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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 03/11/24 17:30
by bunniefuu
[footsteps approaching]

[tense instrumental music playing]

[anxious chatter]

Crown Prince, we thought
that you would sit at the end.

- [Wilhelm] Here?
- [Farima] Here. Exactly.

And Simon and his mother
will sit over there with their counselor.

And August, over there, with his lawyer.

[Wilhelm sighs]

[door squeaks open]

[Wilhelm inhales sharply]

[music grows somber]

[Duke] I don't think
this will take a long time.

[Wilhelm grunts]

- I think it'll soon be over.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Queen sighs]

- [Duke] Did you take the pills?
- [Queen] Yes.

- [Duke] Do you want some water?
- [Queen] No, I'm fine.

- [music fades]
- [Wilhelm sighs]

["Make It Dust" by Elliphant playing]

♪ Don't mind me
I'm but a flicker out here ♪

♪ Represent the lost
And troubled souls out there ♪

♪ Everything was true
What you heard about me ♪

♪ It was me
Yeah, I did it, no, I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Something's wrong
Don't belong down here with the mob ♪

♪ I identify myself with a jungle frog ♪

♪ Falling free off the roof
Down your pretty head ♪

♪ You be Botox your face
While I paint mine red ♪

♪ We make it dust ♪

♪ Make it dust
Now, people, make it dust ♪

- ♪ Make it dust, people, make it dust ♪
- ♪ Make it dust ♪

♪ Make it dust, now, go on, make it dust ♪

♪ Dusty angels in the center of the mosh ♪

- ♪ Make it dust ♪
- ♪ Make it dust ♪

♪ Now, people, make it dust ♪

- ♪ Make it dust, now, people ♪
- ♪ You make it dust ♪

♪ Make it dust, now, go ♪

♪ You're my wild lotus flower
In the center of the mosh ♪

- [song halts]
- [wind whistling]


[gentle instrumental music playing]

[Linda, in Spanish] Come here, darling.

Hey. Button up your shirt
so that you look more serious.

[in English] Stop it.

[Simon sighs]

[door creaks open]

[door closes]

[Jan-Olof] Right.

We have gathered here today

because of
the so-called "intimate video clip."

This video clip
has had devastating consequences

for the two plaintiffs,

His Highness Crown Prince Wilhelm
and Simon Eriksson.

However, at this point, a trial

would significantly worsen
the current media situation.

We would like to, together with you,

discuss the possibility
of reaching a settlement.

Yes, we have drawn up a proposal

for compensation
regarding the two plaintiffs.

That being said, I'd like to emphasize
that my client would be sacrificing a lot

by agreeing to this settlement.

In a trial, the evidence
and the testimonies would hardly be enough

for a conviction.

The question is if the video clip
would even be considered explicit.

[scoffs] Excuse me?

To show someone kissing someone
of the same sex, of being gay,

doesn't necessarily portray
that person as disreputable these days.

The video clip is relatively innocent.

- [Linda] Innocent? How can you say that?
- But, Mom, please...

Your son has tried to destroy their lives!

And after the Prince's speech,

the Nordic Resistance movement
came to Bjärstad and burnt pride flags.

People are calling
in the middle of the night.

We're getting letters
with threats to our home.

I want justice for my son.

Could we take a short break, please?
I'd like to confer with my client.

- [Jan-Olof] Yes, let's take a short break.
- [August sighs]

- [Queen clears throat]
- [door opens]

[Rickard] We'll discuss this next week.
We're in the middle of this process.

Okay. Bye.

[sighs] Come on.

- Lighten up. It's gonna be fine.
- [sighs]

It's not that easy when they sit there
and look at me like I'm some kind of

piss person.

[laughs] Okay. You are a piss person.

[sighs] I see it like this.

Sometimes, you have to accept that,
once in a while, you are a piss person.

That's the way it is.

What are you talking about?
Piss... Do you think I'm a piss person?

