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01x03 - Madeline and the Easter Bonnet

Posted: 03/10/24 19:50
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

Christopher plummer:
in an old house in paris

That was covered
with vines...

Lived 12 little girls

In two straight lines.


They left the house
at half past 9:00...

In two straight lines,
in rain or shine.

[Sniff sniff sniff]

[Sniff sniff sniff]

The smallest one
was madeline.

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha.

At easter,
paris was in flower.

From the banks of the seine...

To the eiffel tower.

Along each boulevard
and alley

Bloomed crocus
and lily of the valley.



The streets were fresh
as morning dew,

But not everything
looked brand-new.

the old milk wagon mare,

Wore a straw hat
sorely needing repair.

A sight that madeline
could not bear.


Attends, bon-bon! Whoa!


What is our madeline
up to now?

Said miss clavel
with furrowed brow.

Bonjour, jacques.
Bonjour, bon-bon.

Bonjour, madeline.



Your chapeau
is a mess.

If you lend it
to us,

We could make it
into a beautiful
easter bonnet.

Ah, oui, madeline.
Maybe if her hat
looked better,

She'd get a little pep
back into her.

We will return it
tomorrow, bon-bon,

And it will look
as fresh as spring.

Trãˆs bien,
mademoiselle madeline.

But remember, bon-bon
will not deliver milk
without her hat.

Then it will be
ready first thing,

Before you start
your rounds.


So madeline borrowed
the tired old bonnet...

And hurried home
to begin work on it.

The others girls
wanted to help so much

That each one added
her own special touch.

♪ A little of this ♪

♪ A little of that ♪

♪ And what have you got?

♪ A heavenly hat ♪

♪ Put on a bow ♪

♪ Glue on some lace ♪

♪ This heavenly hat ♪

♪ Will light up your face ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat,
it's better than new ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat ♪

♪ It's yellow, purple,
orange, and blue ♪

♪ A feather for luck ♪

♪ A ribbon for grace ♪

♪ This heavenly hat ♪

♪ Will light up your face ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat,
it's better than new ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat ♪

♪ It's yellow, purple,
orange, and blue ♪

♪ A little of this ♪

♪ A little of that ♪

♪ What have you got? ♪

♪ A heavenly hat ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat,
it's better than new ♪

♪ Oh, a heavenly hat ♪

♪ It's yellow, purple,
orange, and blue ♪

Ribbons and flowers,
lace and a bow,

Soon made it
a lovely new chapeau,

Although madeline
did not think it so.

No. Something
is not right.

No, no, no.


It still
needs something.

It needs
something blue.

Trã¤s bien.


At last...

It is just right
for bon-bon.

Oui. It's perfect.

On the next morning,
by dawn's early light,

Bon-bon laid eyes
on a glorious sight.


Her tired old hat
was fresh and bright.

Here is your bonnet,

On easter morning, you will
be the most beautiful horse

In all of paris.


Oh, merci beaucoup,

Huh! The old girl
looks young again.

Miss clavel,
there is no charge
for the milk today.

Merci beaucoup,

Merci, madeline.
[Clicks tongue]

Pas de quoi,
monsieur jacques.

Bon-bon was happy
that early spring day,

Till a playful wind
stole the hat away.

[Girls gasp]

Oh, no!
The chapeau!

The girls all reacted
with shock and dismay.


And nothing
would move bon-bon...

Not even hay.

While bon-bon's hat
floated in the air,

Miss clavel knew
there was no time to spare.

Hurry, girls.

We must go
if we are to catch
bon-bon's chapeau.


Do not worry, bon-bon.
We will find your hat.

You have madeline's
word of honor.

The hat continued
on the breeze

Above the blooming
chestnut trees.

Oh, yes, that hat
was quite a tease.



The hat!

Catch, monsieur.


Voilã„! Le chapeau!


oh, no!

Vite! Vite!

Le chapeau!
Le chapeau!

Le chapeau!


I am sorry,
little girls,

But it has gone
too far to catch.

But, miss clavel,
I gave my word of honor,

And I never go back
on my word of honor.

Je regrette beaucoup,

But the hat is gone.

Try as they might,
they did not find the hat,

And miss clavel told them
that was that.

Still, the hat went to,
the hat went fro.

The hat caused trouble
down below.

C'est votre faute!

Ä moi?
Oui, vous.

Oh, it was
the naughtiest chapeau.



The hat made a stop
along the way,

Where the latest
spring fashions

Were on display.

Inside the shop
called maison bagatelle,

Business today
was not going so well.

But, madame,
this hat is the latest
spring fashion.

It will make you
the envy of all of paris.

But this hat
is old-fashioned.

I must go elsewhere.

But, uh...

Then the wind
blew in the hat that fled.

It landed
right on madame's head,

And monsieur's face
turned bright, bright red.

Oh, I apologize,

Permit me.

No. Uh, no,
no, no, no, no.

Uh, this is more like it,
monsieur bagatelle.

Trã¤s chic.

Oui. Vraiment.

This is something
paris has not seen before.

Back at the old house
that same day,

Bon-bon was causing
much dismay.

She has not budged
since she lost
her hat.

Please, bon-bon.
We have got milk
to deliver.

Bon-bon simply
would not go.

Without her hat,
she just said no.


Oh, what have I done?

Without bon-bon's hat,
there is no milk,

And without milk,

Paris will completely
fall apart.

All over paris,
there was a roar...


Without fresh milk
delivered to the door.

this is my fault,
but do not worry.

