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01x20 - Madeline in New York

Posted: 03/10/24 20:11
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines,

Lived 12 little girls
in two straight lines.

[Woof woof woof]

They left the house
at half past 9:00...

In two straight lines
in rain...

Or shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.




Ha ha!

Good catch,

One day miss clavel
gave the girls the news

That they would take
an ocean cruise.

For our spring vacation,
we will go to america.

Ooh, america!
Ooh, america!


Madeline almost
dropped her fork

When she heard that
they would see new york.

Ooh, new york!

Hola, muchachas.

Did you say
new york?

May I come, too,
miss clavel?

Por favor?

Mais oui, pepito,

If it is all right
with your parents.


I would like to see
a broadway show.

And I would like
to window-shop

On fifth avenue.

I would like to take
a horse and carriage

Through central park.

All I want to do
is see a baseball game!

Play ball!


Ha ha ha!

Not in the house,
mes enfants.

One morning,
in the bright sunshine,

They left the house
at half past 9:00.

[Woof woof]

Au revoir,
mrs. Murphy.

Au revoir,

See you soon!

We will write!

They took a train ride
to the pier.

And miss clavel said,
"we're here."

Nous sommes arrives.

And the little girls
began to cheer.

Soon we will set sail
to new york.

Bon voyage!

A bientot, mes amis!

Au revoir!

They left the dock
at half past 3:00.

Pretty soon,
they were out at sea.

It was to be
a long, long trip.

They'd spend 12 days
aboard the ship.

The seas were calm,
the weather fine.

They played shuffleboard
in two straight lines,

All but pepito
and madeline.

Batter up!


On a day
of great humidity,

They saw
with great lucidity

The majestic statue
of liberty.

Ooh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ooh!

She is welcoming us
to america.

Ahh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ahh!

The giant green lady
held up her hand,

Greeting the travelers
from a faraway land.

She is
so beautiful!

But of course,
mes enfants.

She was a gift to america
from france.

That afternoon
at half past 4:00,

The little girls
set foot ashore.

But getting a taxi
was a chore.

Oh, dear.


May I please try,
miss clavel?

Tres bien, madeline.



Please take us
to our hotel...

Said the weary
miss clavel.

Hang on, kids.

We'll be there
in a flash.

They zoomed uptown
and crossed the park.

When they reached their rooms,
it was almost dark.

How the lights
did shine at night.

The skyline was
a thrilling sight...

When the girls went out
to have a bite.

At a restaurant
three blocks across town...

They watched the food
go round and round.

Now here is a coin
for each of you.

Put your money
in the slot.

Open the door, and out
will come your food.

Miss clavel.

There are
no croissants

Or baguettes.

That is french bread, ma petit.
Now we are in america.

And there is
no brie cheese.

But there is
american cheese.

And there are
no escargots.

That is right, chloe.
No snails here.

But you can have
a hamburger

Or a peanut butter

A peanut butter

We love our bread.

We love our...
Peanut butter?

But most of all,
we love each other.


And we love
our french food.

Next day, they met
their driver, robby,

At half past 7:00
in the lobby.

Good mornin', kids.

monsieur robby.

They drove around
and saw the sights

From central park

To brooklyn heights.

That, mes petits,
is the brooklyn bridge.

It has had many owners

And is one of the most beautiful
bridges in the world.

It is so beautiful!


[Robby] here you have it,
ladies and gentleman,

The empire state building.


This is even taller
than the eiffel tower.

There is nothing
that is greater...

Oh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â oh!

Than a hundred-story

Hello, down there!


Oh, magnifique!

With the ride back down
a little later.

Ahh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ahh!

They rode a carriage
with a horse.

Nicole was very thrilled,
of course.

And to the tiger
in the big bronx zoo,

Madeline just said...


This tiger
understands french!

They perused the city's
largest stores

And saw a play
about troubadours.

They tried some new
and different dishes--

Corn on the cob
and then knishes.

And madeline
expressed her wishes.

What about the ball game,
miss clavel?

Is it possible?


There were lots of cars
and lots of honks

As they headed uptown
to the bronx.

