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01x02 - Halahala

Posted: 03/11/24 18:59
by bunniefuu
What's this, Katekar? Did Mr.

Sartaj k*ll him? Why are you laughing? - How did he get the tip? - How would I know? - Don't lie.

- I don't know anything.

How did he surface after 15 years? - Do I look like an astrologer to you? - Why are you getting angry? My wife nags me at home.

I don't need it here.

Sartaj? - What's going on? - I received a tip, sir.

Why didn't you tell me? I had no idea, sir.

I realized when I got here.

Go to the police station.

Majid will take over the case.

It's my case, sir.

Do you have any idea what happened here? Ganesh Gaitonde has returned.

There's the press, there are other agencies.

Have you ever dealt with them? "It's my case.

" Just look at yourself.

You can't get away so easily, Mr.


You'll be back to hear my story.

Here, on this day I give you my word.

This is Bipin Bhonsle's promise.

In the next four weeks we'll make a water train operational across Maharashtra.

Every village and district will have water.

Long live India.

Long live Maharashtra.

We have the home minister here, and to welcome him, I invite our Member of Parliament, Mr.

Rajendra Joshi.

I ask him to present our honored guest, our home minister, Mr.

Bipin Bhonsle, with a bouquet - When did it happen? - Last night.

Who's the DCP? Parulkar.

Call him.

Ma'am, to your right.


Karan! - Mr.

Karan! - Ma'am, please! This is my last movie with you.

You're the worst actor I have ever worked with.

Why? Are you going to star in Superheroes with Ranbir? What do you think about the woman? Looks like an escort.

When did this become a RAW case? It's an internal matter.

- Yes, Mr.


- Did one of your men k*ll Gaitonde? No he k*lled himself.

I want a detailed report on this.

How did the RAW get involved? One of my men is with them.

I don't care about that.

If he helps the RAW officers, you will face the consequences.

Don't worry, Mr.


I'm not worried, Parulkar.

The Naxal threat in Gadchiroli is something to worry about.

You could be useful there.

Understood? Yes, sir.

I can't get through to Jojo.

I want my file.

If my name surfaces, everyone's will.

Constable Katekar got a bulldozer and we broke down the wall.

It was around 9 a.


I went in first.

The first thing I saw was a woman's dead body.

She had been shot in the face.

I went ahead, and saw Gaitonde sitting in a corner, on the chair.

He was pointing the revolver towards me.

I gave him a warning but he shot himself.

Why did he call you? I asked him the same question, sir.

He said he needed to talk.

Your father, Constable Dilbagh Singh was a cop when Gaitonde was active in Mumbai.

He was a good man, sir.

Any more details about the 25-day warning? Who? When? Where? Did he say anything? No, sir.

He just said that Mumbai will be destroyed in 25 days, - and to save it.

- Did he give any proof to make us take him seriously? Maybe he had an agenda.

He k*lled himself, sir.

In front of me.

Nobody lies when their life is about to end.

Did he mention ISI, directly or indirectly? No, ma'am.

Foreigners, neighboring countries, enemies, currencies? No, ma'am.

Not even once.

Did he say anything about the lady whose body was found there? Like Ma'am, we've checked our database.

There's no match.

Gaitonde was a womanizer.

- He was always with someone.

- I don't think she was an escort.

He said everyone will die except for Trivedi.

Who's Trivedi? I don't know, sir.

Take the report from Sartaj.

What do you think? He's a low-performing officer.

He needs anxiety pills to fall asleep.

He's put on weight in the last two years.

He's hungry for attention.

I don't know how much we can trust him.

Why did Gaitonde come back? - Is his old g*ng still active? - Is there anyone we could speak to? Bunty.

His oldest aide.

He runs a construction business and is a TV producer.

Find him.

Did you decode it? Do it quickly.

E-mail it to me.

What were you saying about that woman? She was shot in the face.

That shows that the k*ller was angry.

And if he was so angry, she was either his friend or his enemy not just an escort.

Can you get more details? What happened? High-profile cases like these ruin small-time officers like me.

Find out more and call me.

Sir, I got a call.

I investigated.

You have all the details.

If you support the department in the Bengali Bura case the department will support you.

Why, sir? For k*lling Gaitonde.

You haven't even read the report yet.

Surrender your w*apon and go home.


Gaitonde said a name.


Is it the same Trivedi? What did he say about Trivedi? Everyone will die except Trivedi.

- Is that it? - Yes.


Turn right.

People think that only cops take bribes.


- Yes? - Sir, my son Shamsul.

