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01x06 - Masquerade

Posted: 12/23/14 14:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on State of Affairs...

You're making omissions
from your memory of that day.

I remember. Aaron!

I remember. I remember him dying.


Our friend Syd asked me to help you.

Happy hunting.

Who's that with Charlie?


The congressional report on the convoy attack has been leaked.

The b*ll*ts that k*lled Aaron came from a CIA-registered w*apon.

I have shards of memories that I can't trust.

My job is to shield you from harm.

What are you asking, David?

Fire Charleston Tucker immediately.

Hey, are we calling it "cutter" or "kah-tar"?

[Indistinct conversation]

"Cutter." It's always been "cutter."

The press says "kah-tar," but they are wrong.

I know, Charlie. I'm joking.

What's up with you? You cool?

Fatah sets up this entire t*rror1st network from scratch, blindsides us with it, and then we're stuck here while the rest of the team is back hunting Al Moosari at Langley.

"The Moose."

Lucas started calling him that.

It was getting confusing... Ar Rissalah, Al Moosari.

We nicknamed Al Moosari "the Moose" and I missed it?

Well, you've been a little checked out.

[Sighs] Is it Nick?

I'm sorry. I have nothing.

I mean, if I did, I would tell you.

I'll... I'll keep digging.


[Dramatic music]

[Motorcycle engine revving]

We have to tread lightly with the Qatari government on this one, ma'am.

This is a big ask.


We're just asking for continued use of the military bases.

To stage covert and clandestine missions against our enemies.

I'm not gonna allow Fatah's network, this Ar Rissalah, to build up the kind of head of steam that allowed Al-qaeda to flourish or Hamas to hijack...

Hamas, who has the not-so-quiet support of the very individual you're about to sit down with.


He saves face with the diehards by giving us public grief over military aggression and, in private, signs our deal.

You've thought this through.

I'm not just a pretty face, David.

[Motorcycle engine revving]

You know, Fatah doing that interview announcing Ar Rissalah, the fact that the Moose is American, the possibility of sleeper cells in the U.S., it feels like...

Hey, Charlie?

Mom, get down!

[All yelling, g*nshots]

Aaron! Oh, God!

[Sighs] It feels like...

There's an attack coming. I know.


Oh, God.

This convoy... Are you okay?


It's just...

Feels a lot like Kabul.

Have you been able to remember anything else since our last talk?

And I keep seeing it in my head, but the details won't define themselves and...

I need to remember exactly what happened in that attack.

I think...

POTUS thinks I'm lying to her.

And why wouldn't she?

No. How are you lying?

How is a faulty memory a lie?

I started remembering these same two images.

The first one is... of Aaron pointing a g*n at me.

No, you can't be remembering that right, Charlie.

God, I hope not, because the other thing I remember is me pointing a g*n back.


She's hiding something, David.

I get the feeling that she is buying time.

Well, then stop selling it.

Why do you trust her so much anyway?

Because she was gonna marry Aaron?

Because she's family.

She's almost family.

Fatah is one of the two most dangerous men in the world.

Charlie is our resident expert on him, and yet Ar Rissalah has sprung up without her so much as catching a whiff...

Now, that's as much on the CIA...

They are one and the same.


They are one and the same.

Fatah and Ar Rissalah are on her.

She cannot pitch around them.

And so far, she's not been throwing too many strikes.

[Motorcycle engine humming]

[Engine revving]

[Tires squeal]

6-1, this is Regent. Firebird is inbound. Over.

Open the gate.

President Payton is one minute out.

[Static crackles]

Regent, this is 1-1.

All right, 1-1.

Okay, 1-1, we've got eyes on. Over.

Alert. Alert.

We have an inbound motorcycle.

Roll with Firebird. Repeat. Roll with Firebird.

Go, go, go.

Let's get her out.

There's no time! Go! Let's go! Let's go!

This way, ma'am. Keep your head down.

Get her inside! Inside! Let's go!

[Sirens wailing]

Oh, my God.

Secure the gate! Secure the gate!


Oh, my God. Everybody get out. Go, go.

Keep him on the ground!


[Shouting indistinctly]

Freeze! Freeze! Don't move!

Show us your hands! Hands!

