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01x01 - The Promise

Posted: 03/11/24 15:22
by bunniefuu


Only I am to be held responsible for
what I am about to do now.

No one else.

Where's Prakash?

He has gone to the washroom, sir.


Sir, this is Malwankar here.

Yes, tell me.

Sir, Johnny just called me with a tip.

Half an hour ago,
a major drug deal went down at Hotel K-1.

Go on.

Actually, I would've gone myself...

But... I'm on vacation with my
family in Mahabaleshwar [hill station].

Can you look into it please?

And Sir, about my promotion
that's been pending...

Sir, I don't know.

He just came and left.

Please don't hit me, sir.

For God's sake,
please don't hit me. Please.

You didn't see him?

No... no... you didn't?

He left in a rush, I don't know.

He was tall...

How did he look?

You mother fucker!

No, no, no, no....

You didn't see him?

Don't hit me, sir.

Mother fucker.

No, Sir.

Speak up!

No Sir.

You assh*le!

I'll f*cking sh**t you.

Malwankar hardly ever works...

...even when he's on duty.

And strangely today he's working...

...even when he's off duty!

Odd, isn't it?

I guess the weather in Mahabaleshwar
must really suit him.

Sir, I was wondering...

...I should also go
and spend some time there.

How will you get there?

What do you mean?

I'll travel by the 'Volvo' [bus].

Why not fly there?

You're kidding me, sir.

Mahabaleshwar doesn't have an airport.

Half an hour ago,
a major drug deal went down at Hotel K-1.

Actually, I would've gone myself...

But... I'm on vacation with my
family in Mahabaleshwar.

This Malwankar is quite a crook!

He played a smart game.

First he smuggles the dr*gs out...

...and then he calls to tip us off.

But his greed for a
promotion got him undone!

What's in here, sir?


What the...

Mahabaleshwar... here?

Who the f*ck is it?

Go somewhere else, assh*le.

m*therf*cker! Who is it?

I... I...

Kabir sir, I swear.

I was in Mahabaleshwar.

I did...

But I got a call
from my uncle. Some...

Where's the bag?

What... what bag?



I swear I don't know, sir.


Go get the bag.

I don't have any bag.

Hey Malwankar,
is this your Mahabaleshwar?

Right here? Like this...

I told you to get the bag...

Didn't I?


Where's the bag?

I swear I don't know, sir.




Go, get the bag.


Go, get the bag.

I'll get it.

I'll get it, sir.

It's a public place, sir.

Hey, shut it.

I said turn it off.

Hey, shut it.

Turn it off.

Hey... turn it off.

Sorry, sir.

Go. Finish your business.

Sir, the usual with the money?

Why ask when you already know the answer?

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny! Danny! Danny! Come on Danny!

Danny! Danny!

Danny! Danny!

Come on, come on.

Danny! Danny!

Come on, Ronnie.

Come on, come on.

C'mon Josh! You can do it.

Come on, come on.

Ronnie, what are you doing?

C'mon! C'mon! Danny!

Dada! Dada!


Here, my boy.

See Ronnie,
no one can beat a Mascarenhas.

Well played boys, but unfortunately...

One more round?

Come on. Relax.

Let's have some ice-cream.

Ice-cream huh...?


Cheer up, Ronnie. Come on.

Hey... buddy. Come on.

Relax, it's a game.

Good game, Danny.

Thank you.

Happy birthday, Josh.

Thank you.

I'll just see you in a bit.

Where are you going?
- I'll just come back.


Let's go have some cake.

Okay Josh... blow.

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Josh.

Hey Vicky, here's your pizza.

Doc, how are you doing?

Please take care of them, huh?
- Yes...

Uncle... take some.

Thank you very much.

How's your daughter-in-law?

She's fine.
- Good?

- Yes.

Good... boy or girl?

Hey... Juliet.

Excuse me.

Stephen, you're so late!


I thought you wouldn't be coming.

What's this?

Such a big gift!

Yeah... one boy one girl.

Why did you get such an expensive gift?

Come on.

You think I'd worry about the
price-tag while buying?

You're too much, Juliet.


Where's the birthday boy?


Are you all okay?

How are you?

Danny, how's the football going?

Will India qualify for the World Cup?

That's still a distant dream.

Uncle D'costa.

Let's not give this gift to Josh.

You too? What the...

There's a reason for it.

It's not right.

Do you remember what you
gave Josh for his last birthday?

Seriously... just trust me.

I don't remember.

How does it matter, Danny?

You gave him a game
of snakes and ladders.

Worth 200 bucks.

And it does matter.

Come on, Danny.

Uncle D'Costa.

Everyone knows that the
flowers offered at a funeral...

...are more expensive than
the ones brought at a wedding.

That's because it's the
last time... so spend a little more.

Hey, what is this unholy talk?

No, no. I don't mean to be crude.

But you know how sharp Josh is.

He'll figure it out
as soon as he sees this.

Last time we gave him a board-game
and now this.

