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02x06 - Azrael

Posted: 03/11/24 19:07
by bunniefuu

Aham Brahmasmi.


Sir, where are you going? You can't just enter li Get back.

Sir, where are you going? Sir? [STEADY FOOTSTEPS]



Aham Brahmasmi Guruji is alive.

I'm sure he's around here somewhere.

Gaitonde had warned me that his third father is about to do something big.

Are you ready for the truth? [DOOR SOFTLY SLIDES OPEN]

Follow me.


You'll understand everything.


He had been dead before I got there.

su1c1de, We're waiting for forensics.

So Malcolm who was dealing in weapons with Gaitonde is Shahid's proxy? [IN HINDI]

Hizbuddin has a history of utilizing mercenaries.

Murad has been a part of almost every terror organization, in Asia and Europe.

This looks like more than that.

Gaitonde had Hizbuddin's flyer hidden in it.

And his Guru that Sartaj was talking about? Sir, there's definitely a link between the Ashram and Hizbuddin.

Contact Sartaj and tell him I want to speak to him.


Take one.

It'll help you understand better.

You're not on duty.


Since when do you know I'm a cop? All along.


Have it.

Otherwise this discomfort will become paranoia.

What I'm about to tell you is beyond the grasp of your understanding.

to keep an open mind.

The plan is simple.


For the next 9 years, you must focus solely on increasing the suffering by taking advantage of the world's weaknesses.

From global warming to the religious propaganda on the internet.

Our fellow human beings are bent upon unknowingly destroying this world.

Pakistan will attack India, and get destroyed in retaliation.

China won't sit silently and spectate.

Neither will Russia.

Nor the USA.

They will begin attacking each other like a bunch of mad dogs.

Their fight will result in the end of mankind.

The earth's temperature will fall rapidly.

Pushing the planet into a nuclear winter while we watch safely in our special bunkers.

We shall wait in those bunkers and wait for our penance, sacrifice, patience and truth's power to take us into Satya Yuga.


You people are insane.


It's the world that's gone mad, Sartaj.


It's a lie.

How can you destroy this world? It's not us, the world is destroying itself.


We are just a catalyst.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming.


They're all signs from this earth.

are you trying to save, Sartaj? When 3-year old children are getting r*ped in the name of religion? this world that should be saved? Do you have even one reason to save the world? Nobody will believe all this.

Dilbagh Singh believed in it.

This photo was taken on the day Guruji revealed his vision to us.

Finish what your father started.



I told Guruji that Shahid is beating a drum in the street, begging for money to destroy India Malcolm claiming to be India's enemy met Shahid and gave him money to fulfill his insane desires.

Whether it's the Afghan w*r or the w*r on India, ISI has a bad habit.

They set flames to their surroundings while hiding in the shadows.

The time is now to attack like bandits, but they behave like petty pickpockets.

Not everyone has the courage.

You are right.

In 1947, the courage and character Mohammad Ali Jinnah showed, has vanished from today's world.

Looking at you one can't be accused of that.

If one fights to the end, he will surely perish, but - But he will light a candle of revolution.




Just keep in mind we can't turn back now.

- Think carefully before you join us.

- There's nothing to think.

It's Allah's will.

We are merely vessels.

I've spoken to Shahid.

He's ready.

We just need to provide him with nuclear fuel and a place for assembly.

He'll do the rest.


Guruji's idea of ending the world [SCREAMING MOB]

by adding fuel to the world's flaming problems was a masterstroke.

- There was huge crisis in the Middle East.

- [g*nshots]


We gave weapons t o those people.



The one's who didn't die, became homeless.

The Americans were angry because of the recession.

We gave them g*ns to vent their anger.

Guruji said he'd conquer darkness with darkness.

his world had to sacrifice itself.

Now, the book Guruji had been writing for the past 20 years, was finally finished.

This book would teach us the way to live in Satya Yuga.

They were the best days of my life.

Guruji made me believe that I was special and I would be the God of the upcoming Satya Yuga.

And I believed everything he said.


Ganesh, I am going into samadhi (MONASTICISM), away from this life.

A millennium of darkness needs to be vanquished And that requires immense penance and purity.

I have to leave But we will meet soon.

