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00x01 - Madeline (original special)

Posted: 03/10/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
In an old house in paris

That was covered
with vines...

Lived 12 little girls

In two straight lines.



We love our bread,
we love out butter,

And most of all,
we love each other.

In 2 straight lines
they broke their bread...


Hee hee hee!


And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed.

Bon nuit,
miss clavel.

Bon nuit,
mes enfants.


The girls would all
pretend to snore

Till miss clavel
closed the door.


We'll get you!

Your turn now,

Oh, look out!

Oh, madeline,
here it comes.


[Squealing and giggling]

Mon dieu!
What is that?


Oh, let us hide!

Where should we go?

Under the bed!

Right here!
Right here!

A monster!
A monster!

let us hide.

Silly, we
are hiding.

Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!

It is only

As usual.

We'll get you.
Watch out!

We will get you,

I'm coming to get you!

Be careful.

Yes, I'm going
to get you.

Shh! What is
that noise?


You cannot fool us
again, madeline.

But I fool you
every night.

She is right.

Let us go
to sleep

Before madeline
plays any more

And as one day
became another,

Most of all,
they loved each other.

They smiled at the good.

monsieur clown.

Try this,
monsieur clown.

Thank you. Merci.

We smile at the good!


[Whistle blowing]

They frowned at the bad.

We frown at the bad.

And sometimes,
they were very sad.

Very, very sad.

[Bells chiming]

They left the house
at half past 9:00

In rain or shine.

Such good little girls
in 2 straight lines...

Except the smallest--

Miss clavel:
madeline! Madeline!

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know me ♪

♪ I'll teach you
a lot of stuff ♪

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know her ♪

♪ She'll teach you
a lot of stuff ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And though
I'm very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny-tiny ♪

♪ Diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never
stopped her ♪

♪ From being pretty neat ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not some little twig ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside I'm big ♪

♪ Dum-de-dum-de-dum ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not afraid at all ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And bravest of all ♪

♪ Dum-de-dum-de-dum ♪

♪ We know
some little girls ♪

♪ Who are quite
timid and demure ♪

♪ But that is not
the case with her ♪

♪ Of that you can be sure ♪

♪ I'm not some
shrinking violet ♪

♪ Or doormat for your feet ♪

♪ I'm quite the bravest,
toughest little girl ♪

♪ You'll ever meet ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I hope
you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside I'm great! ♪

♪ Dum-de-dum-de-dum ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ We hope
you have it straight ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ And inside she's-- ♪

♪ Dum-de-dum-de-dum ♪

♪ Great! ♪

[Girls giggling]



To little creatures,
she was nice,

And she was
not afraid of mice.

Eek! Eek!

Shh! Do not scare
these mice.

They are my friends.

She loved winter,
snow, and ice.

To the tiger at the zoo,
madeline just said...

Pooh pooh.

And nobody knew
quite so well

How to frighten
miss clavel.

♪ I'm known to frighten
miss clavel ♪

♪ Sometimes even more ♪

♪ You're looking
for adventure ♪

♪ Come fly with me,
allons! ♪

♪ I'll show you
all of paris ♪

♪ I'll take you
on a tour ♪

♪ We'll go up and up
and up so high ♪

♪ There's no
falling off course ♪

♪ I'll take you
on a little trip ♪

♪ High above the seine ♪

♪ We'll buzz
the eiffel tower... ♪

♪ Then we'll go
right up again ♪

♪ We'll greet
the happy tourists ♪

♪ On the broad
champs elysees ♪

♪ We'll zoom right through
napoleon's arc ♪

♪ You'll love
flying with us today ♪

♪ There's
the famous opera ♪

♪ And there's
the sacre coeur ♪

♪ There's a funny hat ♪

♪ From some
fine designer's store ♪

♪ There's the right bank
and the left ♪

♪ Regardez, il la citã© ♪

♪ And if you're
really thirsty ♪

♪ We'll drop in to le cafe ♪

♪ There's the louvre museum,
full of works of art galore ♪

♪ There's a picture
I can't figure out ♪

♪ What is she smiling for? ♪

♪ Time for us to land
in this new aeroplane
of mine ♪

♪ The only way to travel ♪

♪ Fly air madeline ♪

In that vine-covered house
always happy and fine,

Till that morning,
the girls left

In those 2 straight lines.

