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02x02 - Siduri

Posted: 03/11/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
You think we're f*cking fools? Your phone data is revealed.

Who joined virtual training of Hizbuddin for two weeks last year, on Facebook Live? Bhide - Bring me some hot water.

- Yes, Sir.

Was it you? Do you think we're fools, that we've brought you here for amusement? Huh? Do you really need any reason to pick up a Muslim? Find out who else is there in their family.

Have we picked up anyone else? Okay, Sir.

We'll have to try another way.

Didn't sleep, yet? These are your father's belongings.

You were listening to Guruji's preachment yesterday? Prabhjot Singh Thane West Papa had joined the Ashram? He never mentioned it? He never hid anything.

But you were at Nanded at that time on your first posting? My dear, Prabhjot, I'm doing well.

Today was the 3rd day of Nashik event.

Guruji said something, in his preachment that shook me But his words always have multiple meanings Ok, I'm going off to bed.

I wonder why he called me his Ashwathama.

Hello? Just tell me one thing, Does one give or receive gifts on Eid? Gaitonde! Switch on your TV watch.

There's a surprise for you.

Hussein Rehmaani allegedly handled Suleiman Isa's black money and funneled the money into the African drug trade.

If sources are to be believed Suleiman Isa is involved with the infamous Dubai cartel.

This my Eid gift, in advance.

You've nothing to give or take.

the first of the planned You ran away from Bombay only to become the government's dog.

Huh? I heard that they put you on a leash and take you for a walk.

And you serve them all the info that you have sniffed out.

I'll sniff my way to you.

Try pulling your leash it won't reach me, here.

Hewas right, Sardar Ji, that's why it irked me.

I've to reach same level if I want to reach Isa.

It was year 1995, One Ganesh idols were drinking milk, but other Ganesh was getting thirstier.

Hey you fat ass, don't itch your nose? Do it with virility, m*therf*cker.

Work faster.

Listen you You don't have the fuse to that button which makes you hard, once I cut the wire you'll never get a boner in your life.

You d*ck.

To reach Isa's status, I tried each and every shit job.

At times put money on white powder and at times on black rhinos.

We'll give you $2,000.

No, no my friend, $2,000 that's way to less.

This a rhino horn.

Okay, the powder makes you a real man.


Gives you the energy to you know Look, there's huge demand of this, in China.

And in Kerala So its a deal? But every business was over crowded like a cattle class.

- Hey, Harsha? - Yes? I want to live with you.

Are you crazy? I'm married.

Don't you love me? Huh? You know, what happens in the underwear, on the bed is not called love.

You scared of Purushottam? He worships me.

And that's the problem.

I'm his goddess not wife.

Then let's also make our relationship divine.

Lea - What're you doing? - Come here! Now you go.


Push me! Push! Take down the number.

Willson Kamau.

He's a friend.

If you've any problem then call him.

Willson, he's Ganesh Gaitonde, aka Vivian Shah.

- Hello! - Hello.

Two shipments have left for India.

Army I mean they're carrying g*ns of Kenyan Army.

Some general is messing with it.

Yadav Ma'am's life was like a suspense mystery film.

She had a kid daughter in India.

Hello, Pilu? How's your cough, baby? Yadav ma'am casually mentioned that Isa has 50% stake in 'Gentleman', a premium whiskey brand of Kenya.

Now, I found my plan to bring Isa to Kenya.

Let's f*ck up Gentleman! I stole Gentleman, and called Kanta.

She taught me how to bootleg whiskey.

Mathu also became expert in making hooch Boss, it's very easy.

Just insert the coin and start betting.

Nobody must have seen it there.

Bunty offered a smart business idea.

He brought Bombay's game to Kenya.

Video games were a kind of lottery.

Cards, betting all on the computer.

We opened a casino called 'Cuckoo' and began bootlegging whiskey through it.

That whiskey guaranteed one thing it would k*ll 2 out of 10 who drank it.

I started butt-f*cking Isa when 20% of workers went on strike.

And also told Bunty to f*ck up Parulkar.


Bring the phone to my ear.

Didn't smack hard enough? - Took off his undies? - No, boss.

