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01x03 - The Queen's Knight

Posted: 03/10/24 08:18
by bunniefuu
[brand music plays]

[bright whimsical music begins]

[musician playing mandolin ]

[birds chirping]
[horse snorting]

[soldier unveiling sword]

- Sir Mordred, how dare you approach

the Queen in this threatening manner?

- Queen Guinevere will not be harmed.

I come simply to invite her to my castle.

- To invite the Queen at
sword's point is treason.

- Let us not waste words.

The fact is that I take her now by force.

- You will be hanged as a traitor.

- Traitor or not, I would be stupid

if I didn't take advantage
of the situation,

especially as I find her undefended.

- She is not undefended.

- You cannot fight, Sir Lionel.

Not without armor, and
not even a proper whip.

[scuffle ensues]

[Sir Lionel falls]

- My lady, I cannot stand the horror

of this treatment to my Queen.

Margaret must be mad.

- Enough.

No more, I order you.

My cause cannot be aided
now by further bloodshed.

Take care of Sir Lionel.

TAGUEWIN, get word to Camelot.

[birds continue chirping]

- And tell Arthur, if he wishes

to see his Queen back
safely, come to my castle.

[dark suspenseful music begins]

[horses galloping]

- Good morning, Sir Lancelot.

- Greetings, Leonides.

- Do you return to Camelot
after a successful mission?

Good, good.

And to prove your
prowess, you have brought

this dreadful Knight, whom you vanquished

in long and bloody
battle back as a hostage.

- Is he foolish in the head?

- Not entirely foolish,
but passing foolish.

- This young man helped
me to raise the siege.

I'm taking him back to
Camelot for training.

Leonides here is a hermit, Brian.

A wise man.

- Passing wise.

[horse galloping]

- The lady Guinevere captured,

taken to Sir Mordred's castle.

I must of Camelot, to tell King Arthur!

[suspenseful music continues]

- Mordred's castle?

- That's right up into the ford,

then north through the woods!

[bright dramatic music]

- I don't understand it.

Sir Lancelot looked
desperate, almost frightened.

- He is desperate and frightened.

- But I've already seen him
rescue a lady in distress.

He does it just like that.

- But this lady in distress is the Queen,

Queen Guinevere, and
Lancelot is her champion.

- Oh.

- Furthermore, Mordred's Castle is one

of the most impregnable in the land.

I hope Lancelot gets there

before the Queen disappears
behind those walls.

- Sounds like Sir Lancelot
might be needing me.

I'll follow him.

- You go to Camelot, son, and wait.

Lancelot has enough on
his hands at this moment,

without worrying about a small boy.

- Small boy?

I'm Sir Lancelot's squire.

[bright regal music playing]

[bright upbeat music begins]

[creek babbling]

[horses feet splashing in water]

[dark serious music playing]

[footsteps falling]

[cart approaching]

- Halt.
- Whoa!

What a strange sight, a knight on foot?

- My horse went lame.

I'm a Knight of the Roundtable.

- Ah, good to hear that.

I'm loyal to King Arthur myself.

- Good.

We must hurry, the
Queen has been abducted.

- The Queen?

Giddyup, giddyup, giddyup.

[serious suspenseful music resumes]

[horse hooves clopping]

[cart wheels rolling]
[music turns ominous]

We're too late.

- Old man, you said you were
a friend of King Arthur's.

- So I did, and I meant it.

- Then you're a fortunate fellow.

- How so?

- 'Cause now you've got
a chance to prove it.

[upbeat curious music playing]

[cart wheels rolling]

- What have you got there, provisions?

- Aye.
- Right, hurry up then.

[bright regal music playing]

[gate closing]

- Good day.

[bright music continues]

- You there!

- Good day.
- You, halt!

- You're not the usual
carter, who are you?

- I'm the carter's son, sir.

Carter Zill, he sent me in his place.

- A carter, eh?

Seize that man! Close the gates.

- Since when did a carter wear chain mail?

He's a Knight, sire.

From the Roundtable, unless I'm mistaken.

- You are not mistaken. I am Sir Lancelot.

- Is this your champion?

Come in a cart, like a village Claude.

Cut the fool down.

- Can we not hold him for ransom, Sire?

- Yes, he might be
worth 50 pieces of gold.

k*ll him and have done with it.

- Stop.

- They are perfectly right, Mordred.

A knight in the dungeon
is worth two in the grave.

- Very well, throw him in the dungeons.

[footsteps recede]

Really Father, how you can worry

about the ransom of one wretched Knight

when we are playing for the whole kingdom.

- My son, we must not allow
the vision of the great prize

to blind us to the smaller
rewards that come our way.