It was winter in paris,
a very cold day,

But poor little madeline
did not want to play.

How these little girls
can skate.

Ah, oui. Merci.

Our madeline is
our star skater.

show the monsieur
your triple jump.

No, no, pardon.
Not today, miss clavel.

Come on, madeline.
You are so good.

Merci, but not today, chloe.

I will just sit here
and watch.

Even when she
watched the mice

Capading gaily
on the ice,

The poor, petite thing
refused to smile

Even for a little while.

The juggling clown
popped out to play,

But madeline
just walked away.

By the time they
reached the zoo,

Walked two-by-two.

Where is madeline?

Yes. She must scare
the tiger back.

Oui, oui.
Where is she?











Madeline, are
you all right?

Oui, oui, miss clavel.
Just a little tired.

Aha. I think
you little girls

Stayed up late
last night

After I turned
out the light.

Oui, miss clavel.

Come, my
petite madeline.

We need you at
the tiger's cage.

Nicole is so scared.


We love our bread,
we love our butter,

And most of all,
we love each other.

In the middle of the night,

Miss clavel turned on
her light and said,

"Something is not right."

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

♪ At night it should be calm,
at night it should be still ♪

♪ But something in the air
has given me a chill ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

♪ In my head's a bell,
my personal alarm ♪

♪ That warns me when
my pretty little girls ♪

♪ Have suffered
pain or harm ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

♪ I have
an awful feeling ♪

♪ I can't say what or why ♪

♪ It could have been
a dream ♪

♪ But I thought
I heard a cry ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

Miss clavel!
Miss clavel!

[Girls fussing]


Madeline sat up in bed.

She cried and cried.
Her eyes were red.

Dr. Cohn came quickly by

To see what made
poor madeline cry.

Say "ah."







And shortly after,
dr. Cohn

Rushed out to use
the telephone,

And he dialed
d'artagne 10-6.

"Nurse," he said,
"it's an appendix!"

Madeline was in his arm
in a blanket safe and warm.

Everybody had to cry.
Not a single eye was dry.

[All weeping]

Oh, madeline,
please come
back soon.

Do not worry,
mes petites.

Everything will
be all right.

Au revoir,

Don't worry,


In a car with
one red light,

They drove out
into the night.

When the girls
awoke next day,

was still away.

Where is madeline?

I was hoping it
would be a dream,

But she is not here.


Now madeline
has no paddendix.

It is appendix.


C'est terrible,

Qu'est-ce que
c'est l'appendix?

What is
an appendix?

knows what is
an appendix.

It is a thing
in the--

The head.

In the head?

Now madeline
has a hole in
her head. [Sobs]

No, no, dodo.

The appendix is
a thing in the--

The arm!

Now madeline has
a hole in her arm!

[All sobbing]

No, no, bobo.

Everyone knows
the appendix

Is a thing
in the tummy, so.

Now madeline has a hole
in her tummy!


Poor madeline!
Poor madeline!

In the night,
without a pout,

That bad appendix
was taken out.

Madeline woke up
several hours later

In a room
with flowers.

Here is
some mineral water
for you, madeline,

And tonight, you will
have ice cream.

Merci, madame.

Is there anything else
you would like?

Some mice,
s'il vous plait.

Some ice?

No, madame.
Some mice.


Back at the house,
the girls said a prayer

That madeline
would soon be there.

With their bravest away,
they weren't amused.

Their daily routine
became very confused.

They frowned at the good.

[Blowing whistle]

They smiled at the bad.

They didn't know when
to be happy or sad.

Hmm, I think that
was not correct.

Oh, chloe,
I am so confused.

...and most of all,
we love our butter.


First, we brush
our bread,

And then we break

Meanwhile, madeline
ate and drank.

[Humming I'm madeline]

On her bed,
there was a crank.

And a crack in the ceiling
had the habit

Of sometimes
looking like a rabbit.


Outside, were birds,
trees, and sky.

And so, 10 days
passed quickly by.

One nice morning,
miss clavel said,

"Isn't this a fine day
to visit madeline?"

[Excited squeals]

Not so fast,
mes petites.

First, we finish
our breakfast.

