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01x11 - King of the Rodeo

Posted: 03/09/24 21:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[horse whinnying]

♪ Like a streak o' lightening
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like a swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannon
ball he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

[dramatic music]

- [Joe] Whoa!

- So this is Wild Horse Valley, huh?

Where are your wild horses
and your k*ller stallion?

- They'll be somewhere around.

- I just hope you didn't fall

for a cock-and-bull story that's all.

- Look, we need a new
bucking horse don't we?

If it's half true what
they say about the leader

of this herd, he'll be right for us.

Unhitch the horses, I'll get the saddles.

There's your herd.

[ominous music]

- That must be your stallion.

[horse whinnying]

- Whaddya say now?

- I gotta admit if he's as wild

and mean as he's fine looking,

that's Dynamite our next k*ller horse.

- [Ricky] Hi Champ,
were you waiting for me?


[hooves clopping]

- I'm not giving up now.

Gotta get that horse alone,

see what he does when a
grown man tries to ride him.

[somber music]

[hooves clopping]

- That was swell Champ.

[horse snorting]

But promised to get back
in time for my chores.

So long, I'll see ya tomorrow.

Come on Rebel!

[dog barking]

- Joe, as far as I'm concerned,
this is all a waste of time.

[horse whinnying]

- Why there he is!

The only way he can get out
of this canyon is past us

and he ain't gettin' past.

You take that side Mort.

[dramatic music]

[hooves clopping]

Still think he's a good riding horse?

[horse whinnying]

- Maybe [mumbles] get.

[horse whinnying]

- That narrow point, you think it's that.

[dramatic music]

Go in there Mort, get
a loop around his nose.

[dramatic music]

[horse whinnying]

Like taming a kid.

Might even play post
office with you. [laughing]

[hooves clopping]

- You win.

He'll be the greatest
attraction we ever had!

- And we got him too.

He ain't going nowhere
dragging that saddle.

[dramatic music]

[horse whinnying]

[horse snorting]

[dramatic music]

- I got 'em Mort!

I got our new Dynamite!

[hooves clopping]

- [Sandy] Well?

- Not a sign of him Uncle Sandy, anywhere.

- Well Champ's a pretty smart horse Ricky.

He can take care of himself.

- But he's been gone three days now.

Something's happened to him Uncle Sandy!

I know it has!

- Ricky, he's probably just wandered off.

But I'll come with you.

We'll take another look.

Thanks Uncle Sandy.

[somber music]

- All right, let's go.

[hooves clopping]

[gentle music]

There's the herd.

[shrill whistling]

- No use Uncle Sandy, he's really gone!

[somber music]

Don't worry, I'll go right to sleep.

- Look Ricky, moping like this
isn't gonna bring Champ back.

- I'm all right.

- Well I don't call it all right

when you don't eat or sleep.

- I don't feel much
like eating or sleeping.

- Well I guess there's no
point in forcing yourself.

Look, I'm going to Canyon
City tomorrow for a few days.

You wanna go along?

- Guess so.

Thanks Uncle Sandy.

Will we stay with Aunt Emily?

- Guess so, we always do.

Good-night and try and get some sleep.

- I'll try, I promise.

[somber music]

[wheels clacking]

[horses snorting]

[dog barking]

- Rebel!

Oh you nice little boy!



My lands, how you've grown!

Why you've shot up like a weed.

- You're looking mighty
fine yourself Aunt Emily.

- Yes sir, prettier every year.

- Now don't you start polishing apples

until after they're picked.

I'll get you something to eat.

You must be starved.

- I'm not a bit hungry.

- Oh, well then why don't you

and Rebel go to town for awhile?

- Fine, I guess I might as
well, if you don't mind.

Come on Rebel.

- He's as bad as you said
in your letter, worse.

- Emily, I've tried everything I know

to get his mind off Champ.

You and a change of scenery
are practically my last hope.

Well I'll do everything I can,

but I've never seen a
boy so down in the mouth.

[foreboding music]

[dramatic music]

[dog barking]

- Whaddya want?