- Not at all.
- [August] You think I'm evil?

No, absolutely not.

August, you have to admit

that it is pretty ironic
that you, out of all piss people,

have become a threat to the crown.

- I love the monarchy.
- [Rickard] Mm.

But the important question is,
does the monarchy love you?

[tense music playing]

[counselor] The Royal Court
doesn't want to take this any further.

And then you stand alone
against August and his lawyer,

one of the best in Sweden.

And this is a very generous offer.

So, like, what is he willing to pay?

I didn't move to Sweden
to teach my kids to accept some bribe.

[counselor] I understand that,
but this could get nasty.

[Simon sighs]

[counselor] They will try
to dig up all kinds of crap.

[Linda] They're like a clan.

Mafia methods.

I just want this to be over.

Wille said that he will have to sell
his dad's manor to pay up.

And that's the worst punishment
August could get.

I can't take it anymore.

I'm going to the bathroom.

[tender instrumental music playing]

[Wilhelm] Hi.

[Simon] Hi.

I can't believe that you're here.

Me neither.

I just wish it wasn't... for this reason.

[Wilhelm] No.

This isn't quite
how I imagined it would be.

How did you imagine it would be?

I can, um...

show you.

[Simon] Mm-hmm?

[softly] Okay, come.

[Simon chuckles softly] But Mom's in...


[quietly] My mom...

They're not gonna start without us, Simon.


[Simon] Cozy.

[both breathing heavily]

- [both laughing]
- [Simon grunts playfully]

Was this how you imagined it?


[softly] This is better.

[tender music swells]

[both laughing]

[breathing heavily]

[Simon moans softly]

[Simon sighs]

[knocking on door]

- [music cuts out]
- [Farima] Crown Prince? We have to resume.

Yeah, we're coming.

[both chuckle]

[Jan-Olof clears throat]

[Jan-Olof] So, our proposal is
that we go through the agreement,

section by section.

And if either party needs
to make any amendments,

we'll enter them
as we go along before signing it.

Excuse me, but we're done here.

You can do what you want,
but I'm not gonna teach my kids

that some people are exempt from the law.

[Rickard] Absolutely.
I totally agree with you

that it's important that we teach our kids

that you simply just can't escape the law.

But if that is the case, that goes
for Simon and the Crown Prince as well.

Well, if we reach a settlement,

August is prepared not to report Simon

for selling his dad's medication
to students at Hillerska.

[Wilhelm sighs]

[Rickard] Or the Crown Prince
for the fact that he, uh, approached

and threatened August with a r*fle.

[scoffs] I mean, all of this,
it was your fault to begin with.

You scammed Simon out of his money,
and you took the dr*gs.

So did you.

[Rickard] But in exchange
for August's silence,

not to mention
the generous financial compensation

to the parties,

we'll need assurance from the Royal Court

that August is given an official title

as the next in line
to the throne after the Crown Prince.

[scoffs] But it doesn't matter
if you... you have a title or not.

You'll never be a part of my family.

Just look at me!

If you think I'm letting you take over,
then you can forget it!

- You won't have to let me take over.
- [Wilhelm] No?

[somber music playing]

- No.
- [Wilhelm] Why not?

With your track record, you'll manage
to f*ck everything up all on your own.

- So I'm the one f*cking up? Huh?
- [takes a breath]

Your problems started
before I got involved.

- [Wilhelm] Oh, really? Yeah?
- And you know that.

I mean, I'm not the one
who's known for beating people up.

You know what? You're a disgusting...

- Stop it!
- [music halts]

[somber music playing]

[somber music fades]

[Queen clears throat]



[takes a deep breath]

It's all signed now,

so let's, uh, turn a blank page
and just put this behind us.

- Yes, Mom. But...
- [Queen] Wilhelm.

I don't expect you to forgive August.

I don't even expect you
to like each other.

But we can't have
any more scandals like this.

Especially not involving the two of you.

