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01x19 - Rails West

Posted: 03/09/24 21:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion, the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion, the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lighting
flashing across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannon
ball, he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name ♪

♪ Of Champion, the wonder horse ♪

[dramatic music]

[Champ neighing]

[Champ neighing]

- What's that blame mustang
trying to do us, Landers?

- Get us out of here I guess.

- Well, I'll get rid of him.

- Wait a minute, we can't afford that,

might attract some attention.

Get out of here!

[Champ neighing]

- That's Champ, something's bothering him.

[Rebel barking]

Let's see what it is.

- [Landers] Get out of here!

- Hey, cut it out!

What's going on here?

- Well, what's it to you?

- Well, in case you two don't know it,

prospecting isn't allowed
here, this is government land.

- Not anymore it isn't.

- What do you mean?

- Mister, for a stranger,
you ask too many questions.

- I'm no stranger, I'm Sandy North.

I've got a ranch over there.

- Well, then you better get back to it.

[dramatic music]

[Rebel growling]

- All right Rebel, let him go.

- Burk, Landers, what's going on here?

- Ask this North fella, he started it.

- I only got tough because they did.

Maybe you can explain to me

why they're prospecting
on government land.

- Prospecting?

Why, we're railroaders.

These men are testing rock
formations for the road bed.

- Railroad through Wild Horse Canyon?

- That's right, the
McNab railroad company.

I'm Mark Jessup,
superintendent of construction.

We've got a federal permit.

- [Sandy] That's strange.

I should think this route would
cost you more money than--

- Look Mr. North, I'm a railroad
man and you're a rancher.

I don't tell you how to raise cattle,

so suppose you don't tell
me how to build a railroad?

- Well, I didn't mean it that way.

- Mr. McNab, the president,
made the decision.

He'll be here tomorrow and if
we haven't made some headway,

he's not going to like it.

All right you two, get back to work.

[tense music]

- Uncle Sandy, if the
railroad comes through here,

what'll happen Champ and the herd?

This valley's their home.

- Well, we'll just have to find them

another home somewhere else.

- Then I'd never see Champ at all.

We've gotta get Mr. McNab
to pick some other route.

- Mr. McNab's a big business man, Ricky.

He's not gonna change his
plans because of a horse.

- But Champ isn't just any horse,

he's the king of this
valley, he belongs here.

- Well, you can see Mr. McNab
tomorrow if you want to,

but you'll just be wasting
your breath and his time.

- Now, don't worry, Champ.

I'll get Mr. McNab to
change that route, got to.

- I've juggled the figures
in the surveyor's report

so it looks like Wild Horse
Valley is the cheapest route.

- Good, we can start digging

for what we're really after soon as we--

- Mr. McNab?

- Yeah?

- I'm Ricky North.

I've got to talk to you
sir, it's about Champ.

- Champ who?

- Well, Champ's a stallion
that leads the wild herd.

He and are sort of friends and--

- What's this gotta do with us?

- Everything, if you put the railroad

through Wild Horse Valley,

the herd will have to be
moved, and I'll lose him.

- Just a minute, son.

How about starting at the beginning?

I didn't hear the first of this.

- Well, I was just trying
to President McNab--

- I'm the president, son.

This gentleman here is my cousin George.

He's the vice president.

- Oh, then you're the one

that can change the route, aren't you?

- You don't seriously
think we'd change our plans

for a fool horse?

- Champ isn't a fool horse.

He's smarter and stronger--

- Well, it just so happens

I'm quite a fancier of horses too,

and if this Champ is so remarkable,

maybe I ought to acquire him.

- You couldn't, Mr. McNab.

He won't let anybody ride him except me.

But come out to the valley

and see how wonderful and handsome he is.

- Matthew, this is an
absurd waste of time.

We've got reports to go over here.

- Oh George, Rome wasn't built
in a day, nor is a railroad.

As a matter of fact, I'd
like to see Wild Horse Valley

before I make any decisions.

- Let's go right now, Mr. McNab.

- But Matthew.

- We'll be back soon.

Come on, son.

[tense music]

- Matthew, go scouting
around Wild Horse Valley.

- He wouldn't be fool
enough to reroute that line

on account of that kid
and a horse, would he?

- No, but he might find out
it's not the cheapest route,

and we'd lose our chance to
sew up the mineral rights

to the gold we found there.

- Wait a minute.

With that wild herd out there,

it shouldn't be hard to discourage Matthew

from spending too much time
snooping around the valley.

Come on.

[peaceful music]

- There's the herd!

- That's a great sight to a horseman.

[Ricky whistles]

- There's Champ.

[Champ neighing]

- What a fine looking horse.

- Just watch.

Now, bow to Mr. McNab, Champ.

And now rear, Champ.

[Champ neighing]

- He's magnificent, Ricky.

