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01x25 - The Die-Hards

Posted: 03/09/24 21:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

[whimsical orchestral music]

[Rebel barking]

[Rebel whimpering]

[Champion whinnying]

[Rebel whimpering]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Champion whinnying]

- Oh, I'm glad to see you, Champ,

but if you and Rebel keep interrupting me,

I'll never finish my work.

[Champion whinnying]

Is something wrong, Champ?

[Champion whinnying]

Looks like it could be important.

[Champion whinnying]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Rebel barking]

[Rebel whimpering]

Well, what happened?

Can't you get up?

Oh, golly.

[Champion whinnying]

What're we gonna do, Champ?

[Champion whinnying]

[hooves thudding]
[buckboard rumbling]

[dramatic orchestral music]


- James, look.

- Whoa, whoa!

Having trouble, boy?

- My dog's hurt, mister!

I need some help!

- My first patient, Ellie.

We haven't even reached town yet.

Be right there!

- I'm sure glad you came along, sir.

He's right over there.

[Rebel whimpering and barking]

You'll be all right now, Rebel.

These folks are gonna help.

- Rebel is it?

I expect he won't mind
the Southern accent then.

Some misguided Northern folks
have called me Rebel too.

- Can you tell what's wrong?

- Looks like your dog came out second best

with a porcupine, son.

There's a parcel of
broken quills in his nose.

- That poor, little, old thing.

It must be dreadfully painful.

- [James] I reckon it don't feel good.

- Golly, can you fix him up?

- Now, I wouldn't be much
of a doctor if I couldn't.

You live close, son?

- Just back aways at the North Ranch.

I'm Ricky North.

- You lead the way.

We'll put him in the buckboard.

How about that, Ellie?

- Hmm, what's that, James?

- Our fast day in Yankee territory,

and we're going to the North Ranch.

[Ellie chuckles]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Is he gonna be all right now, Doctor?

- There will be a little
soreness for a few days,

then he'll be fine.

- Gosh, I sure don't
know how to thank you.

Sure was lucky for me you came along,

you being a doctor and all.

- As a rule, my husband
usually works on humans.

[all chuckle]

- This is my Uncle Sandy.

- My pleasure, sir.

I'm James Powell, the new doctor.

This is my wife, Ellie.

- Well, it's a pleasure to know you both.

We've been looking
forward to your arrival.

Welcome to town.

- Rebel got in a fight with a porcupine.

The doctor brought him
over and fixed him up.

- Well now, I guess I owe you something.

= Forget it, no charge
for four legged animals.

- Won't you stay to dinner?

We'd like to have you.

- Thanks for the invitation,

but Ellie and I would
kinda like to get to town

and unpack our things.

It's been a long trip.

- Well, of course, I'll ride
along and give you a hand.

Would you like to come along, Ricky?

- Well, I, no, I better not.

Rebel might need some looking after.

- Here, dab this on every hour or so,

then bring him in to see me tomorrow.

- I will, Doctor, and
thanks, thanks a lot.

What about you, Rebel?

Can't you thank the doctor?

[Rebel barks]

[Ellie giggles]

- My wife is a little worried

about how we'll be received
in Yankee territory.

- Well, the w*r's been
over a long time, Doctor.

I think that's all in the past now.

[whimsical orchestral music]

- Must be the new doc.

- Yep, I reckon so.

- [James] Whoa.

[whimsical orchestral music]

[Ellie sighs]

- Like it, Ellie?

- Oh, I couldn't be happier
if it were a castle.

- Well, I can tell you one thing.

Old Doc Sanford certainly made this

the nearest thing to a
hospital that we have around.

- He was well loved and respected, Sandy.

I hope I'll be able to take his place

with you and your friends here in town.

- I wouldn't count on it, Rebel.

- Is something rankling you, Emmett?

- Might be.

- Well, this is--

- Nevermind the introductions, North.

We know who he is and what he is.

- Meaning what, mister?

- Meaning that you're the son

of General Nathan Powell, old Powderhead.

- Look, Emmett, the w*r is over.

General Powell was a
soldier and a brave one.

He had a job to do.

- And he sure did it.

My regiment fought against
him at Fredericksburg,

and I lost a lot of my best friends there.

- Don't you think he did?

- Didn't reckon he had any friends.

- James, please.

- Let him go, little lady, my pleasure.

- Watch your tongue, Emmett.

You may be needing the
doctor's services yourself.

- Are you taking his side?

- Like I said, the w*r is over.

- Maybe it ain't.

Maybe it's starting right here and now.

Folks in these parts don't want

no Dixie doc taking care of them.

- [Sandy] You're speaking
for yourself, not the town.

- Who's gonna argue with me?

- Well, I am, if you're set to argue.

- I'm plenty set.

[fists thudding]
[dramatic music]

[horses whinnying]

- [James] Whoa!

