new recruit? I would've kicked his nuts.

Come on! No need to double down on it.

Now, can someone tell me where Major Weiss is?
- Marine Andersen?
- [Marine]

Yes? Major Weiss.

Do you make this jewelry yourself?
- I do.

- Do you know who this bracelet belongs to?
- I sell three of these every day.

- Do you have some kind of client list? No.

I'm sorry, I really need to go now.

- I need your help.

- Leave me alone! [crow squawks]

[somber music playing]

It was your bracelet.


It won't help you if you stay quiet.

It'll destroy you slowly.

I know how it feels.


You can get better.

I don't want to talk to you Now leave me alone.

[door slams shut]

[engine starts]

[lively music playing]

[people laughing and talking]


Sir, I have to ask you to leave, you're too lame.

- You came?
- Of course, I came.

I need to have some fun.

Let's go dance.

[footsteps approaching]


You compromised your entire team.

And you still have nothing on Lercier.

That's what I call a good day.

- I'm almost there.

I'm getting a testim
- What is it? Major, I understand it's close to your heart.

Another restrained girl maybe you can't save all of them.

[love song playing]

I lost my place Then you were gone But if I could get back ELDORADO CAFE [door slams shut]


Martial! You OK? I have no regrets.

I take responsibility for my actions.

- Why are you saying this?
- I don't know.

You totally ignored me yesterday! Stop.

I was with the boys and you looked busy.

I'm just a booty call to you, huh? Maybe you want to get back with your wife? No, not after the other night So, look, you got to relax.

We had sex, it's a new relationship Perhaps we should take our time? Unless you want it to end OK.

- [Nounours]

- [romantic music playing]


Follow me, will you? [Marine]

It's on nearly every Thursday night.


He says it's to help him wind down [somber music playing]


He drives one of us there.

To the barn.


When I get there, he asks me to strip.


He wants me to keep my bra on, to strip slowly.

Then he ties me to the bed.

On the wrists and ankles.

He takes his time.


I try to tell him I don't want to, but I can't.

Then he lies down on me.

Sometimes naked, sometimes fully dressed.


I try not to cry because it just turns him on.


That's when he can get violent.


So I focus on something else The wind outside, the woods behind the barn [Marine]

The nest of snakes outside.

[knock on the door]

- [knock on the door]

- Yes.

- Can I come in?
- Yes.

I didn't know you were coming! You could've called.

- [Marc]

Do you want a drink?
- A girl from the swim club reported you.

What are you talking about?
- How do you know about that?
- Marc.

Between you and me is that girl telling the truth?
- I swear to you it's not
- The truth.

Tell me the truth.

OK, something happened with that one girl, but she was cool with it, so she came over a few times I mean, it's no biggie
- You f*cking scumbag!
- [police sirens wailing]

- You're hurting me
- I covered for you.

Let me go for god's sake I thought we were buddies! [Bertrand]

Buddies? [knock on the door]

[knock on the door]

- What are you doing here?
- I was saying goodbye to a friend.


Lercier? You're under arrest for r*pe and illegal confinement.

[suspenseful music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[people laughing and cheering]

Rudy! Another one, please! [Roman]

Why didn't you come back? I've had enough of your bullshit.

It went too far.

That guy in the woods It wasn't us.


Why didn't you come back? Too scared? Of you sharing that incriminating picture? Go ahead.

You've got more to lose than I do.

I can see you, Cora.

I know you.

We're very similar.

- Hmm?
- Are you sure you're allowed to be here? [Roman]

I can't hear you! [door opens]

[door closes]


What do you want from me, Maître Caubère? [Caubere]

This should enable you to free my client at once.


What's going on? Let me introduce you to Maître Caubère, Mr.

Lercier's lawyer.


I'm afraid he's no longer in our custody.

How come? [Franck]

He brought to light several details that undermine Marine Andersen's testimony.

My client has an alibi for at least two of the dates she claimed
- the so
-called sexual abuse occurred.

- An alibi? [somber music playing]

What is it? You can't cover for him because he saved your child.

False testimony is a serious offense, you know? [Caubere]

As I was saying, on two of the dates mentioned, my client had been invited for dinner by this man and his wife.

[keys tinkling]

[unsettling music playing]

We will meet again, Mr.