[Wilhelm sighs]

[Queen] Now, what do you think

Erik would have said
if he had seen you act this way?

Erik would never have forgiven him.

[Queen sniffles, clears throat]

You'll soon be 17, and within a year,
you have to be able to take over after me.

Do you understand that?

Do you really get it?

This isn't some game. [scoffs]

I... I... I promise, Your Majesty,
both me and Wilhelm will behave.

- [Queen crying] Mm.
- [August] For Erik's sake.

[Queen sighs, sniffles]

Well, if you stay away from me,
I'll do the same.

[Queen whimpers]

Oh, God... [exhales sharply]

[panting] Oh, God!

Oh, G...

Oh, God. Oh, God! [gasping]

- Oh, God, help me!
- Hey. Hey.

- [Queen sobs]
- What should I...

[gently] Just breathe.

Go get someone!

[August] Sure.

[Queen continues sobbing] My Erik.

My Erik.

[sobbing grows louder]

["C'est la vie" by Graham Lake playing]

♪ Life's all beautiful
Damn, I'm free ♪

♪ Everything, a miracle, yeah, that's me ♪

♪ Fell in love with the wrong ones ♪

♪ C'est la vie ♪

♪ C'est la vie ♪

♪ Yeah, c'est la vie ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ C'est la vie ♪

♪ Yeah, c'est la vie ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ C'est la vie ♪

♪ Yeah, c'est la vie ♪

♪ Fell in love with a new me ♪

♪ And the money ♪

♪ Fell in love before they knew me ♪

♪ I'm sorry ♪

♪ Get it, get it, get it ♪

♪ Get your ass out of my head ♪

♪ Get it, get it, get it ♪

♪ Get your ass out of my bed ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I think I've had enough
Of your bullshit ♪

♪ But still want the love ♪

♪ That it got me all ♪

♪ But you gotta, gotta ♪

♪ Get your ass out of my head ♪

♪ Yeah, you gotta
Gotta get your ass out of my bed ♪

♪ Life's all beautiful
Damn, I'm free ♪

♪ Everything, a miracle, yeah, that's me ♪

♪ Fell in love... ♪

[Stella] We should just go on a trip.

[Fredrika] Yeah, I mean,
let's go somewhere.

[Madison] Sun and spring one day,
snow the next.

What the f*ck?

Screw this country.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [Stella] But...

Honestly, I'm really worried about her.

[Fredrika] Yeah, who isn't?

She's been wearing the same sweatpants
several days in a row.

It's totally insane.

Hey, am I completely crazy if I say
I think that she should stop whining?

[scoffs] I mean, come on,
I'm sorry, but yeah, Sara was a snake.

Fine, get over it.

It's not as if she's been dumped.
That would have been different.

Yeah, but breaking up with a friend
can be worse than getting dumped.

- But, come on.
- Yeah.

We need to have an intervention.

- [Fredrika] Morning, sweetie.
- Hi.

Good morning.

- How are you doing?
- [Felice] Mm.

- "Meh"?
- [girl 1] Ow, ow, ow!

[girl 2] Take it easy.

- [girl 1] Ow!
- [girl 2] I think it's working.

[screaming] Ow! Ow!

- Come on. Stop exaggerating.
- Come on.

- You could have warned me.
- I wanna see.

[girl 3] It's 50 points.

- [girl 1] It's my ear.
- [girl 2] It's worth it. Stop whining.

Jesus. It's like two months left
till graduation.

It's gonna be like this till then?

But it's the third graders' Point Hunt.
They got so much to look forward to.

They're gonna have the 50-Day Party.

Then there's Valborg, the comedy show...

[Stella] Graduation bash...

They're gonna have the receptions
and arrange the trucks...

[Fredrika] Mm.
And also, the last annual dinner...


...with the teachers.

You're looking forward to the dinner?

[Fredrika] It's cozy. They're cute. Mm.