I work for CIA! I work for CIA!

I work for CIA!

He's sitting there with third-degree burns and two g*nsh*t wounds.

Well, you bum-rush a presidential motorcade and a bunch of bored marines, you're lucky to be sitting up at all.

Chief of Station wants us to do the interview.


Because Rayst Kamal is not ours.

There is no record of him ever being a CIA asset.

Nobody was running him from here.


You believe that?

You don't?

Wouldn't be the first time a case officer ran an asset off the books.

[Door opens]

Prime Minister Sajjaf is here.

[Sighs] He's gonna be angry.

He has every right to be.

Just show him in.

[Door opens]

[Clears throat]

Good day, Mr. Prime Minister.

Thank you for not postponing our meeting.


I was considering canceling altogether.

We're supposed to be allies, ma'am.

And we are.

Then why are you spying on us?

We're not. You have my word.

You have in your custody one of our nationals who is currently being investigated for stealing state secrets.

Return him to us, immediately.

A Qatari national breached our perimeter.

He's being held as a security threat.

That's all I know.

I don't feel like I need to remind you, ma'am, that there are many powerful people in my country who don't like the fact that Americans are launching att*cks on our neighbors from Qatari soil.

Any American base, in any country in the world is considered our soil.

I will extend my deadline until tomorrow.

Return this Kamal to us, or your bases will be shut.

And good luck making w*r on your enemies without them.

[Door closes]

All right, all right, so how did Bullwinkle fake his own death?

Who's Bullwinkle?

Al Moosari, the Moose, Bullwinkle.



You trying to one-up my nickname?

I already did.

Bullwinkle's way better than your nickname.

Our first official American member of Ar Rissalah deserves our finest nomenclature.

Bullwinkle was reportedly k*lled by Mossad in 2012.

Which we know to be bogus, right?

Yeah, so we publish our photos of him and see who scrambles for cover.

What's that gonna give us?

"What's that gonna give"... [Sighs]

It's gonna give us his known associates, his current location, cure to cancer... who knows?

Yeah, I... You know what?

No, no, no. We need something more concrete.

There's... We're gonna sit on this.

We're sitting on it?

So we just sit on the fact that Al Moosari...


Whatever... is still alive?

Until we have a better handle on Al Moosari and his movements, yes.

I think that's a terrible idea.

Well, it's not your decision.


Dash, I think someone's assumed the mantle of leadership for us over here.

Thank God for that, huh?

Making decisions.

There we go. Big boss boy.

Charlie's out of pocket with POTUS.

Ray put me in charge.


Yeah. Ray.

You mean Director Navarro, right?

That's who you're talking about.

You know, I think Ray put you in charge so that if you failed, he'd have somewhere to put the blame.

That's fine.

There's something to keep you up at night, huh, buddy?

It's not gonna keep me up at night.

Know why? I don't fail.

You don't fail?

You don't fail?


Too big to fail.


Too big to fail over there.


[Loud death metal music playing]

[Loud clanging]

[Music clicks off]

Hey, handsome.

[Electronically distorted] I need to determine the malleability of your mind, Mr. Vera.


Neuro-linguistic programming.

I've been doing this... better than you... for a decade to detainees.

So just, you know, spare me. All right?

We read from the same playbook.

Ahh, but where did I get my copy?

If I'm government, then you spend the rest of your miserable life in Leavenworth Prison, and if I'm not, well, then it's highly unlikely you are ever leaving this box alive.

Oh, brother, you better never let me leave this box.

Well, I guess that's up to me. Isn't it?


What happens to you next is a direct result of how you answer my questions.

Did you k*ll Aaron Payton?

Take off my face, and I'll tell you.

What is your relationship with Omar Fatah?


What is my relationship with Omar Fatah?

Oh, it was just a one-time thing.


When you interrogated Omar Fatah on your one-night stand, who else was with you?

[Blowtorch hissing]

Who else was there?

[Beeping, buzzer sounds]

[Door opens]

Where is Ben?

I'm only supposed to speak with Ben.


Your handler is unavailable right now.

So we're in charge of your debrief.

You worked for Qatari Armed Forces?

In allocation and procurement. Yes.

And how did you meet Ben?

Isn't that contained in my file?

