02x03 - McMillion Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x03 - McMillion Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"...

Jo meets the mcmillion family.hello.

While dad is off to w*r,

This mom is pulling double detail.

With three aggressive boys running this camp,

Mom's peace process is a closed-door policy.

[Rings doorbell]

Can jo get this house back in control?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look at what family we've got here.

Hi, my name is cheryl mcmillion.

My husband jonathan and I have three boys--

Ryan, who is almost ,

Hunter is

And garrett is .

Right now I'm a stay-at-home mom,

And my husband is deployed with his national guard unit.

Watch where you're steppin'.

Hi, I'm sergeant jonathan mcmillion

From the texas army national guard.

I'm serving in afghanistan for operation enduring freedom.

[Whistle blows]

Being away from home,

I think it makes things tougher for cheryl.

She's not only the mother, she's also having to

Take the place of the father as well.

You've been obnoxious since you got home.

[Cheryl] it's difficult, having jonathan away.

I'm gonna spank you.

I feel like I'm a single mom.

I didn't ask you if you wanted to, I told you to.

My husband jonathan doesn't feel

That I'm firm enough with the boys.

Do not come out again!

When my husband is here,

The boys seem to respond a little bit better to him.

Ryan and hunter are very physical with each other.


They kick...

They've even tried choking each other.

[Cheryl] ryan!


Garrett is learning the bad things

From his older brothers.

No, no.

The relationship between the children

Can be characterized

By one word--

I think "chaos."

Oh. Oh. It's like a zoo in there.

[Cheryl] I feel like a prisoner in my own home.

My children have been spanked, grounded,

They've had things taken away from 'em.

Spanking doesn't seem to faze them.

Mom! Spanking on top.

I said get outside and go play.

I've gotten to where I don't even want to spend

Much time with 'em.

Go play. Go play. Move your foot.

[Cheryl] ryan, you're gonna get hurt.

You've locked them out the house!

I just want my children to grow up being respectful,

Polite young men.

Supernanny, it's very tough on military families

During a time of deployment.

Please, could you please help my wife and kids?

This lady desperately needs my help.

I'm on my way.

Hello. Hello. How are you?

Doin' fine. How are you?

Yeah, pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Jo frost. Cheryl mcmillion.

Hi. Come on in. Come in.

This is garrett.


I see you got your hands full.

Jo seemed to be

Very confident, very, uh, nice.

I know you've got issues that need to be resolved.

But we'll get to the bottom of those.

When I arrived,

I jumped straight into observing the family.

So what normally happens

Around this time of the day, cheryl?

Usually he's just watching tv until lunch.

I recognized very quickly

Garrett was being babysat by the television.

And there didn't seem to be any activities

Between the pair of them.

[Jo] later on, ryan and hunter came home from school.

[Cheryl] get in the house.

Boys, what are your names?

Come here. Can you answer her?

Can you tell her what your name is?

Stand up and be quiet.

Hunter, come here.

A quiet home turned into pandemonium.

All hell breaks loose.



Aggression in this house is a national pastime.

[Cheryl] ryan, come here.

The children start wrestling with each other

Where they become really violent.




Is this the level of aggression that they give one another?

Do they hurt each other like this? Uh-huh.

Attack! He hits me, then I hit him back.

Then he hits me, then I hit him.

Ow! Ow!

[Jo] they all do it.

Mom spanks the kids. You wanna be hit with that?

The kids spank each other.

Hit my butt. Ohh!

And it's crazy in the house.

What's the object of the game you're playing?

To hurt people? Mm-hmm.

Oh, well.

My kids are good kids.

They're funny and lovable,


That seems to have all gone away or is hidden.

Usually about now,

When they come home from school,

I make them go outside.

I want y'all to go outside and play. No.

Come here, ryan. Hunter.

Come. Come here.


Do I look like I am playing with you?

I'm not laughing.

I couldn't believe it.

Mom just forced the boys outside.

Wow, I mean, that's--whew.

The glass door-- they've already broke.

All right, excuse me 'cause I want to go have a look.

What do you do when you're out here?

How does it make you feel then, boys,

When you get asked to come outside

And mommy just closes the door?

[Doorbell rings] stop!

