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01x06 - Blind Man's Bluff

Posted: 03/11/24 15:26
by bunniefuu
We are investigating the organ mafia
and this is a routine visit in relation to that.

That's why we are talking
to some of the recipients.

Sir, this must be routine for you,
but for me...'s worrying that
the Police has come to my house.

That, too, to investigate
the organ mafia. I mean...

- Should I be concerned?
- Don't worry.

You're innocent till proven guilty.
As per the law.

But in our country, Sir, you're...

...guilty till you're proven innocent!
It's a known fact.

That's why the Police investigates...

...before the Court
gives its final verdict.

So, I'd like to ask you this,
has anyone contacted... illegally
for an organ transplant?

Yes, they have.
In fact, they come to me everyday...

The guy who delivers groceries, the man who
brings us our vegetables, they get a few organs too...


What are you talking about?
Nothing of this sort happens... nothing.

- What's your daily routine like?
- Mine? You mean during the day?

Ummm, in the morning I'm at home,
then I leave for the Academy...

Then from the Academy I return home...
I go to the hospital and sometimes to the beach...

It's not that different every day.

It must be very difficult
to handle all this...

Your family, your child
who's ailing... your mother?

How do you manage everything?

My career is for my family.
And my son is my family.

My family is my responsibility.

I don't think these
are different things.

It's a single thing.
And it's a very important thing...

It's equally important
to take care of it.

And with a little love and care,
it's easy to take care of everything.

Do you write poetry?

Sir, a man who's seen his son die...

...a little bit every day,
for the past six years...

...should be allowed
a bit of poetry, no?


It depends on the nature of the pain.

See, that's profound.

you've lost someone close, too.

Hello. Where were you on Sunday night?

This... this... you mean
this Sunday night?

- Hmm.
- I was at home.

Just assume... that someone
approaches you with an illegal...

...but safe organ transplant offer.

What will you do?

I will report it to the police.

Are you sure?

Your son is ailing.

He will get a second lease of life.
And you'll turn the offer down?

Are you such a good citizen?
Or such a bad father?

That's why I said, 'finally'.

First, I will accept
the offer and save my son's life.

And become a good father.

Then, I will report it to the Police.
And become a good citizen.

k*ll two birds with the same stone.

Sorry for the tricky answer.


What are you doing, sir?

It's just a toy g*n.

I'm sorry.

Josh, don't play with g*ns.

Josh, let's go.

Yelling at a child...


No one wants to get trapped
by giving the ideal answer...

All of them are practical.

That yes, we will accept the organ.

These days,
everybody's become over-smart... watching these
crime shows on TV.

He's a bit of a smart-alec
but seems to be a good guy.

Though he didn't even
offer us a cup of tea.

That's the only question?

It was a waste of time...

He doesn't fit on our radar.

Why doesn't he fit? He's been
a football champion in his time.

That day, the guys we
chased also seemed very fit.

Even his height is the same.

Mascarenhas. Something
doesn't feel right about this guy.

We will need more people.

Like us.

Sir, Rajawade, Suryavanshi, Shinde.

How many more do you need?

Put Rajawade on the
job of following him.

Alright, sir.

Sister, that man in the blue shirt,
with a stubble, wearing specs...

...who came almost an hour ago and
gave you this file and made the payment...

Why did he come here?

Ah... Mr. Mehta.

Mr. Mascarenhas?

No, Sunil Mehta.

He was admitted to the ICU yesterday.
He came to clear his bill.

Show me his file.

- Chocolate cake.
- I am gonna taste it.

- Nooo...
- Where's Princess?


Kabir... Kabir...

Don't play with g*ns.





Do one thing,
follow him and keep me updated.

Warehouse? In Mira Road?

Sir, he has gone to Mira Road.

Sir, if Rajawade is already there,
why are we going to Mira Road?

Because I want to know
more about this guy and what he does.


Jai Hind, Sir.

Sir, this warehouse is his property.

And he has gone in there.

You stay here.
We're going in.

Oh... hey,
you really scared me, Inspector.


- Are you going somewhere?
- Yes, going home.

You forget to tell
us about this warehouse.

Perhaps this doesn't
come in your daily routine.

No, sir. I definitely
don't come so far daily.

This is my warehouse.
I come here during the monsoon... store some of my stuff.

Actually, it almost doesn't exist.

- May I?
- Come.

