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01x21 - Andrew and the Deadly Double

Posted: 03/09/24 21:13
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[Champion whinnies]

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[dramatic music]

[pleasant music]

[hooves clopping]

[Mary Jane shouts]

[Rebel barks]

- Sure was a wonderful race, Ricky,

even if you did win again.

- I didn't win, Mary Jane.

It was Champ.

- Mr. Bixby's here.

Maybe he has some news.

[pleasant music]

Hello, Mr. Bixby.

- Hello, Mary Jane.

- Hi, Mr. Bixby.
- Ricky.

Mary Jane, I had a letter
from your Uncle Andrew.

- When is he coming?

- He'll be here tomorrow.

- I'd better get this place cleaned up.

- Oh now there's no need for that.

- Of course there is.

Uncle Andrew's never seen me or the ranch,

and I want both of us to
make a good impression.

- Looks all right to me the way it is.

- Mary Jane, your uncle has
instructed me to sell the ranch.

- Sell the ranch?

- According to the will,
it is his property.

- Is he going to buy a different ranch?

- Well no, he's taking you back east.

- Back east?

- But I don't wanna live back east.

- Well I'm afraid you haven't much choice.

- Can he make me go?

- Mary Jane, he is your legal guardian.

[somber music]

- Isn't there anything
you can do, Mr. Bixby,

so Mary Jane can stay here?

- I'm afraid not, Ricky.

As her grandfather's lawyer,

all I can do is follow instructions.

According to the will, the property

and Mary Jane's custody goes to her uncle.

Everything else is up to him.

- I see.

- Well, you tell her I'll
stop in again later, huh?

[somber music]


- [Mary Jane] Come in.

- Mary Jane?

I think that,

where are you going?

- I'm running away.

I don't wanna live in any smelly old city

with an uncle I don't even know.

- Well maybe you'll like him.

At least you should give him a chance.

- The chance to do what?

- Well, after he sees
what a nice ranch this is,

and you tell him how much you wanna stay,

maybe he'll change his mind about selling.

- You really think so?

- You talk to him, and Uncle Sandy.

Uncle Sandy's always telling people

about the future of the West,

and how wonderful it is.

- It might help, Ricky, if your uncle

talked to my uncle.

- Don't worry about that, he will.

I'll go home now and tell him,

and bring him over tomorrow.

- Thanks Ricky, that'll be swell.

- All right, take it from the beginning.

- My name is Andrew Clayton
Ormsby, I'm 35 years old.

Born in Elton, New York.

My mother's maiden name was Alice Clayton.

My sister Phoebe had
dark hair and blue eyes,

and was married to Benjamin Starr.

- You left out his middle name.

- Look my friend, after

I think I can successfully manage

the deception of a 10 year old child.

- The boss wants you word perfect,

in case there's complications.

- Very well, Benjamin Wilson Starr.

He and my sister Phoebe were k*lled

in a train wreck eight years ago.

Their daughter Mary
Jane has been brought up

by her grandfather.

Last month, after the old man died,

the will was--
- That's fine.

[hooves clopping]

- Bixby.

Any news?

- Ormsby arrives tomorrow.

Did you memorize the family history?

- Edwin Booth once said I was
the only actor in his company

who could memorize lines
faster than he could.

- Your acting better be as good as Boots.

Now Ormsby arrives tomorrow.

He rides the stage as far as Kingston.

There he'll have to hire a rig

to come the rest of the way.

- There's only one way he can come in.

I've got a spot all picked out.

- Fine.

Now here's the deed.

Remember, everything
depends on your getting him

to sign that, so don't be too rough on him

'til after you've had his signature.

- He's an easterner.

He oughta scare kinda easy.

- I hope you're right in this instance,

but only because I need the money.

[ominous music]

- Here he comes.

Cover up.

[intense music]

Hold up, mister.


- What do you want?

- Your name Ormsby?

- Yeah, why?

- Get down.

You think his clothes will fit ya?

- Yeah, I think so.

- My clothes?

- Get down, take 'em off.

I said get down!

[intense music]

[g*n fires]

- Did you have to hit him quite that hard?

- You mind your business,
and I'll mind mine.

Now come on, help me take his coat off

before the blood gets on it.

[pleasant music]

- Better hurry, Uncle Sandy.

Mary Jane and her uncle will be waiting.

- Well, I'll do what I can,

but Mary Jane's uncle doesn't
know me and it's all farce.

I don't guarantee I can
make him change his mind.

- Well, you can try.

I'll go up and get Champ,
and bring him over.

Mr. Ormsby might like horses.

- Okay, but don't be too long.

- Come on, Rebel.

[pleasant music]

[Ricky whistles]

[Champion whinnies]

[pleasant music]

[Ricky whistles]

[Rebel barks]

Well you sure took your time about coming.

[Champion whinnies]

[dramatic music]

[Rebel whines]

What is it, Rebel?

