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02x05 - Vikarna

Posted: 03/11/24 19:06
by bunniefuu
DISCLAIMER - This series is a work of fiction and is based on the novel titled "Sacred Games" authored by Vikram Chandra in 2006.

promote, encourage and support any action or relationship displayed between the characters of this series.

Resemblance of any character of this series to any persons, places, real events, linguistic groups, political parties, communities, religions or sects is purely coincidental and unintentional.

As-salam alaykum Brother.

Aalam here.


As-salam alaykum Brother.

Aalam here.


As-salam alaykum Brother.

Aalam here.







Alaikum-asalaam (GREETING).


Aalam here.



Brother, where should we bring the Kalimiri? Military.


How many kilograms? He hung up.




Aalam here.

Where should we bring the Kalimiri? Military.

How many kilograms? By 'Military' he means Military Cafe.

He'll reveal the rest of the details later.

Good Job.


Made Taj Mahal out of it.

Take this.

Let me know if you need more.

We'll get it sent to your homes.

It's said that Shahjahan [MOGHUL EMPEROR]

desired to make another Taj Mahal in front of the existing one.

Using black marble.

But he couldn't get it made Because the workers' hands had been cut off.

Sometimes they ought to be cut.

[LOUD g*nshots]


Good! Where are you from? I'm from Himachal.




You take off.

I'll call you.


You're still living the same life.

Earlier you'd wear a burqa while going to work in jail, and today as well you've come wearing a burqa.


Ma'am please save me.

Ma'am? [SMIRKS]

Doesn't seem right coming out of your mouth.

Jojo Gaitonde will k*ll me.

You wanted to grow wings and reach for the sky.

Now that you've flown near the sun, you're afraid of being burnt.

I was scared.

He made you an actress.

Today you are a sensation.

Why did you want to fly next to the sun then? Well, even he thinks he's God.

Just because he made me an actress, he thinks he owns me.

That, I'll go to him whenever he wants me.

- Even I have some reputation.

- Reputation? Seriously? One call of his gets you shook.

Will you help me? Why? Won't 'they' help you? The ones you helped in k*lling Gaitonde.

They didn't k*ll What help do you want? This [SNIFFS]

What's this? Jameela's passport.

All documents.

My entire previous life.

You remember your previous life? In case I ever need it Just like you couldn't rid of your previous life.

Still have kept Mary's picture.

There's always plenty of gossip in the industry In the magazines, blind articles But internally everyone knows Mary's Her film [IN HINDI]

Before her film launch on the roof she Jameela! [JOJO]

You had a meeting today? With Manu Manu Gaba? [MARY]

It happened.

- [JOJO]

How was it? - Superb.

- [JOJO]

Yeah? - He'll give me a film, if I take off my clothes.

The day we become big actors, we're going to take all these assh*le's clothes off.

And if we don't big actors? You certainly will.

Your looks are enchanting! - Really? - Really.

And my grace? It's exquisite.

Just for that, Mary's special noodles only for my Jojo.

My dearest Mary, surprise! - What's this? - Open it.

Wow! This is the same bracelet that actress wears.

Thank you! Go.

Get out of here.

You had betrayed Mary Don't do the same to me [CLANKING OF JEWELLERY]


Bunty? Sent him three girls dressed up as dominatrix.

Only then he gave your number.

He said you're out of India somewhere in the Ashram.

Don't tell me you've become a monk.

The penance I went through for you But you were still out of my reach What could I do? Will you return from your pilgrimage, if I come to you? India's flushed out an order to all countries to sh**t me on sight.

This life of the ascetic is all I got now.

Let Jameela off the hook.

She didn't know the shit she was getting herself into.

Alright, she's off the hook.

Seriously? Easy as that? You asked me that's enough.

By the way why you defending her so much? Repaying a debt Had betrayed someone.

Who? Why do you want to know? You've become a monk right? Focus there.

I've got some work.

Listen, listen Huh? Cuss at me, for the last time.

Call me a f*gg*t.