[Sighs] __

It's a Turkish soap opera.

It's very popular.

Strong female characters.

So you and Ben bonded, and you talked to him about work and that you weren't happy.

I felt like I wasn't being told what was really going on.

So Ben told you.

My supervisor is engaged in some things that I-I felt people need to know about.

Criminal things?


And Ben had you steal evidence of those things?

Last night.

Did you bring them here?


Ben told me never to bring them to an official facility.

I stored it with my brother.

Where is your brother located? We'll retrieve it from him.

No. He will only release it to me.

That's what he's been instructed to do.


Hey, Kurt.


Egyptian liaison have anything on the Moose?

No. They're being pissy.

Who cares what they're being?

Whatever they're being, they're not giving us anything on Bullwinkle.

[Phone rings]

Seventh floor. This is Kurt.


She verified?

Wow. Okay.

Um... Give me an hour.

N.R. has a walk-in at a safe house in Baltimore.

Says she found a back door into some very valuable communications.


Walk-in asked for Charlie.

Charlie's not here.

That's why N.R. is sending me.

Any word from Mo and Charlie?

Charlie said they caught some heat in Qatar.

A supposed asset crashed the Embassy.

You're kidding.

They are pretty wound up.

If Mo checks in, get ahold of me.


That boy's got it so bad for Maureen, I can't even enjoy mocking him anymore.

So is this Rayst Kamal our asset or a con man?

He's neither.

He's been caught in what we call a "false flag."

He thinks he's our asset, but he isn't.

Someone recruited him... Someone pretending to be CIA... to manipulate him into giving them intel.

Rayst Kamal is just a pawn.

You're sure?

Whoever recruited him didn't make him take any money.

We would have to establish a paper trail.


He's not ours; We give him back to the Qataris, salvage the deal, and keep our bases open.

It's not that simple, ma'am.

I wish it were.

If the intel he's offering up proves to be reliable...

Charleston, you just told me Kamal was not a CIA asset.

And he isn't, but that's not to say that the intel he has isn't legitimate.

And what is this intel?

He says that the Qataris are selling U.S. weapons...

Our weapons... to Ar Rissalah.

Where is she?

In the back.

Is that for me?

Yep. They left it for you.

She's a little inexpressive.


Okay. Take a lap around the block.

All right.

Miss Anchez.

You're not Charleston Tucker.

No. I'm not.

I asked for Charleston Tucker.

How do you know Charlie?

We have mutual friends.


You mind giving me their names?


What do you got?

I may have semi-accidentally hacked into a secure comm satellite with potential international implications.

"Accidentally"? What were you trying to do?

Hack into a secure comm satellite but for reasons of corporate espionage.


I'm not a cop.

I don't care who you contract for.

Let's see it.

So this program has a significant amount of data, data on various nefarious groups that you've been failing to track.

"You" meaning "the CIA."

And once you've verified it, I would like an obscene amount of money transferred to an offshore account.

Got it?

I got it.

I'll be in touch.

Jesus. What a dork.

"An obscene amount of money."

Who do you think you are?

[Electronic beeping]


[Rapid dialing]

Seventh floor.

Dash. It's Kurt.

Hey, I'm sending you the walk-in's program.

Got it.

Coordinate with DS&T to verify it.

Use a disposable cluster, and scan it for every virus under the sun before you deliver it.

You got it. I'll sweep the whole thing.

We're dealing with a very weird chick.

The Prime Minister lectures me about spy games while selling American weapons to the greatest threat our country faces.

If you want to get out of this deal, we should do it ASAP.

Yes, but what if the intel proves unreliable?

Ar Rissalah is an enemy without national borders, capable of striking from anywhere at any time.

We need this base more than ever.

From Qatar, we could reach UAE, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, if...

Well, when Fatah and Hakam hit us.

So? What do you want to do?

I want to make an informed decision.

Fatah's been building this t*rror1st network for years, and we are playing catch-up.


I propose we retrieve Kamal's intel.

Do you think it's worth it?

Yes, ma'am, I do.

And you trust Kamal?

I'm inclined to.

Based on what?




So once again, I should just take your word?

[Elevator dings]


Whatever she wants, pay her.

It checked out?