In Satya Yuga.


We will meet soon [DRUM BEATING]


Guruji faked his death to the world.

So he could remain in monastic penance.

Strength and sacrifice were needed to enter Satya Yuga.

Guruji would provide the strength, and I would sacrifice.

I had to finish the job with that bitch Batya.


I used to really miss Guruji.

I really wished for this world to end, I really wished for this world to end, When I was exiled 12 years ago, I had thought I made all the needed sacrifices.

But little did I know, the biggest was yet to come, the sacrifice of Bombay! To make the new world, it was my job to plan in Bombay.


Batya left the Croatia Ashram and made a team of 100 pure people to enter the new world.

She brought all of them to Bombay.

Bhonsle used his political influence to buy land worth millions for pennies.

To build the Ashram in Bombay, We will get every single artifact [GAITONDE]

that Guruji has worn, has touched, has blessed I planted the false threat of Pakistan in Bhosle's mind [GAITONDE]

and he provided all his men with weapons, to spread terror.

But the bastard didn't know what the actual plan was.

There will be more than 1000 tankers [GAITONDE]

The trucks Bhonsle used to smuggle weapons were used for carrying parts for the nuclear b*mb.

My old factory was given to Malcolm for assembling the nuclear b*mb with Shahid.

While above the ground, Shahid constructed the b*mb.

Under it, Batya began preparing for the Satyug Project and somewhere in the middle, my third father remained hidden.

Everything was ready for the 'Sacrifice of Bombay'.


They have something huge.


What do you mean? I mean something so dangerous that can destroy the world.

C'mon, spit it out? This city might not survive.

And what do you mean 'they' have something? Who's 'they'? [FINGERS SNAPPING]

Who has something huge? [MAJID]


Joseph has asked me to talk to you.

Sartaj, Listen to me.

No action will be taken against you.

Come with me.

Tell Joseph about Guruji, the Ashram and whoever else I'll come myself.



Sir, I would always bring them up to here.

Have you seen him? No.

- Have you seen him? - No, Sir.

- Sir - Did you find anything? No, Sir.

There's nobody there.

Have you seen him? Have you seen him? [RUSTLING LEAVES]

Mahmud of Ghazni asked Ferdowsi to write a book in his honor.

Mahmud said he'll pay Ferdowsi 60,000 Dinar.

But when the book was completed, he paid him only 200.

Ferdowsi cursed him so much that Mahmud got malaria and died.



- Yeah.




Maggots are messing up our meal.

We may need to dump it.



Let's see we haven't found [JOSEPH]

In teams of two The mold suggests about 20-30 of those booster tubes.

And at least 30 kg of fuel.


Joseph, the impact could be massive.

How massive? that they are aiming at about 80 kilotons of yield.

Hiroshima was 20.

What'll you have Sir? Scrambled? Poached? Sunny side up? Gaitonde's special? - The special.

- Right, Sir.


Sunil the chef of our old hangout place didn't recognize me, but he was still using my name to advertise his joint.

The taste of the eggs was still fireworks.

f*ck, it's still great! [PHONE VIBERATES]

- Hello.



- Who is this? - I saw your show on TV.

It f*cking sucks.


Who is this? [GIGGLES]

Hello? - Hello.


Tell me this.

Did they cut off your third leg as well? m*therf*cker.

Who the f*ck are you? [BUNTY]

Come face me if you've got the balls.

Or I'll come there to stuff your assh*le with my umbrella.

Tell me the place.

You bring your ass and I'll bring my belt.

You Speak up ass-wipe.

Tell me the place.



Welcome boss.


You've returned after 13 years.

We are going to celebrate 13 years in one night.

What's this 'welcome'? You've become quite sophisticated.

I thought you'd be dead by now.

I'll die only after you, schmuck.

You remember what I had told you, then? Did you stop thinking from your d*ck? Well The blood doesn't flow there anymore.

It all keeps riling up in here.

Do you miss Badariya? Sometimes.

And me? It was your fear that kept me away from India all these years.

Subhadra? - Did you miss me? - Nope.




Brother, I can't tell you how happy I'm feeling with you sitting with us.

It's like when I f*cked for the first time.