Here it is,
mes petits--

The stadium
of the yankees.

Fans went wild
and for a reason--

It was the first game
of the season.

They wiped their faces
with their hankies.

Oh! What a large crowd
drew those yankees!

Peanuts, popcorn,
bars of candy--

Snacks of every kind
were handy.

Play ball!â â â â â â â â â â play ball!

Soon came the ninth
and final inning.

The yankee fans were grim,
not grinning.

They have two outs!

Do not worry,

This next batter
will save the day.

First, two strikes...

And then a foul.

The fans began
to cry and howl.

Then the batter
creased his brow a bit,

Leaning over for a spit.

And sure enough,
he got a hit.

The ball turned around,
and then it fell,

Heading straight
for miss clavel.


Do not worry,
miss clavel.

[Crowd cheers]

How that catch
revived the crowd.

The cheers were long
and strong and loud.

And miss clavel
was very proud.

You have saved
the day, madeline.

Hooray for madeline!

And best of all,
the yankees got
a home run!

Madeline, you are
one lucky young lady.

The millionaire
mr. Moneybags
is giving a prize

For catching
the first home run ball
of the season.

The prize that waited
for inspection

Was at the rivers'


So you're
the little lady
that snagged the homer.

Oui. It is true.
C'est moi.

Ha ha!

And here
is your prize.

It wasn't something
that would fit in the fridge.

In fact...

It was the brooklyn bridge.


But, monsieur,

You do not need
this bridge?

It's all yours,

I already own
coney island,

The queens
midtown tunnel,

And jersey city.

What do I need
a bridge for?


He said that
with a little cough.

Then in a moment...

He was off.

The bridge was large.
The bridge was grand.


The little girls
stood hand in hand.

Ahh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ahh!

What a wonderful
prize, madeline!

It will be so much fun
to own a bridge!

Come, children.

We have had a busy day.

It is time
to break our bread.

May we come back
to see my bridge?

Mais oui,

At city hall,
which was not far away,

The mayor of new york
heard the news of the day.

He was a kind
and lively fellow.

His shirt was blue.
His tie was yellow.

And his name
was fiorello.

[Radio] we interrupt
our program to bring you
a special announcement.

Mr. Moneybags has given
the brooklyn bridge

To a little french girl.


Details at 6:00.

Oh, I bet it's because
of all the taxes

He owes on that bridge!

High up in their room
far away from the street,

The girls broke their bread
as they soaked their sore feet.

But madeline had
no time to eat.

[Telephone rings]



Madeline, it is
about your bridge.

A car
has a flat tire.

Madeline, it is for you.

A halt sign on your bridge
has blown upside down.

Madeline, it is about
your bridge.

There is a bird's nest
in the subway lane.

Oui, oui.


Madeline could not
eat her supper.

She worried about roadways,
lower and upper.


[Ring ring]


Oh, dear!

I see.

Quel dommage!

Oui, oui!
We will be right there.

But she knew
she was out of luck

When she heard
about the peanut truck.

What is it,
miss clavel?

is not right, madeline.

There has been a truck spill
on the brooklyn bridge.

The brooklyn bridge?

Yes, that's right.
The brooklyn bridge.

The rainy conditions

And a truck of peanuts
and other snacks has spilled.

A truck of peanuts?

And other snacks?

Blocking the upper
and lower roadways

And the number 1, 2, 3, 4,

what should I do?

Come, madeline.

We will go downtown
and see.

So, with very little time
to waste,

They entered
robby's cab with haste.

An awful mess
had to be faced.


Popcorn, peanuts,
cr*cker jacks.

The bridge was full
of salty snacks.

Oh, dear.

The little girl
became quite flustered

Because her bridge
was paved with mustard.

How will we ever

Clean all this up?

Do not worry,

I am sure there is
a solution.

Hot dogs, pretzels,
ice-cream bars

Blocked buicks, fords,
and other cars.

Hey, you the owner?

It's about time!

The ketchup's
ruining my tires!

I am sorry, monsieur,

But it is not my fault.

Oh, miss clavel,
owning a bridge

Is nothing but
a big headache.

