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01x08 - Madeline at the Ballet

Posted: 03/10/24 20:00
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

Danced 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

The smallest one
was madeline.

[Miss clavel]
attention, girls!



It is 20 past 9:00.

They left the house
at half past 9:00

In two straight lines...

In rain...

Or shine.

They did not pause
along the way

When they were going
to ballet.

Ha ha ha!

They'd hurry up and down
each street,

For ballet lessons
were a treat.




Ha ha! Oh, pepito!
See what happens
to foolish boys?

Each girl would take
her special place

And try to dance
with style and grace.

Uh, students!

I have an announcement
to make.

One day,
the teacher broke tradition

And announced
a very special audition.

Gaston de vaillement
has invited you all
to audition

For an upcoming production
of the happy swan at l'opera.

The girls were to try out
right away

For the city's most famous
corps de ballet.

Gaston de vaillement,
the ballet master
of l'opera!


the girls felt small

As they approached
the famous hall.

Ooh, la la!

It's just like a dream.

[Miss clavel]

Do you think I am ready,
miss clavel?

Just do your very best,

And you will be
just fine.

Through the gates
the 12 girls flitted,

But their friend, pepito,
was not admitted.

Follow me, girls.


Ooh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â ooh!

As the time of audition
began to draw near,

The girls were suddenly
filled with fear.

What if I fall?

What if I fail?

Come, come, girls.
There is really nothing
to worry about.

I believe
monsieur de vaillement
is just an ordinary person.

[Everyone gasping]

Monsieur de vaillement
was tall and imperious,

And he looked to be
extremely serious.

I am gaston
de vaillement,

And this is our
prima ballerina.


Do you know
who that is?

That is...her!


I cannot believe it!

He presented a dancer
of worldwide fame.

Tatiana darlova
was her name.

To be like her
was madeline's aim.


will now demonstrate

The steps
for your audition

For the happy swan.

[Piano plays]

Ooh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â ooh!

There you have it.

Step forward,

With your head held high
and courage in your heart,

You cannot fail.

Courage, ma petite.


Courage, chloe.

Courage, madeline.

madeline began to quake,

Afraid of making
any mistake.

Very well.


Just do your very best,

And you will be just fine.


Throughout the audition,
the girls did fine,

Except, perhaps,
for madeline.


Then after a moment
of reflection...

De vaillement began
to make his selection.

You will dance in
the happy swan.

And you.

He picked the dancers
one by one.

And soon his work
was almost done.

Oh, please, please,
pick madeline.

I do not think
this one will do.

No, no.
Entirely too small.

He chose each girl
along the line,

Except for one girl...


Madeline wished that
the day would just end,

When suddenly, she was
helped out by a friend.

Her legs
are too short,

She's entirely
too small...

And she...
She--she wobbled!

Ha ha ha!
I wobbled, too,

The first time
I auditioned for you,

So you did, tatiana.

Very well.
I will give her
another chance.


One more time,
s'il vous plait,

First position.


Though madeline thought
she would not get to dance,

Suddenly she got
a second chance.

You! You will dance.

Bon, madeline!

Oh, merci, monsieur!
Merci, mille fois!

Thank heavens!

You will not be sorry.

We shall see.

De vaillement led the girls
down the hall,

Showing them
the costumes and all.

On the left,


Ooh, la la!



On the right...

Dressing rooms.


And here is where
you will rehearse.


Once the girls had
passed their auditions,

They began to dance
their repetitions.

And 3 and 4.

Ah ha ha ha!

They practiced all day...

All evening...

And night...


Until it was time
to put out the light.

Little girls,

Even tatiana darlova herself
must sleep.

Soon they all fell asleep
without making a peep,

And madeline danced
the ballet in her sleep.

♪ If I practice my plies ♪

♪ I know I will go far ♪

♪ Oh, to be ♪

♪ I can be ♪

♪ I will be a star ♪

♪ A star, a star ♪

♪ I know I will go far ♪

♪ I'll do my pirouette ♪

♪ From toulouse to tibet ♪

♪ The people all will "wow!" ♪

♪ I'll take a great big bow ♪

♪ I know I can go far ♪

♪ I will be a star ♪

♪ I bend and stretch
and arabesque ♪

♪ Each day at the bar ♪

♪ Oh, to be ♪

♪ I can be ♪

♪ I will be a star ♪

♪ And when I do my solo ♪

♪ They'll send a brand-new car ♪

♪ Oh, to be ♪

♪ I can be ♪

♪ I will be a star ♪

♪ A star, a star ♪

♪ I know I will go far ♪

♪ The people all will "wow!" ♪

♪ I'll take an extra bow ♪

♪ You cannot stop me now ♪

♪ I know I can go far ♪

♪ I will be a star ♪

In the morning,
the girls prepared

When pepito appeared
in a tree.


Stop it, pepito!

We are trying to practice.

You call that practice?

I call that hopping about
like frogs!

That's what you look like!
Ribbit! Ribbit!

Pepito, stop that.
We are swans, not frogs.

