02x01 - Minyon Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x01 - Minyon Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny,"

Jo meets the minyons... Good morning.

Good morning. A young family who has lost power...

[Screaming] to their -year-old daughter.

You sit!

Stop it!

While mom fights for control...

It just hate makin' her cry.

And dad's tough love proves challenging...

Shut your mouth and start doing your homework.

Jo will try to get this family back on track. Start over.

You used language that was abusive.

You're just a little whiny brat.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look this week

And see what family we've got here.

Hello. This is the minyon family.

I'm frank, years old.

I'm danielle. I'm .

We have children-- frank patrick, who's ,

Skyler, who's .

I had no idea that having kids

Could be so much different. Don't you hit me!

They're not quite as easy as I thought it'd be.

You don't hit mommy. [Screams]

Skyler's very difficult.

She's got some rage issues.

[Screaming] skyler!

She just goes ballistic. Stop it!

My word.

Frank absolutely does not get

As much of our attention because of our daughter.

I'm sad to say I don't spend enough time with my son.

Frank doesn't like to wake up in the morning,

And when I do get him up, I have to physically dress him

While he's in the bed.

Frank, how come you never help me

Get yourself dressed in the morning?

He's years old. This is way beyond a joke here.


I would just like my family to be happy.

Supernanny, help us.

We can't stop our daughter's fits.

We don't have the answers, and we really need help.

Mom and dad, I'm on my way.

[Knocks on door]

Good morning. Good morning.

Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

I'm frank. This is my wife danielle.good.

Pleased to meet you, danielle. How are you? Good.

It's very early in the morning, I know. [Frank] it sure is.

But I've heard that you've got issues that need

To be sorted out regarding the mornings

And getting the children up and ready for school. [Frank] sure do.

Jo's presence felt very strong,

Kind of almost like a principal.

I felt as if school was about to begin.

What I would like you both to do today

Is just to carry on as normal, make like I'm not here.

I'm gonna be a fly on the wall,

And I'm gonna watch and observe you...

Okay. With the children today, okay?

I felt so relieved that jo was at the house

And I was finally gonna get some answers to my crazy household.

And if I'm correct, I think it's school time, right? Sure is. Sure is.

Okay. I'm gonna sit back and watch.

[Jo] the first thing that we did

Was head towards the bedrooms to wake frank.

Frank, come on, buddy. It's time to wake up.

Soon afterwards,

Mom then went into skyler's bedroom...


And attempted to wake her up.

Come on.

Frank? Rise and shine.

You awake yet?

Come on, bud.


Mom told skyler that she needed to get dressed

Because she was going off to school today.

The cops are gonna come and get mommy

If you're not at school. Come on.no!

Skyler, please? No!

And that's when the fireworks went off.


Don't start in the morning.

[Skyler shrieking]


Get it off!

Skyler was clearly running things in this household.

What happens now? Each day of school, it's getting worse and worse.

It just went from no shoes yesterday

To not getting dressed.

Where is dad, danielle? Gettin' ready for work.

Do you normally get frank dressed every morning?

In his bed.

He usually won't get out of bed until I physically dress him.

He's a big boy,

And yet she was dressing him.

Otherwise I'll fight with him all morning

To actually get out of bed-- he won't even get out of bed.

Very suddenly I realized frank didn't do much in the morning.

Mom did absolutely everything.

I mean, really, I don't think

Anybody really knows where they're going.

They're like puppies chasing their tails in the morning.

You guys find your sneakers? You gotta brush your teeth!

Sometimes I'd like my husband to help more.

I usually have to take the brunt of the storm by myself.

Will you pick something out then?

I don't want to wear my new... [Screams]

I don't want to wear this outfit!

Skyler dug in her heels.

I mean, she was having none of it.

[Skyler screaming] I have to leave. I really have to go.

Me having to leave for work in the middle

Of the chaotic portions of the morning

Is not a comforting feeling, walking out the front door.

[Skyler's screaming continuing] what does this do to you

When you hear skyler screaming at you? Kills me.