Do some batting with the undies off, and give him the phone.

Give him the phone.

Take off undies of this bastard.

How're you, Parulkar Sir? I told you at that time don't leave me alive.

Well this is like a slow ball of cricket.


Isa boss.

I want Gaitonde's g*ng to be dead.

I want them extinct from the Earth.

You tell me, how can it be done? My Gentleman plan hit bull's eye.

People got hospitalized due to drinking bootleg whiskey, within a year.

And the factory faced protests.

Now Isa would surely need to come to Kenya.

Everything was going well, but I couldn't forget Bombay.

I used to call two people, whenever I missed Bombay.

One was Jojo.

Father, bless me for I have sinned.

It's been 3 days since my last confession.

Yes Jojo, go on.

Father, last night I tried again.

Why do you seek the end so hungrily my child? If I were seeking I would have surely got it by now.

Did I get it? Death is a coward's way out.

Living through your guilt is true atonement.

And the second was Dilbagh Singh who never picked my call.

While crossing the street, two men on motorbikes approached us Hey, Dilbagh.

You served so much water to Gaitonde, give some to this lady as well.

Parulkar got his promotion and left him hanging.

Add 250 grams of onion, 50 grams of ginger.

How much? It's ok Sir, leave it, I don't need money from you 'cause you're the friend of Gaitonde Sir.

The almighty talks to us in stories.

Joining our stories, connecting them, putting us in each other's life.

If he has hurt you, perhaps it was only to save someone else at that moment in another part of the world, escaped from an accident.

Longer ringtone, it must be him.

Don't pick it.

Sartaj! I'll check it.

How was that? Why did you take the call? Go and finish your meal.

Why do you keep annoying us? We don't want anything from you.

What is the grouse with all you fathers? You saved my life, otherwise f*cking Parulkar would have k*lled me.

Look, I saved your life, 'cause I thought they would k*ll you.

I go to the temple every week, and at the very same time I had to sit in front of you every week, in the prison.

First I was like, "why I'm here with this criminal, instead of serving the Lord.

" Do you need an apology from me? Do you believe in God? What? Do you believe in God? No.

If God didn't exist, how would humans get the idea of an entity like God? You only have one option, now.

You must dedicate yourself to the God.

I told you I don't believe in God.

If not God, you must have belief in human? So, find anyone who can guide you to God.

Who? Any saint Any sage Any Guru Guru.

There are many.

So, there must be one for you.

Search one.

This is Anjali's diary.

We found it at Trivedi's house.

Sir, we've found these numbers in Anjali's diary.

Put these numbers on 'permanent tracing'.

Yes, Sir.

Aham Brahmasmi.

Welcome Aham Brahmasmi.

Raise your hands up.

Please change your clothes here.

What's your work profile? I've my own business.


What're your expectations? I'm going through a divorce process.

I've heard this place gives you inner peace.

My name is Batya Abelman.

I oversee this Ashram.

Pushkar told me that you've come here seeking peace.


My father used to tell me that Guruji possessed a great deal of tranquility.

His voice His words Are still with us.

How long have you been with Ashram? It's been a very long time.

Now, it feels, it's been 4-5 life spans.

Then you must have witnessed the era of 20 years before.

When the Ashram's foundation was laid in Croatia.

It was a great time.

My father used to tell me that rich businessmen and famous leader visited Guruji.


He would treat everybody the same.

Famous gangsters would visit as well? That's what I've heard.

Guruji never sent anyone back.

So, has any mafia don ever reformed? We don't reform people, Sartaj.

We just give them perspective.

I want to ask you.

What do we learn from Gilgamesh? We learn that the pursuit of power and control is as futile as the pursuit for immortality.

We learn to enjoy the gift of life.

Ther's a herbal tea placed next to you.

For this solitude exercise drink the tea.

Close your eyes.

Let the energy seep in.

Lie back on your meditation mats.

Stretch your legs feel comfortable.

And relax.

Aham Brahmasmi You take too much stress, Sir.

Son Don't be ashamed.

You tried your best.

What is life if not an exercise in in replenishing losses? Loss is the essence of living.

The elixir.