No, we're not stoppin'. You can't make me.

How'd you get back in?

I told you to go play.

It's time for me to go in.

You come in that bedroom window one more time,

And I will spank you, and you will not have tv.

Go play.

[Hunter screams]

I told you to go outside.

This is not negotiable.

Mom and son

Are fighting continuously.

You have one hour that I want you to play.

No. Yes.

Then you may come in.

No! No!

You're gonna get hurt.

No! No! No!


Stop it!

Ow. Ow.

I don't even try to do anything with 'em anymore.

Coming up on...


Ryan won't come clean...

I don't wanna wash my hands!

And mom faces the truth...

Your justice is to lose control

And to spank the children.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

We're not having fries tonight.

[Cheryl] in the house.

Go wash your hands in the bathroom.

Go wash your hands!

I don't wanna wash my hands!

Well, then you're not eating.

[Jo] mom asked all of her sons to wash their hands

Before dinnertime.

And they did, all but one--ryan.

I don't wanna wash my hands!

You've got minutes now.

Minutes, and supper's over, period.

They locked heads together.

Get out.

It was a power struggle between the pair of them,

And we had fire meeting fire.


[Cries] wash.

I'm having to treat you like a little baby.



Now go sit down.



You are wastin' time.

I don't care. I don't wanna!

You are fixin' to lose your chance to eat your supper.

I don't care!

You will not eat supper tonight.

These two were knockin' heads, and neither one was budging.

Give me that.

He hit me with the football. Ow!

Unh-unh. Ryan! Let go.

Leave him alone.

After dinner, it was more of the same.

Get off of me.

Let me go.

[Jo] cheryl knows that she's lost control

Of being able to parent her children.

I'm just to the point i-- I can't stand my kids.

Mnh-mnh. I'm to that point. I just--

To hear a mother

Say that to you

Makes you realize that she's in a bad situation.

You know? 'Cause it's like this

All the time.

This is far from good.

[Cheryl] I'm to the point,

I do not like who my children have become

And who I have become,

And to tell jo that--

It was hard to say.

Shut up! Mom!

[Jo] mom's got to the point

Where she's locking herself in the bedroom now,

And she doesn't want to deal with it.

So what makes you come into your bedroom

From being outside? All the chaos.

So this is sanctuary for you? Mm-hmm.

This is the only place I have in the house that's mine.

No escape for mom in her own home

Because her children were tormenting her.

And you have to hold yourself prisoner

In your own bedroom.

Mommy! [Cries]

Get out of my room now. No.

Get out.

The children are left to fend for themselves.

Where are they?

They're screaming out for their mom's attention.

They wanna be doing things with their mom.

I have seen more than enough.

There does need to be big change in this house.

It does need to happen if mom's to feel happy again

And the children, too.

At the moment, she doesn't like her children,

And that's very sad.

I want to be able to change that for her.

When I first arrive and observe a family,

I'm looking for the dynamics.

And I couldn't wait to get together with cheryl

And sit down and discuss the issues

That needed to be addressed.

Okay, cheryl, let's sit down and discuss what I've observed.


I'm most afraid to hear that it's my fault,

That, you know, I'm part of the problem,

Which I already know that I am.

There's no doubt, cheryl,

That your whole family have made a huge sacrifice

For the w*r that's going on.

Your husband is out there,

And he's doing his job.

And you're doing your job here.

Now I know that this is hard for you.

But what I did see

Was very, very grim, cheryl.

Aggression in this house is absolutely mind-blowing.

I mean, it's shocking.

The way hunter and ryan play with one another--

There isn't a line between them wrestling and having fun

To literally body-slamming one another

Against walls and doors.

Because it's now become dangerous.

When ryan and hunter had come back from school,

You were there ready to lock them out of the house

Because you needed your own space.

And it just becomes confrontational.

It's really all about who's going to be colonel.

Your justice is to lose control and to spank the children.

If you can physically be more powerful than them,

Then you think that they've got the message.

But have they?

Obviously not.

What broke my heart, cheryl,

Was when you sat and told me that you don't like your sons.

You know what, cheryl? They know it.

They know you don't like them by the way

That you grab and you smack.

It has a really clear meaning.