It just hurts, that I can't fix the problem.

[Crying] I don't want to go to school!

I hate seeing her cry like that over nothing.

It's just easier to give her her way,

'Cause then she'll be fine.

Mom's emotionally drained from all of it. We are going to school.

Frank had removed himself from the high-pitched crying.

It's quite worrying, actually, that he was on his own,

Having to make due with mom dealing with skyler.

Do you want me to make you lunch or not? Unh-unh.

All dressed. Ready?

No shoes on, no teeth brushed, but we're going.

Bye! Say bye-bye, nanny.

Well, that took a long time-- an hour and minutes

To get skyler up, dressed and to school.

Not the kind of mornings

I'd want to see again, that's for sure.

Coming up on...

Jo gives a dose of reality...

Emotionally, you're in a desperate situation.

While frank is left to his own device.

Do you get much time with mommy and daddy?


When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I very quickly realized skyler...

Skyler, I want you to finish eating.

Controls everybody in the household.

Mom allows skyler to run rings around her.


Were you hiding?

So, frank,

Do you get much time with mommy and daddy to do things?

Not really.


Pick the pillows up off the floor. No.

Don't tell me no. Pick them up, please. No.

Pick them up. Do you want a time-out?

Pick 'em up, please!

Pick the pillows up!


You're going on time-out. Yes.

No... Yes, you do.

Skyler was having a tantrum, plain and simple.

Are you gonna pick 'em up? No!

You just sit there.

After being told for the fourth time,

She was sent to the naughty chair,

Which I was pleased to see.

But it wasn't being used correctly,

'Cause mom never walks away,

And that just adds fuel to the fire.

Get off of me!

It's a battle. I mean, it's just absolutely crazy.

Stop it! Sit down!

It was absolutely ridiculous.

Skyler hits her mom-- her mom hits her back.

Hey! [Crying]

You don't kick!

I just feel like I'm gonna battle her forever,

And she's never gonna quit. I usually let her off.

Let go! No!

Does she always hit, pull your hair and kick and bite? When she's spazzing, yeah.

Frank had removed himself,

Desperately trying to find solitude

And really being robbed of any of the attention.

Do you like listening to that, then?

No, no! I don't want a time-out!

So what was achieved in all of this today?

How does that make you feel as a parent?

It's, like, I know that she wins every time.

I'm just not strong enough to do it.

It ended with danielle desperately needing this hug

From skyler, and skyler

Desperate to be held as well.

But nothing actually got solved.

Hey, sky.

When dad came home, it gave me a chance

To see how he interacts with his children.

Hey, sky.

She can do no wrong. She's just daddy's little girl.

She's just precious. Everything she does is cute.

Hey, frank?

He is always the last one that come to greet me

Am I interrupting you? First I want a hello.

Is there much interaction with you and frank?

Do you spend much time doing things in the house?

Watch your mouth. No, not right now.

We don't really interact probably as a father/son should.

What are you doing to the couch, frank?

Is that how you feel sometimes?

Sure. He really-- once again, -word answers.

Never really ever have a conversation with him.

Come on, hurry up.

I need all those bikes put in the shed for me, buddy.

It became very clear to me that frank was a lot tougher

On his son than he was on his daughter.

I just need it in there. Whatever you gotta do.

Oh, my little helper. Thank you, sweetheart.

Later on in the afternoon,

Mom and dad had organized a barbecue,

And their friends and family came 'round.

Can I get a hug? [Frank] can you say hello, sky?

Skyler refused to say hello to anybody.

[Danielle] skyler, come say hello to sharon, please.

[Frank] frank, did you say hi, too?

Frank didn't bother to have any manners.

You don't need to be playing video games, frank.

When we have a family member or friend walk in the door,

I feel it's just common courtesy

To have everyone greet who's coming in.

It's not very nice. Everybody came over

To your house, and you're not even saying hello?

[Danielle] skyler, I want you to sit with the kids, baby.

It's always a fiasco.


I'll know it's done.


