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01x07 - The Pirates

Posted: 03/10/24 08:21
by bunniefuu
[gentle music]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

[gravel crunching]

[footsteps thudding]

[dramatic music continues]

[pirates shouting]

[dramatic music continues]

[pirates shouting]

[dramatic music continues]

[fire crackling]

[pirate laughing]

[fire crackling]

[horn tooting]

[dramatic music continues]

- Come here, old man.

Do you still have your senses, old man?

- Aye.

- And what will be the
direction to St. Andrews Abbey?

- To the north.

- Alright, my boys, march.

[dramatic music]

[triumphant music]

[bright music]

- Hey you, fellow!


- Your business?

- Put away that w*apon you, clod.

- Who are you sir?

- I am Liam of Ireland,

emissary of King Badon.

- Where did you say you're from?

[Liam grunts]

This man says he's from
Ireland or somewhere.

- I'll be right with you,

as soon as I finish checking these goods.

- Checking goods while a
gentleman waits your pleasure?

- Now, what brings you to Camelot?

- I have a message for Arthur.

- King Arthur?
- Yes.

- Your name?

- I am Liam of Ireland,

emissary of King Badon.

- Liam of...

Where'd you say you're from?

- From Ireland, you clod!

- Ireland. Huh.

What part of Britain's that?

- Part of Britain! Britain?

- Guard! Guard! Guard!

- That's it. Come on then.

Britain, you...

- Sir Liam from King Badon in Ireland.

- Sire, I have been dispatched

to your court by King Badon of Ireland.

- We are pleased to welcome you.

King Badon is a friend.

- May I see your credentials?

- It's customary in my country

to accept the word of a gentleman.

- No offense, Sir Liam.

Presenting one's
credentials is just routine.

A precaution against
your being an imposter.

- Imposter?

Sir, if you weren't past your prime

and encased in the lard of soft living

to the thickness of a foot,

I would challenge you to
combat, even to the death.

- Past my prime?

Encased in lard?

- Sit down, Sir Kay.

Sir Kay meant no harm.

It's just his way.

Now, Sir Liam, on behalf of myself

and the members of this court,

we are pleased to welcome you to Camelot.

And we beg you to reveal to us the message

so courteously sent here by King Badon.

- Be on your guard for a
pirate raid is the message

from my king.

- But from where?

We haven't the forces to
defend every strip of coast.

- Sire, I wasn't talking
about a strip of coast.

The pirates mean to attack you here

or very near here, in the
heart of your kingdom.

Their objective is St. Andrews Abbey.

- The tomb of Uther Pendragon is there,

King Arthur's father.

- The tomb is what they seem to be after.

- St. Andrews?

They wouldn't dare.

- The whole idea is preposterous

- Then I've traveled all
these miles for nothing.

Is that it?

I bring you a warning only
to be told it's nonsense?

If you were a younger man,

I'd cut off that whiskers of yours

and stuff it down your gullet.

- There's no need to
take offense, Sir Liam.

- Is there not now?

Sir, I come from a proud people

and I am not used to being
an object of mockery.

Sire, I have delivered
my message from my king.

I request permission to leave your court.

[Liam scoffs]

- Don't worry, my lord.

Let me see what I can do.

Sir Liam!

- My lady?

- Sir Liam, it will take
the cooks several hours

to prepare a feast fine
enough to do your honor.

In the meantime, would you
allow my husband and myself

to show you around the castle?

- You and the king personally?

- It's the least we can do

for such a distinguished representative

of a very distinguished friend.

- Oh, it'll be a grand thing
when they're hearing at home

how nobly I was treated at Camelot.

My lady.

- Sir.

- Well, you can see the overall
design of the fortifications

from up here.

- And a rare view of the
countryside I'm sure.

- The outside walls are 50
feet high and 20 feet thick.

- Each of those towers
has a military function.

My lord Arthur would have
to tell you what they are.

- Well, starting with the
one nearest to the gate...

[bell clanging]

- What is that now?

- The hour of Nones.

It's an old Roman bell brought to Britain

by the Emperor Claudius.

It rings all the canonical hours.

- It also tells the sentries
when to change watches.

- You know, I had some
wrong ideas about you people

and what this court represented.

So did King Badon.

- How do you mean?

- I remember the wedding
present he sent you.

You see, we thought the capital of Britain

was a beautiful place, cultural.

We did not know that all you seem

to be thinking about is w*r and fighting.