Why 'last time'? Are you dying for real? Who knows when this pilgrimage will end? Will I get to speak to you again I don't know.

You and your theatrics.

Come to Mumbai, I'll make you an actor.

And why won't we speak again? I have your number, I'm going to call you.

I won't receive - your call.

- Really? Even your daddy's going to come! I'm hanging up now.






After I left, Miss Yadav had you by the balls, right? As soon as you left, I escaped as well.


When was the first time you met Miss Yadav? She loves her country.

So She got me to work as well, for the sake of the country.

Don't you love the country? I do, indeed.

Although, her understanding of the country and mine are different.

For her, country means what it is in the present and what it will be in the future.

But for us, country means what it was in the past, what it could have been today.

And it definitely shall become! What shall it become? Satya-Yuga (ERA OF TRUTH) Vedic (ANCIENT) Times.


All Ashram life revolved around the Satya Yuga scam.

To enter Satya Yuga, sacrifice was required.

Troubles, pains, hunger were all forms of sacrifice.

Even during winters, the m*therf*ckers didn't give a blanket.

Food was plenty, but not edible.

Yet, everyone was cool with it because they would always get free Gochi - the world's best drug.

I had slowly started understanding what Guruji spoke about.

Guruji was writing a book related to Satya Yuga and said he'd reveal everything at the right time.

One needed to be pure to enter Satya Yuga, Guruji would test that by his dice game.



To be proved pure, the dice needed to show a four, which would never happen for me.


Still, Dynamic.


There were many ways to make one's self pure.

One was controlling pain.

The other was screaming out the anger.

- Another was stashing away your lust.



We consider sex as a type of hunger.

It has a need it has a craving in it.

There is need to breath as well, but it doesn't have craving or v*olence it.

We need to make sex as simple as breathing.

Make love to the soul.


Sex is nothing, but the exchange of energy Make it like an exercise and it will make you pure.


In that lust and Gochi meeting I saw Batya properly for the first time, She was closest to Guruji.

And I wanted to replace her.


Who knows about our drug route? Nobody knows.

Don't lie.

Our consignments are getting seized.

Maybe Miss Yadav.

Maybe? - Huh.


I had felt hatred many times before, but I felt jealousy for the first time.

The connection I felt with Guruji, I had not felt with anyone before.

Not with mom, dad, Kukoo, nor Subhadra, with nobody.

But Guruji felt that way only with Batya.

I've thought of a name for this Kaal Granth (THE BOOK OF TIME).

Don't! Only once we enter Satya-Yuga.

When will we enter it? "Have patience O heart".

We will, shortly.

And this book will be the last Guru of that world.

With your right hand, on the right side.


We need to keep a very keen eye on everything.

According to our intel.

Mumbai is the likely target.

The truck drivers who had come in with the supply have been caught.

What's in the truck? - Nothing, Sir.

- Show me.


Stop you m*therf*cker.


Octroi has revealed these trucks have been coming for the past 3 years.

We've found a lead where the goods dropped by the truckers.

We have made a sketch too We're assuming that this Harun Bilal, Shahid's second in command.

We need to secure other places of national interest.

Financial hubs, tourist attractions, religious sites etc.

are being secured by the forces.

All the cash from the RBI vault is being relocated.

Central oil companies' fuel is being transported.


Take the pill, Sardarji.

Else, the hand won't stop shaking.

Coming up, Sir.

- Now - Sir.

- Are you ok? - Yes, Sir.

Sir, if I can get 5 minutes with Bhonsle? Not possible.

Sir, there is a connection between Hizbuddin and the ashram.

That's what you think.

What about the trucks? Someone's behind letting them through.

Will see.


Only four days remain according to your investigation.

Or it could be less, what do you think? [MARIO JOSHEPH]

Our evacuation plan is ready.


We can intermittently cancel all flights zonally, and use those aircrafts for evacuation in Maharashtra.

What if we use local and express trains? Two to 2.

2 million people can be evacuated in a day.

Ma'am we have asked the RTO for a list of all the available vehicles.

Incoming traffic from other cities will be barred.