[Jo] once the barbecue started,

The children's behavior started to deteriorate.

Come on, frank patrick. Come say good-bye to everybody.

Say good-bye. No!

Just a hug. You don't have to kiss me.

Just give her a hug. No!

How about five? I don't want a hug!

[Frank] my kids just have the worst manners.

Danielle and frank were really embarrassed

By their children's lack of manners.

Why does anyone want to come to the house and see you

If you're not gonna say hello and good-bye?

But they do have really high standards and expectations

Of their children.

They expect them to hug and kiss on demand.

Give him a big hug. Aw!

I feel confident

About the issues that the minyon family

Need to address,

And I can't wait to get started.

When I first meet a family, I go in,

And I watch the dynamics between the parents

And the children.hey!

Stop it!

I then approach both parents, and we discuss

The issues that I think need to be addressed.

Danielle and frank, I've seen more than enough today.

So why don't we go through

To the dining area and have a talk? Great.

I'm nervous what jo's gonna say to us at the family meeting.

I'm sure jo has a few things that she's seen

That aren't correct.

You two are a beautiful young family,

And you should both be very proud as parents. We are.

But let's start with the mornings.

I mean, why bother waking up?

Years old, and frank is being dressed.

I mean, that's ridiculous.

You then go into skyler--

Why do you allow your -year-old daughter

To power struggle with the pair of you?

She's the baby of the house,

And I guess we kind of just let it get away.

I mean, danielle, it was horrifying.

Skyler lost her temper

And punched and kicked you

And bit you and pulled your hair

So hard that you smacked her and shouted at her.

And you lost control.

That's absolutely madness.

I just don't know how to stop her.

We're not just talking about skyler here.

Skyler's got a brother frank.

Where is frank in this equation?

Frank's gone.

Frank just doesn't want to hear the screaming,

Takes himself off.

And frank is really into his computer game

Because that gives him attention,

Because he's not getting it from his parents.


You're in a desperate situation

Because so much time is being devoted to skyler.

He needs your attention.

He needs your encouragement

And your support.

I feel he just needs to be stronger. You mean take your flak.

To me, boys just seem to be raised different.

You're basically saying

That you don't treat your children equally.

She gets on me about it. It's just how it is.

We have to change it.

Let's talk about the social skills

With skyler and frank.

You expect your children

To be intimate with people when they don't want to be.

I would like to just see a hello, handshake,

Hi, acknowledgement.

But you don't set the examples in your own home.

Frank, if he doesn't do it with his own father,

How can you expect him to develop his social skills

When he doesn't even do it with you?

The pair of you love your kids.

But what you have to be is realistic

With your expectations.

Jo told us that we completely lost our power

To a -year-old little girl,

And that our son sits on the back burner

Because all of our attention is focused on our daughter.

So with a lot of determination, some hard work,

Let's change the power shift.

You guys up for that?

Yes. Absolutely.

Well, let's get cracking.

Coming up on...

Jo lays down the law, skyler is on the run...


I don't like all the time-outs.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The first thing I did after observing the family

Was to go back

And to present them with a family routine

Which they desperately needed in order to gain

Some form of structure to their house.

Okay, frank, what does that say up there?

Exactly, family routine.

At :--pre-wake up frank.

A pre-wake up call is to gently break your child

Into the morning before the alarm goes off.

What I want you both to do

Is to take turns in rotating that morning.

At : to :, outside activity.

I want to see the kids having

Some wind-down period of time from school.

Dad, between : and p.m.,

I would love you to sit down with frank and do his homework.


Lots of encouragement and support.

That felt good to know that I have this time slot.

I know that this portion of the day is my son and i.

Frank, any questions?

No. Nope. Skyler, any questions?



Look what I've got here. What is it?

I introduce the reward chart

Because it's a fun way to make the children

Reach their goals and earn their rewards.

You start to collect your tokens

Until you reach the levels

That say , , and .

At the end of each week, the children receive rewards

Dependent on how many tokens they have.