Alright. You please continue.

This is just a...

Routine investigation, I know.

You were doing your duty.
Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Inspector sir. Next time
call me before coming.

At least we will get a chance
to have a cup of tea together.

Keep tracking him.

Come on Adi, attack. Right.

Come on, attack.

Attack, attack, attack.

Come on.

Sir, he has stopped
outside Nair's building.

Sir, he's right outside
Nair's building.

Has he gotten out of his car?

No, sir. He's still in the car.

Has he gotten out now?

No, sir. He hasn't come out at all.

No. No, he will come out. He will.

Sir, he's leaving.

Sir, he's left.

- Follow him.
- Okay, sir. I will.


Hey. Hey, Inspector, sir.

Come, come. Sit, sir.

Can I get you a beer?

Charlie, get two beers for Sir.

What a happy coincidence!

How come you're here?

You've come so far for a beer?

Not the beer, the fried fish.

They do a special preparation here.

It's unique. Very nice fish.

Charlie, get a plate
of the fried fish for Sir, please.

Sir, this fish is worth the run.

It is worth the run.

He's right. I've heard a lot of good things
about the fried fish they serve here.

I told you.

Why are you doing all this?
What's going on in that head of yours?

What, what, sir?

All this...

You must have something in mind.

What do you think?

How will all of this end?

You think it's worth it?

I'm slightly confused, sir. I don't
understand what you're trying to say.


You understand everything.

You just don't want
to answer any of this.

Go on.
Continue with what you're doing.

If you think whatever
you're doing is right, then go on.

Sir, you know...

I think the alcohol has hit me.

The beer is great, the fish is tasty.

And the company, as usual,
is a little confusing.

But you're right, sir.
I've come very far away from home.

I better get back.

Get sir some fish, please.
From my side.

Have a good night.


Thank you, sir.

What's the bill?

Doesn't matter. Keep the change.

Isn't it strange?

A man, who loves his family so much...

Leaves his ailing son...

...and his mother alone at home.

Struggles in the traffic for 2 hours...

...comes here just to eat
some fried fish and drink beer?

Prakash, does his profile match?

Something is fishy.

Take it, sir. Take it.

It's very tasty sir.

Yes, tell me.

Have you eaten?


I hope you'll eat all
of what I packed for you.

Tell me, darling.

Don't bring it untouched
like last time.

It's your birthday tomorrow, right?

What's this now?

I've ordered a gift for you.

No, really. What is it?

I will show it to you at night.

Come on, tell me right now.


What's this?

Talk to you later.

Oh, right. I get it.


- How's life?
- Great.


Yes, sir.

Where's Kabir?

Sir... he's not feeling well.

So he's at home.

What's this?

Sir, I think it's an earthquake.

Hey, hold steady.

Yes. Coming.

If Kabir comes in, send him to me.

Sir. Mascarenhas is approaching
his car and has a bag.

Keep a watch on him.
And keep me informed.

- Okay, sir.
- Yes.

Prakash? Where are you these days?

Are you guys on some diet these days?

You started mocking me
as soon as you saw me.

You hardly come to
the Office these days.

Are you being naughty?
Like you were some time ago?

- With the help of the magic pills?
- Hey, Malwankar.

Stay within your limits.
Move aside.

I have the right to do so now.

Now my boss is your
boss' boss, get it?

Call up Prakash sir.

Jyotsna School and Home for the Blind.

Sir, he's gone inside
the blind school.

- Ok. Stay there.
- Yes, sir.

Come on.

Park the car. We've to stop here now.

Why has he gone to the blind school?


I will find it out, sir.


Sir hasn't come.

Yes, sir hasn't come.

Thank you, Danny.

You always take time out
and come here for the kids.

Danny sir, come fast. Let's start.

Hey, boys. Excuse me.

Hello. I'm here.

- How are you guys?
- Good.

All well?
Aright. Hello.

Good Morning. Good Morning.

- How are you, Mr. Gupta?
- Very good.

Okay, shall we start?

Now, whenever you
run after the ball... will say 'Voy'
so that the other players...

...will know your position.

Shall we hear it once?

- Okay, let's say 'Voy'.

That's good. Superb, guys.
Is that all you got?

Come on. Your voice is so low.

How will the other players know
that you're running with the ball?

Come on. Once again.
With a little bit of power.

- Say Voy.
- Voy.

