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01x04 - Madeline and the New House

Posted: 03/10/24 19:53
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

Christopher plummer:
in an old house in paris

That was covered with vines,

Lived 12 little girls
in two straight lines.

They left the house
at half past 9:00...


In rain...


Or shine.

Ohh! Oh, my!

[Girls gasp]

Ha ha ha ha ha.


The smallest one
was madeline.

Oh! Whew!




Miss clavel!
Are you all right?

C'est terrible!


Lord cucuface.

What a surprise.


It is just an old shutter
that needs fixing.

You brought guests.

Yes. May I present
madame baguette

And madame fromage
from the historical society?

They have come
to tour this old house.


What darling
little girls.

Please, do come in.

Oui, oui.


How quaint.

Oui! How charming.


But this is
not the kitchen.

Must we have
all these
pots and pans?

Ah, but every old house
has a drip or two,

N'est-ce pas?

Then the visit
turned into disaster,

with a piece of plaster.


A thousand pardons,

Please say
you are all right.

Oui, oui.
Nothing to worry about.

Come, ladies.

I think we should
put this off
for another day.

Nonsense! We came
to see the house.

The mesdames ignored
his lordship's advice...

[Squeak squeak]


And were not impressed
with mice...


Though madeline said

They were nice.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Go away!


Oh, dear!

Let him rest
while we see the upstairs.


[Squeak squeak]

But the tour continued
not so well...

When madame baguette
slid down and fell.




Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

Cried miss clavel.

Then lord cucuface
announced the selling

Of the house
he thought unfit for dwelling.

We must find these girls
a more suitable place
to live.

We cannot leave
our dear old house!

I am sure a few nails
and roof tiles--

I have made up my mind.

Start packing,
miss clavel.

This house is too old
and too dangerous.

But we love our house!

Where will we go?

Do not worry.

There is a lovely
apartment above mine

Where you can stay

Until I find you
a new house.

But, lord cucuface,

We have not seen
the salon or the parlor
or the--

Really, madame,
you have seen
quite enough.

Lord cucuface
had made up his mind,

Leaving 12 sad girls
and their dog behind.


Oh, come, mes petites.

We had better
start packing.

Moving is tiresome.
Moving is hard.

They piled up everything
they owned in the yard.




[Ruff ruff]

They packed their clothing,
books, and ball...

And said good-bye
to the mice in the hall.

messieurs mice.


But the hardest farewell
they had in store

Was to pepito,
their friend next door.

So it is true?
You are moving?

Oui, pepito.
It is true.

Far, far away,
like to london?

No. Just across town.

Then I will
come visit.

You will?


And we can write
every day.

Please, give me
your address.

Mais oui.
Every day. Here.

[Miss clavel]

The moment had come,

And no one was glad,

With madeline
feeling especially sad.


Good-bye, girls!

Hasta luego,

As the taxis departed
in one sad, straight line...

Lord cucuface put up
a "house condemned" sign.

"Danger! House condemned.

Do not enter!"

Ay ay ay!

He's going to tear down
the old house!

In the meantime, the taxis
all drove through the city

To a street where the houses
were square and not pretty.

Is this where
we are to live?

little girls,

It is always
hard to move.

Oh, dear!
Look at all the rules.

Just because
things are different

Does not mean
that they are bad.

But, miss clavel, it says
"no barking dogs allowed."

is not a dog.

She is...genevieve.




But that sign was no more
than the first indication...


That the flat would not
live up to their expectation.

At night, they tried
to break their bread...


Excuse me.

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,

We love...our old house!


And tried
to brush their teeth...

There is
not enough room!


And go to bed.



But there was more
to complain about.




The kitchen
made mrs. Murphy pout.

little mouse.




The mice made madeline
want to shout.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Catch, genevieve!


And for a dog,

Life could be hard

Without a grassy,
large back yard.


This place
is terrible!

How can we live here?
I hate it!

I want to go home.
What an impossible

Please, please,
s'il vous plait.

This is
our home now,

And we should
be thankful

To be here

♪ Home is not about large ♪

♪ Home is not about small ♪

♪ Home isn't the color
of paint on the wall ♪

♪ Home is not about old ♪

♪ Home is not about new ♪

♪ Home is having
the ones you love ♪

♪ Close to you ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ The heart is,
the heart is ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ If your heart is there,
it's home ♪

♪ Home is not about rich ♪

♪ Home is not about poor ♪

♪ Home isn't the carpet
you put on the floor ♪

♪ You don't need
a marble staircase ♪

♪ In each room ♪

♪ You just need a clean place
to hum a nice tune ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ The heart is,
the heart is ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ If your heart is there,
it's-- ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ The heart is,
the heart is ♪

♪ Home is where the heart is ♪

♪ If your heart is there,
if your heart is there ♪

♪ That's home ♪

Enough work.
Let us go for a walk.

[Talking excitedly]

My, my!
Look at the time.



