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01x04 - Brahmahatya

Posted: 03/11/24 19:00
by bunniefuu
Why don't you glue your head to the TV? Don't let your food sit.

Eat it.

Get me a cable box.

I'll record it and watch later.

- Did you apply for the computer classes? - Yes.

What's the class called? What is it? Magi-Tech.

- Mom! - Look at me! Start attending those classes, or else I'll bash your head into the TV.

Got it? - Let it go.

- Why should I let it go? Does money grow on trees? m*therf*cker.

Give me the phone.

- It's Mr.


- Give it to me! - Let me check - Practice what you preach.

- I'm switching it off.

- Nag, nag, nag.

His car has arrived at the bungalow.

Nayanika's camera is in place.

She's waiting for Bunty.

He's there.

He's sitting next to her.

Do they bring your food on time on set? Everyone on set was talking about Gaitonde.

Your friend? My friend? Who told you that? Did I ever say Gaitonde was my friend? - Did I? - No.

- I didn't, right? - No.

Then who told you? Tell me! Ma'am, what's happening? I asked you a question, didn't I? Who told you?! Who asked you about him?! Do you go to the set to work or to gossip? What's happening? Tell me! Who told you? Who told you? f*cking - Get out of there.

- What's happening in there? m*therf*cker! He's seen the camera! Get out! Mr.

Sartaj Singh.

Weren't you the last person to see Gaitonde alive? He had such shitty luck.

Anything in his pockets? Destroy it.

Anything else? - Keep this.

- Okay.

Return this when he leaves.

It'll be useful on traffic duty.

- What's this? - I also found this.

Don't eat this shit.

Your manhood will shrink from this to this.

Really? Then I'll have to beat women to feel like a man.

Are you a man? Let me see.

You are Superman, right? Show me.

Why did Gaitonde come back? What will happen in 25 days? Straight from Sonu, the pickpocket, to Gaitonde.

What crazy luck you have.

Anjali Mathur.

She's a senior officer from Delhi.

So? Do you want me to marry her? She'll talk to you.

It's for your own good.

Don't get sucked into this.

I'm getting out.

After tonight, I'll be far away from this shit.

Got it? Now, f*ck off.

She's coming with me.

She's not.

She's going away.

Far, far away.

Take him away.

Be respectful.

Treat him well.

He's come here for the first time.

- Move! - Treat him extremely well.

Let's go.

Stop! Get out! Give me your phone.

Where are you? With the target, in Wadala.

Near Bhakti Park Station.

He's stopped here.

Take me to Wadala.

He's going to k*ll the girl.

Two trucks have stopped.

The trucks are following his car.

He put the girl in a different car.

Follow the target, I'll look for the girl.

She's my informer.

I promised to protect her.

I'll follow the girl.

Send me the license number.

f*ck! Where's my money? f*ck you, Katekar.

Got it.


What about the rest? Interpol and RAW are out to f*ck us.

It will be difficult to get you out of the country.

Didn't you promise me that you'd get me out of the country before June 17th if I give you the stuff? - Yes, we still have 20 days.

- Really? You think Bunty's an idiot? Do I look like a dickhead to you? I'm in this because of Gaitonde.

I have nothing to gain here.

- I have nothing to do with your shit.

- Kishore, start loading the stuff.

Hey! I'm not done talking! I'll deal with you later, m*therf*cker.

I'll shove an umbrella up your ass and open it.

I'm warning you.

Got it? Let's go.

What should we do with him, sir? He's a cop.

Burn his clothes and body separately.

Rajiv Gandhi did the same thing.

He dealt with Shah Bano and the country separately.

In 1986, Shah Bano's husband divorced her.

She took him to court and won the case.

But our former PM, Rajiv Gandhi, a p*ssy, overturned the court's judgment and threw Shah Bano to the mullahs.

The Hindus criticized him for this.

He had the Ramayan show aired on TV to please them.

Every Sunday morning, the entire country was glued to the TV.

Bunty was no exception.

Bunty understood that religion could open many doors.

The prime minister's trick worked wonders.

Until your motherland is taken back from those pigs You m*therf*cker, give me back my cassette! Give it back! m*therf*cker! - Why the f*ck are you breaking it?! - Shut up, m*therf*cker! What were you listening to? Talk about destroying mosques, m*therf*cker? Have you lost it? Thinking of destroying mosques? I will listen to whatever the f*ck I want! I don't need your permission! - Show me what you can do! You dickhead! - Wait, I'll show you.

Your sister is waiting for me.

f*ck you, you c**t! You assh*le! f*cking c**t! You m*therf*cker! What are you doing?! f*ck around in here again and next time it'll be boiling oil! Why are you into these Muslim guys? Does he even get an erection? Keep working, m*therf*cker.

