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01x06 - Madeline and the Toy Factory

Posted: 03/10/24 19:58
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris

All covered with vines

Lived 12 little girls

In two straight lines.


My scar!

Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Ha ha!

[Bells toll]

They left the house
at half past 9:00...


In two straight lines...


In rain...

And shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.

In paris,
one of the greatest joys

Is visiting
the shops of toys.



There were trains and cars
and cuckoo clocks,

Bears and bunnies,
piles of blocks.


Miss clavel,
may we go in the shop
and see the toys?

Oui. Please,
miss clavel?

Well, I suppose,
but only to look,
not to buy.

Once in the shop,
the girls went wild!

Toys can do that
to a child.


Non! Arretez!


Ha ha ha!


No, no! You cannot
ride on that!

Ha ha!
All aboard!

Next stop
is the zoo!


Now, you little
girls calm down.

I'm sorry. The girls
were only playing.

Look at
my beautiful store!

And my hairdo!

We are sorry.
Please forgive us.

Apologies were said
once more,

And the girls
all headed out the door...

Phew! Ohh!

leaving the poor clerk
on the floor.

Outside, the girls
just had to gape

At the dolls of every size
and shape.

What fun you can have
with a doll like me.

Silly madeline.
You are fun
as a girl.

But a doll is
the perfect friend.

Not as perfect
as a real little girl.

Now, come, les enfants.
I have a surprise
for you.

[Rings doorbell]

A little man
raced down the stairs.

His mustache had
some orange hairs.

Ah, miss clavel!
At last you arrive!

[Children giggle]

Ahh! And these must be
your beautiful girls.



And so

Well, most
of the time.

I hope it will be

To take a tour
of my toy factory.

Is it true?
I cannot
believe it!

Will we see them
make dolls?

Ha ha!
Oui, of course,

And other wonderful
toys, too.

But nothing is
as wonderful as a doll.

mes amies.


Look out, madeline!


Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Ha ha!


The girls could not
believe their eyes,

For in each new room,
a new surprise.

And the biggest toy of all
was a giant bouncing ball.

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, madeline!

Look--look out!

Do not worry,
miss clavel.

I will not let your girls
bounce away.

Ooh! Uhh! Unh!

Then monsieur la rue said...

Before you bounce
right off the walls,

you would like to
dress some dolls?

Dress dolls?


Oui, oui! Allons-y!

then in a moment,
in a snap,

Each girl had
a beautiful doll in her lap.

I will be
outside talking
to monsieur la rue.

Now, you girls,

And do not touch
that conveyor

vous plait,

you may wind up
in a box.

A box?

And on a delivery truck.

Do not worry, miss clavel.
We will be careful.

Were left to play

While the two old
friends chatted away.

My doll!

Trã¤s jolie,
madeline! She looks
just like you!

Now guess which one
is the doll.

Hide your eyes.

Now you may look.


Which one is
the real madeline?


Ha ha ha!
I fooled you, chloe.

♪ Me and my doll,
we will dance the cancan ♪

♪ Me and my doll
on the isle of man, man ♪

♪ That's me and my doll ♪

♪ Me and my doll,
we'll have a tea party ♪

♪ Me and my doll
with a saint bernardy ♪

♪ That's me and my doll ♪

[All] ♪ eyes that move,
knees that bend ♪

♪ I'll dress her up ♪

♪ She is my friend ♪

♪ Me and my doll ♪

♪ I'll give her
a hairdo ♪

♪ Me and my doll,
a high-up-in-the-air do ♪

♪ For me and my doll ♪

[All] ♪ eyes that move,
knees that bend ♪

♪ I'll dress her up ♪

♪ She is my friend ♪

♪ That's me and my doll ♪

Careful, madeline!

Do not go near
the conveyor belt.

Do not worry, chloe.

Pirouetting little twirls,

The dolls danced
with the happy girls.


She stood up once,
but then she flipped...


And was soon
all boxed up
to be shipped.

Miss clavel,
come tout de suite!

Madeline is gone!

It was just
as miss clavel had feared--

Madeline had disappeared.

She was packed in a box
and out the door,

On her way
to a big toy store.

Everybody had to cry.
Not a single eye was dry.

I am a doll!
Ha ha ha!

Said madeline
with a giggle

As she gave
her toes a wiggle.

The streets of paris
are quite bumpy,

And madeline
got a little jumpy.

On the other side of paris,
in a great big chateau,

A girl named giselle
was feeling low.

[Woman] well, dr. Cohen,
how is my little giselle?

Dr. Cohen showed
his concern and said...

What our giselle
needs least is bed.

Her fever is gone,
and she's getting
stronger every day.

But she needs something
to lift her spirits

So she can
fully recover.

[Mother] I don't know
what else to get her.

Giselle already
has everything
a girl could want.

What this little girl needs
is a sunny day

And some friends
to share it with.

But she has
no friends.


A big truck screeched
to a short stop...

As madeline arrived
at the toy shop.

Ooh! Unh!
Oh! Uhh!

Trã¤s jolie!

What a beautiful

And so realistic!

Soon madeline was on the shelf
between a pony and an elf.


Hmm? She curtsies
and says "thank you."



This was the best game
she had ever played.

So she continued
her charade.


And in no time,
someone thought it pleasant

To purchase madeline
as a present.

Moments after madeline
was bought,

The group of girls
raced in, distraught.

Vite, vite,
mes petites!

We will find her here,
I am sure.

The clerk wrote the name
of madeline's owner.

And if you like to,
you may phone her.