But what they do desperately want

Is your love.

What they do need from you

Is guidance, love and direction.

So I want to change.

I just don't know how.

How do you feel at the moment as a mother?

Awful. Like a failure...

Like it's my fault.

I know you love enough.

But step up, cheryl,

And be the responsible mother that you have to be.

What jo said really hit me hard--

Made me feel sad, embarrassed

And disappointed in myself.

And I'm here to work with you

So that you can feel happier,

So that I can hear laughter in this house.

Together we can do that.

Do you believe in yourself?yes.

'Cause I believe in you.

I'm very excited to work with jo,

And I'm determined to make this work.

Okay, so let's get working then.

Coming up on...

Can jo's rules make a difference?

No punching, kicking, biting.

Or do the boys have her on the run?

No head/body slamming.

[Jo] ryan.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The first thing that I do after I observe a family

Is to go in... Hi, cheryl.

We have a routine.

[Boy] right there.


This family routine is absolutely crucial to you,

Because what it is doing

Is putting back time with your children. [Boy] no!

I mean, there is no fun in the house.

Nobody laughs.

So this schedule has been structured

To allow mom to take time out

And have a good time with those children.

One-on-one time is what you need to give garrett.

There's a whole morning where there's no mental stimulation.

At : to :, play outside all together.

[Cheryl] okay.

Let them see mommy having fun.

Let your hair down. Have a laugh with the boys.

From : to :,

Boys out on the bikes or a movie.

Jo's new routine is that I have time

To spend with the kids doing fun things.

I feel it's important to clean the slate.

After doing their family routine,

It was important for cheryl to sit down with her boys

And to explain how she wasn't happy with her behavior

As well as the boys' behavior.

Okay, guys. Mom wants the yelling and the arguing

And the fighting to stop, and that includes me, okay?

What do you think when mommy smacks you?

I think it's crappy.

You know what? So does mom.

It's not appropriate. It's not acceptable anymore.

I was trying to tell them that we were gonna put everything

Behind us and not hold anything against each other.

Starting from now, clean slate.

From now on, I want us to have fun.

We're gonna play games again.

I'm gonna give y'all the time to go outside

And play with your friends.

But I also want time to spend with y'all, okay?

Because you've missed that, haven't you?

Yeah. Because mom's missed having that time with you.

Because she loves you boys, that's why.

It was important for them

To recognize that mom wants to be with them.

But in order to do that...

There are rules in this house,

Okay? [Growls]

When jo brought in the rules

To go over with all of us...

[Grunts] hunter.

Ryan and hunter were resistant.

No punching, kicking, biting...


No head/body slamming.

Any behavior where you hurt the other person,

And they tell you, "I'm hurt," is not a game anymore.

Because then the game isn't fun anymore.


It isn't fun because you're brothers, all right?

And you want to be able to play

Without actually making each other cry.

Unh-unh. You don't get any.

These children have been used

To getting away with their unacceptable behavior

Because it's been ignored.


I need you to listen to me.

Right, guys, ready. Come.

Hunter, come over here. Come over here. Hunter?

I've got a special treasure hunt game.

We are all on the same team.

To get a clue--

To get the prize.

The treasure hunt game allows the boys to work as a team

And find clues together...

Do it together. Do it together.

[Crying] "I want you to..."

So that they can find the clues...

"An elephant's head."

I know where it is!

Right, let's go. Let's go! Mom, come on, hurry!

Each of the clues were written specifically for each boy...

What does it say?

Because I wanted each child

To be able to solve it by themselves.

This way! This way!


[Jo] keep going, hunter!

Keep going, boys.

Look![Gasps] look! Way to go, hunter.

[Cheryl] look, garrett, there's a clue!

Hey, mom, lots of praise. Lots of praise for the boys. Good job, hunter.

It was good, because mom was with all of her boys,

Giving them lots of praise and running along with them.

All right!

Uh-oh! Nelson got the clue!

Leafy and green...

Okay, that says ryan.

They were discussing what the next clue is going to be.

It's like, "come on! Come on!"

I find myself having to keep up with the boys

In and out of the house.

[Cheryl] jump, ryan, jump! Good job!


Let's go! Go!

Ryan and hunter surprised me.