It's Champ!

Ah Rebel ya found him!

They've got him in the rodeo
outside of town, come on!

[suspenseful music]

- [Mort] Uh uh.

- Say where will I find Bates or Dixon?

- I'm Mort Dixon.

- I'd like to talk to you

about this horse you call Dynamite.

- His real name is Champion
and he belongs to me.

- Belongs to you?

He wasn't wearing no
brand when we caught him.

- Well he doesn't really
belong to the boy legally,

but they've sorta grown up together

and I'd like to keep it that way.

How much do you want for the horse?

- You haven't got money
enough to buy him mister.

We're booked solid for months ahead.

We're shipping out east tomorrow.

- Uncle Sandy, I know how to get him

if they won't sell him to us.

Look at that poster.

It says they'll give him to
anybody who can ride him.

Only 10 dollars.

- That's right, I'll buy
the boy a ticket right now.

- You plumb loco mister?

That outlaw's nearly half-k*lled every man

that tried to ride him.

You're telling us a kid can do it?

- That's right, he's
the only one that can.

- May be crazy, but we ain't.

We ain't letting no kid
close to that k*ller.

Why if he got hurt or maybe even k*lled

the law would put us out of business.

- You've got to let me!

You've gotta let me!

- [Mort] Look, get away and stay away.

[horse whinnying]

- Champ and he knows I'm here!

- [Mort] Hey!

[horse whinnying]

- [Ricky] Champ!

[horse snorting]

You can't keep him locked up like that!

You'll break his heart.

- [Mort] We told you to stay outta here!

[loud thumping]

[dramatic music]

- Look Rebel, watch the g*n!

[dog growling]

[loud thumping]

- [mumbles] ain't gonna do you no good.

Now get outta here or
I'll get the law on you,

because you're trying to
trick us out of our horse

and disturbing the peace.

Now get outta here pronto!

[dog snarling]

- You can let him up now Rebel.

- Come on Ricky.

- But Uncle Sandy, I--

- Ah come on.

Well there's nothing we can do now Ricky.

They're within their legal rights.

Maybe I'll think of something though.

Maybe if I offer him a
lot more money for Champ?

We'll see.

[hooves clopping]

- One thing for sure, we gotta keep

that kid away from that horse.

- Ah don't worry, they won't be back.

- Aunt Emily, would you trick me

with a loan of 10 dollars
for a little while?

- You planning on going into business?

- Well not exactly.

- Oh I know how men are.

They don't like to tell their business.

Course in this case I could guess.

Go get it out of my pocketbook.

- Gosh thanks Aunt Emily!

[crowd yelling]

[hooves clopping]

- Hey, Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite!

The greatest wild stallion in the west.

You ride him and you win him.

A chance of a lifetime to win a horse

that a thousand dollars wouldn't buy.

And only 10 bucks a throw.

Here you are.

You don't wanna ride him?

A dollar you can watch all the fun.

You ride him and you win him.

For only 10 bucks.

Here ya go, right over here gentlemen.

There ya are.

Only a ten-spot, only
a ten-spot, a sawbuck

and you could own Dynamite.

- Mister, I just gotta ride Dynamite

and I got the money, but
they won't sell me a ticket.

- Neither would I.

That mustang ain't for
kids from what I hear.

You better get your Pa to
buy you a Shetland pony.

- Good luck!

Okay here ya are.

- All right, step right up.

Who's next?

Who wants to take a chance
to win a wonder horse?

[horse whinnying]

- I could use a good horse.

- Good, well he's yours
for the taking, or riding.

- [Loudspeaker Announcer]
Idaho Joe riding Dynamite.

[loud whistle]

[crowd yelling]

[lively music]

- [Cowboy] What happened to you?

- I tried that man k*ller and outlaw.

[jaunty band music]

- Little buck, why
don't you try your luck?

- Hey I ain't got time
to wait for my turn.

How about getting my 10 bucks back?

- No refunds partner.

Why don't you sell it
to one of your friends,

or just go inside and watch.