He hasn't returned home.

You told me to come back later.

It's been days now.

- Are you from Bengali Bura? - Yes, sir.

He must have gone to join Al-Qaeda or !sis.

Go check.

Stop bugging me.

Get lost! So annoying.

- Yes, sir.

- Why did he call me? Who, sir? Gaitonde.

He could have called anyone.

Why me? Who knows, sir? He must have known your father.

- Open it.

- Okay, sir.

I said you'd be back.

My story is like a scorpion, and it has stung you.

Until you hear the story of where I came from, you won't understand this religious conflict.

We buried our gold in the jungle outside Gopalmath.

We didn't know what to do with it.

Mathu and I would stare at it like morons every day.

We thought we would be m*rder*d if we took it somewhere.

And if we left it there, it would be stolen.

I even suspected Mathu.

I don't know if the leopard came to save Mathu or to tell me that I was not only the king of the city, but of the jungle as well.

When I looked into its eyes without fear, I felt like I was God.

It told me to think big.

Bombay is filthy rich.

Ravage it.

In 1985, the mother died and her son became the prime minister.

He got involved in the Bofors scam.

I thought if the prime minister was dishonest how could I walk down a straight path? The plan to win over Bombay was clear in my mind.

First, find a rich man who can launder your money.

Paritosh Shah.

My friend, brother, treasurer, everything.

Money made us very close.

One wife, three kids, and a tiny shop.

The fucker worshiped his safe.

Money was his religion.

And I knew how to make a religious man my follower.

The next step in the plan was to start a g*ng.

In Nagpada Masjid Bunder, there was a g*ng down every alley.

So, I came to Kailashpada.

I found new members here.

Bada Badriya, tall and muscular.

He prayed five times a day and worked out ten times.

And his brother, Chotta Badriya.

He couldn't keep it in his pants, but he was very loyal.

Hey, take your brother.

He threw up on my bed.

You m*therf*cker! f*ck off! I started the g*ng and then waited, like a cheetah.

Now we needed a sharp mind.

Someone who knew every shady m*therf*cker in the area - and would direct me to the treasure.

- You assh*le! Don't be a d*ck to the waiter.

If you bullshit me, I'll throw you out with the trash.

Get the f*ck out of here.

Get out.

I don't want any trouble.

- You don't wear lipstick.

- I didn't put much on.

No one's told me to wear it before.

- I love red.

- I love blue.

You fucker! You're drunk, get lost.

Get out of here and don't come back.

Get out of here or I'll hit you in the face! I'll use my sandals.

Are you going or not? - Ganesh Gaitonde.

- So? Should I worship you? - Get out.

- I saw your place.

So what? - I'm a regular there.

- Everyone is.

Now get the f*ck out.

- I'm coming for a drink.

- Get lost! I'll come for a drink.

Then I met Kanta Bai.

She was brave, but she wouldn't help me at first.

I started a moonshine business with her to convince her.

Her liquor was top-notch.

Her business grew tenfold.

Then she told me everything.

Kanta Bai said Bombay's riches were in its garbage.

There was a f*cking garbage mafia.

Gopalmath's garbage dump stretched five kilometers long.

It churned out 70 lakh rupees worth of garbage every day.

Everything was on sale.

Chairs, drums, the broken neck of a guitar, everything.

And Momin was the king.

My final plan was to replace Momin.

I want to build a house in Gopalmath.

In the garbage.

And I'll do it for sure.

The land you're talking about where Gopalmath is you were right.

It belongs to the government.

The auction will take place here.

If you want your name on the list you'll have to pay up.

Double the amount.

We'll have to bribe everyone.

I want ten plots.

You'll get them.

All ten.

It will be done.

I'll have the papers ready.

Pay the money, and I'll prepare the documents.

Okay? I'm off.

You'll get the money.

But if you try to f*ck me around, I'll chop you up and feed you to the dogs.

I promise you.

There was a part of Mumbai within my reach.

And there was another part, alive, glittering, and unattainable.

- Where are you going? - Inside.

Where else? Do you know what's inside? What? It's the boss's den, man.

It's not for beggars.

Go get wasted in some shady local bar.

Understood? Get lost.

Friend, we're not beggars.

We have a lot of money.

If that could get you in, half of Bombay would be in there.

Know your place and f*ck off.

Just as the Taj Mahal enchants people when they see it for the first time, I felt the same when I saw Isa for the first time.

The only difference was that people take photos of the Taj Mahal.

I wanted to bring Isa down.

Who was that guy who just went inside? Suleiman Isa.