It's a lot of encrypted communication from the Mddle East and a disturbing amount from the midwest.

Well, yeah, midwest... we know Al Moosari's from Wisconsin.

Yeah, but the intel's also from Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois.

Wait. What?

The whole Big Ten Conference.

[Keypad beeping]

Is this how Ar Rissalah is routing its communication?

Whatever she wants, pay her.

So what's your game plan?

Rayst says he stole satellite images of arms deals and manifests of weapons shipments.

His brother is holding them.

He'll only deal with Rayst.

And where's his brother?


The Tangiers.

So you want to smuggle the most wanted man in Qatar out of the most watched location in Qatar and bring him to the most popular shopping center in the country?

That about sums it up. Yeah.

Would you like to know more?

No. Sounds great.

I need to fill out a vehicle requisition.

It's time to go.

Put these on.

[Engine turns over]
Staff Sergeant, I have an urgent Agency matter to attend.

Ma'am, I'm sorry; The Embassy is in complete lockdown.

There are no...

I'm sorry about this.

[Tires squeal]

[Sirens blaring]


[Sirens blaring]

[Tires squealing]

CIA. CIA, gentlemen.

I'm with the CIA.

[Shouting in Arabic]

Okay, calm down. Calm down.

I'm gonna open the trunk.

There's nothing in there. There's nothing in there.

Hands up, where I can see them!

[Men shouting]

[People chattering]

There's my brother's store over there.

Just walk past.


You never walk directly into a meet.

Didn't your handler, Ben, ever teach you any tradecraft?

So what's going to happen to me when all this is over?

I don't know, Rayst.

What would you like to have happen?

I would like my life to return to some semblance of what it was.

That possibility ended the second you decided to steal that intel.

I'm sorry. I can't sugarcoat it.

You knew the risks when you decided to help our country.

Do you think I did this for America?

You think we all want what you have, huh?

Don't you?

In truth, I prefer Canada.


It's never sent a single drone to cloud our beautiful blue skies.

But selling weapons to Ar Rissalah and arming men like Omar Fatah and Sheikh Hakam isn't the answer.

You're not a fan of Fatah and Hakam?

I think they're evil incarnate.

And here you thought we didn't have anything in common.

[Straps straining]

[Electronically distorted] Tell me about this photograph.

Whose idea was it to turn Fatah?

Do you trust Charleston Tucker?

She stole the passports you had made for her.

I don't think she wants to be part of your exit strategy, Nick.

We missed something.


Look at his eye in that recent picture.

See that?

It's just glare from the lighting.

I don't think so; If that were the case, it would show up on the other surfaces, but it doesn't.

So you think there's something wrong with his eye?

I think there was something wrong with his eye.

I think he had a medical procedure in Cairo and what we're seeing is the result.

Look closer.

I think it's camera glare.

The... [Sighs]

Why would he meet the journalist in Cairo?

He could have chosen 1,000 safer places but not if he needed surgery.

Cairo's one of the only places in that part of the world with major surgical hospitals.


You're reaching.

Just have a drink.


No, not "what."

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

No. I don't. I wish I did.

You're sweating, you're glassy-eyed, and your hands are shaking.

I don't know how many nights you're into this bender, but trying to sober up now is slowing us down.

Hey, look, man, I'm not judging, okay?

Oh, you're not judging me?

No, I'm not judging.

Just dry out on your own time.

Right now, I need your head in the game.

Okay? I need your head in the game.

So knock a few back and get straight, or go home.

My boyfriend here wants a new suit.

Then he said we could go to Chanel for me.


Is it there?

Yes. Yes.

Is it as valuable as I think it is?

Good God. We need to get you back.

Do a full debrief with our Chief of Station.

What have you gotten yourself into?

It's better for you not to know.

Is there another way out of here?

Yes. Service hallway.

[Speaks Arabic]

Rayst, we got to move.

[Elevator bell dings]


Rayst, where are you going with that?


Don't sh**t!

Please. Please don't k*ll me.


How did he know we were here?

I don't know!

He was one of you. He was CIA!

He wasn't CIA.

You were set up.

Who was he, then?

I have no idea.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Alarm blaring]

If you weren't a CIA asset before, you are now.

Grab that bag.