Yeah, I think the rewards is one of the best parts

That jo's showed us,

Because it gives us something good to give to the kids.

Hey, good start.

[Crying] skyler, mommy's cooking dinner.

Danielle started to prepare dinner,

And skyler wouldn't let her do so.

She wanted to be picked up constantly.

She's used to screaming-- knowing that you'll pick her up.

What you know is she's perfectly fine.

If you pick her up, what you're doing is

You're teaching skyler

That every time she behaves this way,

It warrants you just to pick her up.

[Jo] danielle couldn't bear skyler's crying,

And she broke down.

What's this about?

Mommy! What is that you feel is going on right now?

I just hate hearing her scream.

What's it making you feel right now?

I don't want to give her away. I just hate hearing her cry. [Crying] mommy!

Okay. You feel bad

Because you are not letting her have her own way.

Okay. You're just being a good mother right now

And getting dinner on the go for the whole family.yeah.

So be a positive parent.

You calm down and say,

"Darling, mommy can't hold you right now.

"I'm cooking, okay?"

It gave me a lot of strength to have jo there.

I break down easily with all the crying

And chaos and running,

And I just feel like it's never gonna work.

[Skyler screaming continuously] when I'm done cooking, I'll hold you.

You need to go play with daddy.

No! Skyler...

You do not-- you don't hit mommy. That is not nice.

Give her a warning

And tell her if she does it again,

She will go on the naughty chair.

I'm behind you all the way here, danielle.

You are taking the power back.

I don't want to go to the chair!

Okay, then don't hit mommy.

No... [Screaming]

No, I don't want to sit down!

Watching my daughter taking it so tough,

I just wanted to grab her, scoop her up. You need to stay here.

It was very hard in the beginning.

I don't think I would've been able to get skyler

To stay in the naughty chair by myself, no.


I don't want to go in!



I don't like all the time-outs.


Bring her back to the area and say--

I want to help... [Crying]

You've heard her, but if you want to help me,

You need to say sorry for your behavior

Before you can help mommy.

Just say that.

Skyler, you can help mommy.

But you need to say you're sorry first

For how you acted earlier.

Once you apologize, you can help me.

Skyler would not apologize, and it just dragged on.

But danielle was very persistent,

And she became increasingly confident.

What do you need to say to mommy?

What do you need to say to mommy?

You can come out of time-out when you apologize.

What do you need to say to me?

Thank you.

[Frank] what was that? Was that a "sorry"?

When skyler admitted she was sorry, hallelujah!

The chair worked.

I'm really, really proud of you.

Well done!

Coming up on...

Jo acts out...

Is that hello or good-bye?

While frank is caught in the middle...

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

This morning I arrived nice and early

To start the rise & shine technique,

Where I found danielle and frank

Both pretty dead, to say the least.

The rise & shine technique is to make sure

That mornings run smooth and are organized.

The night before, the children need to choose their clothes,

And the alarms need to be set.

In the morning,

The parents need to pre-wake up their children.

And that is to open up the door ajar

And to put a soft lamp on

And then to gently stir the children... Hey, frank?

To let them know it's time to get up. [Rings]

Once the children have woke up,

It's then for them to take the responsibility

In making sure that they get themselves dressed,

Washed and ready to leave.

Wow, you dressed yourself today.

Good job, pal.

I didn't know what to do this morning

Because frank actually dressed himself.

I had time to, like, just wake up.

For his first attempt,

He managed to get himself up, dressed

And had his bag ready to get on that school bus.

There we go! Well done.

And it was mom's turn to wake up skyler.

And as far as danielle was concerned,

It was like, "brace yourself." I'm getting nervous.

I don't feel like fighting with her this morning. So what are you

Gonna do then, fight or not?

I'm not. All right. Let's go in.

So she took a great big, deep breath,

And off she went into skyler's room.

And skyler did not budge.

Come on, baby. It's time to wake up, okay?

Got a couple minutes before your alarm goes off.

You've done the blinds, the lamp on. That's it.