[suspenseful music resumes]

- Guard.

[Sir Mordred closing door]

[footsteps recede]

[music turns suddenly brash]

[sword fight ensues]

[fighters grunting]

[ominous music continues]

[soldier closes door]

[bright regal music resumes]

[music turns soft and melodic]

- Hello.

You're a sad looking fellow.

Do you belong to the castle?

- No, but everything I own's inside it.

They've got my horse and cart in there

and they won't even lease it to me.

- That's too bad.

Tell me, do you happen to
have seen a Knight pass by?

- Ah, don't talk to me about Knights.

It was the Knight I drove here in my cart

- You drove a knight here?

Was his name Lancelot?

- That's right, he was walking

to yon castle, so I give him a lift.

How was I to know he was
faster at talking than walking?

- What do you mean?

- Why he talked me into
letting him wear my clothes

so he could get into the castle.

I haven't seen horse,
cart, nor knight since.

- Look, will you let me try and get

your horse and cart back for for you?

- Let you try?

Why, if you can do that, I'll pay you.

- Oh no, you won't have to pay anything.

- Bless you for a good, kind boy.

- Thank you, sir.

And perhaps I'll be lucky as well.

- [Supervisor] Come along,
get them inside now.

We'll soon be under siege.

- I brought game bird
from Martin at the deli.

- Well fetch them over and stay inside.

- Well why do you say that?

- Because this siege may
happen at any minute.

And if it does, you'll be safer inside.

- May I help you? They look heavy.

- Well I carried them from the village.

- All the more reason
why you must be tired.

A dainty, slander maiden like you.

- Such words, can't you wait
'till your beard is grown?

- And where do you
think you are going boy?

- I'm helping the lass, Sir Knight.

- I'm no Knight, don't you know anything?

- Not much, your Lordship.

All I know is that we'll all starve

if I don't earn something.

My poor, sick mother, my little
sisters, one a tiny baby.

- And how much do you suppose

you're gonna earn in there,

apart from a good cuff on the ear?

- Well, I thought the cook

might give me something for my trouble.

You don't know what it is
to hear a hungry baby cry.

- Oh, don't I?

I've had nine of them.

All right, on your go.

And don't get into any mischief.

[upbeat regal music playing]
- Enemy approaching!

Siege the guard, close the gates.

Knights, stand your posts.

[triangle sounding]

[overlapping chaos and clatter]

- [Indistinct], I will
lead you to the dungeon.

This way, come on.

[bright regal music continues]

- Sir Mordred, show yourself!

And listen to the orders of your King.

- I'm here, as is my father, King Pell.

We are honored by this
visit from King Arthur

and most anxious to hear
his words of greeting.

- Unless you deliver
me my Queen immediately

and unharmed, at dawn I
attack with 1,000 men.

And I pledge by my sword that no one

responsible for this
outrage will be spared.

- If you attack cousin Arthur, you will

never again see your Queen alive.

- My son speaks crudely, Sire.

This matter can be settled
on a diplomatic level,

without bloodshed, we offer terms

which we think will prove acceptable.

- We grant you a temporary truce.

Come out and state your terms.

[footsteps falling on stairs]

- Aye now.

Who are you? What are you doing here, eh?

You don't belong to this castle.

- No, but they said everybody, no matter

what he was doing, had to man the walls.

The castle's besieged.

- Besieged?

- Yes, but they won't miss you.

You can pretend you didn't hear.

I won't tell on you if
you won't tell on me.

- Don't you think I'm a
miserable little cad like you?

Now listen, you'll stay
here and watch the dungeon

and I'll go where I'm most needed.

- Is watching the dungeons dangerous?

- No, you just have to sit here,

proper job for the likes of you.

- Thanks, bless you, kind sir.

- Nicely done, lad.

- Sir Lancelot.

- Good boy, fetch one of those pikes.

See if you can work it into the door.

I'll push from this side.

[soldier playing bugle]

- What are your terms?

- We have prepared a treaty for
your signature, King Arthur.

- It cedes to Sir Mordred and myself,

and all our heirs after
us, sovereign rights

to the land of North Umbria.

- In other words, the
Queen for North Umbria,

North Umbria for the Queen.

These traitors are a subtle
as Mediterranean pirates.

- I cannot betray the people
of North Umbria to tyrants.

- People?

What have the people to do
with a treaty between kings?

- If you sign this treaty,
you will get your Queen

back safely and we will return northward.

Any irritation you may have
over this matter will soon fade.

- If I sign this, you
will return northward

as two of the most
powerful men in England.

- That is to your advantage, Sire.

We shall be your allies,

we shall protect your northern flank.

- It appears that the seizing of my wife

was just a friendly overture.