- These are uneasy times, Sir Liam.

Security must come first.

- Wedding present?

- Well, of course, the dishes.

- The finest Irish ware.

- The green ones, my lord.

You remember?

- Yes, yes.

- My lady.

A sword or a spear

would seem to be a much more fitting gift.

- You are hardly fair, sir.

We value King Badon's dishes highly.

They're kept in the strong
room under lock and key.

- Yes, along with the crown treasury.

Come, we'll show you.

- Ah, here is your king's wedding gift.

Such an attractive design,
don't you think, my lord?

- Yes. Yes.

It is, indeed.

I suppose this is the crown treasury.

- Yes.

- Your majesty, this must
be the best-guarded spot

in your castle.

- I think it's reasonably safe.

There's only one key to that door

and one key to this royal coffer.

And I keep them both with me at all times.

- Now, you have not
yet seen the tapestries

in the Great Hall.

- No, just to show we're
not entirely uncivilized.

[people laughing]

[bell rings]

- It can't be Vespers yet.

I thought you said that-
- That's the warning.

The call to the Round Table.

[bell ringing]

- Well?

- Pirates, sir.

Yesterday they landed near
the coastal village of Gwen

and destroyed it.

Today they've sacked another
village 10 miles inland.

- So your information
was correct after all.

- Did you think I came all the way

from Ireland just to play a trick on you?

- Tell King Arthur what happened.

- They came at us from all sides,

burning and k*lling.

- Lord Arthur, the sentries
report a fire on the horizon.

The village of Lusk.

You can see the smoke from here.

- That makes it certain, sire.

They're headed straight for
the abbey at St. Andrews.

- At this rate, they'll
be here by dawn, sire

- Summon every knight in Camelot.

Tell them they ride at
once with their king

to save my father's shrine.


- Sire?

- I must undertake this mission myself.

But we cannot leave Camelot
and the queen unguarded.

I place you in charge of the garrison.

- Is that a command, sire?

I'd rather ride out with the knights.

- That is a command.

We owe thanks to you and King Badon,

but I'm afraid it'll have
to wait 'til our return.

- As you please, sire.

I won't be leaving Britain 'til the fate

of the pirate raiders is decided.

[gentle music]

[triumphant music]

[hooves thudding]

[triumphant music continues]

- Our banquet will have to
be an intimate affair now.

Will you gentlemen be good enough

to join me for dinner in my apartments?

- It'll be a rare pleasure
and a high honor, madam.

- Lancelot?

- Thank you, my lady.

If I may first inspect the defenses?

- Why? Do you think
we're apt to be att*cked?

- It's unlikely, I admit,

but it's the dangers you don't expect

that give you the most trouble.

- I can see now why King Arthur left you

in charge, Sir Lancelot.

Do you mind if I accompany
you on your inspection?

- Not at all.

- I'm beginning to think we
Irish don't pay enough heed

to military arts.

[footsteps thudding]

Lancelot, do you mind

if we rest here a moment?

Going up and down all these towers...

- It's only one more.

Up there.

- Well, you go ahead.

I'll sit here and admire the Roman bell.

- All right, I'll see you later.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

- That's Liam.

And that's the spot he wants
us to be waiting for him.

[gentle music]

- My lady, that was a most excellent meal.

Now I understand why each
of your knights is said

to fight with the strength of three men.

- I'm glad you finally admit
that we barbarous British

do have some virtues.

- And this is King Arthur's own chamber?

- Yes.

- Lancelot, show Sir Liam
my lord Arthur's weapons

while I fetch the sweet wine

that we reserve for very special guests.

- My lady.

- A pleasure, my lady.

It's a fine collection.

This two-handed sword was taken
by King Arthur from Cymric,

the chief of the Brigantes.

Well, this is interesting.

This is a battleax.

You notice the beautiful workmanship?

- Yes, beautiful.

- It was taken from the
Vikings at the Sea of Victus.

- Oh, really?

Oh, is this a w*apon?

- Oh yes it is.

It's called a sil*ncer.

The end is weighted with iron.

Armed scouts use them.

They creep up on sentries.

One blow with a sil*ncer is enough

to knock any man unconscious.

[blow thuds]

- Yes, very interesting.

- Hmm.

- You know, I've never
seen one like this before.

- Oh, we've got weapons over here

that we use for surprise att*cks.

[dramatic music]

- My lady, will you hurry, please?

- [Guinevere] What happened?