[Man speaking Arabic over PA]

They heard the sh*ts. Let's go.

[Alarm blaring]

[Over PA] Anattention shoppers, Please proceed to the nearest exit...

Keep your eyes forward.

Don't look around. Keep moving.

Yeah, I'm looking at the uploads now.

Charlie's in hot water over here, Kurt.

She shot someone on foreign soil.

Wait a second. She shot somebody?

If we can verify these pictures show the Qatari selling arms to Ar Rissalah...

It'll save her ass.

Don't worry. We'll magnify these images.

Try to up-res them.

I'll have Dash vet it against verified intel.

We'll get granular.

Thank you.

You got it.

You okay? You holding... [Line clicks]

Hello? Mo?

Perfect. What did... any exact...

Yeah. We'll get all the team now.

Yeah. Okay. You got it.


That was science and tech...


Up top.

Looks like our mystery girl... Mm...

May have just given us a line into Ar Rissalah's communications.

Wait, do you think that information could help us vet out Charlie's intel?


This just fell into our lap exactly when we needed it...

Kurt, come on. All right? Just...

This stuff is gold. Don't go there.

You don't think the timing feels weird?

Look, I'm gonna work it through, okay?


All right?

Yeah, come on, man. I got it.



Work it through.


Kurt, you were right.

About what?

Al Moosari... Bullwinkle... received a corneal transplant in Cairo six days ago.

So what I saw in the photo was what?


And post-surgery treatment requires antirejection steroids.

Don't imagine a lot of Walgreens or CVSs where he's hiding out.



Should be able to track the shipment of his meds from the hospital in Cairo.

All the way to our boy, Bullwinkle, and hopefully Fatah himself.

Look, I've been sober for eight years.

A week ago, I...


I have so little interest in this, honestly.

What you do is what you do.

Just don't let it follow you here and foul us off.

So you won't tell anyone?


Your secret's safe.


And I have no problem ensuring its continued safety, but that woman, Maureen, she just got one giant pain-in-the-ass problem out of her life.

She doesn't need another one.

So you steer clear of her, and we're all good.

Are we all good?

All good.

A dead body on foreign soil shot by a CIA officer, another officer detained by the Qatari police, and an asset, who's not even our asset, who we have no idea what to do with.

The subject pulled a g*n.

I reacted.

I didn't have a lot of options.

[Electronic beeping]


It's never a sunny day with you, is it, Charlie?

Huh? It's never simple!

You never make anybody's job any easier.

You're just lucky that you were right this time.

I wasn't lucky.

And I wasn't right.

So the intelligence was fake?

The Agency recently acquired a back door into a communication satellite Ar Rissalah has been using.

We were able to verify that the sat images and manifests aren't real.

Qatar never sold any weapons to Ar Rissalah.

So Rayst Kamal was set up to steal fake intelligence, why?

Someone wanted to blow your deal with the Prime Minister and make it look like the CIA was spying on Qatar.

This man, Ben, Rayst's handler, has recently been identified as Mustafa Obaid, a former major in the Qatari Royal Guard Brigade.


I believe this whole false flag operation was being run by rogue elements in Qatari Military Intelligence that want us off that base and out of their country.

Well, as things stand, they're gonna get their way.

Not if we turn over Rayst Kamal.

We're back in the Prime Minister's good graces.

After everything Mr. Kamal has done for us...

"For us"?

Who's "us"?

The CIA or the United States of America?

Get your priorities straight.

"My priorities straight"? Are you kidding me?

No, I'm not kidding you.

Everything I do is for this country.

Everything I do.

I think I have my priorities straight, thank you.

I can think of more patriotic things to do than to deliver fake intelligence to the President of the united...

That intelligence was necessary for her to make any kind of informed decision moving forward with this country.

I don't tell you how to be the Chief of Staff, David.

Don't tell me how to do my job.

That's enough.

David, give us a minute.


[Door opens, closes]

A predecessor of mine went to w*r over WMDs that your Agency, the CIA, told him were there, assured him of that fact.

I'm still paying for that bad intelligence.

We all are.

Madam President...

Charleston, on your watch, Ar Rissalah has risen up out of nothing, Fatah's still roaming free, and my beautiful son...