They worked really well together.

They helped each other read the clues

And not be so competitive.

It's not one person winning over the other.

What did the last thing say? Who's gotta get the ticket? [Cheryl] garrett.

Ready? Put it in! Put it in!

Put it in! Put it in! Into there!


"You must crawl..."

Through... "Through the..."

Tunnel... "Tunnel."

[Jo] come on, garrett! Come on, garrett!

You're all together on your team. [Boy] come on, hurry!

[Jo] okay, what's it say?

It says, "to ryan, hunter and garrett..."


That was the first time in a long time that

We've all gotten to do something fun together without fighting.

Well done. That was fantastic.

Here's your medal, too.

[Jo] whoo!

Coming up on...

When ryan doesn't play by the rules... Come here.

Ryan. Ryan, listen to me.

His family fun time slips away.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

These boys are so used to being punished

For absolutely everything

That discipline doesn't mean anything to 'em anymore.




So I introduced a reward chart

To show them that good behavior will be rewarded.

You see there are house rules?

If you do what's on those house rules,

Mom's gonna see that, and you guys get a ticket.

And then you're gonna place 'em onto your dog tag here.

My part is to reward the good behavior

With a ticket, and to also take away a ticket

For the inappropriate behavior.

If you get four tickets,

You get a slice of pie.

And each slice of pie

Is worth a special reward.

How many tickets make a pie?

Four. [Hunter] four.

All right, you guys have got it. Give me five.

That's what I'm talking about. Give me five.

No, no punching. Remember what I told you.

Give me five. All right.

When it came to discipline, I sent the older boys away

To reflect on their own actions.

But for garrett, because he's younger,

I introduced the naughty spot.

Cheryl, this is your naughty spot.

And as you can see,

It will travel very lightly wherever you are in the house.

So I will leave that with you to place somewhere. Okay.

That'll be a good place for it. Good a place as any, yeah.

The naughty spot certainly didn't gather much dust.

Garrett... [Cheryl] there you go.

Do not climb on the table.

If you do that again, you'll go straight on the naughty spot.

You have earned six tickets today.

And today's not even half over.

Good job, ryan. Oh!

Now do you want to stay inside,

Or do you want to go back outside?

I want to go back outside.

Okay. You can go back outside. Thank you.

Well, mom, I'm about to put this little one on the naughty spot

Because I told him to not go on the table... Okay.

And he's just done it.

Okay, so I want you to watch this.


Mom, I want you to listen to this.

Garrett, I told you not to climb on the table.

And you did not listen to me,

So you're going to stay on the naughty spot

Until I come and get you.


That's three minutes.

Now I want you to go back to the spot

And then say, "I want you to say you're sorry."


You were placed on this naughty spot

Because you did not get off the table

When jo jo told you to.

Garrett, I want you to say sorry to jo jo,

Because you did not listen--

Okay. Look at me. You're sorry, yes.

Give me a kiss. Okay. Thank you.

It was time for mom and the boys to get out and have some fun.

So I set up a water slide for them all in the backyard.

Brian, please come here and put this on your nose.

It's one of the rules-- to go outside,

All three of the kids had to have sunscreen on.

[Cheryl] do you want to come have--

[Jo] can I just put a squeeze in your hand?

Just a little bit on your nose. Come here.

When you decide to put sunscreen on, then you can come out.

Ryan didn't want to put sun cream on his face.

He won't be allowed to play unless he did.

Ryan. Ryan. Listen to me. Ryan, listen to me.

I don't want any sunscreen.

Okay, I understand you don't want it.

Now listen to me. That's your choice.

But you're not going on the water slide if...

If you don't put any on your face.

There is a technique we're going to use

Called "actively ignoring your child."


Actively ignoring your child teaches them

That you won't reward them for their bad behavior.

Ready, go! Watch mom! Watch mom!

♪ Come on ♪



Ryan tried to get her attention by hitting her on her bottom

With a baseball cap and shouting, "mom!" Mom!

Mom! And she was really good. She just ignored it.

She moved away from him.

She gave all of her attention to garrett and hunter.

What we're doing is showing

That little boy over there that he's not getting

Your attention when he misbehaves, okay?