All highway lanes will have one-way traffic.

The BSF (DEFENCE) vehicles are also on stand-by.



Your phone call would always result in one thing at our house a fight! He would just drop everything, his wife, kids, everything and run after you.

I've come to speak to you about Rohit.


He doesn't come home.

Just sleeps in the nearby temple [IN MARATHI]

or at a friend's place.


My son has definitely got wrong company.

I had met him.

Tried to make him understand, but he's very angry.

And he has a right to be and you must be well.

I couldn't save him.

I'll make him understand.

Don't worry.

- I'm going.

- Hold on.

Keep this.

- No.

- Please.





Yes, Sir [MARKAND]

Sir, have you ever seen them? You had said you would co-operate.

And I'm here.


Four-five minutes is all you have.

Joseph Sir, has asked you to try as well.



We have got an hour.

Let's see what Sartaj can do.




Have things gotten so bad that they've sent you? - Audible? - Yeah.

October 1996 was the first time you went to Croatia to Guruji's Ashram.

What did you say? October 1996 was the first time you went to Croatia Hey, Sartaj! What does that have to do with this case? Stop talking nonsense.

Between 2005 and 2015, the work done by Gaitonde for the Ashram, Import and Export Who gave the permissions and sanctions for that? What is this? [BREATHES HEAVILY]

Guruji's close-knit circle had 10 to 12 people You and Gaitonde were also a part of that Gaitonde used to send trucks full of stuff from Mandvi.

Someone high up let those trucks cross borders from Gujarat to Maharashtra.

Did you give the permission? Sartaj, I don't have time for this crap There's still 2 minutes left, Sir.

Take 'em up your ass.


Speak up.

- Oh, shit! - What's your connection to Ganesh Gaitonde Are you drunk, m*therf*cker? Leave me, m*therf*cker! How does the m*therf*cker have the audacity to touch me? Bhonsle knows something.



Are you out of your mind? I don't know how did he managed to stay in your department.

He barely managed, Sir.


I'll go to Bhonsle's house to apologize.

Yes, please.

We don't want him calling the press and talking rubbish.

Let me handle this.


Illegal drug traces have been found in your blood stream.

You're suspended from the SIT.

Sir Majid, keep an eye on him.

Sir, one second Sir.

Sir, I think Sartaj was asking Bhonsle about the trucks.

- So? - Sir, I've also received a tip.

that an insider is involved in giving clearance for the trucks.

Who? Don't know, Sir.



I listened to your advice I found a Guru.

Wish you luck.

What did you say at home while coming here? Nasik (INDIAN CITY).

You Why did you choose him in particular? Why not any other Guru? Do you know of Vikarna? If he's some local don, then yes.

(MYTHOLOGICAL STORY) When Draupadi was getting r*ped, Vikarna was the only man to protest.

Our Guruji is just like him.

The entire world is on the verge of destruction, and only Guruji is speaking the truth.

KAL GRANTHA (THE BOOK OF TIME) Speak to us O' Earth, this throne is feeling the dearth.

There was a time when every king would have certain people in his court, who would spend all day having their ears touching the earth and would be able to detect horses footsteps of the enemy's army even a hundred miles away.

Today, the earth is speaking up again.

The soldiers of darkness, are quickly approaching on horseback.

The time has come to elect a commander that can hear the horses footsteps of the approaching enemy.

This someone must not be blinded by the darkness.

Ganesh, take us into Satya-Yuga.



Two years later when Guruji made me of the Satya-Yuga Project, I thought he loved me as well.

What are you doing, Guruji? Worshipping your purity.


Slowly I earned Guruji's love and Batya's place.

Today, your life of purity begins, Ganesh.


If I'd known that day what Satya Yuga had planned for my future I would have f*cking burned that monk's outfit right there.


I shouldn't get a call from the Dean.

Understood? Yes, I'll tell her.

- Anjali? - Yeah.

She's getting totally out of hand.

She stole mangoes from the Dean's orchard.


Well? Girls who play rough now, won't get roughed up when they're grown up.