The presidency is only as good as the people who serve it.

I'm only as good as the people I can trust.

You tell me what happened in Kabul.

I can't.

I cannot remember.

Tell me.


Tell me.

I've told you everything I can.

I would never do anything to intentionally harm you.

I'm dismissing you as my briefer.

Effective immediately.

Thank you for your time, Madam President.

You can't blame her.

Maureen, I don't.

She's a politician. It's not personal.

It is, Mo.

For both of us.

What if I...

What if I did sh**t her son?

You're not a k*ller. You didn't do it.

The fog of w*r... I just... I saw a g*n pointed at me, and I shot back on instinct.

This is what I'm remembering: A g*n in front of me going off and Aaron at the end of that barrel.

Okay, Charlie, if you absolutely need to remember this, there is a way to do it.

It's painful, it's dangerous, and it's totally illegal.

How are you gonna get it?

Hey, you.

I would have come in there, but it looked like you were really into your hip throws.

Are you watching me?

Are you following me?

Is that creepy?

Yeah, it's creepy.

Listen, I work for the CIA, okay?


I got you $750,000.

You really want to play tag with me now?

I think I do.

You do?


Oh... [chuckles]



Melissa Anchez from Delaware.

What's the capital of Delaware?




You solved a problem for us that we didn't even have until today.

Gonna chalk that up to coincidence?

I wouldn't.


Don't touch me.

The thing is, you think the CIA is the end all and be all, but let me tell you something, they're not.

The company I work for is.

What, do you think I'm gonna pull a g*n on you?

I don't know what to think.

Try happy thoughts.

What is this?

Finder's fee.

This is money? I don't want it.

Give it to charity.

Donate it to the church.

Why don't you take that little hottie on the seventh floor out to dinner?

What's her name again?



What do you want?

You don't want information.

Who wanted to turn Fatah?

You know everything you're asking me about, so what the hell do you want?

For you to tell me what I need to know.

Blow me.

Enjoy the rest of your trip.

It's coming to an end.

[Door buzzes and clicks]

I'll see you soon.

[Door slams shut]

They're going to hand me back to State Security, aren't they?


That represents the last favor I'll probably ever get to call in.

We've made the renewed base agreement contingent upon your freedom.

I hope you enjoy being a Canadian citizen.

They're offering you asylum, your family too, if they want it.

Thank you.

I... uh... didn't think there was a way out.

There's always a way out.

Oh, no. Keep your clothes on.

You've got to stay a little insulated.

If you get too cold, you can go hypothermic.

[Clears throat]

Which is that?

Sodium pentothal?


Scopolamine, temazepam, and amobarbital.

If it gets too hairy, I'm gonna stop.


Don't stop.

No matter what I say. No matter what I do.


Oh, God.



Don't worry. I can cut these off in less than a second.

Charlie, this is essentially an ad hoc chemical interrogation with real risks...

Heart stoppage, neurological damage.

We don't really know what these dr*gs will do to you.

We have an idea.

Let's just do it.

All right.

Maureen, you may hear me say some... really ugly things.


Start recording.

Slowly we rewind.

The convoy.

You're in the rear behind the passenger's seat.

There is an expl*si*n.

You're under attack.

Just tell me what you see, Charlie.

Just see it.

[b*llet ricochets]

[Burst of g*nf*re]

[Distorted expl*si*n]


I see Sal Gomez.

He's dead.

Sal's dead.

[Distant explosions]

Oh, God.

Hang on, Charlie! Hang on!


It's Fatah! It's Fatah! Fatah is dragging me out.

He... he's dragging me out.

It's not Sal. It was never Sal.

Oh, God. Aaron sees him.


He's gonna k*ll him! He's gonna sh**t him!

Aaron's got a g*n! Oh, no!

No! Fatah's taking my g*n.


No, Aaron! No!


Aaron! No! He k*lled Aaron!

He k*lled him! I-I didn't sh**t him.

I didn't k*ll you. I didn't k*ll you.

I didn't k*ll you.

When one can act, one should act as a liberator.

[Breathing heavily]

[Distant g*nf*re]

[Haunting music]

[Speech echoing]


I remember.

I remember everything.

Fatah's still my asset.

[Breathing heavily]