He sticks it in deeper than you ever could.

You bitch, I swear Forget it.

Stupid bitch.

I'll k*ll you and that Muslim guy.

f*ck off.

- You f*cking whore.

I'll - Bunty! Come here.

She's your sister.

Chotta Badriya loves her.

He'll give her a home and respect.

She'll be happy.

She's already happy, and she has a home too.

All you do is beat her up.

Do you like beating women? f*ck all of you.

Women are goddesses! No.

Why won't you let me turn you over? If you want to experience my magic, you can, but only on my terms.

Does Isa kiss men in front of everyone? - That's how they greet each other.

- But he didn't say "hello.

" That's how they say hello.

I want that car.

Ask me and you'll get it all.

What is your magic all about? Never ask a magician to reveal her secrets.


I went to the temple.

I've brought the offerings for you.

How about this? Please have some, sir.

Is this also the goddess' offerings? No, sir.

It's an advance.

Bipin is contesting the election in Morwad.

- Will he win? - Yes, sir.

It's dominated by Marathi-speaking people.

There are a few from Gujarat and Marwar, but they're all Hindus.

Why has he come here? The Lalgarh area in Gopalmath.

That slum is Won't they vote for him? No.

Sir, how will I get Muslim votes? What do you want from me? If the Muslims don't vote, we'll win.

I told you that I don't want to get into this Hindu-Muslim shit.

Come here.

This is Badriya.

He's a Muslim.

We're friends.

That's Bunty a Hindu devotee.

We're all friends.

Gaston and Pascal as well.

And there's the Parsi guy.

He's my cook.

I may be a bad guy but I'm not like you.

So don't come back here Bipin Bhonsle.




Bhonsle! Mr.

Bhonsle! Mr.



Bhonsle, I'm Bunty.

I helped your father buy a piece of land.

I fought the union guys.

Took it right from under Faruk Chand's builder's nose.

Deepak Shinde? I broke Faruk Chand's hand with a steel pipe.

You talk too much.

What do you want? Sir, this is your first election.

You came to Mr.

Gaitonde for help.

If you win, you'll make me one of your aides, right? He doesn't give a f*ck about the election.

Sir, he's a businessman.

He'll help you for the right price.



assh*le! Who the f*ck are you to negotiate for me? Boss there won't be any issues.

You have Kukoo.

You have her magic.

- Gaitonde, hear him out.

- Shove that offer up your ass.

Boss, 50 lakh rupees.

Democracy is worth 50 lakh rupees.

Boss, that's the same price as Isa's car.

Who says Kukoo's magic doesn't work? Rolls-Royce, baby.

Is it real, baby? I hated Bhonsle, but doing business with him taught me a valuable lesson.

g*ns, dr*gs, real estate, all of those were small-time.

The real business was politics.

Even before India became a country, people have been using religion to sway political decisions.

When I got involved with Bhonsle, the mafia became integral to religion and politics.

A new era began in India.

The game wasn't between Gaitonde and Isa anymore.

It was between the Hindus and the Muslims.

Have faith in us.

I'll take care of everything.

Gaitonde! Come out! Long live India, sir.

I told you to give me a daily update.

Not much has happened.

I want Bunty.

Get him before anyone else does.

- Other agencies are also involved.

- They're not based in Mumbai.

You are.

My wife turned my phone off.

Wives They were emptying water from the tanks and filling them with something else.

- What was it? - I don't know.

Who was the other guy? He didn't look Indian.

- Was he a foreigner? - Maybe.

Bunty will be out of the country by the 16th.

That's when the 25 days will end.

Where is Nayanika? Markand, I have a lead.

Was it here? f*ck! Are you a man or a horse? Bunty's gone.

Isn't he the reason we're here? Don't you understand? She'll just use you, then throw you away.

They call it collateral damage.

You've created an elaborate theory based on a local cop's word.

Move aside, fucker.

The cr*pple has called me.

Brother, staying away from your holy presence - Did you find out about Gaston and Pascal? - No.

The police came looking for you.

They've arrested two of my waiters.

I'm sh1tting myself here and you're worried about your waiters.

- How will I get out of here? - Did I tell you to get stuck in this? You're getting old.

- Control your temper.

- Shut up.

- Get to the point.

- Serve the food! What do you think? It doesn't make any difference now.

Understand? I'm asking you something! Look at me! Talk to me! Eat, or else I'll shove it up your ass! You think you're a goddess? If you're a goddess, then I'm a demon! A demon! What are you gonna do? You think you can hit me? You c**t.

Sit! Sit there! Everyone is looking for me because of you! I won't tolerate this anymore.

Got it? What are you looking at? I told you to serve me food, didn't I? Does this look like a show to you? Call Shivaji.


Come here.

