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01x07 - Madeline at Cooking School

Posted: 03/10/24 19:59
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...


[All chattering]

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

They left the house
at 12:09

In two straight lines...

In rain...

Or shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.



[All talking at once]

The day was fine.
The day was rare.

Delicious scents
were in the air.


Did you hear
my tummy rumble?

J'ai faim.


Ha ha! Madeline,
was that
your tummy?

No, no. I am
not that hungry.




Vite, vite. Hurry,
little girls,

Before we get soaked
to the skin.

oh, no.


As they rushed
from the gust and gale,

Madeline saw a girl
so frail.

thinner than a rail.

This hungry child
was glad to find

The food that others
left behind.

Come, madeline.
We must hurry home
for lunch.

Oui, miss clavel.

Some of us
are very hungry.

The thundering storm
turned the sky dark as night.

And miss clavel
turned on the light and said...

Oh! Something
is not right!

[All talking at once]


Mrs. Murphy!
Quel dommage!

Dr. Cohen explained
it was the flu,

And their cook would
soon be good as new.

She can rest in bed,
she can read a book,

But absolutely,
she must not cook.

little girls.

Today we must leave
mrs. Murphy alone.

But what will we eat?

We have never cooked
for ourselves before.

Do not worry, chloe.

Now miss clavel
looked up in terror,

For she had made
a terrible error.

Zut alors!
I forgot
that lord cucuface

Is coming
for lunch today.



lord cucuface.

Good day.

I've been waiting
so long,

Are you sure it is
not good night?


I trust I will not have
to wait for my lunch.

Ah, oui. Un moment,
s'il vous plait.



Miss clavel, do you have
my lunch, or do you not?

[Door opens]

We shall be serving
lunch momentarily,

Lord cucuface.

"We"? You?
Serving lunch?

Oui, us.

My assistants and I
are making lunch today.

I did not know
the little girls could cook.

What a surprise.

Indeed. A surprise
for everyone.

The girls broke out
the bread and butter...

And put one piece
atop the other...

Till they heard
a loud voice utter...


Whenever it was
time for lunch,

Pepito's stomach
had a hunch.

He came around
in time to munch.

And what has
mrs. Murphy
prepared today?

Mrs. Murphy is sick,

And we are cooking lunch
for lord cucuface.

Plain bread
and butter

For the chairman
of the board
of the trustees?

Perhaps we should add
some other ingredients.










Mmm. Mingumberry jam.


How do you get the olives
to stick to the bread?

Try this
chocolate syrup.


By the time
I get my lunch,

It'll be time
for dinner.


And so
for the esteemed trustee,

The children made
a specialty,

A feast
of creativity.


Whipped cream.

And chili

Just a pinch of salt,
and we will be done.


[All talking at once]

At last! You must have been
making beef wellington.

Non, monsieur.

We have been making
cheese sandwiches

A la cucuface.

Since they are
named after you,
lord cucuface,

You must try
the first one.

Merci beaucoup,

But ladies first,
of course.
Ha ha ha.

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,
we love each other.

Madeline was elected
to take the first taste,

Which was not expected.







Soon things went
from bad to worse

Because the trustee's reaction
was adverse.


The little girls
began to scream...

Lord cucuface
is turning green!



I thought you said
these children
knew how to cook!

I am afraid
they have never
had any lessons.

Never had lessons?

Never had lessons?

Then it is time
to enroll them

In le cordon rouge,
the greatest cooking school
in the world.

There are classes
for children

Each wednesday
at 2:00.

I will make all
the arrangements
for you.

But first,
I must go home

And lie down.

Au revoir,
lord cucuface.

And we shall have
lunch again

After you have

When wednesday afternoon
rolled round,

The little girls
started off to town.

[All talking at once]

Wait! Wait!

Senorita clavel,
may I come, too?


So they set off to learn
france's finest cuisine

And prevent lord cucuface
from turning so green.

So this is the finest
cooking school
in all of france!

Go away!

Allez! Allez!
We have
no leftovers today.

Madeline recalled
that day in the rain.

These hungry children
were the same.

come inside,
s'il te plait.

Oui, miss clavel.

Welcome, boys and girls,
to le cordon rouge,

The greatest cooking
school in the world.


I am chef flambã©,

The greatest chef
in the world.

Here you will learn
how to prepare

The most delicious
french delicacies.

[Rings bell]


Ooh, la la!

Here is the piã¤ce
de rã©sistance--

Le petit diplome

For children
who graduate

le cordon rouge.

French cooking
is an art,

And the raw chicken
is like a blank canvas.

The chef explained
that le poulet

Must be dressed
in the proper way.

Ha ha!
Ha ha!



Unh! Unh! Unh!

Ew! Ugh!

[All grunting]


Madeline was the first
to get hers dressed,

But chef flambã©
was not impressed.

Non, non,
ma chã©rie.

The chicken
is not a doll.


The next week,
they learned a recipe

For bouillabaisse soup,
fresh from the sea.

[All talking at once]



oh, no!