There were no bells
to toll the time,

So they missed their walk
at half past 9:00.

they left at 10 to 3:00

To find a park
and climb a tree.

But things did not
go as expected.


When a truck and genevieve
almost connected.


And the park was really
quite neglected.


You kids
get down from there!

Stop it!
That's not nice!

Are you

For these
horrid children?

Madame, I am sorry
if the little girls
are bothering you.

They are only
being little girls.

Come, mes enfants.

We will find
another park.

Let us go
somewhere else.

Oui! Where there
are swings...

And merry-go-rounds...

And friendly people.


Dogs! I hate dogs!

So they went back home
to the balcony to play...

But were in for another shock
later that day.

s'il vous plait.

Could we have
our ball back?

You horrible children!

When did you
move in here?



What is that
awful racket?

Oh! This cannot be.

There must be a rule
about too many noisy
little girls.


Miss clavel!
Miss clavel!

That snooty woman
from the park...

And the grouchy man!

Oui. What about them?

They are our neighbors!

Oh, dear.

I know.

We will have them
for tea.

Then they will see
we are good neighbors.

What a good idea.

How can they
not like us?

Yes, that is true.


The next day at 4:00,
the girls gave a tea.

Their china was shiny,
with bright fleur-de-lis.

Would you care
for a biscuit?
Perhaps a pastry?

You let dogs
touch your linen?


A health infraction,


Hush, genevieve.
He is very rude.

Ohh! Ohh!

A flea!
A flea in the food!

That is it!

I am leaving
before I am poisoned!

Wait! It is an almond.


They knew their tea
had not gone right,

When each and every
guest took flight.

Poor genevieve
was most contrite.


It is not your fault,

They are
horrid neighbors.

Why are they
so mean to genevieve?

She is such
a wonderful dog.

[Ruff ruff]

[Knock knock knock]

Now, who could that be?

What is this?

What are all
these signatures?

Everyone in the building
signed this petition
requesting that...

The girls must be
absolutely silent...

And that
dangerous menace
must go!


[Knock knock knock]


Oh, no!

It is from pepito.

What does it say?

Tell us, madeline.

[Gasps] they are
tearing down our old house!

That cannot be!

But pepito's news
was, alas, sadly true.

The old house they called home
would meet a wrecking crew.

boo hoo!

This is horrible!

How can they tear down
our old house?

Little girls,
I know you are sad
about our poor old house.

Let us take a walk.

Maybe it will help us
feel better.

In two straight lines,
they prayed to stall

That horrid,
dreaded wrecking ball.

The place that would
restore their calm

Was the cathedral
notre dame.


Madeline, look!
It is notre dame!

Oui. I see...

But why is it covered
with scaffolding?

It is so old that
they must fix it up
all the time

So it can remain

Ah, oui.
Je comprends.

It is beautiful.

Look, the ladies
from the historical

Seeing those ladies
with their hair all blue

Gave madeline a notion
of what they could do.

Of course!

What, madeline?
What is it?

Miss clavel!
Miss clavel!


Mais oui!

A brilliant idea,

Back at the old house,
the clock was ticking

As the workmen prepared
the dear maison for wrecking.

[Squeak squeak]

no! Stop!

This is a mistake!

You have the wrong house.
I am sure!


Mama, mama, I must
stop them. I must!

Stop! You must not
do this.

Por favor!
Please, please listen!



The crane operator
felt very befuddled

When he saw the colllection
of folks in a huddle.

The good ladies of
the historical society

Made me see the value
of this old house.

We should not
destroy it.

We should
restore it.



And to add to the confusion,
madame produced a resolution.


"We designate
this old house

An historic site
of paris."

of madeline's persistence

And the ladies'
fine assistance,

Their dear old house
would stay in existence.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

We still do have quite a lot
of work to do, do we not?

Quite right,
miss clavel.
Quite right.


A twist of the screwdriver
tightened the knob,

Then a few squirts of oil
finished the job.

Ha ha ha!


Then they fixed
the pipes that leaked...

And the many stairs
that squeaked,

While their smallest helpers

[Peep peep]

Finally, it was the day
when they could move back in.





It is beautiful.

It is

And it is all
thanks to you,

If you had not warned us
this house was in danger,

It would now
be a heap of rubble.

It is fabulous,
better than I imagined!

I have a surprise.

I am thinking
of buying it.

Is it not
a beautiful old house?

I am tired
of my apartment

And my neighbors.

Very nice.

Elle est
trã¤s belle.

We will help fix it.

Oh, it will be fun!

Yes! It will be

Just like this old house.

And then at last,
they broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,

We love each other...

And our old house.

Oh, little girls,
a house is only a house.

But with all of you here,
it is truly a home.

[Ruff ruff]

...and brushed their teeth

And went to bed.

Good night,
mes petites.

I know you will
sleep well.

Good night. Good night,
dear miss clavel.

They dreamed of what they would
next restore,

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.