What's the name of that whore from RAW? Anjali Mathur.

Get her number.

He called me out of the blue after ten years.

He asked me for a favor.

I do as he says.

Who's k*lling Gaitonde's men? Why do you want to leave the country? What's going to happen on the 16th? Ma'am, don't you know how deals work? - What's in it for me? - What do you want? I'll tell you everything.

Just get me out of here.

Out of this country.

Out of India.


We'll pick you up in three hours.

You'll be taken to a safe house.

Don't go in there.

She'll die if she doesn't eat.

Please eat.

Call Sartaj Singh.

There's a street next to the Nagpada bus depot in Ambedkar Nagar.

RAW is taking him away in two hours.

Who? The girl asked me to call you.

What happened? Bunty, I know where he is.

- Where? - He's made a deal with RAW.

He'll be out of the country in two and a half hours.

If we arrest him before that, we'll have all the information.

I need backup.

Why did you come here? RAW doesn't have enough people? Did she f*ck you over? Bunty has my informer.

Her life is in danger.

Then it's easy.

Call for backup.

On one condition.

Junaid was armed.

He fired and ran.

I warned him to surrender.

He turned, pointed the g*n at me and was going to pull the trigger.

I had to sh**t him.

A man sweeps his dirt under the rug to show the world how clean he is.

I invested my black market money and launched an airline in Paritosh's name.

What are you doing here? - It's my airline.

- Are you trying to ruin the business? Two guys from the press have already asked me who's financed this.

You or Gaitonde.

Get out.

Come upstairs and we can talk.

If you want to be in the limelight and pose for the cameras, this deal won't work.

I'm sorry, but the work you do will have to stop.

- No offense - No, continue.

Speak your mind.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Make me understand.

That Kukoo - What about Kukoo? - "What about Kukoo"? Do you have any idea what she is? And you're waltzing around in public with her? She is Big brother think before you speak.

The whores in your fashion show downstairs, all your investors did you think they landed in your lap? Are they here because of you? No, Kukoo brought them.

She used her magic hidden in her underwear.

There's extra space there, right? If you love and trust her so much, why don't you marry her? Marry her, have babies, settle down with her.

Don't worry about me.

I can buy happiness with all the money I have.

You Gaitonde, why don't you try and understand? If you want Kukoo, keep her but marry a decent girl.

Then keep Kukoo on the side, hidden.

Think about it.

I'll think about it.

- Hey.

- Where's Kukoo? Where's Kukoo? Boss, downstairs Kukoo.

- Kukoo.

- Go away! - Kukoo.

- Go away! - Open the door.

- f*ck off! Kukoo, open the door! Go away! Just go away! What do you want?! Tell me! You want to f*ck me in the ass again? Do it! Don't you get it?! That's not how you get pregnant! I can't give you children! Now go away! Go away! Do you know what I was told? They told me I was an assh*le, m*therf*cker.

A f*cking assh*le.

I was sent to f*ck and be f*cked by all of you gangsters so you don't f*ck the rest of the world.

Got it? I'm done now.

Go away.

Don't touch me.

- No, stay away from me.

- Don't hide.

- What do you want to see? - I want to see.

- What will you see? - Everything.

What do you want to see? Is this what you want to see? Is this what you want to see? I can't have children.

I can't.


Get away from me.

I know what I'll get in the end.

- One b*llet.

- No.

Either in the chest, or in the head.

Before I die, I want to have it all.

And I will have it all.

f*ck Paritosh.

I don't want your magic.

I want you.

I want your love and laughter.

I want Listen, I want to see you happy.

I want to see you smile.

I'll take care of the rest.

Paritosh thought I couldn't make my money legitimately without him.

I started my own soft drink company.

It was called Apna Cola.

It was Kukoo's idea.

Apna Cola was a failure.

I threw a party to lighten the mood.

But Kukoo's mood was off.

She thought her charm was lost because I saw her naked.

That something bad would happen.

What's wrong with you? You look worried.

You go ahead.

Let's go and party.

Why don't you ever kiss me? What do you mean? You f*ck me, day in and day out but you don't kiss me.

You're very tall.

Wait, I'll kiss you now.

- I'll bend down.

- I Wow.

You never gave a damn before, why start now? Let me Tell me that you won't die.

Why would I die? Promise me that you won't.

I promise.

I won't die.

If you stay with me they'll k*ll you.

Everything will fall apart.

You know you'll be a big shot.

You'll become more famous than Amitabh Bachchan.

Bachchan dies in Deewaar but you will shine like the sun forever.

All over Bombay.

Only Only if my baby is alive.

For Bachchan to stay alive Parveen Babi has to go.

You're not going anywhere.

You can't go.

That was the last time I saw Kukoo.

Greetings from Suleiman Isa.