In the beginning, I was like,

"Jiminy crickets, here we go again.

"I don't even want to begin."


So the alarm clock went off, but skyler didn't budge at all.

Skyler? Come on, honey. We have to go to school.

No.i want you to put on the clothes that you chose last night.

No. Come on.


[Jo] good morning.

Good morning. Good morning.

Skyler, I'd like to see you get dressed for me, sweetheart.

And then I want you to go brush your hair, okay?no.

And I know you can do it. No.

Well, that's your choice, skyler.

If you want to go to school in your pajamas,

That's your choice. I'm not going to school.

[Whispers] tell her give you a call

When you've got yourself dressed.

Come and give mommy a call at the door

When you've got yourself dressed so I can see, okay?

No. Okay, that was good, danielle. Let's relax.

What I want to do is let her understand

That you are sticking to your g*ns, okay?

Mom stood her ground,

But skyler was not ready to compromise.


Is she coming out to you, or are you going in?

She said she was gonna get dressed and come out.


[Jo] lo and behold, for the first time,

Skyler actually got dressed by herself.

You look great. You did that all by yourself?


That's great!

This is the first morning

That danielle has stuck to her g*ns

And meant what she said and followed through.

I think just getting her up in the morning

Without a battle to go to school

Is a success in itself.

Hey, skyler? I'm really proud of you.

Skyler never initiates any form of conversation,

Not even to the point where she'll just say

Hello and good-bye.

This little baby here told me that

She wants to say hello to this big baby,

And she doesn't know how to.

So one of the things I did do was to role-play with skyler.

Is that hello or good-bye?

That's good-bye.

When you're doing this, that's hello.

I asked skyler to do it herself.

She showed me what a hello was and what a good-bye was.

What does bear say? What does bear say?


Hello, that's right!

Say, "come in." What does bear say?

Come in.

I think I've made progress in skyler's understanding

Of how important it is to say hello and good-bye.

This next step in the socialization process

Is to identify personal space.

So, frank, let's have you

In the middle of that orange circle there.

It is important that frank and danielle

Do not put pressure on their children

To be affectionate towards their friends and family

On demand.

[Danielle] skyler, come say hello to sharon, please.

[Frank] hurry up. Frank, did you say hi, too?

Say, "good-bye." No!

Give him a bug hug. Aw.

I made frank see what his children see.

These circles represent

The intimacy that you have with people.

Only coming to the blue circle,

It means that we've already developed the common ground

Of saying hello and good-bye.

When we get to this circle, frank,

That means that I've encroached on your space.

How comfortable does that feel?

A little tight.

To sit in the center of the circle

And to look up and see jo, I felt a little intimidated.

Your children have their own space.

They have their own area.

And regardless to whether they're family

Or they're friends,

They will have their own time

In which they feel comfortable to allow that person

Into their pink circle.

Now imagine that you're skyler,

And she's this tall.

And then she meets an adult,

And that person comes straight into her space.

It's quite intimidating, isn't it?

It is intimidating, sure.

I think it was definitely an eye-opener.

I'm definitely gonna be more aware

Of the kids' personal space.

I'll look at it

In a different way than I did before.

[Jo] I introduced the feelings chart,

Because frank is often never heard by his parents,

So I really want to be able

To give him a chance to express himself.

If you feel good about something,

Then I want you to use the happy faces, okay?

If you feel bad about something,

Or you feel sad,

What I want you to do is use the sad faces.

I'm feelin' happy today.

You feel happy today?

Yes, you are.

[Jo] if mom and dad can visually get an idea

Of what's going on in frank's head

And how he's feeling,

They can do something to change that.

Special, special child, these are you special faces,

And this is about how you're feeling,

Because that's what's important.

[Jo] I'm gonna leave danielle and frank for a couple days

To get on with implementing the techniques.

Danielle, take care, yeah?

[Danielle] I'm gonna miss having jo there tomorrow,

Because I just feel like I need someone to look at

And just say, you know, "what do I do next?"