Merci beaucoup.


Miss clavel dialed the number
in a tizzy,

But, alas,
the line was busy.

Madeline's box
bumped to and fro

As they reached
a large chateau.

Hoping to give
giselle's spirit a lift,

Yvette presented her
with the gift.

ma petit chou.

Bonsoir, maman.

I have a surprise
for you, giselle.

Another doll?

A new friend.

I will be up soon to
get you for supper.

madeline! Boohoo!

oh, madeline!

Do not worry,
jeunes filles.

Monsieur la rue and I
will be back with madeline

Before you go to bed.

Vite! Vite!

something was not right

As the taxi screeched
through town that night.

And afraid of a disaster,
miss clavel said...

Please! Go faster!

[Tires screech]

Until monsieur la rue said...

Please be careful
how you drive.

We'd like to reach
madeline alive.

What do you think,

Shall we
call her yvette,
after maman?

Things went off
without a hitch,

Until madeline
felt an itch.


Did you
scratch your nose?

You are almost real.



As madeline walked across
the floor, giselle cried out...

Encore! Encore!

You are the most
wonderful doll, yvette.

Other children
will not play with me

Because I cannot
run and jump like them.

Madeline thought,
"mmm! Mmm! That looks sweet,"

Then remembered
that real dolls cannot eat.

In the old house,
tears were shed

As the girls sat down
to break their bread.

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,
we love...madeline!


Oh, madeline!



[Music playing]

Quelle surprise!
What a shock!

This doll could dance
as well as walk.


Hee hee hee hee!

I am so happy,

Now I have a friend.

Then madeline was placed
up on a shelf,

Left in the dark room
all by herself.

[Clock strikes]

Then in a moment
of great elation,

The taxi arrived
at its destination.

All along
it was expected

That madeline
would soon be detected.

[Gulp gulp]


Ha ha ha ha!

Madeline felt quite relieved,

But giselle felt
she'd been deceived.

Her new favorite doll,
her bonne amie,

Was no more
but a fantasy.

Please understand.
I'm a real little girl.

My name is madeline,
and I want to go home.


But it was really fun
being your doll.

Ah, giselle,
I will come back tomorrow
with a new doll

And a whole trunkful
of beautiful clothes.

Au revoir!

Au revoir.

Now I've lost
my only friend.

Oh, madeline,
we are so glad
you are back.

Oui, madeline.
Thank goodness
you are here.

We were so worried!

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,
we love each other.

Back at home,
the girls broke their bread

And brushed their teeth

And went to bed.

Bonne nuit,
mes petites.

Sleep well,
and be thankful

We are all
together again.

Bonne nuit,
miss clavel.

Monsieur la rue
did what he said.

He brought a doll,
some clothes, and a bed.

Voilã„, giselle!

But nothing
could cheer up giselle

Or help her broken heart
get well.

Come and have
a tea party with
this beautiful doll.

Non, maman.
I miss madeline.

She would have played
in the garden with me.

Perhaps, but she
is not here now.

Please eat
your breakfast,
ma chã©rie.

It will give you
more energy to play.

Please eat
your breakfast,
ma chã©rie.

It will give you
more energy to play.

Although the day
was bright with sun,

Madeline could not
have fun.

[Children laughing]

Deep in her heart,
she felt a pain.

Giselle's sad face
came to mind again.

I did not want
to hurt giselle.

I was only
playing a game.

I know,
ma chã©rie.

She was so much fun
at tea parties.

And she could even dance
when she tried.

Before another word was said,

A plot brewed
in miss clavel's head.

As if madeline
read her mind,

She decided
it would be kind

To see the girl
she left behind.


We are here to play

With a picnic
to brighten
giselle's day.

And I liked playing
with giselle so much

That I brought
my 11 friends!

Oh, giselle
will be so happy.

Giselle, there is someone
here to see you.

Oh! Madeline!

[Madeline giggles]

Come, giselle.

There is a surprise
for you outside.

Surprise? Outside?

Outside, there was
a delicious spread--

Bonbons, berries, cheese,
and bread,

And some hungry girls
waiting to be fed.

Bonjour, bonjour,
they said in greeting,

And with that,
began their eating.

They finished eating,
and before they knew it,

Giselle was playing.
She could do it!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, I have never seen
giselle so happy.

You're so kind
to come here.

Ah, but you must
thank madeline.

She's the one
who thought to visit
with all the girls.

They laughed all day,
feeling quite cheery...

"And so the beautiful

Until evening came,
and they got weary.

"And lived happily
ever after."

I am so happy
to be your
friend, giselle.

And miss clavel said
we can come back
to play again.

I am glad
you are not a doll,

Then madeline asked
if it was all right

For giselle to come
and stay the night.

Oh, please,
may i, maman?

Oui, ma chã©rie.

[Car doors closing]

Au revoir!

See you tomorrow!

When I come home,

Will we play
outside more often,

Oui, oui. We will.

Back at home,
they skipped their bread,

But they brushed their teeth
and went to bed.

Then miss clavel kissed
each one on the head.

I am very proud
of you, madeline.

You made someone
very happy today.

I am happy, too,
miss clavel,

Because now I have
a new friend.

Bonne nuit,
mes enfants.

Good night,
my children.

Oh! Could they be asleep


Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Oh, mes enfants!

How glad I am that you
are real little girls!

And she turned out the light,
and she closed the door.

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go,
au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout,
"encore" ♪

♪ That's all there is ♪

♪ There isn't ♪

♪ Any more ♪

[Ruff ruff]