[cell phone chimes]

Who are you texting?


Wille's coming back today, so...

- What?
- [Fredrika] Oh my God.

That's a huge deal, right?


No, it's the first time we've seen him
since the anniversary celebration.

How are, like, he and Simon gonna, like...

What are they gonna do?

Are they a couple now? I mean, for real.

[energetic, rhythmic music playing]

Wilhelm, can I have an honest
and open conversation with you?

About your relationship.

I'm not gonna stop seeing Simon.

[Farima] No, nobody's saying that.

But I think that if we use this situation
in the right way, it can help us modernize

the monarchy's image
as a natural part of a tolerant Sweden.

You will create
a whole new generation of royalists.

That's why we have to focus on your work.

We'll launch a charity foundation
in your name on your 17th birthday.

And this will be
your first official task as Crown Prince.

We have drawn up a schedule
for the summer.

We can see it
as kind of a Crown Prince school

so that you can make up for everything
that you haven't been prepared for yet.

We only see one potential risk
in all of this.

That Simon won't understand

that everything he does
from now on reflects on you.

It reflects on the entire Royal Court.

That he, under no circumstances,
can talk to journalists.

Simon won't talk to any journalists.
You won't have to worry about that.

[Farima] But this also applies
to his social media.

He has to lay low right now.

Do you understand what I mean?

Yeah, I understand what you mean,
but... I've got it under control.

- You don't have to worry about that.
- [Farima] Okay.


[Wilhelm sighs]

[quietly] Crown Prince school.

[energetic music fades]

[sighs deeply]

[Linda] Pee into this.

- What?
- I just wanna make sure.

Do you think I'm on dr*gs?
I didn't take those pills myself.

And you're grounded
for the rest of the semester.

[in Spanish] You'll come straight home
after school.

Don't be out a minute longer.

[in English] This is totally unfair!

[Linda scoffs]

I know I made a mistake,
but I just wanted to help Sara.

Everything went wrong.

[in Spanish] How am I supposed
to know that, Simon? How?

Apparently, I know nothing!

You never tell me
what's going on in this house!

It's like I don't know my kids anymore.

[in English] You should be grateful
that I don't force you to quit Hillerska.

It's enough with one kid
sitting around the house.

[Sara, quietly] What's going on?

- How did it go at the palace?
- [Simon] Sara!

All of this is your fault!

[somber music playing]

But I reported August
just to show you that I'm on your side.

You should've come and talked to me first!

Now you've made everything even worse!

- But you refused to talk to me.
- [sighs]

Please, can you just get out of here?
I beg you.

You've destroyed my life,

and now I'm being humiliated
in my own f*cking home!



[Nils] I hope something really sick
happens at the party.

[Vincent] The guy that broke his arm?
That was on the 50-Day Party.

[Nils] No, that was the Point Hunt.
It was a mission you had to do.

- [August] Hi.
- Hey.


[August sniffles, sighs]

[Nils] So, where have you been?

Uh, I've just been home for a bit.
I had to sort out stuff with the family.

- I picked up a couple things.
- [Vincent] Oh, what the f*ck?

[Nils] What?

It's that g*dd*mn reporter,
texting me again.

- [Nils] About the Crown Prince?
- [Vincent] Yeah, about the speech.

[quietly] What the hell?

Soon they'll have DMed
half the school for a statement.

They're asking loads of other stuff
as well.

- About things that happened ages ago.
- Like what?

About the initiations and stuff like that.

[August and Nils] What?

But people know that it's forbidden
to talk about that afterwards.

[Vincent] No, just forget it.

They're just trying
to find an opening, right?

- [Nils] Yeah.
- Huh.

[Vincent] Mm, but it's still weird.

What do the initiations have to do
with Wille and his speech?

[August] Hmm.

[tense, energetic music playing]

[camera shutters clicking]

- Hi.
- [car door closes]

[camera shutters clicking]

[excited chatter]

[Vincent] Wow. Look who's back.