- Just wait till you see him in action.

[tense music]

- Look, Matthew.

- Right where Burk and Landers

are going to stampede the wild herd.

[g*n firing]

- Stampede!

Take cover, Mr. McNab!

- If Matthew doesn't
get out of there quick.

[horses neighing]

- Well, cousin Matthew
got out of that one.

- Maybe so, but I'll bet he
isn't going to spend much time

exploring Wild Horse Valley after this.

- Mr. McNab, now that you've seen Champ,

won't you let him stay here

and put your railroad
through somewhere else?

- Ricky, you see all these plans here?

We worked a long time preparing them,

and we can't change them
without losing a lot of money,

even if we wanted to.

- Gosh, Mr. McNab,
there's plenty of places

where a railroads can go
besides Wild Horse Valley.

- Ricky.

- We heard about that
crazy bunch of mustangs

that stampeded, you all right, Matthew?

- [Matthew] Yes, but I've had
enough of Wild Horse Valley.

- But Mr. McNab!

- Ricky.

Ricky, you run along, I want
to talk to Mr. McNab a minute.

- Yes, sir.

- Those horses usually don't
behave like that, Mr. McNab.

Somebody spooked them.

I heard men yelling to
get them started running.

- What's the difference
how they got started?

The point is they're dangerous.

Just to keep them in the valley

is no reason to reroute the railroad.

- I agree to that of course.

- Well, there is one more point.

When you surveyed this area,

why'd you decide against Red Rock Canyon?

It's the most direct route,
the one the stageline uses.

- Red Rocky Canyon?

I didn't get a report on it.

- It was useless Matthew, we
didn't want to trouble you.

The survey reports are all here,
check the figures yourself.

- Well, I don't want to
argue with the figures,

but I should like to have
you ride out there with me

and look it over.

- All right.

I can't promise anything,

but I'll bring the surveyors
reports on Red Rocky Canyon

to your place so we can
go over them together.

- If he gets Matthew out to Red Rock--

- Well, he won't if we
can keep him busy enough.

- So long.

- So long.

- North and the kid think
so much of that horse

that if he got lost,
they wouldn't have time

for anything except looking for him.

- Blind chance of Champ getting lost.

- Well, I can fix that.

I'll get some of the
boys and we'll stalk him.

Look, you keep after a horse,

drive him away from his home range,

never give him a chance
to eat or drink or sleep.

- Then what?

- Nature takes care of the
rest, with a little help.

[dramatic music]

- Ain't that beast gonna
ever get tired, Mr. Jessup?

We've done lost two sets of
horses chasing him already.

- Landers is bringing
up some fresh mounts.

Let's keep after him.

My scheme is working all right.

- I didn't think it's possible

for any horse to go that
far without food or water.

- Hyah, hyah!

Hyah, hyah, hyah, hyah, hyah!

[gentle music]

- [Jessup] He's just
about ready to give up.

[tense music]

[Champ nickering]

- Well, Mr. Jessup, took us quite a while,

but he's good as lost now.

- And he's got to stay lost.

We want the Norths busy
looking for him a long time.

- When they find him, it'll be too late.

- [Jessup] Now, we better
put up a barricade here.

- Uncle Sandy, I went all over

the west end of the valley
today, Champ just isn't anywhere.

- Well, he's gotta be around somewhere.

You better wash up now
and get ready for supper,

it'll be ready in a minute.

- I don't want any Uncle
Sandy, just not hungry.

- Sandy, why don't you
give Rick a hand tomorrow,

and I'll scout Red Rock Canyon alone?

- Thank you, Mr. McNab.

Please come, Uncle Sandy.

I've got a feeling Champ's
in terrible trouble.

- We'll find him, Ricky.

There's lots of ground
we haven't covered yet.

[tense music]
[Rebel barking]

Well, here's some print,
but the horses were shod.

- Here's an unshod one, and it's Champ's.

- Are you sure?

- See that crack?

- Yeah.

- Champ has one in his right forehoof.

- Rebel, find Champ, go find Champ, Rebel.

Well, now that he's got a fresher scent,

maybe we'll have better luck.

- George, here's the
essay report, take a look.

- Boy, our gold mine is worth
three times what we thought.

- Well, when do we start mining?

- Just as soon as Matthew
okays construction

in Wild Horse Valley.

I've almost got him convinced
that Red Rock Canyon won't do.

- And the North's aren't
around to un-convince him.

I took care of that.

[tense music]

[Rebel barking]

- It looks like Rebel's really
on the track now, come on!

[Rebel barking]

- [Ricky] Look Uncle Sandy, it's Champ!

- I heard Rebel, did you find Champ?

- Champ.

It's me, Ricky.

He's hardly moving, Uncle Sandy.

You don't think he going to--

- Champion isn't king of
the herd for nothing, Ricky.