Madeline took out her broom
and started to sweep,

But she felt
as if she had to weep.

My dinner's
gonna get cold!

I'm gonna be late
for the show! I just got
this car washed!

She is just a little girl.

Please, do not be so hard
on her.

Yeah, lady, but she's
the owner of the bridge.

Who do you want me
to call, the mayor?

Did someone
mention my name?


You must be madeline
from paris.

Oui, monsieur mayor.

Hey! This is no way
to treat a yankee fan!

Oh, monsieur mayor,

I know I am not
too small for baseball,

But I am too small
to own a bridge.

No. You are
not too small.

You just need
a bigger broom.

Ha ha ha!

Does new york have
a bigger broom?

We have several hundred.

In that case,
monsieur mayor,

I would like
to give the bridge
to your city,

If you will accept it.

Of course we will
accept it, madeline.

And we would like
to give you something
in return.


Ah, oui!

The very next day,
right after the storm,

A big broom cleaned up
the soggy popcorn.

And madeline
put on her new uniform.

Oh, madeline!

That is the most
beautiful uniform
in the world!

And I get to be bat girl
for the yankees!

On the field,
there was a sign

Thanking little madeline.

Will madeline
get to catch

And throw the ball,
miss clavel?

Oui, nicole.

And will she meet
all the players?

Oui, chloe.

And best of all,

She is going to get
get autographs

For all of us!

Madeline was filled
with pride

As the umpire took a breath
and cried...

Play ball!

and good luck.


One detail, though,
was not complete.

There was nothing
for the fans to eat.

I'm hungry, daddy.
I want a hot dog.

Sorry, honey.
There's no food today.

It was all spilled
on the bridge.

Down on the field,
the yanks got a hit.

But up in the stands,
the crowd threw a fit.

To put the crowd
in a better mood,

The little girls
had brought french food.

Get your
pommes frites!

Get your nice, hot
pommes frites!

Hey. These aren't bad.

What do ya call these?

Pommes frites--

Fried potatoes
a la francais.

Here, honey.
Fried potatoes,

French style.

Hmm. French fries.

Ya know,
this french food
could really catch on.

Then when the game
was almost done,

The yankees hit...

The first home run.

And soon,
the baseball game was won.


Madeline, we are gonna
have a parade.

For the yankees?

No. For the little girl

Who gave us
the brooklyn bridge

And for her friends,

Who brought
french fries
to the usa.


On wall street,
all the bells were rung

And miles of ticker tape
were flung.

I declare today
"madeline day."

Until tomorrow,

Madison avenue will be
known as madeline avenue.

♪ East side, west side,
broadway, too ♪

♪ Chinatown
to the bronx zoo ♪

♪ From harlem
to grand central station ♪

♪ Madeline
is one sensation ♪

♪ Ba dum ba dum ba dum ♪

♪ Let's hear a great big cheer
for madeline ♪

♪ For madeline ♪

♪ For madeline ♪

♪ Let's hear a great big cheer
for madeline ♪

♪ New york
loves madeline ♪

♪ Ba dum ba dum ♪

♪ New york
loves madeline ♪

♪ Uptown, downtown,
central park ♪

♪ Coney island after dark ♪

♪ To times square
with its neon signs ♪

♪ We love those girls
in two straight lines ♪

♪ Ba dum ba dum
ba dum ♪

♪ Ba da da
dum bum bum ♪

♪ A great big cheer
for the little girls ♪

♪ The little girls ♪

♪ The little girls ♪

♪ Let's hear
a great big cheer ♪

♪ For the little girls ♪

♪ New york loves
the little girls ♪

♪ Pepito, too ♪

♪ New york loves
the little girls ♪

♪ And madeline! ♪

The very next day,
at a quarter to 2:00...

The girls and pepito
bid new york adieu.

Au revoir,
statue of liberty!

Au revoir,
empire state

Au revoir,
madeline avenue!

Adios, yankees!

Ha ha! And good-bye,
brooklyn bridge.

They drifted
farther from the shore.

That's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ Though
you may shout, "encore" ♪

♪ That's all there is ♪

♪ There isn't any more ♪

[Woof woof]