He teased the girls
about ballet

Until miss clavel
led them away.

Come on, girls.

Monsieur de vaillement
will be waiting.

Ribbit! Ah ha ha!

At their rehearsal,
the girls twirled about,

While monsieur de vaillement
checked them out.

Tres bien, nicole.
Very nice.

Charming, chloe.

You are a happy swan,

He handed out compliments
one by one,

But for poor madeline,
he had none.

You have worked hard.

You are ready to rehearse
with tatiana darlova.

Oh, tatiana!

The greatest ballerina
in the world.

Brilliant as always,

Good work,
nicole and danielle.

Though madeline practiced,
and she persisted,

Gaston de vaillement
didn't know she existed.

you are making progress.

No, miss clavel.

Monsieur de vaillement
didn't even notice me.

If only I were taller.

Remember, madeline,
you must have courage.

Oui, miss clavel.
I have courage,

But it does not make me
one inch taller.

The next day, the girls
returned to the hall,

Not knowing pepito
had followed them all.


Ha ha ha!

By the time she received
her pretty tutu,

Madeline was feeling blue,

Trying to figure out
what to do.

Voila, nicole.
One for you,

Your tutu, chloe.
There you go...

Um, uh...

monsieur de vaillement.

Attention! We will
now prepare for
the dress rehearsal.

This is
so much fun.

But madeline
forgot the blues

When she spied
a pair of red toeshoes.

Oh! If I had shoes
like those,

I could dance on my toes
just like tatiana.

Very quickly,
with no time to lose,

Madeline decided
to borrow the shoes.

And if I danced on my toes,
I'd be taller!

Today I am certain

That monsieur de vaillement
will notice me.

Places, everyone!

Dress rehearsal
was about to begin

When an uninvited guest
popped in.

Music, maestro,
s'il vous plait.

Across the stage
danced madeline,

Looking great
and feeling fine.

And then, onstage,
tatiana whirled,

And among all the girls
she twirled.

For madeline,
it was sheer bliss,

And then something
went amiss.





Ah! Uh!


What a calamity!

Uh! Oh!

While tatiana spun
faster and faster,

Madeline caused
a complete disaster,

Which horrified
the ballet master.

My precious swans,
stop right now!

Madeline, watch out!

The scenery!

Where it would end
was anyone's guess...

Oh, no!

But miss clavel saved them
from further distress.


And madeline
humbly begged forgiveness.

Je regrette, monsieur,
but do not worry.

I will not dance
in the ballet tomorrow

Or ever again!


Ah, that is too bad.

I believe that young lady
might give a performance

Paris will never forget.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

As for you,
my young intruder,
I can use you.

You come with me.

Oui, monsieur.


Madeline found
a place to hide,

And then she cried
and cried and cried.

But someone was standing
by her side.

Oh, madeline, I know
how you must feel.

All I wanted was to get
monsieur de vaillement
to notice me.

Now I will never be
a prima ballerina like you.

I remember
another little girl

Who tried
to wear toeshoes
before she was ready.

She knocked down
the entire
corps de ballet.

Like me?

That girl was fired,
but she worked hard,

And one day,

She became
a prima ballerina.


Really! Yes!

You see,
chere madeline,

That girl was me.

Tatiana's words
gave the girl quite a lift,

But she never expected
a special gift.

A pair of gray slippers--
not fancy, it seems,

But shoes that would
help a young girl
with her dreams.

And if you
keep practicing,

Someday you will
earn the right
to wear toeshoes.

Merci beaucoup,

But I will not dance
in the ballet
tomorrow night.

They will not let me.

Oh, but you will!

In fact,
I insist upon it!


Tatiana's gray slippers
fit her just right

And gave madeline courage
to dance that night.

Oh, look!


What are doing here?

Monsieur de vaillement

Gave me a very
important role.

Yes! All he has to do
is walk across the stage.

Make sure you don't
hop like a frog.

Ha ha ha!


I never thought

I'd be onstage
at l'opera tonight!

Neither did i.

[Girls talking]

Do not worry,

Very well, tatiana,

But I will hold you
completely responsible

For that little girl.


Places, everyone!

With your head held high
and courage in your heart,

You cannot fail.

Courage, girls.
I know you will do fine.

[Fanfare plays]

Psst! Pepito,
that's your cue.

I know, but my legs
won't move!

that's your cue!

Bravo, pepito!

Here comes our cue!

Then, like magic,
the dancing started,

And madeline suddenly
felt light-hearted.

They did their steps
without hesitation,

But tatiana created
a real sensation.




The applause continued.
The girls bowed, too.

It was madeline's
perfect dream come true.

Oh, madeline,
don't you wish

You were
the prima ballerina?

Maybe someday
I will be.

They took many bows
that night,

And then the girls
returned back home again.


Good night,
my little dancers.

Miss clavel said good night
at the door.

And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ Though you may shout encore ♪

♪ That's all there is,
there isn't ♪

♪ Any more ♪

[Ruff ruff]