[horses whinnying]

[dramatic music]
[fists thudding]

- Are you all right?

- Sure.

- I don't generally have someone

fighting my battles for me, Sandy,

but you sure did a nice job.

- Well, I figured I owed you something

for the job you did on Ricky's dog.

- You better keep that
dog of yours a hurtin',

because he's the only patient

that Southern friend of
yours is ever gonna have.

- James, maybe we better go on back home.

- Hush up with that talk, Ellie.

We're not leaving.

- Don't pay any attention
to Emmett Kane, Mrs. Powell.

All folks in this town is expect

is for your husband to be a good doctor.

- I know he's that.

- All right then, let's get
you set up in housekeeping.

[Champion whinnying]

- Whoa.

[Rebel barking]

- Look, Champ beat us into town.

- Maybe he's worried about Rebel.

- Well, sure he is, they're pals.

Good Rebel, you and I will
go and see the doctor, huh?

- I'll only be in the
store a few minutes, Ricky,

so don't be too long.

- Yes, sir.

[whimsical orchestral music]

Hi, Mrs. Powell.

[dramatic music]

- Well, looky here, bringing
the patient to the doc, huh?

- Sure am.

- I reckon the doc charges too
much for kennel calls, huh?

- What're you talking about?

- Always did figure this town
could use a good veterinarian.

Doc Powell's just the man we need.

- You've got no call to talk like that.

He's a good doctor.

- Oh, sure he is for dogs.

- Yeah, we'll round up all
the sick four legged critters

we can find and send them over.

[both laughing]

- Gee, Mrs. Powell, how
come they said that?

- I'm afraid that would take
a lot of explaining, Ricky.

Maybe we oughta just try
and forget it, huh, come on.

- Well, how's my patient today?

- He seems fine, Doctor,

but I thought while Uncle Sandy and I

were picking up supplies you
could kinda check him over.

- Sure thing, you go on
back and help your uncle.

It won't take long.

- Okay, Doctor, now you
be a good dog now, Rebel.

[Rebel whimpering]

[dramatic music]

[g*ns firing]

[Champion whinnying]

- Vic, up here!

[Champion whinnying]

[g*ns firing]

- Stay here, Ellie.

[dramatic music]

[townsfolk murmuring]

Help me get him inside.

- Hold it, he's one of the Douglas g*ng.

He belongs in jail.

- The man's badly wounded, Emmett.

- This man will die unless
he's treated immediately.

- I reckon that'll just
save us the cost of a trial.

- I'm a doctor, mister, not a judge.

- I guess you know he's
you're responsibility.

If he gets away, there'll be hog to pay.

- He won't be going anywhere, Sheriff.

[townsfolk murmuring]

- The Douglas g*ng is nothing

but a bunch of Southern backsliders.

This Dixie doc is just trying

to protect his own kind, that's all.

- He's only doing his job.

[townsfolk murmuring]

[dramatic music]

- That sedative will keep
him out for quite awhile.

- Is he gonna live, Doctor?

- It's out of my hands now.

That b*llet didn't miss his heart by much.

I'd say the chances are about 50/50.

- But James, do we have to keep him here?

- If he's moved, it might be fatal.

I can't risk it.

- But those folks outside, you heard--

- Yes, I heard.

It's no concern of mine what they think.

I've got a job to do.

You understand, don't you, Ellie?

- Yes, yes, of course.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- I took an oath, Sandy.

I can't go back on that just
because this man's an outlaw.

- You don't have to explain to me, Doctor.

- I'd have to help any injured man.

- I wouldn't worry too much

about those folks outside, Mrs. Powell.

They're just thinking about an
outlaw being loose like this.

- He's in no condition to harm anyone.

- I know, and when he's recovered enough,

he can be removed to jail.

- That's up to the law.

As long as his condition
warrants it, he's my patient.

He'll stay right here.

[dramatic music]

- We done got the money, Matt.

Going back into town is plumb crazy.

- Vic's my brother.

- So, he's your brother, what about it?

- You going with me or do I go alone?

- Yeah, I'll go, but there's
something else, Matt.

- Yeah?

- Maybe he ain't alive.

The way he got shot we can't be sure.

- It don't make no difference, Cole.

One way or another,
we're bringing him back.

[dramatic music]

- That was a fine meal, Ellie.

Even in this country,

there's nothing quite
like Southern cooking.

- Maybe I should try some of it

on those Yankee townsfolk around here,

like that Mr. Kane.

- He's liable to like us too much then.

- Oh [giggles].

[dramatic music]

- Stand easy, folks, nobody will get hurt.

- What is this?

- Where's my?

- Don't touch him.

He can't be moved.

He's critically wounded.

I refuse to let you take him.

- You ain't in no position
to refuse me anything, Doc.

Vic, it's me, Matt.

Easy kid, it's gonna be all right.