- [music fades]
- [indistinct chatter]

[chatter dies down]

[both breathing heavily]

- [softly] Hi.
- Hi.

[chatter resumes]


- [guy 1] Okay.
- [guy 2] It starts again.

How you doing?

I'm fine now.

How are you?

I'm fine.

It's just kind of weird.
Everyone's staring.

[scoffs] Whatever.

Mm, but it's making me uncomfortable.

This is what we want.
Not having to sneak around.



But is your family
really gonna be okay with that?

And the Royal Court?

[Wilhelm] Yeah, they just want us
to keep a low profile for a while.

[takes a deep breath]


I've told them

that I'm gonna be both the Crown Prince

and your boyfriend.


I was thinking that, if you want to,
you could sleep here this weekend.

But I can't. I've been grounded.

- The entire semester.
- The entire semester?

- Mom is really mad.
- [sighs] f*ck.

But... [sighs] could sleep at my place instead.

Or I'll, um... just have to sneak out.

Would you do that for me?

[Simon] Mm-hmm.

[softly] Good.

Let's do that, then.

[Vincent] The party's for the third years.

But you can come if you bring some booze.

[Nils] Yeah, you get us booze.

Yeah, you fix the Kir first,
and then we can have a discussion about...

Uh, maybe we can make an exception.

- Okay? Capisce?
- ["Get Mine" by Slinger & Jae playing]

[Vincent] That's how we like it.

[camera shutter clicks]



♪ Cut to the chase
And I'm lovin' what I found ♪

♪ Mine for the takin'
So you know I'm gonna take it now ♪

- Aim for that.
- [squeals, giggles]

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ On a new wave
Yeah, I'm gonna ride it out ♪

♪ It's a new day
Wake up 'cause the time is now ♪

- [Vincent] We'll work all night.
- Come on. We wanna maximize our score.

- After that, we're ready to go.
- [sighs]

Uh, Manor House is in the lead.

And we're tied with the Sprucewood.

So if we want to have
a chance to win this competition,

we have to bag more 50-pointers.

Okay, so what we have to do
is tattoo "Hillerska 4 life" on our arms.

- [Vincent] Yeah.
- Take a selfie in a police car.

- [Vincent] Yeah.
- [Nils] Do the balloon dance in public.

- [laughs]
- [Nils] Sext a teacher.

Pierce a nipple. Marre, that's for you.

[Vincent] Okay. What more do we have left?

Sleep with a freshman, maybe.

- That one is perfect for you, August.
- [Nils laughs]


The only question is,
who are you gonna choose?

- Felice or Sara?
- Ha.

- You didn't think we knew?
- [under breath] Shut up.

[Vincent chuckles] Come on, best friends.
I mean, uh, that's a real fuckboy move.

- Damn.
- [August] Shut up!

Oh, touchy subject.

Are you in love?

Well, I mean, it's not all bad.

You and Wille could sit together
on the bus out to the slums. [laughs]

Don't talk about her like that.


[Vincent] Come on. I was just kidding.

[gentle music playing]

[inhales sharply]

[indistinct chatter]

- Nice, huh?
- [Wilhelm] Mm-hmm. Really nice.

[Simon] I think
you should get this tattooed.

[Wilhelm chuckles]

I think Mom would decapitate me
if I got that tattooed.

- Why's that?
- I'm not allowed to have tattoos, Simon.

But why?

The same reason I'm not allowed
to cut my hair shorter than this.

- [door opens]
- It's "not appropriate."

- It's really nice, but I can't. I'm sorry.
- [door closes]

- [Felice] Hello. How are you?
- Hi.

- Hey.
- I'm fine. How are you?

[inhales sharply] Yeah. Well, you know.

Things are a bit so-so. You know?

[inhales sharply] Uh, right.

Could you give this to Sara?

I didn't know what to do with it, so...


[clicks tongue]

How, um... [clears throat]

How is she doing?

