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01x09 - The Outlaw's Secret

Posted: 03/09/24 21:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[Champion whinnies]

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[dramatic music]

[pleasant music]

- Ricky!

Oh Ricky!

- I'll never understand
why fish like worms,

but long as they do, here's
another nice juicy one.

Oh gosh, is it time to go meet the stage

already, Uncle Sandy?

- It was time about 10 minutes ago.

Say, that's a nice idea, diggin' worms

to take to the new minister
as a welcoming present.

- Oh, oh Uncle Sandy.

I just thought that it wouldn't
take long to go to town,

and meet the stage, say
hello to the new minister,

and I could still go fishing.

- Are you gonna try and put your socks on

over all that mud?

- Oh gosh, I guess I better
wash them and dry 'em.

If you've got time to wait.

- No, I'm afraid I haven't,

being chairman of the welcoming committee

I should be there when the stage comes in.

- Well I'm sorry, Uncle Sandy.

- Well, it's tough luck all around.

- Tough luck, well how do you mean?

- I was gonna buy you a real fishing pole

in town, a bamboo one.

But if you're not gonna
be there to pick it out,

guess it'll have to wait.

[Ricky sighs]

- I wonder why I ever think
I'm smarter than Uncle Sandy.

I guess there's nothin' left to do

but change my clothes and go
fishin' with the old pole.

Come on, Rebel.

[pleasant music]

[Champion whinnies]

There's Champ!

He wants me to come with him.

Maybe something's wrong.

You stay here, Rebel, and watch these.

I'll be back.

[Champion whinnies]

Oh, I understand, Champ.

Come here.

[pleasant music]

[ominous music]

They're blocking the
stage road, come on Champ!

- That'll do it.

[dramatic music]

- Uncle Sandy, Sheriff Jensen!

The stage is gonna be held up.

- Oh now, Ricky.

- I'm not imagining things, Uncle Sandy.

I saw four men blocking the road

so the stage couldn't get by.

- Good gracious, I hope they
don't rob the new minister.

What a dreadful impression
he'll get of our community.

- You recognize them?

- No, strangers, and tough-looking ones.

- Ricky might be jumpin'
to conclusions, sheriff,

but blockin' a road
couldn't mean much else.

- Yeah, it's worth having a look.

I'll get a couple of boys to come along.

- It's up near Wild Horse Canyon.

I'll come along on Champ and show ya.

- No you don't, you stay right here.

- But Uncle Sandy!

Well, I guess Champ can lead you there.

He'll go back where I found him.

Go back Champ, go back!

[hooves clopping]


I thought I told you to stay.

Oh, all right.

I guess you meant well.

[suspenseful music]

[g*n fires]

- Everybody out.

- I'll see that you hang for this.

- Seems like I've heard that one before.

Keep your hands up high.

- A sky pilot.

- His money's as good as anybody else's.

See what he's got.

- Don't cause him any trouble, reverend.

- I don't seem to have much choice.

[man groans]

- Where are you going?

- I'm gonna help that man.

- You can save his soul later.

- Right now, I'm gonna
try and save his life.

- Well I'll be doggone.

Leave him be.

It ain't good medicine

to sh**t a preacher in the first place.

And when he's got guts like
this one, it's plum wrong.

Get that money sack.

Go ahead.

- You can't take that money!

- I'd like to know why not.

- Well if you do, I won't rest

until you're brought to justice.

- Well you're fixin' to stay
awake for a long time, mister.

- I wish I could stop you

from taking that for your own sake.

- For my sake?

How much money you think we got here?

- My friend, money you get like that

will never do you any good.

For he who lives by the sword

will die by the sword, or the g*n.

- Now don't worry about me.

- Worrying about people is part of my job,

especially people like you.

I want to help you.

- Blamed if I don't think you mean that.

- I do.

- Thanks, reverend.

If I ever decide to change
my mind, I'll let you know.

But don't wait up for me.

- Remember, God's mercy is infinite

and it's never too late to
make your peace with him.

- Sure.

[somber music]

- Reverend Thomas, the
money in that express bag

was a big shipment from my bank.

We've gotta tell the sheriff right away.

- Yes, but help me get
the driver into the stage.

[somber music]

- It's the sheriff!
[g*n fires]

Come on!

[intense music]

[g*ns firing]

[Champion whinnies]

[g*n fires]

[g*n firing]

[hooves clopping]

[g*ns firing]

- [Sheriff] Keep after the
man with the money sack!

We'll block him!

[g*n fires]

[suspenseful music]

- Yah, hah, hah!