When everything starts seeming meaningless only then the desire Who's this? A Guru.

I met him in jail, just like you.

Your Hindi is broken, and his is too complex.

I'm learning Hindi.

You have such huge contacts.

So, can you help me to get an Indian Passport? Why do you want to go to India? To do modeling.

With this mushroom nose? Doctor will change it.

Well, I can't go to India.

Will you forget me when you'll become a model? Will you teach me how to kiss? Boss.

Trivedi is here.

And Isa has come to Nairobi.

Will learn some other time.

- Thank you.

- What's up Trivedi? You get high on milk? Much more than this.

Guruji says that no other drink gets you more high than milk.

Why does everything you say revolve around that f*cking Guru? Because Guru solves the riddles of life.

Dilbag Singh had also told me to find a Guru.

What will I get by finding a guru? You'll get answers, for each and every question.

How does he know all the answers? He has spent years in austerity.

With a pure mind, and distinct thinking.

There's not an iota of darkness in him.

I suggest, for you also to believe in Guruji.

Because in the future, he's going to be our guiding light.

Should I have him speak to you? Huh? Aham Brahmasmi.

Yeah, yeah.

How are you Ganesh? You said I'd stay alive, hence I am.

Trivedi keeps me updated with your progress.

But you still have various tests to face.

Here's a test, Trivedi told me you've all the answers so I made this call.

So you're testing me, Ganesh? Go ahead.

I've had something chocking my throat for years.

I'm going to remove it tomorrow.

You tell me, will I be able to do it? No, you won't.

Why? There's someone with you who doesn't want it to happen.

Who? The one who is your poison, and your elixir, both.

The one who's also impressed and worried with your energy.

There's no need for such details, just give me name, I'll finish him first.

There's a differences in telling future and sensing future, Ganesh.

I don't get what he's saying, you try.

Greetings Guruji.

Yes, Trivedi.

He wanted to talk to you, that's why I called you.

If you allow me I'll hang up the call.

It's okay.

Yes boss, there's one more car, coming to the airport.

Keep following them.

Give me a signal as they reach the tarmac.

Hey, cover their mouths with cloth.

Gag them.

Are you afraid? Huh? Do you remember everything? Yes.

Don't be nervous.

Give a hot towel to that m*therf*cker as he enters the plane.

He'll put it on the face, and get unconscious.

Listen, get out of here.

What did you get by screwing me over? I won't stop until I open up his skull.

Save him if you can.

There was an attack on the Indian Embassy in Tanzania, last month.

The one behind it, is more dangerous than Isa.

He wants to wipe India off the world map! Then let him.

India isn't my responsibility.

I just want to f*ck up Isa.

Bombay will also suffer with India.

And I'm sure, that matters to you.

The way to this man is through Isa.

And this man is as important to me as Isa is to you.

We've checked with our Russian resources.

The Pakistanis have moved the spent nuclear fuel that was stolen from Ukraine and docked at the Malindi port in Kenya.

What was the quantity? Six-hundred kilos.

We will wait for 600kg to come in? No red flags, nothing? Any word from Beagle? We've put a collar, but he's still not started barking.

- Sir, we can't wait more.

- I agree.

PMO is also very concerned.

What about those Hizbuddin boys? Any word? We're checking their backgrounds.

They'll talk.

When? Sir, we're trying a different route.

We'll let you know.

- What now inspector? - Who's Wilson? Ever heard this name? He's the brother of that Hizbuddin guy.

His name is Saad.

Hasn't been home for a week.

How old is he? Twenty-one.

The locals here are saying the cops picked him up.

Was he brawling? I asked the PI here.

He said he did'nt get any report here.

But I've told him to find out.

I'll drive, Sir.

Zoya, come here quickly.

Their people are gunning down our soldiers every single day.

I want to know.

And India wants to know that why has a Pakistani woman been lying to us - for 20 whole years.

- f*cking shit.

Why did you leak it? I told you that I've nothing else to say.

You must have.

Gaitonde's friends, family or enemy? Anyone of that time? No.

No? And Wilson? Who's this Wilson? When you remember something, I'll tell you a solution to this problem.

Look, Awaiz.