Me and Cole's come to take you with us.

- He'll die if he's moved.

- What do you think, kid?

Can you make it?

- Yeah, I, I think so.

The Doc is taking pretty good care of me.

- Yeah well, only till you're
well enough for the rope.

- You're his brother.

I can understand how you feel,

but I'm speaking to you
as a doctor, not a lawman.

He can't be moved.

- [Matt] Well, he's gonna be.

- James, let him go.

- I'm sorry, Doc, but I'd
rather have it this way.

[dramatic music]

Matt, Matt's right
about that rope waiting.

- Put them in that closet.

[dramatic music]

I'll take care of you.

[dramatic music]

- I guess it's easy to
see now who was wrong.

Douglas should've been put behind bars.

- Dr. Powell had a
man's life in his hands.

- Emmett's right, if it wasn't
for this Dixie sawbones,

we'd have one of the Douglas g*ng anyway.

- [Sandy] He'd have done the
same for any wounded man.

- That's only your opinion, North.

I say he's the one who's
still fighting the w*r.

One of our own kind have gotten hurt

things would've been a lot different.

- Well, let's not stand here
all day and talk about it.

The Sheriff's outside
now organizing a posse

to go round up the Douglas g*ng.

Let's go join him.

- Well, I'm ready.

We oughta be able to track him.

- [Sandy] Well, we can try.

- It's no use.

They'll just never leave you alone now.

- I did what I had to do.

- It'll be different when
we get back home, honey.

This will all be behind us.

- We're not going back.

- James, you can't.

- I have to, Ellie.

We decided to make Danton our home.

We want to stay here, I
have to help protect it.

- Sandy, you and Kane
take the East Stage Trail.

Fred and I will cover the canyon area.

I've got the other roads posted.

- [James] I'll ride with you, Sandy.

- Dr. Powell, what in
the world are you doing

with that g*n on?

- You're organizing a posse.

I'm part of it.

- Who you trying to impress?

It's outlaws we're after,
not hospital patients.

- This is our job, Doctor.

- You're wrong, Sheriff.

I'm a citizen of this town.

I did my job as a doctor.

Now, I'll do my job as a citizen.

- Maybe he just wants to be sure

his Southern friends get medical attention

when we sh**t them full
of holes, huh, Doc?

- Figure it any way you want, mister.

Ready to get started?

- Sure, Doc, one of the
boys will lend you a horse.

- Take Bill's over here.

[dramatic music]

- Try not to worry, Mrs. Powell.

[dramatic music]

- I'm telling you, Matt,

we're gonna have a posse on our necks.

- How about it, kid,
think you can make it?

- No, Matt, I'm sorry,

but I couldn't ride anymore
if my life depended on it.

- Well, maybe you think it don't.

- Shut up, we'll stay until Vic can ride.

- Maybe you're staying, but not me.

I'm taking my cut and getting outta here.

- Settle down, Cole,
you're not going anywhere.

If the posse does show up,

I'll be needing all the help I can get.

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnying]

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnying]

[dramatic music]

- [Emmett] Whoa!

- [Sandy] Right there, that shack.

- Looks like we found them, Rebel.

You'd better head back to town.

- I'm still riding with you, Yankee.

This time we're both on the same side.

[dramatic music]

[g*ns firing]

- Let's move in on them.

[g*ns firing]

- We gotta make a break for it, kid.

- Matt.

- Here, use this.

If we make it, Vic, I'll be back for you.

[g*ns firing]

- Vic.

- Sorry, Doc, not taking
me alive, not even you.

[dramatic music]

- Doc.

- Don't talk, just lie quiet.

- You're gonna help me

after all the things I said about you?

- Like I said, I'm a doctor.

[g*ns firing]

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnying]

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnying]

- Good boy, Champ.

[Champion whinnying]

Are you all right, Emmett?

- I guess I'll live,
thanks to the doc here.

Reckon I got a lot of apologizing to do.

- Just get well so you can pay your bill.

- It'll be a pleasure, Doc.

- So, you finally found
out the w*r is over,

you old diehard [chuckles].

Mrs. Powell, that's about the
best dinner I've ever had.

- Oh well, thank you, Sandy.

- I always said Ellie's Southern cooking

is better medicine than
any I could ever use.

- These hot biscuits are
about the best I ever tasted.

[Rebel whimpering]

- [James] Looks like Rebel

would like to try some too, Ricky.

- Get down, Rebel.

Here, here, here [chuckles].

- [chuckles] Oh, it's too bad
your horse isn't here, Ricky.

Seems like he's the only
one who's missing out.

[Champion whinnying]

- Champ.

[Champion whinnying]

He must've smelled the food a mile away.

Here you are, boy, real Southern cooking.

[Champion whinnying]

- You know, Ellie, I do believe that horse

whinnies with a Southern drawl.

[dramatic orchestral music]

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