[Cheryl] hey! Wow!

Okay, what I want you to do

Is to call ryan over, okay, and say to him,

"If you want to have fun with all of us,

"Go put some sun cream on your face.

"Then you can come out and play with us, love."

I want to talk to you over here for a minute. Come on.

If you want to have fun with us out here and play,

Then you have to go in and put sunscreen on.

I don't like s.p.f. !

This is what I talked about-- compromise for the pair of you.

The pair of you go in the house and have a look

At the creams that you've got, okay?

So we can see what kid creams there are to put on your face.

He made a decision out of two creams.

Your choice is this or this.

Let him do it himself. He's a big boy. There you go.

[Jo] he put it on his face, and then we had it resolved.

Ryan was then able to go outside and have fun.

[Cheryl] come on, ryan! Come on, ryan!


Look how far ryan got!

[Jo] mom was just standing back watching.

She needed to get in there

And start having fun with the boys.

Are you trying this?

You want me to get in there?

Yeah, slide a little!

I thought I was just going outside to watch

And ended up getting right in the middle of it.


That's what I'm talking about, cheryl!

The kids loved it.

They loved seeing mom out there today in the backyard.

Way to go, mom!

[Cheryl] it did start to become fun and enjoyable,

Especially when all three of the kids

Got in on the action with me.

I would love today

For you to spend some time with ryan.

I want to kick-start

Mom spending special time with each of her sons.

I chose ryan today,

Because I want ryan to see mom in a different light.

I would like the pair of you

To get to know each other a bit better.

I want him to recognize that mom's trying to understand him.

Nobody asked me where we're going...

You want to do that?

You think you're big enough to drive?

You do?

Go-carting was a perfect opportunity

To bring the two of them together and to have fun.

I'm gonna be faster than you are.


[Tires screech]


You're ahead of me! Whoa!

The most fun I've had-- the go-cart with ryan.

Oh, yeah!

[Ryan] she went go-carting with me.

I thought she was just gonna be strict,

But actually she was fun. Come on, ryan, come on!

[Cheryl] ryan enjoyed it a lot.

I feel like I'm finding out what he likes to do.


[Jo] whoo!

Well done, ryan.

Was that cool? Yeah.

That was really, really good when you came out.

You were like, "bye, mom."


We're connecting a little bit more.

I do feel like I'm getting ryan back.

Give me a big hug, you.

I'm gonna go for a few days,

And I'm gonna leave cheryl with all the techniques

For her to soak up.

I just want to leave you with a few points,

And that is

For garrett, the naughty spot.

Remember, warnings first.

And for ryan and hunter,

To make sure that you use the reward chart

So they get tickets.

The thing I'll miss most about jo

Is her to be here to help back me up with the discipline.

Bye-bye, darling. I'm very proud of you.

And to remind me of what I need to change.


[Jo] I really hope that she implements

All of the techniques,

But I am gonna be watching her.

Bye! Bye-bye, thanks.


Coming up on...

The boys start to take orders,

But it's not all fun and games.

Ticket. No, no!


That was a disaster.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I've left the mcmillion household

For a couple days,

And I hope mom maintains letting go of certain issues

So that she doesn't find herself in battles all the time.

So let's just see how they get on.

Good job, guys.

See what happens when you work as a team

And follow the house rules?

How many do you have?

Six, seven, eight, nine.

Garrett needs three more,

And he gets another piece of pie.

Yeah! Yay!


Good job.

[Jo] what a change in behavior. Good job.

Want me to read that to you? Yeah.

Look at that little boy. What's he doing?

I don't know.

[Jo] cheryl, you're so calm! I love that tone of voice.

I love you. I'm proud of you.

You did a good job today. You got a lot of tickets.

You've almost got your whole pie filled in.

[Jo] look at that affection you're showing.

That's a great improvement. I love you.

I'll see you in the morning. Get a good night's sleep.

[Cheryl] no!

We're not jumping on the furniture,

And we're not jumping on our brother.

It has to be mutual,

Not you going and running and jumping on him, okay?

[Jo] where's the warning, mom?

[Hunter] ♪ garrett got in trouble ♪

[Jo] mom, does he really deserve that?

He was only trying to get your attention.