[horses whinnying]

[dramatic music]

It's no use.

Got the stampede between him and us.

The time they get by us,
we'll never find him.

[dramatic music]

- The stage, but--

- Mercy me, looks like the
new minister's driving.

- Whoa!
[horses whinny]

[people chattering]

- We were held up and robbed.

- It must have been dreadful
for you, Reverend Thomas.

- Oh, I'm all right thank you,

but the driver's inside, badly wounded.

We'd better get him to a doctor.

- And they took the big
shipment from the bank.

- Why Mr. Macmillan, didn't
you see the sheriff out there?

- Sheriff, why?

- I knew there was gonna be a holdup,

and I told him, and he and Uncle Sandy

went out with a posse.

- Well I guess they
didn't get there in time.

Let me help here.




- I'm here, Macmillan.

[ominous music]

- You didn't need to hit
me so hard at the robbery.

You almost gave me a concussion.

Where's the money?

- Oh, too bad about you
and your concussion.

I caught a slug from that posse.

- What do you wanna do?

- I think I can make it back to the boys,

and they'll doctor it.

- Not gonna let yourself
get caught, are you?

- Sure not.

That'd get you into trouble, wouldn't it?

Get that money sack off of my saddle.

If I run into anyone,
I don't want it on me.

Hey Macmillan, you a
churchgoin' man, ain't ya?

- [Macmillan] Of course, why?

- Well that preacher said,

ah never mind.

Give me a boost onto my horse.

- Sure you can make it all right?

- I've never failed yet, have I?

I'll be back for our half.

[ominous music]

[bell ringing]

- I thought Reverend Thomas
was swell, Uncle Sandy.

- He certainly got off to a good start

with his first sermon.

I wanna wait a minute
here and tell him so.

- Tell him for me too, will ya?

I'd kinda like to go--

- And look for that fishing pole, I know.

All right, you go ahead,

but be sure and change your clothes

and don't be late for supper.

- All right, come on Rebel.

- Reverend, I could listen to your sermons

every day of the week.

- Well thank you, Mrs. Tilford.

That's very kind,

but I think Sunday's
enough for both of us.

- Reverend, excuse me for
missing your first service,

but I telegraphed the
territorial bank commission

and they wired back not
to open the bank tomorrow.

- You mean the bank's
closing down for good?

- Unless we can recover that money,

I can't meet our obligation.

- Well everybody in town
depends on the bank.

There's only one thing to do,

comb the country for those outlaws.

- Yeah, that's our only chance.

- Not your only chance, sheriff.

Divine providence might be on your side.

- Oh sure.

- That doesn't mean you
shouldn't try your best.

- We sure will, reverend.

Come on sheriff, I'll get a g*n, let's go.

[pleasant music]

- Good boy, Rebel.

Ah thanks, Rebel.

[Rebel barks]


[ominous music]

Come back here!

There's nothing to get excited about.

It's only a horse.

It's blood.

Could be there's somebody
hurt in that shack.

Come on, Rebel.

[suspenseful music]

What's the matter, mister?

[Gringo groans]

Oh gosh, you need a doctor.

- It's too late for that.

I wanna talk to the preacher Thomas.

He said it's never too late.

- Yes sir.

- Never thought I'd be
needin' him this soon.

- I'll get him right away.

Rebel, you stay here.

[dramatic music]

- You sure called a turn about
dying with a g*n, parson.

- Don't give up hope.

I'm sure I can do something for you.

- Too late for that.

But you said it's never too
late to square yourself.

Does that hold for a no
bit red hand like me?

- It holds for all of us.

Any sinner who repents
and turns to the lord.

- Maybe that's what I'm doin' now.


- Your sins will be forgiven,

and you can still do a great good.

- How's that?

- [Thomas] Many people will suffer

if that bank money isn't returned.

- Then talk to, talk to Macmillan.


[somber music]

- Reverend Thomas, it
sounded as if he meant

that Mr. Macmillan knows
where the money is.

- He could have meant that, Ricky.

But he said too little to throw
suspicion on Mr. Macmillan

without giving him a chance to explain.

- It sure wouldn't be right
to accuse Mr. Macmillan.

- No it wouldn't.

I'll see it my way.

Meantime, I don't think either of us

ought to say anything
to anybody about this.

- That'd be only fair.

- Now, what are we gonna do
about getting him into town?

- The Collins ranch isn't far from here.

I could ride down and get
them to hitch up a wagon.

- Good, I'll wait here 'til you get back.

- [Ricky] Come on, Rebel.

[ominous music]


- What do you mean by coming here?