Then his questions will follow, and...

Mom, will you be able to answer those?

Will you be able to
answer his questions?

You want to give it a try, Mr. D'Costa?

See, Josh simply looks at this as his sixth birthday.

Why do we have to
tell him what we know?

And if we give him
such a generous gift...

He will get confused
and it's not required.


Hey buddy, just two minutes.

Uncle D'Costa,
let's keep this gift here.

Let him not see it.

Look, I know you mean well.

But please try to
understand my point of view.

Come on, let's go inside...

...and have some cake and wine.

Now say A...


Say O...


Good Morning, Aunty.

Morning Danny.
- I want prawns for dinner.

For sure, Danny.


With chilled beer.

With chilled beer.

Hey my brother...



Hey, Ronnie. One more round?

Maybe this one?
- No.

Alright, fine.

Come on, forward.

Move it. Keep moving.

Come on, that's it... go.

That's it.

Keep moving.

Come on, Adi... block him.

Come forward.

Adi, come forward and tackle him.

What are you doing?

C'mon forward... tackle him.

What are you doing, Adi?


Adi, come here.

What are you doing, dude?

Sorry, sir.

What sorry?

Why were you not tackling him?

He's my friend. I could've hurt him.

Sorry, I forgot he's your friend.

You know what,
go home and play chess.

Why are you wasting...

...your money and my time?

This is soccer, man.

Sorry, sir.

Go back.

Yes, Mom.


It was a major attack.

The rate of lung damage
has increased rapidly.

And due to his congenital disorder...

...reversal isn't an option. But,
we shouldn't lose hope...

...on getting a donor, Danny.

You can take Josh home tomorrow.

Just remember no crowds,
no dust, no exertion.

Aruna, can he go to school?

No, Aunty.

He'll need artificial
breathing from now on.

And will require an oxygen
cylinder all the time.

Have there been any additions
to the list of organ donors?

After requesting them thrice,
they have finally sent a reply.

But, I didn't tell you because...

...Josh is still on number four.

But Aruna, he's been on
number four for almost a year now.

There are still many people above him.

How much time does he have?

Not much.

The problem is that we
don't have many AB negative donors.

And... now only 5 out of those 6 donors remain.

Last week one of the
donors met with an accident...

...but unfortunately his
lungs were damaged on the spot.

Do you have a list
of the organ recipients, Aruna?

Can I get their names and addresses?

You know, I can go and beg.

Josh is a child...

He's so young, so...

Aunty. It's not possible.

The recipients' list
is highly classified.

It involves a number of legalities.

Even as doctors,
we don't have access to that list.

When organs arrive for the transplant...'s only the assigned hospital
that contacts the recipient.

It's not possible
to get any information.

How many months does he have?

Five to six.

Your father's condition remains critical.

His brain activity
is still insufficient.

And his internal organs
are steadily getting damaged.

The longer he remains
in this brain-dead condition...

...the more agonizing
it will be for him.

But, is there anything at all?

He's cerebrally dead.

His brain has stopped functioning.

Look, your family is right here.
Talk to them.

Take your own time.



I heard about your father.

I know what you must be going through.

Sir, if you allow,
may I say something?


Why don't you think of
donating your father's organs?

It can save many lives.

Hey... who are you?
And what the heck are you saying?

Listen, sir, please don't get angry.

Just listen to me...

Do you know more than three million people
have died in India since 2005...

...just because they didn't receive
an organ transplant in time.

If people like you think
generously and donate organs...

...then imagine all
the lives it can save.

And bring happiness
back to many families.

Have you lost your mind?

Are you an agent?

No, sir. Just a father.

My son's in the ICU here... Josh.

He's got a lung disorder.



I can't even pronounce it.

Cystic fibrosis.

And if he doesn't receive
an organ transplant in time...

...then pretty soon we'll
be a part of this statistic, too.


Look, sir, please just let us be.

You have our sympathy but,
please leave.

I am really sorry, I...

Look, if you're so concerned...

...then, why don't you donate your lung?

I would, sir.

You think if that was possible...

...we would be here in this hospital right now?

My son's blood group is very rare. AB negative.

It doesn't match mine.

But imagine that your
father could save some lives.

Are you crazy?

Do you even know
what you are asking for?

Maybe my father will wake up right
now... maybe he'll be absolutely fine.

And you're asking
me to donate his organs...

...even before he's dead?

Do you have any decency?

What are you saying?

Listen, this is a hospital.

Please keep your voices down!

Sorry, Doctor.

What you're
saying is completely logical.

But we're Hindus.

And in the Hindu religion...

...if the body's tampered
with before its cremation,

then the soul doesn't attain salvation.

Mohit, let's go.

You too.

Vasamsi jirnani, yatha vihaya.

Navani grhnati, naro parani.

Tatha sarirani vihaya, jirnany anyani.

Samyati navani dehi.

It means that the body is merely a garment.

And just like when clothes get old or torn...

...and we get new ones, the soul, too,
forsakes its old body and dons a new one.