Until I come back and get you.

You're gonna have to be patient. I'm only one person, okay?

[Jo] oh, boy, now it's just a game.

Stand up.

I do not want you hitting or throwing things.

Is that understood?

You gonna say "I'm sorry"?

[Jo] well, at least you got the end right.

You do that again,

And you will not play this game.

Is that understood, hunter?

Doyou understand me?yes!

Ticket. No, no!

[Jo] mom, you're being very confrontational.

No wonder he's arguing back.

Now you won't have to talk.

Now do you want to change your attitude?


And change your tone of voice with me? Yeah.

Okay, are you gonna play nice in there? Yeah.

Gonna say you're sorry? Come here and give me a hug.

This is attitude,

And this attitude's not acceptable.

Do I need to take another ticket? No.

[Jo] mom, what don't you take a ticket for?

Can I have a hug?

Can I have a hug?

I want a ticket now.


That's fine. I want you to change it,

But you screamed at me again.

[Jo] a ticket because he didn't hug you?


[Jo] mom, you and i, we need to talk.

After being away for a couple days,

I went back to cheryl's household...

Hi, cheryl. Hi.

How are you? Good to see you.

Are you well? Yes.

And presented her with some footage,

Which was rather interesting.

I've been looking at some footage of the family,

So let's take a look.

Good job, guys.


Yay! Yay!

Good job.

Do you want me to read that to you?

Look at that little boy. What's he doing?

I don't know.

I love you. I'm proud of you.

You did a good job today.

What do you think of that? That's good.

Hmm? A lot better.

I love your relaxed attitude there.

You're using your tone of voice very effectively.

Lots of affection. And this, for me,

Is beautiful to see,

Because it means that you're coming closer to the boys.

You should be proud of yourself there. I'm happy.

Let's continue.

♪ Garrett got in trouble ♪

You're gonna have to be patient.

I'm only one person, okay?

What's going on here?

He was trying to get my attention,

So he was hitting me.

On your bottom.

What do you think on that naughty spot there, cheryl? I'm not happy with that.

No, you've missed out a warning,

And you've put him straight on the spot.

You didn't explain why you placed him on the naughty spot.

He thought that was fun.

He thinks it's a game now. Mm-hmm.

So it is important that you follow through

The small details of the naughty spot

And do it correctly so it serves its purpose.

Okay, moving on.

Do you understand me? Yes!

Ticket. No, no!


I'm taking a ticket from you.

Say you're sorry. [Mumbles]

Come here and give me a hug. This is attitude,

And this attitude's not acceptable.

I want a ticket. No!

You're not gonna do that.


Talk to me.

That was a disaster.

Why? Why do you think it was a disaster?

'Cause I didn't handle it very well.

I did everything wrong.

I got too ticket-happy.

Too ticket-happy. You certainly did.

Hunter didn't want a hug,

But to get a ticket taken away

Because he doesn't want to hug or kiss you right away?

Who needed that more, hunter or yourself?

Probably me.

The truth be known. Mm-hmm.

I didn't realize my tone was that way.

I'm very disappointed in myself.

Don't. Don't be disappointed in yourself.

For you to come back and see exactly where you've gone wrong,

It becomes a learning curve for you

To move you forward.

[Cheryl] I think jo's message was

That I had changed a lot,

But that I still had work to do.

What we are going to do today, cheryl,

Is to work on all of the techniques,

How to use your tone of voice

And to have a bit of fun

And to find that balance

Between making sure that the children are disciplined,

But at the same time, you're still recognizing

The things that need praising, okay? Okay.

Okay, all right.

Coming up on...

When another battle breaks out...

You may not play until you have some shoes on your feet.

I don't want anything! It's too hot!

Can jo defuse the situation?

Is it major?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

So, boys, I've walked into this house

And seen this reward chart.

Look at this!

Yay! Whoo!

I did go up to the reward chart,

Because I noticed they both had all these slices of pies

And lots of tickets.

Hunter, what happened here?

Look how many slices you have.

What a change in behavior.

I'm very proud of you. Come here, give me a hug.

[Gagging] give me a hug. Good boy.

Ryan, come over here. Let's have a look at yours.

Look at that.

Look at the difference!

