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01x12 - Madeline and the Pirates

Posted: 03/10/24 20:04
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

They left the house
at half past 9:00...

In two straight lines...


In rain...

Or shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.

The girls enjoyed
their walk a lot,

Except when it was
really hot.

It was hot
in the morning...

And all through the day.

It was too hot
to study

And too hot to play.

Buenos dias.

Bonjour, pepito.

In the mood
for a little duel?

Too hot.

A game of ball?

Too hot.


too hot.


I know. I know.

It is too hot.

[Car approaching]

It sounds
as if you have
a visitor.

On the very hottest day
of all,

Lord cucuface came
to pay a call.


En garde!

Pepito, is that you?

The chairman of the board
had some very good news

About a mediterranean cruise.

My good friend lord poopdeck
has lent me his yacht,

And you are all invited.



It will be
a great adventure.

May I go, too,
por favor?

I will be very good.

Oui, oui, oui,
lord cucuface.

Let pepito come, too,
s'il vous plait.

Si, pepito,
you can come, too,

With your
parents' permission,
of course.

The very next day
at half past 9:00,

They left the harbor
in two straight lines.



Welcome aboard.

They all thought the yacht
was very fine...


[Birds screech]

Especially madeline.

Come with me,

I will give you
a tour of the boat.

Please, lord cucuface,
may I come, too?

Now, madeline,

You are
too small a girl

For such things.




Port. Starboard.

There is so much
to learn.

While pepito
was being shown around,

Madeline watched,
not making a sound.

So, pepito,
do you know them now?

Mast, mainsail,


Bueno, pepito.

Very good.

Mast, mainsail,

what are you
doing here?

Lord cucuface,
girls like great adventures

As much as boys.

But you are so small,

When you are bigger,
you can learn, too.

The yacht was cool.
The air was breezy.

The girls onboard
just took it easy.

But while the others
napped and snored,

Madeline was getting bored.


I wish something
would happen,

Anything, anything.

♪ Shiver me timbers
with a yo ho ho ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
ahoy, ahoy, ahoy ♪

♪ You landlubbers hearken,
a cruel wind doth blow ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy, ahoy ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
the stormy sea encroaches ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
a pirate ship approaches ♪

♪ Yo ho ho,
yo ho ho ♪

♪ Yo ho ho, ahoy, ahoy ♪


♪ Swab up the deck now ♪

♪ We pays half a franc ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
ahoy, ahoy, ahoy ♪

♪ The old pirate, graybeard--
he must walk the plank ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy, ahoy ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
the stormy sea encroaches ♪

♪ Ahoy, ahoy,
a pirate ship approaches ♪

♪ Yo ho ho,
yo ho ho ♪

♪ Yo ho ho, ahoy, ahoy ♪


♪ Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy ♪

[Bell ringing]

Ah! The bell.

Pepito, can I ring
the bell, please?

No, madeline.
It is my job.

you would not even
be on this boat

If I had not put in
a word for you.



No! No! No!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Children, please.

Pepito will not
give me a turn
ringing the bell.

Is this true, pepito?

Pepito, you have
not behaved well.

The boat is docking
in nice for one hour.

I am sorry,
but you must stay here.

They left the ship

At half past 10:00.

Poor pepito.

I wish I had not
gotten him in trouble.

But madeline
slipped onboard again.


Madeline, you are back.
But why?

I am sorry.
Je regrette beaucoup.

No one knew
the ropes were old.

No one knew
they wouldn't hold.

Pepito, we are moving!

We are drifting
out to sea!

All alone!â â â â â â all alone!

The boat was drifting
toward its fate,

And no one saw
till it was too late.

While the charming port
was most appealing,

Miss clavel
had a very bad feeling.

is not right.

Not right?

Un, deux, trois, quatre,

Cinq, six, sept, huit,

Neuf, dix, onze...

Ah! Oh, no!
Where is douze?

Number 12!


She must have
gone back
to the boat.

To the boat.

[All talking at once]

When madeline's friends
returned to the dock,

They were all in
for a terrible shock.

The rope--
it is broken.

Oh, no!



The truth was worse
than they had feared.

The yacht
had simply disappeared.

We must find them.

There, there,
miss clavel.

I have trained pepito
to be a sailor.

He will take care
of madeline.

Oui, but who will
take care of pepito?

Poor madeline!
Poor pepito!

As madeline watched
each crashing wave,

She knew they
must be brave.

Pepito, we must sail
this boat back to port.

Si, madeline,
but how?

By adjusting the sails,

Like lord cucuface
taught you.

Right. Top mast,

Uh, aft,
stern, and...

Oh, madeline,
I cannot remember

Which one is which.


It is hopeless.

It is all right,

I remember.
I'll take the helm.

Muy bien.

They went to work
with a yo ho ho.

Uh! Uh!

But then the wind
began to blow...


Whoa!â â â â â â â â â â â whoa!