Support one another through all the techniques.

[Jo] well, there's no doubt they're gonna be tested,

And I'm gonna be watching them,

So let's just see how they get on.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Skyler gets a wake-up call...


And dad fails his homework assignment...

Shut your mouth and start doing your homework.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I've left danielle and frank for a couple days

To get on with implementing the techniques,

And I'm gonna be watching them,

So let's just see how they get on.

[Alarm clock ringing]

Good morning. All right.

You're getting up, pal. Good job.

[Jo] ah, the morning routine. This could be a challenge.

Come on, baby. Do you hear it?

She's not budging.

[Jo] frank, that's a big improvement.

I would like you to put these on

And come out in the living room dressed

And make me really proud, okay?


Come on, come on, come on!

[Jo] excellent. Frank's off to school.

Love you, pal. [Frank] see you, buddy.

[Jo] but what about skyler?

Come on, let's go.no!

Do you want to get dressed,

Or do you want to go to school in your pajamas?

Mommy, no!

Okay, well, I'm gonna put your clothes in your book bag.


Are you gonna go to school in your pajamas then?

Well, let's brush your teeth,

So that you don't have stinky breath at school.

No, no, I don't want to brush my teeth! Okay, well, then we're not.

We're going to school, though. Come on.

I don't want to go to school.

[Jo] a bit of a struggle.

Skyler's going to school in her pajamas.

Way to go, danielle.

[Danielle] jo said,

"You don't need to fight with her every morning.

"Just take her in her pajamas, and eventually she'll learn."

Yeah, my mind was made up.

She was going to school, pajamas or not.

[Jo] over the next few days,

Danielle and frank continue to use their tokens as rewards.

I don't know, mom. Tokens?

[Jo] no bribing, danielle.

Let the children feel good about completing their tasks.

Later on, frank sat down

With his dad to do his homework.

Shut your mouth and start doing your homework.

Is that an "a" or a "c" or what letter is that?

Fix it. No.

I've never seen an "a" with those...

That looks like a "c."

'Cause that's how I write.

Start over.

You think you know everything.

No, I know what's right and what's wrong.

Just do your homework.

That's how I always did it.

We're going to a bad spot with this whole homework thing.

Because I can't write an "a."

Frank, start your homework now.

Then let me write my "a."

You write your "a,"

You're gonna sit in the naughty chair.

[Jo] naughty chair? Why, for what?

Erase it, frank.


Dude, don't cry over writing a word.

This is ridiculous.

You know what? Sit down.

Why do I have to sit there for?

You heard what I said. Get in there.


You're in time-out-- look at me--

You're in time-out

For giving me a tough time at homework

And for not correcting your "a,"

Giving me a problem on making an "a."

That's why you're now in time-out.

You're in time-out for seven minutes, pal.

And most of what you're in time-out for

Is because you're just a little whiny brat.

You gonna break my chair? Don't break my chair, frank.

You're being a little whiny brat, frank,

Over simple homework.

[Jo] dad, you are letting your anger

Get the better of you.


Stop crying now.

You sound ridiculous, frank.

Shut your mouth. Babe.

I don't want to hear him whining. He just can't, though.

He stopped. It worked.

You're in time-out for whining

And for not listening

About what I needed you to do with your homework.

That's why you're in time-out.

Now you can get up and don'twhine.

I wouldn't make my "a" right.

So you continue to whine?

[Jo] frank, you need a homework assignment--

Communication .

Frank, that was just sounfair.

You and I need to talk as soon as possible.

Good seeing you. Good to see you again.

[Jo] I love the part where I go back to the house

And show the family the dvd footage,

Because it shows the parents

Exactly the mistakes they've made

And how we're going to amend it.

I've been looking at some footage,

So why don't we go and sit down

In the dining area and discuss what's on this?

Let's take a look and see what we've got here.

[Danielle] come on, baby. Do you hear it?

She's not budging.

Do you want to get dressed,

Or do you want to go to school in your pajamas?

It's your choice, skyler.