She's, um...

[clicks tongue]...not that great, I guess.

But I'm not really talking
to her right now, so...

[Felice sighs] You know,
it's so strange 'cause I really...

I'm so damn angry at her.

But in some sick,
ridiculous, twisted way, I still miss her.

[gentle music playing]

But I can't talk
to the other girls about it either.

Because they think that it's degrading

to miss someone
who's f*cked you over so damn hard.

Well, it is degrading.

But yeah. I see what you mean.

[Felice] But it's also like, how...

how do you get over your best friend?

[gentle music fades]

- [birds singing]
- [camera shutter clicking]

- [reporter] Hi. Simon Eriksson?
- [tense music playing]

[reporter] We have
a couple of short questions for you.

How has it been for you
since the Crown Prince came out?

We've been hearing
some rumors about h*m*.

Your ex, Marcus Sköld, he said
that it seemed to be pretty problematic

between you and the Crown Prince.

Care to comment on that statement?

[camera shutter clicks]

[reporter] Simon?

[tense music fades]

[Rosh] Okay, here it is.

"As late as February,
the Crown Prince's boyfriend

was seen with another young man

at Hillerska's yearly Valen...
Valentine's ball."

"'It makes you wonder how serious it is, '
says a source close to the family."

"When we finally get a hold of
the ex-boyfriend,

he says that the relationship

between the Crown Prince
and Simon Eriksson seems problematic."

- [Ayub] Problematic?
- [Rosh scoffs]

- [Ayub] You weren't even together.
- No.

I mean, should we have a talk with him?

[Simon] You know what?

The worst thing isn't what Marcus says,
but what people are writing.

Have you read the comments?

[Rosh] Yeah,
but people are so sick online.

I mean, they wouldn't come
and say it to your face.

[Simon] No, but it's not fun to read
that I'm a typical Latin lover,

jumping between boyfriends.

Or a gold digger confusing the Prince.

- [pop music playing on radio]
- [takes a deep breath] I don't know.

I just wish that he'd said something
before he said all that.

I'd have been able
to prepare myself a bit.

[Rosh] But have you told him that?

No. It would just sound stupid.

What... What am I gonna say?

"Thank you for... um... standing up for me

and admitting that it was you
in the video and..."

Now I'm the one who gets all the shit.

Yeah, I get that, but he also has
a habit of doing everything a bit like...

I don't know.

- He's just a bit impulsive.
- [Simon] I don't know. It's like...

I think it's better
if I kept on top of things

and replied to some comments
and have some control

so that people will understand
who I am and where I stand, you know?

Wanna play?

- [Ayub] Yeah.
- [Rosh] Yep.

- You ready?
- [Ayub] Mm-hmm.


[Ayub] Hey, what about
the hike to Pinepoint?

[Rosh] I'm not f*cking showing up
for that.

[Ayub] What? Why?

- I'm gonna hike. I'm going paddling.
- [Rosh] Can you even swim?

[Ayub] Yeah, I'm a damn good swimmer.
I'm like a shark in the water.

- ["Scream" playing]
- ♪ Caught me in a bad place ♪

♪ But you knew how to build me up ♪

♪ Puttin' all the pieces together ♪

♪ Showin' me how to love ♪

♪ You knew how to make me laugh ♪

♪ When all I knew was how to cry ♪

♪ When I look at you across the room ♪

♪ It's like you could see into my mind ♪

[Wilhelm sighs]

♪ It feels so good ♪

♪ I could scream ♪

♪ Livin' life like it's a dream ♪

♪ All it takes is you and me ♪

- ♪ Manifest reality ♪
- [line ringing]

[Simon] Hi. You've reached Simon.
You know what to do.

[voicemail box beeps]

[Wilhelm sighs]

["Scream" by WTRGRL fades]



[tense music playing]

[typing on phone]


- [sighs]
- [cell phone clatters]

[tapping nervously on desk]

[Wilhelm sighs]

[tense music fades]


- ["Say Less" playing]
- [Nils] Fifty points!