Tossing the small boat

To and fro.






[All talking at once]

It looks like
stormy weather
at sea.

we should wait.

Come, come.
I have sailed
the seven seas.

I assure you,
we will find them.

is always brave.

We must also
be brave.

Le soleil!
The sun!

Now we can sail
the boat to shore.

Hooray! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Hoist the mainsail.

Trim the foresail.

Uh! Uh!

Rudder amidships.

Aye, aye, captain.


The two children
worked together,

And before too long,
they discovered land.

Land ho!

Ho ho!

They saw an island
in the sea

And shouted
most excitedly.

We're saved!
We're saved!

We are saved!

Ha ha ha!

Prepare to dock.

Lower the sail.

Aye, aye, captain.

Uh! Uh!

Hooray!â â â â â â â â â yippee!


We made it, pepito,

But where are we?

There is a village.
Come on.

Wait for me,

The children
set out to explore,

While their friends
were far away from shore.

in that distant land,

The children
hurried across the sand.



And came across...

A pirate band.

Avast, mateys.

We will take over
the island tonight.

Those landlubbers
will not fight back.

We'll take care
of the scurvy knaves.

Yo ho ho.

I will make
short work of them.

That old one
must be

The famous pirate--

They were the first pirates
they had ever seen,

And, oh, they acted
very mean.

And if ye fail,


We'll plunder that ship
in the harbor,

Then splinter it
to bits.

It'll serve
those landlubbers right.


Ha ha ha!â â â â â â â â â â â ha ha ha!

They want
to take our ship.

What shall we do?

I have a plan.
Come with me.

I know you wanted
a great adventure,

But I am scared.

We cannot let them take
lord poopdeck's yacht.

Come. With our disguises,
we can get closer now.

Madeline and pepito
made a vow

To stop the pirates
then and now.

Whoa!â â â â â â â â â â â whoa!

Their rescuers
hurried on the double...

But soon they were
in dreadful trouble.

The motor
will not start.

I do not wish
to alarm anyone,

But, uh, I think
we are sinking.

Oh, no!

Madeline and pepito
wanted to hear

The terrible plot
of the pirate graybeard.

Listen here, mateys.

We will hide
aboard the ship,

And tonight, we will
take over the island.

Hooray for graybeard!
Argh! Argh!

I told you
it was graybeard.

Look! A boat!

Miss clavel
and lord cucuface
are in trouble.

When madeline saw the boat
sinking at sea...

We must save them
before the pirates
get there.

She hurried to save it

And it's in trouble.
We'll get them!

Hoist sail!

Out on the sea
when things looked gray,

Madeline and pepito
saved the day.

Help! Save us!

Help! Please come!

Hurry, pepito.
We must save them.

Hang on, mes amis!

Over here!
Over here!




Merci, merci,
chers enfants.


Merci beaucoup.

Everyone was
feeling cheered...

Ahoy there!

Until the pirate band

Led by the renegade,

Nobody move.

We are here
to help.

Help, indeed.
They are wicked pirates.

Led by graybeard

How terrible.

Terrible indeed,

Especially since he died

You will not get us,
you nasty pirates.

Did she say pirates?

Ha ha ha!

You are graybeard,
are you not?

He is no pirate.

He is the mayor
of the town.

We are acting
in the pageant tonight.

And you will be
our special guests.

Pepito and madeline
had made a mistake.

The terrible pirates
were really fake.

Thank heavens.

And though there were
some happy tears,

By evening,
they had turned to cheers.



C'est bon!

We will hide
aboard the ship,

And we will
take over the island!


But tonight,
we'll celebrate.



The pageant
reenacted the day

When the islanders
chased the pirates away...

Or so the local legends say.

Bravo! Bravo!


Then there were fireworks...

Ooh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ooh!

Ahh!â â â â â â â â â â â â ahh!


Hee hee hee!

Bright confetti...

Ha ha ha!â â â â â â â â â â â ha ha ha!

And there was music
and spaghetti.

Ha ha ha!

Soon they were
sleepy as could be.



So they sat and watched
the waves on the sea.

Children, I'm glad
you are safe.

Now you can all enjoy
a nice, relaxing sail home.

Please, no,
lord cucuface.

I want to help you
sail home.

Me, too.

us, too.

Well, perhaps
you're right.

A little adventure is good
for boys and girls,

And maybe even
for lord cucuface, too.

Ha ha ha!

They sailed back to france
with very high hopes.

Hoist the sails!

This time, madeline
showed them the ropes.

They arrived back home
very late at night.

Good night,

good night, pepito.

Good night.




[Miss clavel claps]

And miss clavel
turned out the light.

Good night, little girls.

Thank the lord
you are well.

Miss clavel
gently closed the door...

While the girls
dreamed of sailing

To a far-off shore.

And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go,
au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout
encore! ♪

♪ That's all there is ♪

♪ There isn't ♪

♪ Any more ♪

[Arf arf]