My friends and I
will deliver the milk.

oui, oui.

Chã¤re madeline.


So the girls scurried
up and down the streets,

Delivering milk
and dairy treats.


Monsieur bagatelle,
you are a genius.

I will take five
of these hats,

One for each of
my four daughters,

And one for me.

Mais oui. Of course.
Whatever you say, madame.

Just send them to my house
in time for easter,
s'il vous plait.

Oui, madame!

While madeline
did her job so well,

She saw bon-bon's hat
at maison bagatelle.

bon-bon's hat.

I must get it.

Madeline meant
to keep her vow,

But first,
she had to figure out how

To get the hat
without causing a [rou].

Here you are, cecile.
Take good care of it.

Madeline entered,
determined to claim

The hat she had made
in bon-bon's name.

Tu dã©sir,

Oui, monsieur.

I want that hat--
the one your assistant
just took.

Oh, je regrette,

That hat
has been sold.

Allow me to show you
some others.

Madeline tried on
style after style.



But none of them
brought her
as much as smile.

Je regrette. None of
these hats are right.

I must have that chapeau.

Then bagatelle brought out
his new sensation--

The hat which had caused
so much vexation.

This is
my piã¤ce de rã©sistance.

Do you like it,

Mais oui!

It is just what
I'm looking for,

Then you would like
to order a copy?

You say
you made this hat.

Perhaps you could
show me how.

Ah, no.
Ce n'est pas possible.

The public is never
allowed in the workroom.

Please, monsieur.
S'il vous plait.

Eh, bien.

I guess we can
make an exception
just this once.

Into the workroom
went madeline,

To view the bon-bon
hat design.

Cecile, all we need
is some lace, a bit of ribbon,

A flower,
some leaves,

And a birdie.

Oh, yes.
And la tour eiffel.

Et voilã„!
Le chapeau magnifique.

oh, no!

Zut alors!
Le desastre tragique!

Though the new hat
had ribbons, lace,
and a bow,

It was a nightmare
as new hats go.


So, monsieur...

It seems that you did not
design this hat after all.

Uh, well...

You may as well know

This hat belongs
to my friend bon-bon.

My friends and I
made it for her.

When madeline
told the whole true tale,

It made poor bagatelle
turn pale.

Oh, no! Oh, my!
Oh, heavens!

Where is this
bon-bon's shop?

How much
did she pay you
for your design?

bon-bon and I
can make a deal.


She doesn't have a shop.

You see--[giggles]

She is a horse.

A horse?

Monsieur bagatelle
was shocked, of course,

When he learned his hat
belonged to a horse.



Neigh, neigh.

A horse, you say.
Very funny.

Sell me this hat.

I must have this hat!
Oh, please!

Bagatelle begged
for his spring collection,

But his plea was met
with strong rejection.

This hat must be
returned to bon-bon,
the milk wagon horse.

Pardon, mademoiselle.

I will return
le chapeau to bon-bon.

Oh, but I am ruined!
Ruined! Oh!

The poor designer
began to cry,

Not seeing the gleam
in madeline's eye.


However, monsieur,

My friends and I
would be happy to make you
another hat like it.

Soon bagatelle
was feeling fine,

When he got the word
from madeline

That she would make
a new design.

Miss clavel,
this is madeline.

Madeline, thank you
for remembering to call.

She summoned her friends
to return right away

To the street
called rue saint-honore.

Madeline and friends
made hat after hat,

But monsieur bagatelle
would not stop with that.

Ooh, trã¤s bien.

Oh, magnifique.

His spring fashion show
was the hit of the season,

All for a special reason.

And now,
mesdames et messieurs,

I humbly present
my new hat collection...

De bon-bon.

oh, merveilleux!

In 2 straight lines

Came down the runway
dressed to the nines,

Modeling bagatelle's
latest designs.


Mesdames et messieurs,

Presenting the jewel
of my collection,

De madeline.


The applause continued
strong and loud.

Miss clavel was very proud.

Madeline's creativity

Made bagatelle
the toast of paris.

Bon-bon was
in a deep depression.

Getting her hat back
was her obsession.

Oh, bon-bon, please.

We have got
to deliver the milk.


And then she spotted
her prized possession.


Help! Thief!

That horse
stole my chapeau!

[Whistle blows]
Call the gendarme!

Merci, madeline.

[Whistle blows]
pas de quoi,


Luckily, madeline
saw the trouble

And rushed to the scene
on the double.


Pardon, madame!
Here is your hat.

We are sorry.

You cannot have
that hat, bon-bon,

Because I have a new one
that is even better.

We have
been preparing it
for quite some time.

She didn't give bon-bon
the same hat, it was true.

This one was better.
It had something new.

Well, bon-bon,
what do you think?

Do you want
to give it back?



Now, we will not have
to stop for breakfast
on our rounds.

you have saved the day.

Well, I gave
my word of honor.




On easter morning,
the following day,

The girls
went to their church to pray.

Then strolled along
the champs elysã©es...

Admiring the fashions
of the day.

Ooh la la!

Look at that!
Trã¤s bien!

The ladies showed off
their latest passion--

The madeline--
the height of fashion.


Miss clavel, look.

it's not polite
to point.

Pardonnez-moi, miss clavel,
but look.


When the girls
returned home,

There was milk
at their door.

Madeline, I think
this is for you.

Happy easter to you,

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir,
but you may shout encore ♪

♪ That's all there is,
there isn't...any more ♪

[Dog barks]