[Rebel barks]

Oh all right, I'll look
just to keep you quiet.

[Rebel whines]


I don't know what happened here,

but something sure did.

A shell.

Wagon tracks.

And the ground's all scuffed up.

Well maybe you found
something after all, Rebel.

We better tell Uncle Sandy about this.

[dramatic music]

[wagon rattling]

- Here he comes.

- Mr. Bixby, I'm scared.

- Oh, ridiculous.


- You're Bixby, of course.

- Yes, welcome Mr. Ormsby.

- Mary Jane.

I can't tell you how I've
looked forward to this.

- I'm glad to see you too, Uncle Andrew.

- Let me look at you more closely.

Yes, those eyes are Phoebe's all right,

but that chin's your father's,
a very good combination.

- Thank you, Uncle Andrew.

Couldn't we not sell the
ranch and just stay here?

- Well, I'm sorry Mary Jane,

but I'm not able to run the ranch.

- Now now, your uncle has to do

what he thinks is best for both of you.

[hooves clopping]

- That must be Mr. North.

You'll talk to him,
won't you Uncle Andrew?

- Well, of course I will.

- Hi Mary Jane.

- [Mary Jane] Hello Uncle Sandy.

- Ormsby, I'm Sandy North.

How do you do?

I'm supposed to make a
westerner out of you,

and keep Mary Jane for a neighbor.

- My dear fellow, there's
nothing I'd like better.

- Hello Sandy, glad you're here.

I was about to tell Ormsby.

I have an offer of $55,000 from
Hugh MacNeil for this place.

Does that sound like a fair offer?

- Well it's better than fair.

It's a very good offer, Ormsby,

if you're determined to sell.

- Well, I'm afraid my determination

has nothing to do with it.

You see, I have no choice.

- And MacNeil is prepared

to pay the entire price
in cash this afternoon.

- Please talk to Uncle Andrew
about the glories of the West.

Ricky said you would.

- Mary Jane, you can't tell
anybody what they oughta do.

- [Ricky] Uncle Sandy!

- What's the matter?

- There was some kind of
trouble, maybe a holdup

out on the Kingston Road.

- When was this?

- I don't know, there was blood,

and wheel tracks, and boot tracks.

Hey, the same kind of wheel
marks this wagon would make.

It must have been the one.

- My dear young fellow,
I drove this vehicle over

from Kingston and I was
most certainly not held up.

- But there was only one set of tracks.

If you came from Kingston, it
must have been your wheels.

- Wait, you see this watch?

Your grandfather's present
to me on my 21st birthday.

Now if I was held up the bandits

certainly wouldn't have let me kept it.

And here's my wallet, with money in it.

- Now surely Mr. Ormsby would know

whether he was held up or not.

- Well sure, but--

- Exactly what did you see, Ricky?

- Well, from the tracks it
looked like two men on horseback

stopped the wagon.

There was blood, and the
ground was all scuffed up.

- Oh yes, yes now I remember.

Two cowboys did stop me on
the way over this morning.

One of them had cut his hand,

and asked me if there was
a doctor in Comanche Creek.

Of course I couldn't tell him,

but I'm sure this explains
our young friend's excitement.

- You satisfied, Ricky?

- Well, I guess so.

- Come along, Mary Jane, we must hurry.

I'm sure you must have
a lot of packing to do.

- Yes, we must be ready
to meet Mr. MacNeil.

- Uncle Sandy, I found this there too.

I was going to tell Mr. Ormsby,

but when he said nothing happened

I didn't know what to do.

- .24 cartridge, you found
this at the same place?

- Yes.

- Of course it could've been
fired at some other time.

But I think we oughta go have a look.

[suspenseful music]

[Rebel barking]

[Rebel barking]

- Here's where the rig stopped.

There are the tracks of the two horses.

Here's the splotch of blood Rebel found.

- Yeah, that's blood all right.

- And there are the tracks of the horses

heading off that way.

- Ricky, I'm afraid I owe you an apology.

- You mean there was a holdup here?

- What it was I don't know,
but we're gonna investigate.

Rebel, find, find.

[Rebel barks]

[suspenseful music]

- How can one little girl
collect so much stuff?

- This is for you, Uncle Andrew.

- For me?

- Yeah, go on, open it.

I knit it myself.

- That's beautiful.

- It was gonna be a surprise for granddad,

but well I'd like you to have it now.

- Thank you very much.

Mary Jane, I wanted to--

- What's the matter, Uncle Andrew?

- Nothing, it's all right.

[ominous music]

Bixby, I'm getting so I like
what we're doing less and less.

- Who cares what you like?

You wanted money, you're going to get it,

as soon as Mace gets here with the deed

and MacNeil with the money.

- And then I have to
live with my conscience,

and have every lawman in
the territory looking for me

while you stay here, smug and respectable?