Perhaps we could affect
another such alliance

with the Mediterranean pirates,

to protect our southern flank.

- Sire, there are aspects of this business

that we must discuss.

A moment with you
privately, by your leave.

- [Indistinct], why aren't
you on guard downstairs?

You stay where you're told to stay.

That's the first thing
a soldier has to know.

Come on.

- Well the boy said
everybody come up here.

[footsteps falling]

Anyway, I knew the
prisoners couldn't get out.

[blow landing]
[music turns ominous]

- You there, stop 'em, stop 'em!

[bright suspenseful music continues]

[footsteps falling]

- Stand guard here
while I fetch the Queen.

[indistinct background shouting]

[ominous music continues]

[swords clashing]

- The Queen, your Majesty.

[birds chirping]

- Sire, this shield was found

by one of our Knights in the woods nearby.

- Sir Lancelot's shield. Is he dead?

- Worse than that, Sire.

He died in dishonor.

They say he denied his crest,

and was captured by Sir Mordred's Knights,

while dressed as a carter.

- What?
- It was a trick

of Lancelot's to get inside the castle.

I saw it happen, he tried to save me.

- Sire, the treaty is
ready for your signature.

- You understand that by your signature

you'll cede to us the
whole of North Umbria?

Furthermore, you will make no reprisals,

nor attempt any punishment against my son.

[Lancelot groaning]

- Lancelot, Lancelot!

[scuffle ensues]

[additional soldiers arriving]

- Lancelot, I thought you were k*lled.

- It might have been better.

I believed you to be in danger.

I fought my way up to your prison,

only to find it empty.

Apparently I and my young squire here

are the only ones to take
this matter seriously.

We didn't know it was to be solved

by the niceties of high diplomacy.

- Lancelot, you did well to fight.

I am only sorry that you
did not come in time.

I am forced to give North Umbria

to these cowardly schemers.

- You reward them with a
Kingdom for their insolence?

- The Queen's life was in their hands.

- Renounce this treaty now.

- No Lancelot, I cannot.

I've given my pledge.

- Now that this matter has been settled,

I trust we can forget the few

harsh words that have been spoken.

- For my part, I've
forgotten them already.

- You will not live long

to enjoy your triumph, Sir Mordred.

I challenge you to the death.

- And I do not choose to fight.

- You do not choose? You have no choice!

You are a Knight, you
have been challenged.

- It is written in that treaty,

signed by your King, that there shall be

no reprisals made for
the capture of the Queen.

- Sir Mordred, one moment if you will.

What your father says is quite true.

There should be no reprisals
for the capture of the Queen.

But I should like to point out

that this treaty does not bar

Sir Lancelot from seeking satisfaction

for any insult done to him personally.

- Ah, you hear that, Sir Mordred?

I challenge you because you ordered me

to be k*lled when I was unarmed.

For that I demand revenge!

- I said I do not choose to fight.

- I do not choose to fight.

- My, he's a fierce one.
[group laughing]

- A proud boast for the
worthy prince of North Umbria.

[dark ominous music plays]

[swords clinking together]

[Knights grunting]

[suspenseful music continues]

[swords continue clashing]

- Sir Lancelot, hold!

- King Pell, it's time
to make another bargain.

North Umbria for your son,
your son for North Umbria.

Spare him, Lancelot.

We gain more by letting him live.

[slower gentle music begins]

[treaty page burning]

- The horses are ready, Sir Lancelot.

But I can't find your shield.

- Oh?

- The King is leading his
Knights back to Camelot.

Would you do me the honor of escorting me?

- It'll be a perfect end to a long day.

- A day I'll never forget.

[horses hooves falling]
[bright music resumes]

♪ Now listen to my story ♪

♪ Yes listen while I sing ♪

♪ Of days of old in England ♪

♪ When Arthur was the King ♪

♪ Of Merlin, the magician ♪

♪ And Guinevere, the Queen ♪

♪ And Lancelot, the bravest Knight ♪

♪ The world has ever seen ♪

♪ In days of old, when nights were bold ♪

♪ The story's told of Lancelot ♪

♪ He roamed the wilds of England ♪

♪ Adventures for a sea ♪

♪ To rescue maidens in distress ♪

♪ And helped the poor and weak ♪

♪ If anyone oppressed you ♪

♪ He'd be your champion ♪

♪ He fought a million battles ♪

♪ And he never lost a one ♪

♪ In days of old ♪

♪ When Knights were bold ♪

♪ The story's told, of Lancelot ♪

♪ In days of old ♪

♪ When Knights were bold ♪

♪ This story's told, of Lancelot ♪

[music crescendos and fades out]

[brand music playing]