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01x05 - Your Sister Is Dead

Posted: 03/11/24 10:40
by bunniefuu

- Hello?
- Igor Kucz, MY TV.

Your wife was the sister of...


Leave a message after the beep.

Kuba, I know who is framing Gosia.
I can help. Call me back.

We're standing in front of the
regional prosecutor's office in Warsaw,

the workplace of Paweł Kopiński,
whose name has been often mentioned

since yesterday in relation
to Malgorzata T.'s arrest.

Igor, remind the viewers,
what is the relationship

between the prosecutor and the suspect?

Malgorzata T. is Prosecutor Kopiński's

Her sister, the prosecutor's wife,
was the founder of the foundation,

and has successfully led
the organization since 2012.

Two years ago,
Joanna Kopińska passed away,

and Malgorzata T. has taken her place.

From what I've been told,
they are a happy family.

They like each other
and spend time together.

Malgorzata T. used to
take care of Kopiński's daughter.

So, they are constantly in touch.

A question arises then,
is it possible that the prosecutor

was not aware of the embezzlement
of public funds?

Or maybe he played a part in it?

We'll answer these questions and many more
in the second part of the program.

We invite you to watch the story.
Krzysztof Dunaj-Szafrański. Stay with us.



your friend won't get out of this.

But... Paweł is innocent.

It doesn't matter.
They've already passed judgment.


Dunaj-Szafrański is framing
my wife's sister.

Getting back at me for his son.

He offered Broniarek a deal.

- How much?
- Ten grand.

Magnanimous piece of shit.

He told me he'd pay 50.
The m*therf*cker spends more on suits.

- We have two days till the court hearing.
- And the indictment. I know.

Put the pressure on Klaudia Broniarek.

Convince her.
Tell her we'll get to the truth anyway.

Why don't we just let go?

This girl reminds me
of someone I once knew.


Next time, don't follow me.

f*cking Dempsey and Makepeace
strike again.

Are your really going
to make a thing out of this?

Zolder filed a complaint
and says he's going to sue.

Abuse of authority,
intimidating the witness.

Buddha case. f*cking geniuses.

- What do you want to do with this?
- What do you expect me to do?

I'll follow procedures.

The complaint was filed and got lost.
Probably put in some random drawer.

And, now, off you go, back to work,
only without any dumb ideas,

because next time
I might be having a bad day.

I love you, too.



No. No...

No one from my family
will comment on the case.

We've put it behind us.

Yes. Goodbye.

The press.

They wanted to talk
about Malczak's arrest.

Thank you.

Dad, where is Mom?

Wojciech M. will probably
face charges of murdering four people.

The fate of the two remaining teenagers,
a boy and a girl who attended the camp

in Kochanów, is still unknown. Tune in
to Anna Nienacka's report after the break.

Mom left.

She didn't mention anything
in the morning.

When is she coming back?


She has abandoned us, son.

She ran away.

It's just you and me now.

Don't you like it?

It's your work.

I didn't k*ll them.

Really? You're still playing
hide and seek, m*therf*cker?

It doesn't matter who k*lled them,
only who can be framed for it?

Where are Kamila and Artur's bodies?

Where did you hide them? Tell me.
Where are the bodies?


Have we got him?

Did he confess?


Long time no see, Paweł.
Or rather, Mr. Prosecutor.


You've made it big, unlike me.

Let's skip the small talk, Wojtek.

- I didn't come here to chitchat.
- Then what did you come for?

I want to know what happened
in those woods.

Oh, right. I heard on the radio.

They dug up some bones,
and memories came rushing back?

My sister was there.

Was she?

What was her name? Wait, let me...
It will come back to me.


Beautiful, nice Kamila. The naïve child.

She was so keen on impressing Daniel.
She would've done anything for him.

What happened there?

"If I give away all I have,
and if I deliver my body to be burned,

but have not love, I gain nothing."

I'm having a lot
of unexpected guests lately.

- Who else visited you?
- Why would I tell you?

- Did Mr. Malczak have any guests lately?
- I can check in the logbook.

It was a Karol Nowak.

Private eye. And do you know
who he was asking about?

Someone is digging for dirt on you, buddy.

I told them nothing.

I'll be out in a few months.
Why make new enemies?

You k*lled my sister.


I didn't k*ll Kamila or Artur,
and I didn't k*ll Monika or Daniel either.

I've made my share of mistakes, Paweł.
And I'm paying for them.

But back then... in those woods,
it wasn't me.

I know you didn't k*ll Artur.

I saw him quite recently.

How long have you known?

How long?

Two is not four! Do you understand?

It doesn't matter.

What happened with my sister?

It doesn't matter.

I wouldn't f*cking tell you!


I'll find her.

This meeting is over.

"Two is not four"?

I don't know.

Would Malczak get a shorter sentence
if he was only convicted of two murders?

He would get the same sentence.
He k*lled a human.

Okay, so...