My client asked me to give this to you.

To prove he doesn't hold grudges.


It's about Mr.


[sinister music playing]

[car door closes]

[engine starts]


I know Marine, but I, I'd rather you hear it from me.

I guarantee you'll be safe.

I'll put someone in front of your house day and night.

Nothing can happen.

I promise.

- [Marine sobbing]

- Marine? Marine? [call drops]

[upbeat music playing]

- Thanks.

- What for? For being here.

You never let me down.

You're welcome.

Don't mention it.

Sorry, I don't know
- I thought I
- No, it's me I had too much to drink.


Is it Roman? It's about him? What do you mean "about him"? Forget it.


Major, Hermann called, he went to see Marine Andersen.


She's not home.


This is Marine Andersen's voice mail.


Leave a message.

[radio crackling]


Hermann for Laurène.

Yeah, Hermann, I'm listening.


I'm checking on Lercier, he's not home either.

- Tell me it's not true
- [Hermann]

It is, I swear something's amiss.


- What are you gonna do?
- Shut the f*ck up! [Marc]

What you told the gendarmes saddened me.

I never forced you to do anything.


They didn't believe you anyway, you saw that, right? [hissing sounds]

That's why they let me go.

You destroyed me [Marc]

Don't say that after all that time I devoted to you.

[unsettling music playing]

Competition is all about sacrifice, we talked about that, right? Let's forget about all this, get back to how things were.

I don't want to.

You forced me to do it.


Of course, you want it.

Come on, give it to me.


Give it to me [Marc]

Come on! Give it to me before you hurt yourself! Drop the g*n.


- I promise he won't get out of this.

- [Marine]

I heard that before.


You're not going to let her sh**t me, are you? Back off! Back off! [Marc screaming]

- [Marc]

It bit me!
- Hold on.

- [Marc]

It bit me!
- Let me see.

- I'll take you to the hospital.

- [Marc]

Help me, Laurène.

You'll get out of this.

[melancholic music playing]

END OF THE LINE [relaxing music over car radio]


I hope you ain't wasting my time, kid.

I got something for you.

The name of one of these pesky activists.

[somber music playing]

[Laurene sobbing]

[door slams shut]

Bertrand? [footsteps approaching]

What the hell are you doing here? I still have the keys, it's my house.


Where is he? I can't reach him.

Probably mourning his r*pist friend somewhere.


What a f*ck up.

You look a bit tense.

- [Gérald]

I hope it's not on him.

- You don't like that, huh,
- when people slip through your hands.

- Shh.


Maybe I should dish out everything I know.

You don't know sh*t, Léa.

You can't even keep your hubby close.

[sinister music playing]

Go f*ck yourself! Don't forget where you come from, Léa.

I got you out of your degenerate family, remember? But I could send you back there, you got that? [Laurene sobbing]

Laurène Look at me.

Look at me, Laurène.


It's not on you, OK? It's my fault, I should've listened to you.

I promised to protect her, and I couldn't.

It's not your fault.

Hmm? You did everything you could.

Come on, girl Come on.

Why do we have to deal with all this? We could just elope, the two of us Leave Villefranche, leave all the dead behind us You know we can't do that.

Hmm? [somber music playing]

You never stayed the night before.

Oh yeah? It's because when we were young, I didn't want your father to k*ll me.

Do you think that [knock on the door]

It's Cora She must've forgotten her keys Can you go through the backdoor? Morning, Major.

Nice pajamas.


What are you doing here? Commandant Fournier.

We're looking for Bertrand Steiner.

- Is it a joke?
- [Franck]

Not really.

- [Franck]

His car is parked right here.

- [Laurène]

So what? [Franck]

Are you trying to say he isn't here? [Laurène]

That's none of your business.

- You shouldn't be here.

- Try to be reasonable, Major.


Am I interrupting a coordination meeting? [policeman]

It's August 20, time is 6:45 AM.

- [policeman]

I am notifying you that
- I know how it goes.

Do you enjoy the things you do, Siriani?
- Hmm?
- Can you tell me what's going on? [Franck]

It just so happens that the Mayor has been hiding critical details about his daughter going missing.

Come on, let's go, sir.

[gloomy music playing]

[sirens wailing]

[unsettling music playing]