I don't say this...

Its said by Lord Krishna in the Bhagwad Gita,
Chapter 2.22.

So, buddy, the clothes
are tattered already.

It won't make a difference now...

...if there's thread gone
or a button missing.

Let's go.

Please, sir...

You can save lives.

You can save others' lives.

Sir, please.


Josh has progressed from
No.21 to No.4 on the recipients' list.

That's a big development.

Aruna, whenever an
athlete loses a race... doesn't matter how many runners
are behind him or ahead of him.

All that matters is that he lost.

It won't matter even if Josh is
No.1 on the waiting list.

He only has six months left.

Why don't they want to donate?

He's an 80-year-old man.

Sir, we're supposed
to raid Bhindi Bazaar today.

What time should I come pick you up?

I'll be there.

I had a word with the Society Manager.

He's agreed to allow setting up a
commercial establishment here.

And anyways, I don't think...

...any residential buyer
will even think of buying this place.

Why? What's the problem
with this house?

Don't people die in other homes?

Kabir, please.

We've come way beyond
these arguments now.

Just be realistic, OK?

There's nothing left here anymore.

Nothing, huh...

There is.

Disappointment... regret... guilt.

And Shreya?

Shreya isn't here, Kabir.

She is here.

It took me three years to accept this.

It might take you thirty.

So my suggestion to
you is, sell this place.

Just believe that Shreya is in
a better place now

If you change your
mind, let me know.

This house is jointly owned by us... you'll need my signature
on the papers as well.

Send it to my father's
place or whatever you feel.

There are other ways
to keep Shreya's memory alive, Kabir.

I am taking my way with me...

...hope you find your's soon.


Three times? In one night?

These days my machinery
doesn't even last me once...

Prakash Sir,
ACP Sir has called you urgently.

See you later.

Get the bag.


Get the bag.


Get the bag.

Turn that off.

Pandu fucks Pandu [cop fucks cop].

This video has gone
viral on social media.

Kabir, why can't you go by the books?

Malwankar is no saint, and you know...

I've not finished yet!

And please don't interrupt me.

Sorry, sir.

I know about Malwankar's dealings,
his cuts.

His network, bribes...

I don't need you to tell me all this.

And Kabir, if you want to work...

...then do it properly.

No need to create these scenes.


You said don't interrupt.

Forget it.
Please get this video off the web.

Pandu fucks Pandu.


Sanjay will call you.

He's an estate agent.
I've already had a word with him.

And yes, I called Ria.

Just do as she says.

She has lost as much as you have.

But look at how she has handled herself.

And you?

What have you done to yourself?

No work ethic or anything?

Look, there's nothing
left in that house.

If you can sell it off,
I'm sure your guilt will lessen.

Can't do that Sir.

Shr... Shreya... is in that house.

Sir, I can understand you have
a problem with my way of working.

I will work on it.

Jai Hind, sir.

What's his current average?

He's progressed from

Even changed the brand.

He's younger than you...

...spends most of his time with you.

Why don't you talk to him?


He's younger than you, too.

But if he cares a f*ck for a senior officer like you...

You think he gives a f*ck for me?

What kind of a language is this?

Get out!

Thank you, sir.

Perhaps it had something to
do with living in a dark cupboard.

But Harry had always been
small and skinny for his age.

He looked even smaller
and skinnier than he really was.



I am also thin and skinny.


But, this is a different story.

Harry was in a cupboard, they kept him
locked up in a cupboard for a long time.

He didn't get any sunlight,
so... he became small and skinny.

Not like you.

Dada... I don't want to die.

Stop telling these
boring stories to my Josh.

Keep it...

Josh, go to sleep.
It's very late in the night.

Come on, sleep.

Who does he think he is?

Waving his wand and doing magic.

I am going to write
to the Prime Minister.

If you tax the rich,
it helps the poor.

Levy surcharge on petrol
to make kerosene affordable.

That means, we try and help
somebody while we are alive.

So why can't we continue being
useful to someone even after we are dead?

You know,
every citizen in France is an organ donor.

By default.

Unless you opt out, you know.

Mr. Prime Minister,
please make organ donation compulsory.

Yours truly, Juliet Mascarenhas.

Mom, it's okay.

Why is this happening to us?

I cannot see Josh in this condition.

That tube... I cannot see him like this.

He's just a 6-year-old child.

He cannot run... he cannot laugh.

He cannot play.

You know I pray to God every day.

And God. You know... sometimes
I want to throw away this Cross.

What do I do?

Now I can't wish for all
organ donors to die, can I?

So that Josh can live.


I can't think like that.

That's not who we are.

Danny do something. Save Josh.

Josh is on No. 4.

He's been on No. 4 for one year.

How many months does he have?

Five to six.

Now I can't wish for all
organ donors to die, can I?

So that Josh can live.

Dada, I don't want to die.

Danny... you will not let
anything happen to our son.

Promise me.

I promise you, Margaret.

I will never let anything
happen to Josh.