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01x09 - Madeline and the Singing Dog

Posted: 03/10/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

Bravo, genevieve.

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

They left the house
at half past 9:00...

In two straight lines...


In rain or shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.

One day, miss clavel
cried with delight

When she found a letter
in gold and white

Inviting them all

To the opera that night.

Little girls, this is
from lord cuckooface.

He thinks you
will learn at the opera,

But most all all
you will have fun.

Hooray! We are going
to the opera!

What is the opera?

Madeline, the opera
tells a story

With beautiful music
and singing,

And everybody
dresses up.

I'll wear my party dress.

And I'll wear
my new shoes.

I'll wear
a ribbon in my hair.


Ha ha ha!

[Genevieve barking]

And so, that night,
they all got dressed,

Each of them eager
to look her best.


Before long,
it was time to leave,

For all the girls...

Aw, do not worry.
I have not forgotten you.

And genevieve.



But what is this?
A dog cannot
go to the opera,

Not even genevieve.


S'il vous plait,
miss clavel. Please?

She will be so lonely
without us.

Besides, genevieve
loves beautiful singing.

She is a singer herself.


Very well.
Come along then, genevieve.


Ha ha ha!

They took
a lovely taxi ride...

Then all got out...
And walked inside.

I'm sorry, but
the dog will have
to remain outside.

But this dog has
perfect behavior.

That is true.
She is perfect.

She will not misbehave.

We cannot have barking
during the opera.

Do not worry.
I can assure you
genevieve will not bark.

And she had
better not whine.

Monsieur, if you
let genevieve in,

I personally guarantee

That she will
not make a peep.

Very well, but if
there is the tiniest
little dog noise,

She will be thrown out
in an instant.

Merci, monsieur.

Miss clavel then
called them to attention.

There were some things
she had to mention.

She said, be quiet
as a mouse.

Shh! Only singers
should be heard

In an opera house.

We will be very quiet.
We promise.


At that,
the opera house went dark.

[Music begins]

The girls did not speak,
and their dog did not bark.

While they sat there
in a row...

[Singing in italian]

The baritone
almost stole the show...

Loudly singing.

[Singing along]





Everyone looked,
but none could believe...

That singing along
was genevieve.

And right away,
they were asked to leave.


I have never been
so embarrassed
in my whole life.

Moi aussi.

Me, too.

I agree,
little girls.

Genevieve was
a very naughty dog.


Miss clavel said...

Genevieve, you did
not behave right,

So you must sleep
outside tonight.

Miss clavel...



She walked in the house
and turned out the light.


But before long,
an impresario who heard her
singing figaro said...

I will help you.
Come. Let's go.

The little girls
do not want you

Look how they
have made you
sleep outside.


The next morning,
madeline looked around.


Time for breakfast.
Where are you?

But genevieve
could not be found.

Here, genevieve.





Come on, genevieve.

We are sorry
we made you sleep outside.


With the help
of their friend pepito,

They started

ou es tu?

â¿donde esta?

And low...

where are you?

Here, genevieve.

And everywhere
they thought she'd go.




We will never find

Then madeline had an idea
up her sleeve.

I have
a formidable idea.

They would put up signs
about genevieve.



Of course!

this is very good.

Ha ha ha!

They were tired
from their efforts

And about to give up...

Si'l te plait, pepito.
Help me put up just one more.


Ooh la la.

When at last they found
their favorite pup.

It says, "incroyable
opera-singing dog

On stage tonight."

It must be genevieve.

Mais oui.
Who else could it be?

Regardez, miss clavel.

It is genevieve.

So it is.

Genevieve was a singer
in a cabaret.

"We must bring her home,"
said the girls,

"Right away."


[Music playing]

Thank heaven
for little girls!

Follow me.

Monsieur, we're here
for our dog genevieve.

Ho ho! Genevieve
will be out soon.

[Music playing]

That is my cue.

Mesdames et messieurs,

I am happy to present
the ballet-dancing swans
gigi and louise.


Madeline could not wait
an instant more,

So she slipped away...

To genevieve's door.


Excusez moi.

I've come to get
my dog genevieve.

The impresario said...

The dog is yours?
That may be true,

But she will not
go home with you.

But of course she will.
I love her,
and she loves me.

what you say,

She will not go.

Madeline didn't believe
what the impresario said

About genevieve.

So they all went backstage
and before they walked far,

They came to a door

With a shiny star.

Look, this must be
genevieve's dressing room.

What are you
waiting for?
Let's go in.

Ooh la la!

Ay yi yi.

Genevieve, he said
you would not come home
with us.

Now we know why.

Good-bye, genevieve.
We will never forget you.

Though all were sad,
they felt it wrong to leave

Till they heard
genevieve's song.

Ho ho! And now,
mesdames et messieurs,

The star of our show...



The incroyable
miss genevieve!

[Music playing]


At night, I dream of you
brushing my long hair.

It is cold in here.
Life is not sweet.

I am a lonely dog,
a dog forgotten.

I am just a shadow
in the street.

♪ Di, di, di, di,
di, di, di, di, di, di ♪

♪ Di, di, di, di,
di, di, di, di ♪

I am so sad now,

So far away
from that old house

Which I once called home.

I hear your voice at night.
It's sweet as ever.

I wish you could give me
just one more bone.

♪ Di, di, di, di,
di, di, di, di, di, di ♪

♪ Di, di, di, di,
di, di, di, di ♪

♪ Di, di, di, di,
di, di, di, di, di, di ♪

I wish you could give me
just one more bone.

One more bone,
ma cherie.


gave a remarkable show,

But the girls
were still sad

When it was time to go.

Come, little girls.
It is late. We must go.

[All crying]


Quick! Over here!


May I have
your autograph?

s'il vous plait.

Sign here!

Make it to me.

Good-bye, genevieve.
We love you, genevieve.

I know
you're all very sad,

But anytime
you miss genevieve,

You can come here.

They all started home
at a quarter to 9:00...

When miss clavel said...

Where is madeline?

there was no denying,

Was standing
by the window spying.

Autograph, please.

Me, please.



There she saw
poor genevieve crying.

[Miss clavel]

We must go home now.

I cannot go yet.

And why not?

Because--because I want
to play a game of catch.

Catch, pepito.


Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Throw the ball
to me.

No, me.

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha!

But madeline,
being clever and versatile,

Had a plan.

throw it here.

And in a while, she was able
to make dear genevieve smile.


Ha ha ha!


Good catch,


Then miss clavel said...

It is time to leave.

And they said good night
to genevieve.

Good night, genevieve.
We'll miss you.


As they walked
into the night,

The girls were not
a happy sight.

Without their dog,
nothing was right.

Do not cry,
little girls.

Genevieve has had
a good life,
the life of a star.

But she was our star,

And I love her so much.

Moi aussi.

We love genevieve.
We will always love you.

genevieve could see...

That she was
loved so totally...

That home was
the only place to be.

you're back!

Oh, genevieve,
we love you.

As they headed for home,

Madeline cried...



There was one thing
she needed
before they could go.


You will always be
our star, genevieve.



Ha ha ha!

Good night,
little girls

And little

Good night, miss clavel.
Good night, genevieve.



Genevieve's star glimmered
on her door,

And that's
all there is.

There isn't anymore.