Just tell me who were you printing this for.

Hmm? Just tell me.


Start speaking.

Start speaking.

Start it! Start, just speak! Speak, speak, Man.

Majid! Majid! - Wait a second.

- Enough.

Majid! Enough.

Come on.

Drink it.

Your brother's missing.

His name is Saad, right? You people must have picked him.

He's just a kid.

He was never involved in any wrong thing.

When was the last time you met him? It's been 10 days.

And you didn't file any report because if the police had come, they would find this bullshit in your press? We're looking for him in every circle.

We'll find out in the next 4-5 hours.

But before this, tell me, have you ever met him? Don't be afraid.

He's Shahid Khan.

I saw his face on Facebook.

He doesn't live in India.

He has firm belief that one day Gazwa-e-Hind will happen.

The time for that has come.

I don't know anything else.

I was assigned to deliver all the papers to Ghazala Bibi's home in Kamathipura.

Ghazala Bibi? Nasreen had been come to me 2 years ago from Hyderabad.

She learnt the business quickly but She got involved 'cause a bastard client influenced her.

- Which client? - I don't know, Sir.

She used to go for months.

She went this time as well.

Don't know what disease she picked.

Where's Nasreen now? In the beginning it seemed like STD.

But its growing so fast.

we haven't received the medical report's yet I cant say for certain, but it could be some kind of nuclear radiation.



Why'd you call? They screwed me up.

Who did? Just like you've one Jesus in your life, I also have mine.

But mine is a false god and a demon, always escapes.

He has good luck.

If I get his horoscope, I'd know what time to k*ll him.

The ones who can get early deaths are very fortunate.

My life-line is on a never ending track.

You talk about death as if you have a doctorate in all this.

Have you ever seen death, face to face? Not as much as you.

But whenever I have, I've always stood firm against it.

Tried embracing it as well, but again luck wasn't on my side.

Wish I could have guts like you.

I would trick death into taking me with it.

You can't die until we meet.

I swear I'm dying to meet you.

There's no one in the world I dial just like that.

Why didn't you meet when I was in Bombay? Not Bombay, it's Mumbai.

Hey m*therf*cker, even if I call you Kuckoo, Momo you won't remain Jojo? Don't call me a m*therf*cker.

This is the second time you called me that, this is my last warning to you.

Do you have any problem with this word? Hey you f*gg*t, I told you, you can abuse me with whatever words but don't use this word nor say with love.

Understand? Speak.

I forgot what I had to say.


Bye then.


Tell me.

How did he find out that Ma'am will betray me? Did you say something? I had told you.

He has all the answers.

But how? Only he can tell.

Do you wanna meet Guruji? Huh? Wanna meet? Time is radioactive.

It decays.

And it stays forever.

It is a circle.

And this circle of time is divided into four eras.

4 Yugas.

Satya Yuga.

Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga.

The first one is Satya Yuga.

The Yuga of truth.

The Yuga of purity.

And you know that purity is like cocaine means high class cocaine.

You know how Satya Yuga ended? Sexual jealousy.

Your orgasm.

Your orgasm is the biggest force inside you.

If you control it.

You win.

There was something in that guy.

He was aware of the past and future.

And then the third one.

Dwapara Yuga.

Power and narcissism f*ck each other and give birth to the thing that we all love.


He said man is f*cking himself because of greed and lust.

And entered in Kali Yuga from Satya Yuga.

A time when w*r is business.

Religion is business.

Love is business.

Music is business.

And now, there's only one way to get out from this Kali Yuga.

If you stop eating Vitamin C what will happen to you? Scurvy.

Yes, scurvy, someone said it.

And after that your oldest wounds, childhood wounds will come back.

Because nothing goes away.

Our oldest memories our deepest joys everything is inside us.

We just have to control our diet.

Our spiritual emotional diet and we'll find Satya Yuga again.


That's how he became my third father.

He told me that to keep our digestive system in order, all the poisons we put in our stomach, soul, heart, and blood, it is essential to keep track and know of.

It's a must that we're aware of it.

Otherwise we'll never know which poison might turn into cancer and f*ck us up.

He said that we all have our universe in our asses.

- Because