That's my boy. Let's go, boys.

Left. Right. Clap. Clap.

Left. Right. Clap. Clap.

Left. Right. Clap. Clap.

Left. Right. Clap. Clap.

Now bend to your left.

That's it... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


Sir, he regularly teaches
football to blind kids.

He volunteers for these
institutions for the blind.

For now. He's on
a two-day training camp.

Hello, doctor Bali?

Yes, hi.

I needed an urgent favour.

Can I get details
of all the patients...

...that were admitted to your
ICU on the 9th of October, please?

Sorry, this is my friend.

He's got Asthma, and he doesn't
know how it's going to react...

Your assistant was telling
me that you don't come... the Academy
that often these days.

For quite a few day's I've been thinking
about the expansion of the academy.

So I thought of meeting a
few financiers regarding the same.

That's why I've come here.

There are no miracles in life, Aruna.

Just the ones you create.

Ah... Mr. Mehta.

Mr. Mascarenhas?

No, Sunil Mehta.

Sir, he's playing football
with the blind kids.

Voy. Voy.



Gupta, got tired so soon?

What did you do?

- It smells great, sir.
- Did you like it?

Actually, sir. It's really good.

Is it? So come on.
Hands up. Hands up. Fast.

Try it. Try it. Nice?

- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.

All the best, boys. Have fun.

- Yeah.
- Thanks, Danny.

Kids had fun today.

In fact I enjoyed more than the kids.

Look, our two attendants
will stay with you.

You can ask them
for anything you need.

- Sure.
- Okay.

- I will leave now.
- Of course.

- See you tomorrow.
- Have a good night.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Come on, boys.

Hello, Aunty.

Yes, Aruna.

There's some good news.

Josh is now number
one on the recipient list.

What? This is such good news.

Where's Danny?

He has gone for the two-day camp.

He will be back tomorrow.

But, I'll tell him to call you.

Thank you, Aunty. Bye.

Come on boys. Let's have some fun.

Come. Come.


Some can go on that side.

Go to the left.
Go to the right.

- Sit. Sit.
- Okay.

Careful. Careful.
Yes. Yes.

Okay, boys.
Are you ready to have some fun?


I've brought for
you an awesome film...

- ...called Charlie Chaplin in the Circus...
- Sir?

Sir, show a Hindi movie
so that we can also enjoy it.

- Hindi?
- Yes, sir.

We can't understand
these foreign languages.

No Hindi. No Hindi.

No Hindi? No problem.

Both of you meet me outside.

Yes, sir.

I'm here, sir.


No, sir. I can't see him.

Stay there. You will see him.

Okay, sir.

You know this deal with me...

A lot of your friends
will be unhappy with you.

Here you go guys,
your Hindi movie has started.

- Get busy for 2 hours. Happy?
- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you, sir.
- I am with the kids.

- Okay, sir.
- Bye.

Here's your dinner.

Bhaji Pav.

Take this.

Enjoy the Bhaji Pav.

Sir, everything is fine here.

There's no problem.

That's good. Don't move from there.

Okay, sir.

Looks like I will end up donating a lot of
blood tonight, thanks to these mosquitoes.

Now Charlie Chaplin
is scared and entering the cage.

There's already a lion inside.

The lion is also scared and
is wondering how this man got in.

The lion is telling Charlie
that he looks like his brother.

But I don't see your tail?

Charlie was sacred of the lion that
he tells him "I'm sorry Mr. Lion...

I seem to have lost my way
and landed up in your cage.

Please forgive me.
I will go back to my cage".

And now the lion jumps
and catches Charlie.

The lion now says to Charlie
"I'm going to eat you up now, buddy"!

Charlie got so terrified
that he made a dash for the door.

- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.

Come on, inform Prakash sir.

- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.

- How are you?
- How was your day?

- I'm good. Thank you.
- Oh, fine. Fine.

- All well with you?
- Yeah, thank you, sir.

- See you.
- Have a nice time, sir.

Thank you.

Yes, Renu.

Yes, today I was tied up with some
meetings in the office.





I'll come and talk to you at home.




Oh, hello, Mr. Nair.

Seeing you at the
club after a long time.

- How are you?
- Good.

Are you going home?

No, for a swim.

Yes, I will talk to
you once I'm back home.


What's wrong with the power?
Go and check.

Okay, sir.