[hooves clopping]

- That's Mace.

Now you forget your conscience

and make sure that kid doesn't come out.

[suspenseful music]

He signed?

- He was stubborn at first,

but he finally came around
to my way of thinking.

- Good, now go back to the cabin.

Guard him 'til I tell
you to turn him loose.

- Right.

[ominous music]

- You stay here with Champ and Rebel.

[suspenseful music]

All right, Ricky.

- Come on, Rebel.

[dramatic music]

[Rebel barks]

Who is he?

- I don't know, but he's
in pretty bad shape.

See if there's some water
in that bucket, will ya?

- Who are you?

- Better let me ask the
questions, who are you?

- Andrew Ormsby.

- Ormsby, Mary Jane's uncle?

But he's down at the--

- No, two men held me up on Kingston Road.

- See, Uncle Sandy, I was right.

[suspenseful music]

- [Sandy] Can you describe this man?

- [Andrew] No, he wore a mask.

- Could you recognize his voice?

- I'm not sure.

- We'll get Mr. Ormsby
in town to a doctor,

and then we'll notify the sheriff.

- Don't move.

[suspenseful music]

[Rebel snarling]

[dramatic music]

- Great goin', Uncle Sandy.

- Thanks, Rebel.

- Who is he?

- Mace Kincaid.

I might've known if there was
anything crooked going on,

he'd be in on it.

Well, I'll take him into the sheriff

and send the doctor back for Ormsby.

You ride over and tell Bixby
the other man's an imposter.

- Come on, Rebel.

Come on, boy.

- Congratulations, Mac.

Under the terms of the sale,

you can take possession
first thing tomorrow morning.

- I'll be here bright and early.

Goodbye, Mr. Ormsby.

It was a pleasure to do business with you.

- Thank you.

- I still say it's risky to
have all that money in cash.

- I'll take good care of it.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Well, that's that.

[hooves clopping]

Climb into the rig, sweetheart,

and we'll get started as soon as I

settle some details with Mr. Bixby.

- Yes, Uncle Andrew.

- I wish I had the courage to tell you

to keep my share of it.

- You would get over that feeling.

- My purse.

- [Tom] Grown men cheating a little girl

out of her inheritance.

- Mary Jane is not being cheated.

The real Ormsby will be able to prove

that he didn't sell the ranch.

And so, MacNeil's the one who
will be left holding the bag.

[pan clatters]

She must have heard everything.

- Let me go, Mr. Bixby!

- Get that rope, quick.

- What are you gonna do?

- We're gonna tie her up
and put her on the rig.

Never mind, you're in this
too far to back out now.

[ominous music]

- She's in the wagon, now what?

- Drive it up in the mountains.

- But you can't stay here.

The girl knows you're in on it now.

- I can take care of myself.

I'll have Mace get rid of Andrew,

and you take the girl.

- Take her, where?

- You don't get your money
if you don't follow orders.

[hooves clopping]

- [Ricky] Mr. Bixby, Mr. Bixby!

- You try to tell him anything,

and somebody gets shot.

- Mr. Bixby, that's not Mary Jane's uncle.

Her real uncle's up on Bald Mountain.

We caught the man who
was keeping him prisoner.

It was Mace Kincaid.

- They caught Mace, the jig's up, Bixby.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a relief.

Ricky look, it was all his idea to have--

- What is he talking about, Mr. Bixby?

- Suppose you explain it to him, Tom.

Don't try to follow me.

[Rebel growling]

- [Ricky] Stay back, Rebel.

[dramatic music]

- Bixby!
[g*n fires]

Ricky, Mary Jane's tied up in that wagon.

- What?

- Hurry, get help.

- Maybe I can head him off.

Come on, Rebel.

[Rebel barks]

[ominous music]

Come on, Rebel!

[Rebel barks]

[wagon rattling]

- Yah, hah!

[hooves clopping]

[Rebel barking]

- Come on, Rebel!

Here he comes.

Come on!

[wagon rattling]

- Yah!

- Not now, Rebel.

Wait'll I tell ya.

- Yah!

- Get him!

[Rebel snarling]

[wagon rattling]

[hooves clopping]

[Rebel snarling]

[dramatic music]

[tender music]

- Ricky, I can't thank you enough.

- Nor can I, Ricky.

- It was really Champ that did most of it.

And Rebel.

[Rebel barks]
[hooves clopping]

- Well, I saw the sheriff.

He says Bixby and Mace will
get all that's comin' to 'em

but he's sure that Tom will
get off with a light sentence.

- I'm so glad.

Even if he wasn't my real uncle,

he was nice.

Not as nice as you are
of course, Uncle Andrew.

- And he sure did try to help.

- I also saw MacNeil.

Now that he's got his money back,

he'd still like to buy the ranch.

- Well, I might get to like the West.

I'll tell him it's not for sale.

[dramatic music]

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