You're going to school, though. Come on.

I don't want to go to school.

Absolutely fantastic!

Youdid it.

I wasn't fighting with her. No fighting.

Skyler's going to school,

And if she doesn't put her clothes on,

They're going into the bag.

You give her the sense of choice.

You have made a major leap.

Okay, moving on, let's look at the next one.

If skyler goes to get a haircut,

She can get tokens.

[Frank patrick] if I wash your car, that's tokens.

[Frank] that's tokens?

The golden tokens are given when a child establishes

That they have achieved a task.

Already, you've upped the mark

Of saying, right, what can we get tokens for?

What can we get ?

Your children, four days ago,

Were happy just to get token.

So keep it simple. Right.

Start over. You think you know everything.

No, I know what's right and what's wrong.

Just do your homework. That's how I always did it.

Shut your mouth and start doing your homework.

You're in time-out for giving me a tough time at homework

And for not correcting your "a."

And most of what you're in time-out for

Is because you're just a little whiny brat.

You gonna break my chair? Don't break my chair, frank.

You're being a little whiny brat, frank.

You spoke to him

With no respect.

I don't accept him whining.

You used language that was abusive.

It's just, in this situation, I was frustrated.

Frank, you need to check yourself, frank.

What I just saw go on there was destructive.

It was so negative.

You don't recognize the fact that he's whining

Because he's frustrated, and he's in a place right now

That he's finding difficult.

Danielle, what's your take on this?

You're always like that with him.

Well, not everything.

He whines every day,

And every day, that is how you handle his whining.

You have a very bright, funny,


And you see how well frank responds

To positive praise.

Why on earth, frank, would you not want

To give that to your child on a daily basis?

I don't want it to be negative.

I don't want to go this route.

I knew I was gonna have a moment like this,

And maybe I needed to have a moment like this.

You're the parent, frank. You can change it.

That is why...

That is why we are doing this.

The way I've done it, I don't like.

I have intentions to change. It's gonna be tough.

But you know, I'm willing to do it.

After seeing the dvd,

I realized that I do need to take a more positive approach.

Has this piece been an eye-opener for you?

It sure has. It's bad, but I feel good.

I can do it.

So what we're going to do

Is reinforce some of the issues here,

So we can have you back on track, all right?

Okay. Okay.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

I do apologize for being angry at you.

Dad and frank check their feelings,

And when family comes to visit... [Doorbell rings]

Will they feel welcomed?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the first thing that I wanted to do

Was to pull dad aside and let him work on

His relationship with young frank.

Frank, explain to dad what that chart's all about.

[Jo] I took frank and young frank

Into his bedroom, so that he could explain

What the happy and sad faces were all about.

What this chart's gonna do,

It's gonna open up communication between you and frank. Okay.

It's gonna open up that door for you to say,

"Hey, buddy, look, I see you've got a sad face there."

Look, explain to daddy why you was feeling sad.

We had a bad homework day.yeah.

Okay, boom, automatically you're in a conversation

Where the two of you are talking

So that it's bringing you two closer together. Sure.

I think the feelings chart is an excellent way

To have frank express his emotions.

I think it's great. It really tells me how you feel,

And I'll check your chart each night before you go to bed.

I want you to know the importance of me knowing

About how you feel, 'cause it means a lot to me.

I want you to be comfortable with me,

And I don'twant to yell anymore.

I think my dad's gonna be nicer to me.

When you two talk to each other,

You talk in the proper way

That each other can understand.

You don't whine. This is what whining is.

[Whines incoherently]

I can't understand that.

And when daddy can't understand,

Daddy gets angry with you,

And he shouldn't get angry with you.

Daddy's definitely gonna work on controlling myself

To allow myself to hear you.

Daddy doesn't like the fact that he did get upset with you

To the point where I was very angry.

I do apologize.

Daddys can apologize, too.

[Jo] this was a big step.

Dad apologizing to his son? He's making progress.

So can you work with me on it?

I'll try.

Good, 'cause I will try, too.