Malczak knew
that Artur didn't die that night?

But he had no witnesses to prove it.

But it still doesn't mean Kamila survived.

I know.

What if Artur k*lled them?
Maybe he was in it with Malczak?

- He was mad at Monika. He had a reason.
- She humiliated him.

So he slit her throat.
Maybe in a crime of passion.

And Kamila and Daniel
were accidental witnesses.

So he had to shut them up.

The cleaning lady's son.

He att*cked a kid at the camp.
He would've been the main suspect.

And what? He faked his own death?


Maybe he confessed to his parents.

And they helped him
hide for all those years?

But he didn't k*ll himself,
and he didn't move his own body.

Malczak is in a high-security prison,
with no furlough rights.

Then there must be someone else.

There is someone else.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- Great spot.
- Yeah.

Are reporters still
hanging around the house?

- Don't even ask how I managed to slip out.
- Why didn't you answer your phone?

- Kuba...
- I'm sorry, I had to get my shit together.

We need to act fast
if we're gonna get her out of this.

I know who's framing her.

We'll bail her out.

Just say you lent her that money.

Say that you knew everything.
That was the deal.

She takes 100,000,
and then she pays it back with interest.

- What are you talking about?
- She just borrowed it.

What are you talking about?

- You don't get it?
- I don't.

She'll go to jail.

Our life will be over.
Our family will be finished.

Everything will be over.

She should've thought about that before
she robbed the foundation.

She wanted to buy land.

We wanted to invest,
to increase the assets.

Your wife's foundation
would profit from it.

My wife's foundation
is not for increasing your assets.

Why didn't I know about it?

An offer came up, short-term, great price.
Buy low, sell high.

This girl was selling off
her father's estate.

He used to have a factory in Poland,
a rich Chinese guy.

A Chinese girl?

What was her name?

I don't know, Gosia negotiated with her.
Black hair, very pretty, like a model.

Black hair, pretty?
Like a model? Connoisseur...

That's her?

- You know her?
- She's a f*cking money mule!

A f*cking money mule!

She framed us all.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

- I'm looking for Ming Li.
- She doesn't work here anymore.

- Since when?
- She quit a few days ago.

I heard she went back home.

Do you have a phone number or address?


Are you coming?

I'm coming.

You should open a bottle of champagne.
We've got the prosecutor.

We've got shit.

Listen, he is the only suspect
in this case.

It's too easy. Too easy.

As if someone was handing us
Kopiński on a silver platter.

Don't your read the papers?
The guy was milking the foundation.

Not him, his wife's sister.

Oh, the poor thing.
He had no idea. Come on.

The rich always think
they'll get away with it.

Kopiński's not rich.

He's on government pay, like you and me.

I just want to solve this case.

And not put the first
available guy in prison.

Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon.
- Would you like something to drink?

Let's talk...


I'm a prosecutor. I like hypothesizing.

Sit down, please.

Let's assume, hypothetically,
this homicide victim...

this Marek Kowalski...

really was my son.

What do you think it would
mean for my family?

That you lied to me.

No. Not just to you.

Who else?


Our families sued,
a big compensation was paid.

Hypothetically speaking, now...

it would turn out to be extortion.

I see.

We could be charged
with obstruction of justice.

Four people entered the woods,
one came out alive and hid that fact.

Hypothetically speaking, that person
might have k*lled the other three.

Artur didn't do it.

And I should just trust your word on this?

Besides, even if he did,
you can't resurrect him.

You can't sue him and sentence him.

Did he k*ll Kamila?

- No.
- No?

Who did it, Mr. Perkowski?

You'll leave my family alone?

I will if I'm not forced to do otherwise.

You have my word. Hypothetically.

If my son came out of those woods alive,
then he wasn't the only one.

That's all I know.

Malgorzata T. is president
of the For the Sake of Kids Foundation,

and sister-in-law of prosecutor
Paweł Kopiński.

Her foundation has helped patients
for many years...

Can you turn that down?

With the help of donors and volunteers,
the foundation has been supporting

children's oncology
and hematology clinics for years,

covering the costs of non-refundable
medicines and rehabilitation...


I need to meet with your father, Laura.

I will come over. Let's talk about it.

Okay. Bye.

- You all right?
- Yes.

No, thank you.

Do you believe him?


Why would he lie?

He told you exactly the one thing
you wanted to hear.

Don't you think it's strange?

Room 45.

- You need to call first.
- Your dad.

He agreed to see you on one condition,
you are to come alone.


Daddy? I'm scared.

You are scared? It's not possible.

Kaja, Laura.


It's getting late. I should be going.

- See you soon.
- Yes, sure.



- Hi.
- Hi.

Something was found.

I think it may be important to you.

- Thank you.
- Do you want something to drink?

I'm okay, thank you.
I haven't told anyone yet.

But I believe you should
hear about this first.

I don't care if you had anything
to do with that embezzlement.

Everyone has secrets
they don't want to talk about.