- Now wait a minute, I paid 10 bucks.

- Look, I said no refund.

[lively band music]

- Come on Rebel!

[lively band music]

- [mumbles] mister.

Excuse me, but I heard you saying

you didn't want your ticket.

Now will you sell it to me?

- What's eatin' on you son?

Tell me about it.

- Well I used to ride Champ,
I mean Dynamite all the time

before they caught him.

He was wild then.

He likes me and I like him.

- Sounds like you're telling the truth.

- I've just got to get him back

and buying your ticket is my only chance.

- I'll be doggoned.

I may be loco, but
you've got me convinced.

Here, oh no keep your money.

It'll be worth the 10 bucks

to see them hide binders lose a horse.

- Well thanks, but I've
gotta buy it legal-like.

- I see what you mean.

Good luck son.

- [Loudspeaker Announcer]
Tex Butler from Bar 20

will now attempt to ride Dynamite.

[loud whistling]

[crowd yelling]

[horse whinnying]

[loud whistling]

- It'll be all right now Champ.

You're coming back to me.

[crowd cheering]

[crowd clapping]

- Joe come here!

- How'd that kid get in here?

- I dunno, but it won't do him
any good to ride that horse.

He didn't buy a ticket.

[horse snorting]

[crowd cheering]

- Here's my ticket Mr. Bates.

I'm taking Champ with me right now.

- Wait a minute.

We didn't sell you no ticket.

All right boys, pick up the horse.

- I paid for this ticket!

I won Champ fair and square!

- He sure did.

I sold it to a friend like you told me to.

- You had no business selling it to a kid.

He might have been k*lled.

[crowd grumbling]

- Now wait a minute, wait a minute.

This is kind of a trick fellas,

but we don't want any trouble.

- All right Mort make it all legal-like.

Give him a bill of sale.

- Anything you say Joe.

- I'll get the van hitched up.

- Okay.

- Thanks, thanks a lot.

- Wouldn't have missed it for anything.

- Come on sonny.

All the stuff's in here.

After you son.

[dramatic music]

- [Ricky] let us outta here!

- Don't worry kid, they'll
find you after we're gone.

- We shoulda known
better than to trust him.

[dramatic music]

Uh-oh there's a window.

[dog barking]

You think you can make it?

Go around and open the door Rebel!

Open the door!

The door Rebel, now try to open it.

Come on Rebel!

Try to open the door!

[dramatic music]

[hooves clopping]

Their taking Champ away!

Rebel go find Uncle Sandy, go on!

[suspenseful music]

[hooves clopping]

- [Joe] Hay, ho, ha!

[suspenseful music]

[dog barking]

- What's the matter boy?

What's the matter boy,
something wrong with Ricky?

[dog barking]

Come on, let's go!

[dog barking]

[suspenseful music]

[hooves clopping]

[horse whinnying]

[dog barking]

[suspenseful music]

[horse snorting]

[loud thudding]

- What was that?

- Sounded like the ramp fell.


Hey it's the kid and he's
getting away with the horse!

- [Joe] Don't sh**t Mort.

He made a clean getaway

and there's nothing we can do about it.

- Hey wait a minute, he's stopped.

He's gone lame.

- What's a matter Champ?

- Then come on!

We still got a chance.

[rapid hooves clopping]

- Did ya lame yourself?

[loud thudding]

[dog snarling]

[loud thumping]

[dog snarling]

[loud thudding]

That's enough Rebel!

You can let him up.

I won Champ fair and square Uncle Sandy,

but they tried to double-cross me.

- Tell me about it later Ricky.

On your feet Dixon.

This time you two jaspers
really did try to steal a horse,

so mosey on back up to
your van we'll go in town

and have a little talk with the Sheriff.

Go on, get going.

[exhilarating music]

- Thanks Champ!

[horse snorting]

You can go back to your herd.

[exhilarating music]

[horse snorting]

See ya tomorrow Champ!

[dramatic music]

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak o' lightening
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannon
ball he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