I feel like I've hit a reset button

I feel like I kind of have a new beginning.

I have a new start, a new approach to things.

When you hear him moaning and whining,

And you think, oh my god, I'm gettin' irritated by that,

Just ignore that and come straight in

With the encouragement and lots of praise.

That's all stuff that's going to build frank's confidence.

I do have that inside of me,

The ability to do it.

Just leave everything at that front door,

And just pull the good stuff out.

Young frank had some homework to do,

And dad sat with him and gave him encouragement.

This is the spelling test. You ready?


There was no firm undertones

Of making frank feel intimidated by him.

You're writing with some confidence there, huh?

I did. I like it.

Frank's pleased with himself

When he achieves his goals.

But frank beams when his dad gives him praise.



I felt good after his homework. He was proud of himself.

I think the approach worked.

I'm very proud of you.

Thank you.

[Jo] some of the family came around...

Who's at the door? Can you please check for me?

For a little party,

And danielle encouraged frank and skyler to open the door

And say hello.

Thanks, sky.

Thank you.

And skyler was like, "come in. Come in."

So that was good.

That's all part of the socialization technique.

Oh, I love ya.

Well done, skyler.

All right!

Say hello, say hello. Good job.

Look who's here.

The parents were far more relaxed this time around.

It set the tone in the house.

This is a special pacifier.

[Makes sucking noise]

All right, frank.

See its lips go...

I tried. Yes, you did. You tried.

You just went into big, jolly, silly dad.

The kids started laughing. Cool.

[Jo] expectations are more realistic.

The family must have noticed a difference,

'Cause they used to not even receive

A "hello" or a "good-bye."

[Woman] skyler, look at gigi.

[Danielle] there's definitely some changes

In the kids' behavior with their socializing.

You look funny!

It's gonna take awhile

And it's something I have to keep working at,

And I've definitely seen an improvement.

[Whispers] come here. Come here.

Walk to the door, skyler.

Come on.

[Normal voice] we've got to say good-bye

'Cause jo-jo's going now. [Skyler] bye-bye.

[Danielle] I think the greatest gift jo has given me

Is just an understanding of each of my children.

She's just got knowledge that most parents don't have.

It's been a-- been a tough journey.

[Jo] when I first arrived here, danielle was really low.

I mean, she was depressed.

Give me a hug, danielle. Thank you so much.

Keep up the good work.

She felt totally out of control

When it came to disciplining skyler,

And now she's gained that back...

What did you say to me?

Bye-bye. Bye-bye, darling.

Which is progress galore.

Frank, take care. Thank you.

[Frank] jo's made a major impact on our family.

I am absolutely grateful to have jo come into my home

And open our eyes.

Can I have a hug? Bye-bye, frank.

I think things have changed around here

Because of jo-jo.



See you.

[Jo] things have changed around here,

And I'm hoping that danielle and frank

Continue with the progress that they've made.


Give me five. All right.

I'm very proud of you.

Let's get dinner ready, sky.

[Frank] I feel this whole process

Has helped my family for sure.

I see smiles on my kids' faces, I see a smile on my wife's face.

I feel good. I'm seeing things turn around

That I didn't think were possible.

You're doin' a great job this mornin', frank.

The mornings have been a huge change.

Frank gets ready by himself, gets his own breakfast prepared.

I'm very proud what I've done.

Skyler's been getting up joyfully.

Life in this household has definitely improved immensely.

I'm so proud of you.

My parents seem happier

Because my sister's gettin' better

And nicer.

To see the glow in my wife's face,

Has made this process worth it.

The change that I feel as a parent

Is that my eyes have been opened.

I learned that frank needs positive attention.

I need to have patience.

Good job, pal. I'm very proud of you.

I'm very proud.

I definitely feel a stronger relationship

Coming along with my son now.

[Danielle] I'm proud of my family for taking it on.

It was a big change for myself, my husband and the kids,

And everyone seems to be doin' their part to make it work.


It didn't work.


We did it!yeah!
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