- There's been an accident.

- An accident?
- Yes.

Sir Lancelot.
- [Guinevere] Lancelot!

What's happened?

- An accident, my lady.
- Lancelot!

- Lancelot was showing
me how to use this w*apon

when I drew back and hit him by mistake.

- No!

Sir Liam, do you think you
could carry him to the bed?

- Yes, my lady.

[tense music]

- Lancelot!


- [Liam] Is he very badly hurt, madam?

- I don't know.

I think you'd better go
and get the physician.

- The physician, madam.

- Yes.

- What part of the palace is he?

- Well, one of the guards
will show you where to go.

- Yes, madam.

- Oh, Lancelot.

Lancelot, say something.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

[tense music continues]

[Liam hoots]

[tense music continues]

- Did you have a good trip?

- Oh, I'm quite all right.

Did they fall for the bait?

- They did.

King Arthur and his bold
lads have gone chasing off

to St. Andrews Abbey.

I think we can hold what's left.

- How about the treasure?

Do you know where it's kept?

- That was the first thing
they thought to show me.

Come on. Into the belfry.

[tense music]

[blow thuds]

[dramatic music]

[keys rattling]

[dramatic music continues]

[pirates laughing]

Come, boys.

Load the bags quickly.

- Money only.

- Yes. Don't bother about anything else.

Here. Take these, boys.

Get to the stable for the horses.

Come, come, come, come, come.

Hasten, boys. Hasten.

Get mounted.

We've got to storm the gates.

Tom, come on!

[Lancelot groaning]

- Lancelot!

- Where is he?

- Who?

- Liam!

- I sent him to the physician.

I dunno what's keeping him.

- I do.

I'm afraid our friend Liam
isn't what he pretends to be.

[hooves thudding]

- Horses in the courtyard.

Can't be the king already.

[hooves thudding]

- I'm afraid not.

[triumphant music]

[tense music]

- Lancelot, where are you going?

- I must stop Liam.

- But why?

[tense music continues]

[door thudding]

[tense music continues]

Sir Lancelot!

Sir Lancelot, I beg you to
wait till the king returns.

- I'm sorry my lady,
but it's too late now.

They must have beached
their ships somewhere

near the village of Gwen.

It's up to Caledon to get me there now.

- Godspeed you, sir knight!

[dramatic music]

[hooves thudding]

[melancholy music]

- Whoa.

Is this the village of Gwen
where the pirates struck?

- Aye.

- Did any of you see them land?

- Yes, I did.

- Well, they're on their way back.

They've robbed King Arthur's treasury

and I'm gonna try and stop
them before they sail.

- Ride south to the cliff.

You'll see their ship there.

- Thank you.

Take steps to protect yourselves.

They can't be far behind me.

- Aye, we'll protect ourselves.

- On their way back, are they?

- Aye. Come along, son.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

- This is the first village we burned.

Well, we did it Liam.

We pulled it off.

We're the richest men in Ireland.

- Yeah. Save it.

Save it 'til we're safe out at sea.

Any danger from the villagers?

- Ah, they're just dirt farmers.

Clods. They'll be up in the hills by now.

- Come on, let's get to the shore.

Come on.

[dramatic music]

[Mackevin groans]

[dramatic music continues]

- Where are your men, Liam?

- The villagers k*lled them all.

[waves whooshing]

There's only you and me, Lancelot.

You and me.

[birds shrieking]

[swords clattering]

[Sir Liam grunts]

[swords clattering]

[boat thuds]

[opponents grunting]
[swords clattering]

[Liam grunts]

[birds shrieking]

[Liam chuckles]

[swords clattering]

[boat thuds]

[wood thudding]

[dramatic music]

[Liam growls]

[dramatic music continues]

[Liam shouts]

- All right, boy.

You win.

Get it over with.

[arrow whooshes]

[dramatic music]

[somber music]

- Bad luck, Liam.

[tense music]

[triumphant music]

[jolly music]

♪ Now, listen to my story ♪

♪ Yes, listen while I sing
of days of old in England ♪

♪ When Arthur was the king ♪

♪ Of Merlin the magician
and Guinevere the queen ♪

♪ And Lancelot, the bravest
knight the world has ever seen ♪

♪ In days of all old,
when knights were bold ♪

♪ The story told of Lancelot ♪

♪ In days of old, when knights were bold ♪

♪ The story told of Lancelot ♪

[gentle music]