- Whoo!
- [guy] Yeah, man!

Man, this takes a lot of courage.

[group laughs]

[group chattering indistinctly]

♪ You asking what I do
I say less... ♪

- [shaver buzzing]
- [excited chatter continues]

- [laughs]
- [Vincent] You look freakin' fantastic.

[Nils] Huh?

♪ Hey, come enjoy this feud with me ♪

♪ One royal gotta be in tune with me ♪

- ♪ Heard one or two rumors... ♪
- Come on. It's your turn. Come on.

- You have to finish.
- Take over.

[song continues in distance]

[Nils] Wille?


[Wilhelm] Hi.

[Nils] How are you?

Fine. You?

[Nils] Uh, I'm fine. I...

I just wanted to say that, um...

I probably wouldn't have made
the same choice you made.

But I still think
that it was kind of brave.


But brave.


You... You went to this school
while Erik was still here.


We never spoke a lot about love
and relationships and stuff, but, um...

But I just thought that you might know
if he was dating anyone here.

Maybe you should talk
to August about that.

- No.
- I mean, they were pretty close.

[Wilhelm sighs]

I was wondering
how he f*cking handled it all.

I wish I could ask him.

[guys continue chattering down the hall]

[Nils takes a deep breath]

Here's the deal, um...

I know that Erik dated people, you know?

But that was nothing he made public.

But I guess that's the whole point.

Keep what's private, private.

[trimmer continues buzzing]

[Nils] Why? Do you regret it?
Saying it was you?

[scoffs] No. Why would I regret that?

[Nils] I don't know.

Maybe it's best to stick
to someone who's part of your circle.

[scoffs] No, not for me.

[Nils] Okay, sorry.

I'm sorry.

- [Vincent] Never looked so good. Like...
- [Wilhelm scoffs]

[knocking on door]

[somber music playing]


[doorbell rings]

Can I stay here?

[hesitates] Uh...

Yeah, of course.

Come in.

[door closes]

Has something, uh... happened?

- I just can't be at home right now.
- Okay, what...

[Sara] I don't want to talk about it.

And this doesn't mean that things
are fine between us or anything.

Well, you're always welcome here. [sighs]

I'll go and fix the bedroom for you.

There's no need. I'll sleep on the couch.

It's only temporary.

[excited chatter outside]

[door opens]

[noisemakers blowing]

[girls cheer]

- [Stella] Surprise!
- [Madison] Okay, Felice.

This... is an intervention.

For what?

Here's the deal.
I know that it's hard with Sara.

We know that.
But, honey, it is time to get over her.

And step one is
we gotta clean up this mess.

- What's going on here?
- Mm-hmm.

[Madison] We'll start
by cleaning your room.

- [Stella] Yeah.
- Get all the bad energy out.

Uh, set some protection spells.

And then we will do some soul cleansing.

Set some intentions. Do a vision board.

And if that doesn't help
for some reason, then I'm sure this will.

[Felice] What's this?

[Stella squeals]

New York, bitch!

- [noisemakers blowing]
- [group laughs]

[Stella] Okay. Okay. Listen.

I read some lists about the best ways
to get over someone.

And one of the most important things

is that you need
to have something to look forward to. So...

[Madison] We're going
to New York after school finishes.

[Fredrika squeals]

I mean, we're gonna...

We're gonna be shopping.
We're gonna be partying.

Gonna suntan.

Be suntanning. We're gonna get so tanned.

We're gonna go clubbing. And...

Oh, and I know a person
that has the best fake IDs.

I mean... what?

[all laugh]

We wanted to remind you
who your real friends are.

[ethereal music playing]

[Stella] Fun, right?

- [girls cheer]
- [noisemakers blow]

[group laughs]



[sighs peacefully]

[ethereal music fades]


[phone unlocks]


[ominous music playing]







[Henry] "...allowed or want to talk about."