♪ In a old house
set in paris ♪

♪ Lived 12 girls
who were quite fine ♪

♪ And the smallest,
but the bravest ♪

♪ Was our best friend
madeline ♪

Ma cherie, oh, ma cherie, oh,
ma cherie, oh, madeline ♪

♪ You have lost
your dear appendix ♪

♪ Quel dommage,
madeline ♪

♪ She love mice
and she love tiger ♪

♪ She love rain
and she love shine ♪

♪ Never crying,
always laughing ♪

♪ She was happy
all the time ♪

Ma cherie, oh, ma cherie, oh,
ma cherie, oh, madeline ♪

♪ You have lost
your dear appendix ♪

♪ Quel dommage,
madeline ♪

Then miss clavel said,
"it would be so pleasant

To stop and get madeline
a beautiful present."

Only 843 francs
for this fabulous
vintage carousel.

But for you,
only 842 francs.

Oh, chloe, you cannot
get that for madeline.

Look for something
smaller, ma cherie.

Come. We will
get something

Entendez, entendez!
For you, only 839 francs!

Oh, danielle, you cannot
get that ice cream
for madeline.

Look for something
that doesn't drip,
ma cherie.

Come. We will get
madeline something
that doesn't drip.

What shall we do?

We must buy something
for madeline.

I do not know
what we can get.

Eek! Eek!
A mouse!

Do not "eek, eek,"
mes enfants.

These mice
are not real.

The perfect thing
for madeline!


And may I
interest you

In one of these
lovely tigers?

Oui, oui!
This is much better!

Madeline will love to say
"pooh pooh" to this.

How much, monsieur?

Ma cherie, oh, ma cherie, oh,
ma cherie, oh, madeline ♪

♪ You have lost
your dear appendix ♪

♪ Quel dommage,
madeline ♪

"Visitors from

Read a sign
outside her door,

As tiptoeing
with solemn face

With some flowers
and a vase,

In they walked,
and then said, "ah!"

When they saw
the toys and candy

And the dollhouse
from papa.

[Excited squeals]

I'll be outside
talking to dr. Cohn.

Now you girls behave.

A tiger!


[Girls laughing]

Hee hee hee!
Silly girl.

Just say,
"pooh pooh."

Yay, madeline!

But the biggest surprise
by far--

On her stomach was a scar.


♪ Voila! My scar,
voila! My scar ♪

♪ I let you take a peek ♪

♪ It's not real big,
it's not real red ♪

♪ But it's truly
tres, tres chic ♪

♪ My belly was
quite boring once ♪

♪ So bare
and plain and white ♪

♪ But now my scar
adds just the touch ♪

♪ It makes
it look so right ♪

♪ Voila, my scar!
♪ Voila, my scar! ♪

♪ Come take a look at me ♪

♪ Regardez my scar,
hoorah, voila! ♪

♪ Please tell me
what you see ♪

♪ A "c" ♪

♪ A "3" ♪

♪ A "z" ♪

♪ A flea! ♪
♪ A flea? ♪

♪ Oui, oui! ♪

♪ Voila, my scar!
♪ Voila, my scar! ♪

♪ I thank my lucky stars ♪

♪ I don't miss
my appendix 'cause ♪

♪ I got a brand-new scar! ♪

Come, mes petites.
It is time for us to go.

You and madeline have
made a lovely show.

"Good-bye," they said.
"We'll come again."

We'll come again!

And the little girls
left in the rain.

Poor madeline.
She has to stay
in bed.

Yes, with all those
toys and candy.

And that dollhouse.

They went home
and broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

And most of all,
we love each other.

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

And most of all,
we love each other.

And brushed their teeth,
and went to bed.

Then, in the middle
of the night,

Miss clavel turned on
the light, and said...

"Something is not right."

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

♪ Everything was good,
everything was fine ♪

♪ What could it be now
after madeline? ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right,
and so... ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

And afraid of a disaster,

Miss clavel ran
fast and faster.

[Girls sobbing]

And she said...

Please, children, do tell me
what is troubling you.

And all the little girls

[Sobbing] we want to have
our appendix out, too!

Our scars!

Look, a "b"!

Look, a tree!

Look at me!

And me!

Ha ha! Good night,
little girls.

Thank the lord,
you are well.

And now, go to sleep...

Said miss clavel.

Ha ha ha!

She turned out the light
and closed the door,

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.