How happy are you with getting all of these tickets?

Yeah, you should be very happy with yourself.

Everything is coming together, slowly but surely.

[Jo] tell the boys that they need to get themselves ready,

'Cause we're gonna go outside and play.

Do you all know where your soccer balls are?

Are they outside?

Ryan, you may not play

Until you have some shoes on your feet.

I don't want anything! It's too hot!

It's important for me to keep reinforcing to cheryl

To step back.

To be able to compromise with ryan

Defuses a confrontation.

So is this something I should just let him...

Well, is it major?

Has he been barefoot before?

[Cheryl] jo did point out that I have to choose my battles,

So I am gonna have to really think about

Which battles are worth fighting

And which ones I can let go.

Okay, you can go barefoot.

Well, okay, are we ready to play football?

Kick it!

Good job.

So today all of us went outside to the backyard,

And we all played soccer.

Whoo, get it, garrett! Come on, ryan! Come on!

Come on, ryan. It was great. The kids were having fun,

And it was nice just to see mom let her hair down,

Have her sneakers on

And play a good game of soccer with the boys.

Our goal is that way. Whoo, get it, garrett!

Garrett! Come on!

I did try to make an effort

To change my tone and my attitude with 'em.

Come on.

Don't let it get through, hunter.

Garrett, baby! I need help, come on!

[Jo] mom and hunter, wait for garrett!

Kick it between the post and the chair.

The tools that she has given me

Are working for my kids now.

I will not go back to the yelling

And the being like a dictator to them.

Get the ball, get the ball! sh**t the ball!


Okay, guys, listen. I'm going home now.

What I want you to do is to work with mommy

To make sure that you keep talking to mommy

So that mommy understands you,

So that you don't get into arguments all the time.

It was a little overwhelming to have to tell jo good-bye.

Thank you so much for coming.

You're more than welcome.

[Cheryl] I really appreciate what she's done.

Jo's helped change our family.

When I first arrived in this house,

I saw a different person.

I truly have an enormous amount of respect for cheryl.

She's gonna need a lot of strength,

And I hope she finds that within herself,

Because she is a really beautiful woman

Who has a very kind, giving heart.

They have one thing they want to give you.

Oh, thank you very much.

Look how beautiful that is. It's a heart!

"J" for...

Jo jo. "J" for jo jo.

Jo's help, for us, means that my kids can grow up

Wanting to spend time with me and with each other,

Wanting to come home when they're older

And being better people, happier,

Looking back and remembering the good times

And not the yelling and the screaming

And the hitting.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I'd like to thank jo,

Because we feel like more like a family now.

Thanks, jo jo!

Take care now, okay?

[Jo] this family are definitely closer

Than what they were when I first arrived,

And that is just fantastic.

Ryan, can you put half of the pizza just cheese,

'Cause hunter doesn't want the other stuff on it.

Since jo's been away, there's been a big change.

It's been a lot quieter in my house,

And everybody's been happier.

Is there a seed in here? There's a seed and a core in it.

[Cheryl] we have less yelling and screaming and v*olence

Towards each other.

Here, scoot over, ryan. Let hunter help you.

Right there.

I really haven't been angry since jo left,

And I like standing back and watching

The sweet little things that they do for each other now.

I'm starting to enjoy spending more time with 'em,

And especially ryan,

Because he is actually starting to communicate with me now.

You know what I'm gonna do to you?


[Cheryl] before jo came, ryan was very angry.

He told me he hated me all the time.

Now ryan is more loving.

Come on!

Ryan, number one, which course do you want to start on?

Good job. Garrett, come on, it's your turn.

Hit the ball in the hole.


That one's yours.

[Cheryl] I haven't been going to bed crying

Or feeling like I have been an awful mother

And "where did I go wrong during the day?"

[Cheryl] the next time I talk to jonathan,

I'm gonna tell him how good the boys have been

And how much jo's helped change our family.

She's helped change me.

She's helped change the kids,

And she's made our house more peaceful and loving.

[Boys chattering]


I'm gonna kick your butt.

I'm gonna kick your butt!

I'm gonna kick your butt!

I'm gonna kick your butt.

I'm gonna kick your butt.

Wait. See?

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