Have you heard of him? Suleiman Isa.

I couldn't get my mind off his nice car and the pretty lady.

Hey, get out of the way! Listen, you assh*le all your talk of buying my land will get you k*lled.

Shut up and get the f*ck out of here.

If I ever see you again Fucker! Police Inspector Parulkar.


Your first case has been registered at the Kailashpada Police Station.

IPC 435.

Do you have a lot of money? Is it too heavy? Where do you live? Gopalmath.

That's a garbage dump.

f*cking swine.

No wonder you stink.

Around here, I see beggars like you end up dead every day.

Leave Kailashpada.

What did you think? That you would come here and become a big man with your money? Millions of people come here every day and creep into the sewage like bugs.

They get squashed.

If you want to stay alive, you need to be brave.

If you want to be a big man, you need to be brave.

You're packing? You can come if you want to.

Where are you going? Back home.

Why? Are you done? Let it be.

Are you scared? Tell me.

- Tell me.

- Yes, I'm scared! I don't want to die in a brawl.

Mathu left for his village.

Parulkar had spotted me.

My name was in his files now.

The municipality guy, Talpade, took my money and told Momin about me.

The municipality was Momin's.

Parulkar was Momin's.

Kailashpada was Momin's.

I was losing everything.

Momin? He wants us both to leave.

The municipality guy, Talpade, was the first to die.

Then there was the fuel.

Momin's business, worth 20 crore rupees, was reduced to ashes overnight, and his body was never found.

The smoke hung thick over Bombay for five days.

From Borivali to Byculla, everyone knew that Kailashpada had a new boss.

Ganesh Gaitonde.

Hello, Mom.

You haven't slept yet? We both have this problem.

We don't get enough sleep.

Your father was the only one who slept soundly.

Switch off the TV and you'll be able to sleep.

Gaitonde is all over the news.

Weren't you there? Some of your officers were there, including Parulkar.

He's in your department, isn't he? - Yes.

- It would've been nice to see you.

I thought I missed it.

No, Mom, you didn't.

I wasn't there.

When are you coming home? It's been seven months.

Yes, Mom.

I'll come home soon.

- I'll talk to you later.


- Bye.


Is your Istanbul posting confirmed? All the action is there.

Doesn't seem like it.

What do you mean? Still obsessed with working in the field? If a man wants to work in the field, it's passion.

If a woman wants to, it's obsession.

You're a good analyst, do what you do best.

Did you find out about Gaitonde's man? Bunty, the one in construction? All his offices and bank accounts have been sealed.

Let's see, we need to push more.

He must be waiting for things to settle.

If he comes out now, a rival g*ng will k*ll him.

Markand, there is no rival g*ng.

If I say something, you won't take it badly? You don't want to prove yourself in the field.

I think you're doing this because your father died in the field.

I've been hearing that since the academy.

It's been 16 years.

Listen, take me to the office.

Easy! Oh, dear.

It's all black and blue.

It's infected.

When is the government going to give you the money for the treatment? I inquired yesterday.

The documents have been submitted to the ministry.

"The documents have been submitted to the ministry.

" It's been ten years since 26/11.

Why did you take the b*llet? Why did you risk your life? And what did you get? A trophy and that's it.

My dear, you've been telling me this every night for the past ten years.

Am I sitting in the police station now? I am here, in our house, with you.

Why are you nagging me? I'm nagging? That Sikh has performed black magic on you.


What "hey"? Do you get overtime to wander around with him? His wife left him and now you're stuck with him all day.

- Yes, sir.

- I've found her car.

I'll send you the license number.

Find out who the owner is.

Okay, sir.

What do you want? I have a little work matter.

It's urgent.

You're screwed, and now you want me to be screwed as well.

I didn't come here to beg.

It's important, and it won't take more than five minutes.


Sartaj is stuck.

This is a huge case.

We just need a little help.

Hurry up! - Holy shit.

- Does it hurt? I don't know what to do.

My wife says that a trip to Shirdi will fix everything.

We don't have the money to pay for better treatment.

Did Parulkar say anything? "Lie in court and you'll be fine speak the truth and get f*cked.

" Then do it, sir.

- Lie? - Yes.

These Bengali Bura Bangladeshis m*therf*ckers.

Why fight the department for them? Bastards, who knows what they eat? They drive like crazy during Eid.

That's how they are.


There's nowhere to breathe in Mumbai.

- Is it that suffocating? - Yes.

And when Zoya Mirza's film premieres? You're first in the line.

That's different, sir.


Holy shit.