- Where else would we go to
get our cut of the money?

Did you hear about Gringo?

- Yes, I heard he was wounded.

- Well it's worse than that.

Some rancher brought him
back into town, dead.

- Well that accounts for it.

- Accounts for what?

- Accounts for him not
arriving at the meeting place.

- You tryin' to tell us
you ain't got the money?

- Of course not.

I went out to meet Gringo,

waited for him for hours,
he never showed up.

- Yeah.

[suspenseful music]

- In there.

Oh Reverend Thomas, this is
a pleasant surprise, come in.

- Good evening, thank you.

- I suppose you're making your
rounds of your parishioners.

- Not yet.

I have a special reason
for coming to see you.

- [Macmillan] Special reason?

- You may have heard that Gringo,

the outlaw who struck you
during the holdup, he's dead.

- Yes, I heard.

- He sent for me when
he knew he was dying.

- He did?

- [Thomas] Yes, he mentioned
your name before he died.

He said--

- Go ahead, preacher.

Just what did he say?

- You're the one who tried to sh**t me.

Then there is some connection
between you and the outlaws.

- I've never seem 'em
before in all my life.

I don't even know how they got in here.

- Keep talkin, preacher.

Did Gringo tell you where that money is?

- I hope you're telling
the truth, Mr. Macmillan.

Unless that money is returned,

many people will face ruin.

I'll tell you nothing except this.

That the fate that overtook Gringo

will surely overtake you.

- You've got a way with
making me look pretty foolish

at that holdup, preacher.

But you ain't got Gringo
to protect ya now.

- I don't need anybody to protect me.

Have you anything to say
before I speak to the sheriff?

- You ain't talkin' to anybody except us!

- Reverend!
- Hold back.

We're gonna take him
outside and make him talk.

- You don't need to beat him up.

- Not if he talks.

Take him out, boys.

And you stay here.

- Of course I will.

- Of course you will,

because if you as much as stick
your nose outside that door

they're gonna be putting
you away with Gringo.

[somber music]

- The three branches of our government

are the executive, the
legislative, and the--

[Rebel barking]

Now Rebel, how do you
expect me to do my homework

with all that noise?

[hooves clopping]

- Sandy, the dangest thing's happened.

- What, another holdup?

- No, the new minister disappeared.

- You sure?
- Yep.

He didn't turn up at the
rooming house last night,

and the horse he's rented is gone.

I got everybody in town
out combing the hills.

Wanna come?

- Well you bet.

- Sheriff!


Come on Rebel, I'll get my horse.

[g*n firing]
[horses whinnying]

- Will you tell me what
you have in mind now?

- All night I've tried to get you to talk

without hurting you.

Now you're gonna get hurt for talking.

You're going for a ride
on that wild stallion.

If you can't catch that
one, get another one!

[hooves clopping]

- I repeat, I do not
know where that money is.

- That could be a white lie, parson,

to help them bank depositors
that you're so worried about.

- I don't know where Reverend Thomas is.

- Well if you say so, I guess it's true.

You being a deacon of the church.

- Where are you going?

- Well Reverend Thomas
said it wasn't right

to tell about Gringo mentioning your name

without telling you first.

But now, I've got to tell the sheriff.

- The sheriff?

- You want to come along, Mr. Macmillan?

The other outlaws must have
gotten Reverend Thomas.

And after he tried to protect
you, we both oughta help him.

[somber music]

- Ricky?

I'll come.

I know where the money is,

and I'll help you find
the minister, come on.

[ominous music]

- Mount up, preacher.

You can hang on to that rope.

- And then?

- Every time he bucks you off,

we'll put you back on again

until he shakes your tongue loose.

Now mount up.

[Champion whinnies]

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnies]

- Hey, that's Champ.

Something's got him excited.

[dramatic music]

- Come on, on your feet there preacher.

You've got another ride coming.

- [Sandy] Over there, sheriff!

[dramatic music]

[g*n fires]

[dramatic music]

[g*n fires]

- There's one of them.

Maybe they got the others.

Come on, Mr. Macmillan!

- It was foolishness, but
I thought I could cover

the losses I had from
speculating in mining stock.

- We got 'em all, reverend.

One of 'em needs a doctor.

- Better get in the buggy, Macmillan.

- Don't despair, Macmillan.

You'll find peace now.

- I know, reverend.

- I couldn't have stood
another fall, Sandy.

Your getting here was providential.

- We hadn't heard Champ,
we'd never have found you.

[Champion whinnies]

- The first time I've known a wild horse

to be the instrument of providence.

That's what Champ was.

[dramatic music]

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