Listen, you can catch Gaitonde in the morning.

Let's go to bed.

Come on.








- [g*nsh*t]

- [THUD]



What is it now? Huh? You didn't get enough of me already, the entire day? Now more questions? I've come to apologize.

Then, apologize.

I apologize On the department's behalf as well.

Parulikar, I've been playing this game for 25 years.

How many years? Twenty Five.


don't teach your daddy how to f*ck.

Leave now.



Joseph gave you Bhonsle and you Only two more minutes I would've got it out of him.

You would've got two minutes if you weren't taking dope.

It's not dope.

What was it then? You got something from the Ashram? What's the news on Shahid? Just got an update.

We've been told to stay in this area.

He'll let us know the timing.

Our team is waiting at Military Cafe.

I'm not sure, but Parulkar might have given clearance for the truck that came from Kutch How do you know? I just know it was someone from our department.

In our force, there's not a bigger bastard than him.

Did you tell Joseph? There's no proof.

but I hinted at it.

Parulkar's a bastard.

Why do you play on his side so much? To hide my name.

It's much more beneficial to be known as Parulkar's man, than Majid Khan.




Yeah Did Shahid call? [MAJID]

Yeah, I'm coming.

Stay here.



Go speak to the owner.

Guruji had made me the commander, at the time, I had no idea why.

I found out after 3 years It was my duty to keep an eye on Bombay, after coming to the ashram I had become slightly drowsy.

But that day, Guruji planned on shaking everyone up.

The world was about to change again.

This is Satya-Yuga and this is Kali-Yuga.

We need to go from Kali-Yuga into Satya-Yuga.


The journey is long It'll take some time.

How will we go? The earth is dying with the burden of our weight cancer has metastasized.

Our lack of humanity is bleeding us dead, by a million cuts every day.

Who here doesn't get the thought at least once a day that it'd be better if this world ends today rather than tomorrow.

However, there is a way out, which in scientific terms is called a wormhole.

Time and space can be bent to reach from one end to the other in a flash.

Kali-Yuga is slow death.

We need to speed up this process.

We need to make sacrifice.

Are you people ready for sacrifice? - Are you ready? - Yes! Yes! Ganesh? Yes! I'm ready.






You work for Shahid Khan? It's not necessary that every question has just one answer.

Gaitonde and Guruji's connection Yours and Batya's connection Dilbagh Singh and Ashram's connection What is the meaning of all this? Gaitonde dying in front of you wasn't a coincidence, but destiny.

The two of us meeting here isn't chance, but fate.

The stars have chosen you to succeed where Gaitonde failed.

You will find all the answers you desire, by following the footsteps of your father.


All life on earth was born from a single cell.


Over time as this cell mutated, it gave birth to new organisms.

All it needed was a small push in the right direction.

To cause the creation of a new being.

There exist three important historical conflicts in the world.

South and North Korea Second, Israel and Palestine Third, the biggest one India and Pakistan.

They have been at w*r for over 70 years.

And this is not a w*r of religion or nations [GURUJI]

This is a w*r of civilization.

We have the next 9 years to push this world into the next stage of evolution.

The world will remain unstable for the next 9 years.

There will be financial difficulties in America, discord in the Arab world New dictators will rise to power around the globe.

The people from the first-world countries will fight over global warming.

The Earth beneath us all, is ridden with waiting mines.

One small step in the wrong direction will cause calamity.

All we need to do is set one off between the borders of Pakistan and India.

Which will cause an expl*si*n so big, The flames will lure everyone else in the fire.

If any of you wishes to leave this Satya-Yuga project is free to do so.

My love for you will always remain You can go.

Do you remember what we spoke about Sacrifice? The time has come for another sacrifice.



A new man will be born with this new world with the sole purpose of achieving the peace and truth of our ancestor the first single cell.

Time the master of the universe and life, omnipresent like nuclear energy and ever consuming We will capture and control time with a nuclear blast.

Precisely 9 years from today, there will be a nuclear blast And we shall return to the nucleus that first created us.