I also lost someone once.

My father, he went out
when I was ten and he vanished.

I'm sorry.

I'd do anything to find out
what happened to him.

The truth is what counts most.

What are you getting at?

Those bones belonged to a woman.

You know that already.

But one bone was especially interesting,
the hyoid bone.

Part of the larynx.
Shaped like a horseshoe.

It was broken in two.

What does it mean?

A m*rder has been committed.
The victim was strangled.

But there's more.

A young person's hyoid bone
is more like cartilage, flexible.

It wouldn't snap in two,
it would be crushed.

I took some extra X-rays
to check the ossification.


There's no doubt.

This skeleton belonged
to a woman in her forties.

Certainly not to a girl your sister's age.

If it's true,
that means Perkowski wasn't lying.

No, Paweł. It only means
those were not Kamila's bones.

Then whose are they?

I don't know, Paweł.

I'm sorry. I need to go.

I pressured Klaudia like you wanted me to.

I said we won't let go and we'll keep
digging till we get to the truth.

She started lying, said she made it all up
because she needed the cash and so on,

but she couldn't get her stories straight,
so I went all in.

Any details?

I told her we've got evidence she has been
abused by three guys, not two.

And that we're broadening the indictment.

Herman will k*ll us.

We looked everywhere
except the right place.

Marancz and Dunaj-Szafrański couldn't have
filmed anything, they were too "busy."

- Someone was helping them.
- Yes.

Someone who was at the same party,
who was close and had access to Klaudia.

Janek Falkowski?

But she never said he r*ped her too,
or that he was involved in any way.

Because she loves him, Paweł.

And she is subconsciously trying
to cover for him.

- Hello?
- Hi.

I think I've got something
that might interest you.

My techs have just discovered interesting
fibers on Marek Kowalski's body

from an old car seat,
probably from a '70s model.

There's a car junkyard near
the Kartuska St. Bridge,

where we found the body.
I assume you know it.

You have access
to the same footage, don't you?

Don't you think it's strange?

It was a body for sure.

Okay. We'll check it.


Thank you.

I could've taken a taxi.

They avoid driving there. I checked.

It's at the end of the world.
Besides, you can't afford it.

Are you sure you want to go there?

Yes, your father talked to my mom
before she left. He may know something.

It's all so damn fragile.

I'm afraid you might ask
the wrong questions.

There are no wrong questions.

He's a missing piece of the puzzle.
I'm ready to see him.

Sometimes, there are answers
we're better off without.

Is this the place?


What's wrong?

You better go.

What about you?

You are supposed to go alone.

I love you.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

My name is Paweł Kopiński.
I'm here to meet with Mr. Goldsztajn.

Dawid is waiting in the park.

- There.
- Thank you.

- Good afternoon.
- Prosecutor Kopiński.

Why did you want to meet?

I'm trying to solve a case, and...

I've got a few questions.

I'm sick, Paweł.

My heart's failing me.

- And so is my head.
- It won't take long.

I'm only interested in that summer.

That summer...

It was... a hot summer...

record-breaking hot.

Asphalt was melting in the streets.

What did my mother tell you?
Before she left?

Before she ran away from your father?


Before she left us suddenly
with no reason.

Before she cut all ties with me.

After your sister's death,
everything fell apart.

Your parents' relationship...

My sister didn't die in those woods.

Excuse me?

Neither did Artur Perkowski.

He paid you a visit recently.
Don't you remember?

Marek Kowalski, that's the name he used.
You talked.

What did he want from you?
Why did he come here?

We found the owner of that car
from the video.

Dawid Goldsztajn.

Does it ring a bell?


He's the guy who ran the camp,
the high school principal.

He lives in some nursing home.
It's in the middle of nowhere.

Let's go.

Good afternoon.

Your dad and his guest
left about half an hour ago.

- Where to?
- To the park.

What did he want?

It was a bad thing...

that you saw us back then in the woods
with Malczak.

You saw me, too.

I did.

Wojtek didn't.

Hey! Wait!


I was wondering who you'd
spill the beans to first.


Lubelski? Your mother?

But no.

You didn't squeak.

You scared me back then.

If you tell anyone
that you saw me with Malczak,

I'm going to k*ll you,
and then I'm going to k*ll your mother!

I tried to protect Laura.
It's only natural.

How far would you go
to protect your own child?

I wouldn't tell anyone.

I loved your daughter.

Did you k*ll them?

Me? Maybe you did?

What happened to my sister?

Poor thing.

- She was so pretty.
- What did Artur say about her?

Kamila, Kamila, Kamila.

- Did she survive?
- It's over, Paweł.

- What did he say about her?
- It was so long ago.

What did he want? Why did he come back?

- He asked questions, too.
- What questions?

They are dead, Paweł.
Leave the dead in peace.

I want to know. Don't you get that?

You boys, you just can't let go, can you?

Too bad.




Dad, no! No!

Your sister is dead.