"A former student remembers how a g*ng
of third formers stormed the room

and placed hoods over their heads

and took them
to a place called the Palace."

"They had to drink each other's spit,
and everyone was forced to undress."

"Then a gay porn movie was shown on a TV."

"Everybody was forced to sit and watch."

"Anyone who got an erection
was pointed out and laughed at."

"When he heard the Prince's speech
at the school's 120th anniversary,

everything came back."

"The Crown Prince talked
about breaking old, outdated traditions."

"'He inspired me to dare
to talk about what happened there.'"

[Vincent] Well done, Wille.

- [guy 1] Okay, so what does that mean?
- [guy 2] What the f*ck is this?


Assemble in the big hall immediately.

All lessons are canceled.

Get going.

[indistinct chatter]

- [Wilhelm] Hi.
- Hi.


[Simon] Is it true?

Did it happen to you?

No, not the... not the film.

Or, like, it didn't happen to us.

What about the other stuff?

- [doors open]
- [chatter dies down]

Good morning.

[students] Good morning.

[woman] Please sit down.

Who is she?

My name is Vanessa Hamilton,
and I'm the acting principal.

Anette Lilja has requested
a leave of absence

until the veracity of the allegations

that have appeared
in media have been assessed.

A complaint has been filed
with the School Inspectorate.

Because of that, we have decided
that it is time for us to get tough.

All extracurricular activities
will end today.

- [guy 1] What?
- The score competition is canceled.

What? It has already started.

And your cell phones will be confiscated.

- What?
- [girl] No way.

- [Vanessa] You can use them an hour a day.
- [students murmuring]

There will also be a curfew

from 7:00 in the evening
for each and every one of you.

Hold on. What?

- [Vincent] What?
- What? For us all?

[Vanessa] If anyone is found
outside of their dorm

while the curfew is in effect,

or if they are found drinking alcohol
or using nicotine, for that matter...


...this will result in immediate suspension.

- You've gotta be kidding.
- Wait, what?

[guy 2] Is that even legal?

[Simon] We won't be able to hang out.

- [Wilhelm clears throat]
- One question.

[hesitates] Uh... Uh, hi.
Vincent here. Nice to meet you.

Um, the stuff you're talking about,
uh... [clicks tongue]

...they don't apply
to us third-year students, right?

They apply to all students.
Even legal adults.

Come on. We're about to graduate.

- [Vincent] Yeah, exactly.
- All students.

[shocked chatter]

[Vanessa] I want to make it very clear
to all of you what's at stake here.

Unless we can show
that Hillerska is a safe environment,

we may be barred from operating.

[hesitates] And... And what...
what does that mean?

Hillerska may be forced to close down,
effective immediately.

- [students murmuring]
- [guy 3] What?

- ["Sweating" by Alweya playing]
- [guy 4] This is completely...

♪ Keep sweatin' ♪

♪ Floss on my enemies ♪

♪ With the tongue ♪

♪ Come energy ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Keep sweatin' ♪

♪ Floss on my enemies ♪

♪ With the tongue ♪

♪ Come energy ♪

- ♪ Let me tell you 'bout rhythm ♪
- ♪ Rhythm ♪

- ♪ Sound ♪
- ♪ Sound ♪

♪ Silence ♪

♪ Loud ♪

♪ Feel it every time she around ♪

♪ Drop my bloody heart
Down to the ground ♪

♪ The neck I'm grippin' ♪

♪ The pump is loud ♪

♪ The sweat is drippin' ♪

♪ I'm in to drown ♪

♪ The drive is up ♪

♪ My guard is down ♪

♪ My freak feels safe
In your arms right now ♪

♪ So we just ♪

♪ Keep sweatin' ♪

♪ Floss on my enemies ♪

♪ With the tongue ♪

♪ Come energy ♪

["Sweating" ends]