What about Santa's money? It seems as if I'm seeing your ghost.

Where were you all these years? What would have I done by coming to Bombay.

God has forbidden you from fooling around.


What happened? [JOJO]

I had a younger sister, Mary.

Mary fell in real love with Sameer, the producer's son.

He promised to launch her as an actress.

He even threw a launch party for her.

For years, Mary and I used to give auditions together and would get rejected together.

All of a sudden her life became a Bollywood movie, where she got everything in one shot.

Love, happiness, and a lead role It made me jealous.


Oh, sorry! I'm sorry! [DOOR SLAMS SHUT]



Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! [DOGS BARKING]




Are you crazy? How much longer are you going punish yourself for this? If I thought like you, I would have died a thousand times already.

It's different with you.

You k*ll to save yourself.

Whom did I save by k*lling? Whom did I save by k*lling my sister? [JOJO]

I f*cked up so bad to get a shitty role that it cost me my sister.


I was an idiot.

Let it go.


She comes and sits in front me of everyday.

Look there, she's here.

"Ok, I'm sorry bitch.

" What else do you want? [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING]


This city of Bombay gave me everything.

From being a waiter I became the God of Gopalmath.


It then struck me.

Can you give without expectation of anything in return? What could be purer than that? If people could get this, he whole world's 'darkness' would finish right away and there wouldn't be a need for Guruji's plan.

The b*mb that crashed into Hiroshima was 15 kiloton.

This one is 120 kiloton.

That's, eight times stronger.

It'll wipe off 800,000 people in the first hour.

Plus, the next 8 generation of Indians will come out decayed and rotten.



We'll pay off the debts of 1965, 1971, and 1999 in one shot.



Aham Bramhasmi.

I want to speak to Guruji.



Why are you calling on that line? It's not safe.

Where's Guruji? Do you know? Gaitonde, you know no one is allowed to speak to him.


He'll speak to me.

I need to tell him something.


Tell him it's urgent.

I just saw the b*mb.



Now, there was only one way to stop the plan To stop the money.

Gaitonde? What is all this? It's your armor.

Armor? Don't worry.

I'll sort everything out.

Yeah, but will you tell me what needs sorting out? [BEEPS]

- What? - Why aren't you sending the money? Last payment is also pending.

In Kutch, Aalam is holding on to the delivery.

- Have me speak to Guruji.

- Guruji's left.

m*therf*cker, if you don't have me speak to Guruji, I'll piss on his 'New Day Project.

' Gaitonde, don't stop the work.

You know I can yank out the money from your intestine.

Can you? Do it then.


Now I had to save myself and the world.

Bunty had made a mall which never opened on Gopalmath's old junkyard.

I made a bunker for me underneath it.

to save my ass from Guruji's runt, Malcolm.



Listen to me.

I have decided.

This world is going to stay as is.

I'm going to tell the police.

Tell whoever you want.

Everyone is with us.


Aham Brahmasmi.

Aham Brahmasmi.

Your elephant has gone wild.

I told him everyone is with us.

he is not having Gochi he will start to feel paranoid very soon.

We have time Guruji, but not much.


Whenever some shit has happened in my life, it's always been because one of my fathers.

That's just how these father's are, Sardarji.



Throwing away your dad's stuff won't do anything, the more you try to get rid of them, the more they f*ck with your head.

Ultimately, I trusted you to save this city.

And you are getting twisted in Dilbagh Singh's story.





Sir, we have found Awaiz's brother, Saad.

Please come fast.

I am coming.


Now, show us your dance moves, m*therf*cker.

Move over.

You go there, m*therf*cker.


Get up now, f*gg*t Muslim.


Pick him up.

Pick up the assh*le.

Pick him up.

Beat him.

Beat him.



Beat him.



Give me the tire.

Get up.






Watch me hit a home run.

Give the ball.

Watch this home run.

Watch this f*cking home run.

Innings complete.

[g*nshots IN AIR]



What's there in this world that should be saved? Do you have even one reason? Sir, no! [g*nsh*t]

Sir, I haven't mentioned you as On-Duty.


Sir Sister, Not right now.

Sir, I beg of you.

Sir, don't enter Rohit's name in police records.

It will ruin his life.