He's as rugged as they come,
and he's got a great heart.

He'll make it.

- You'll be all right now, Champ.

We're gonna make you strong again.

- How could Champ get trapped like this?

- Why, all of this the stuff

was dragged across here
to block the entrance,

you can tell by the marks in the dirt.

Somebody wanted to make sure

that Ricky and I had our
hands full finding Champ.

- Well, I've got an idea
it's the same somebody

who docked the reports on Red Rock Canyon.

- What?

- You were right, I made a thorough check

of every section of that area,

and I found George's
figures had been juggled.

- But we still don't know
what he stands to gain

from the Wild Horse Valley route.

- We'll find out, and when we
do, there's every prospect--

- Well, you just said
it Matthew, prospect.

When Champ is back on his feet,

you and I are going prospecting.

[dramatic music]

Hey, this doesn't look much
like building equipment.

Looks more like mining equipment.

- Gold pan, you think?

- Say, this is quartz,
wonder where it came from?

[tense music]

- Let's try that ledge up there.

- Been a lot of traffic here.

- No sign of quartz.

Sandy, look.

- This could be our answer.

- You were right Sandy,
this could be the answer.

- We're in trouble, McNab.

That cousin of yours and
North found the mine shaft,

and they're in it right now.

- They're inside?

- That's right, and I heard enough to know

they're suspicious of what you're up to.

- If they're inside,
they might not get out,

but we've got to hurry, come on.

[tense music]

Yeah, this is what I hoped for.

The horses are back there,
so they're still in the mine.

Let's go.

- What's your idea, George?

- Cousin Matthew's gonna have an accident

that could happen to anybody
exploring an old mine shaft.

Here, set this in the shaft mouth.

Be quick about it.

- With this ore, sh**t,
I'd say I was very rich.

- That accounts for George's whole scheme.

Using the railroad as a coverup

while digging for gold
in Wild Horse Valley.

[dynamite explodes]

[dramatic music]

- Let's get back to camp.

I'll ride into town in a little while

and report cousin Matthew missing.

[tense music]

Somebody's coming, get behind cover.

It's that North kid, and he's got Champ.

He may save us the trouble
of reporting the accident.

Better for us.

- Sounded like the expl*si*n
was right down there.

But there's Uncle Sandy's
horse, and Mr. McNab's.

Uncle Sandy!

[Rebel barking]

Go ahead, Champ.

What is it, Rebel?

They're inside?

[Rebel whimpering]

[Rebel barking]

Go Champ, pull!

Good boy, Champ!

Stay here.

[Champ neighing]

- You and Landers get down there, quick.

- Come on.

- Uncle Sandy!

- I guess I'm all right, but Matthew.

- What happened?

- All I know is it wasn't an accident.

[Rebel growling]

[Rebel barking]

- I'll go see what's bothering Rebel.

[Champ neighing]

- I think it's broken.

- Mr. Jessup's there, and Landers!

- You ought to have a g*n, Matthew.

- I got one.

- Well, can you hold it in your left hand?

- Indeed I can, as long as it's
pointed at George or Jessup.

- I can get those two in there,

you hold them long enough
for me to go get George.

Ricky, take cover behind those rocks.

[dramatic music]

[Champ neighing]

- It's a good thing you're here,

Matthew's in there and he's hurt bad.

- Is he still alive?

- I think so, but I don't
know how long he'll last.

Go see for yourselves.

[Rebel barking]

It's all right, Rebel.

[suspenseful music]

Hold it there, Champ.

- It's a trick, Matthew's
alive down there.

They're trapping Jessup and Landers.

[g*n firing]

[g*ns firing]

[men grunting]

[Rebel growling]

- Let him up now, Rebel.

- I wish Sandy'd hurry up,

but I don't care how long it takes,

as long as he catches up with George.

- [Sandy] All right
Matthew, let them come out.

- Looks like he's done it.

Keep your hands up and march.

[peaceful music]

- Can you make it, Mr. McNab?

- I wouldn't miss having
a few words with George

even if it k*lled me.

[Champ neighing]

[Ricky whistles]

- Here he comes.

[Champ neighing]

Champ, the valley is all yours!

- It most certainly is.

- What do you got there?

- Ah, this is a government permit

to let the railroad through here.

Thought I'd let Champ see me tear it up,

but I can't do much
tearing in my left hand.

- Rebel will take care of that
for you, just give it to him.

- Oh, you think so?

Here you are, Rebel.

[Ricky chuckles]

- Go on back to the herd
and tell them not to worry.

So long now, Champ!

[triumphant music]

♪ Champion, the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion, the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lighting
flashing across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whistling from a bow ♪

♪ Like a might cannon
ball he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name ♪

♪ Of Champion, the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion, the wonder horse ♪