When the fish
received emancipation...

It became
a slippery situation.

Ay! Yee! Yee!

No, no,
my little darlings.

You must not let the fish
make a stew out of you.

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

It seemed that
every demonstration...



Resulted in
complete frustration.





There were problems
making onion soup.


And their soufflã©s
somehow would always droop.

Ah, nicole,
c'est magnifique.

Bravo! Bravo!

Wahh! Wahh!

Non, non.

Ooh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â ooh!

Their crepes suzette
were far aloft.

if you continue
at this rate--oomp!


Not one of you
will graduate!


Mes amies,
we must try our best

To get those diplomas.

We must not disappoint
lord cucuface!

Then following
madeline's request,

They all agreed
to try their best.

They listened so well,
it was a surprise.

Chef flambã© could scarcely
believe his eyes.


In 2 straight lines,
they baked their bread.




Even pepito
was doing fine.

And no one worked harder
than madeline.

♪ We mix, we stir,
we fold, we blend ♪

♪ We even gratiner ♪

♪ We beat, we baste,
we take a taste ♪

♪ And sometimes we sautã© ♪

♪ We always serve our entrees
with a salad nice and green ♪

♪ We are the latest experts
in the finest french cuisine ♪

♪ Fry it, we'll try it ♪

♪ Stew it, we'll do it ♪

♪ Now we've got
the hang of it ♪

♪ There's really
nothing to it ♪

♪ Fry it, we'll try it ♪

♪ Stew it, we'll do it ♪

♪ Now we've got
the hang of it ♪

♪ There's really
nothing to it ♪

♪ We boil, we bake,
we toast, we roast ♪

♪ We even fricassee ♪

♪ We poach, we grill ♪

♪ Oh, what a thrill
is each new recipe ♪

♪ We leave the kitchen
as it was ♪

♪ All shiny, neat,
and clean ♪

♪ We are the latest experts
in the finest french cuisine ♪

♪ Fry it, we'll try it ♪

♪ Stew it, we'll do it ♪

♪ Now we've got
the hang of it ♪

♪ There's really
nothing to it ♪

♪ Fry it, we'll try it ♪

♪ Stew it, we'll do it ♪

♪ Now we've got
the hang of it ♪

♪ Now we've got
the hang of it ♪

♪ There's really
nothing to it ♪

Chef flambã©
was deeply moved

At how his pupils
had improved.


[All talking at once]

Today it is
your final test.

Each of you
must do your best.

They began to mix,
to beat, and to sautã©

In order to impress
the great flambã©.

And delicious scents
soon filled the air.

And 2 children
came to peek and stare.

Oh. Hello.
Who is there?


Madeline placed her feast
upon the sill

Until the hungry children
ate their fill.

Madeline, quick!
It is time
for us all...

To go to the great
dining hall.

If chef flambã©
was contented,

A diploma
was presented.

Ah, trã¤s bien,
trã¤s bien.

Ha ha!

Everything seemed
to be going fine

Until he came
to the end of the line.

Quelle horreur!

There was no diploma
for madeline.

what happened
to your chicken?

Where is
your chicken?

Come, children.
It is time to go.

Then from the corner
of her eye,

Madeline saw someone
wave good-bye.

Trã¤s bien, madeline.

A deed well-done.

That night,
after they broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,
we love each other.

And brushed their teeth...

They hung the diplomas
above each bed.

it is so sad

There is no
diploma for you.

Then someone said...

That is not
quite true.

Ooh, la la!

"To madeline,

Who has mastered
the art of kindness."

Then miss clavel
told of madeline's deed--

How she had helped others
who were in need.

And everyone agreed...

Kindness is more
important than cooking.

Good night, little girls.
I hope you sleep well.

Bonne nuit to you,
dear miss clavel.

Lord cucuface is here

With the whole
board of directors!

[All talking at once]

to our miss clavel,

You have learned
your lessons well.

And miss clavel said...

For your esteemed

We have a cooking


Mmm. It smells
so tantalizing.

I say, this is
most surprising.

Flambã©, soufflã©,
hot croissants,

Brioche, boeuf wellington.
Ah, even poisson.

lord cucuface,

S'il vous plait.

This feast
is not for you.

Miss clavel explained
that in cooking school,

The girls had also learned
the golden rule.

[Girls] we are taking
all the food you see

To children who need it
more than we.

And lord cucuface said...

You have learned
to be kind

And to open your hearts
as well as your mind.

But we have not forgotten
our honored guests.

We have made something
special for you.

Ah, oui!
Crepes suzette?

Quiche lorraine?
Patã© de fois gras?

Fromage ã„ la cucuface.

But it looks...

Like plain cheese

They are plain
cheese sandwiches,

Just for you.

Bon appã©tit,
dear trustees.

The little girls
said au revoir

And closed the door,

And that's all
there is.


There isn't any more.


♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ But you may
shout "encore!" ♪

♪ That's all there is ♪

♪ There isn't any more ♪

[Ruff ruff]