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01x06 - Renegade Stallion

Posted: 03/09/24 21:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' 'cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

[triumphant music]

[peaceful music]

- [Narrator] The wild horse herd

thunders across the mountain

led by the king of them all, Champion.

[Champion neighs]

[horse neighs]

[Rebel barks]

[Rebel barks]

- It's Champ.


[peaceful music]

[horse neighs]

Hello, Champ.

[Rebel barks]

Hi, fella, did you miss me?

[Rebel barks]

Well, what's the matter, Rebel?

You're not jealous of Champ, are you?

[Rebel barks]

Now what's the matter with you, Champ?

Oh, I know.

You're looking for your treat.

[Rebel barks]

All right, I've got something
for you, too, Rebel.

[Champion neighs]

What's wrong, Champ?

[suspenseful music]

[Rebel barks]


Hi, Grubstake.

- Well, bless my sore eyes
if it ain't Ricky North.

- Have you had any luck?

- Oh, none worth mentioning.

Not till you come along.

- Brought you a letter.

- Letter, for me?

Must be from my daughter back east.

My, how time flies.

You know, I ain't got around
to answering her last one yet.

- Well, that was over a year ago.

- Well, I never was much
of a hand at writing.

But I never stop thinking about her.

That's what keeps me going,
just hoping that someday

I'll make a strike and
can provide for her.

Well, now you sit down, Rick,
and I'll get a fire started

and I'll cook you the
doggonedest mess of fried beans

that you ever tasted.

- Well, thanks, Grubstake,
but I gotta be going.

I promised I'd come
right back to the ranch.

- Well, promise is a promise.

Don't you ever bust one.

Thanks just the same for
bringing the mail, Rick.

- Glad to do it, Grubstake.

[pleasant music]

[suspenseful music]

- Jumping Jehosaphat.

Right here in my own camp.


We've done it at last!


Hold it, hold it.

Wait a minute.

See if there's any more.

[suspenseful music]

That's it.

There she is.

There she is.


You see that, Clementine?

We've finally hit it.

We finally hit it, Clementine!

My little girl's gonna be rich!

My little girl's gonna be rich!

We finally hit it!


We've got gold, gold, gold!

- What's eating him?

- My little girl's gonna be rich!


My little girl's gonna be rich!

- [Man] What's the trouble, old timer?

- Trouble?

There ain't no such thing no more.

Step down off that Cayuse and shake hands

with Grubstake Smith
who just struck it rich.

- Well, good for you.

- And they laughed at old Grubstake.

I reckon on showed them this time.

- What makes you certain it's real gold?

- Man, boy, I've been
prospecting these hills

for more than 30 years.

I ought to know color when I see it.

- Now you'll file your claim, huh?

- You're darn tootin' I will

just as soon as I get her staked out.

- Hey, could you spare some grub?

- Oh, there's plenty
of hardtack and beans.

Help yourself to the whole caboodle.

From now on it's steak
and Sam Beam for me.

- Good, thanks a lot.
- Oh, don't mention it.

So long.
- So long.

[lighthearted music]

- Just a few hours sooner

and we might've been the
ones who'd struck it rich.

But no, not us.

We're always too late.

- Maybe we're not as late as you think.

We got here just in time.

I think I'm gonna take
myself a little ride.

- What about the grub?

- Forget it.

[mysterious music]

[Clementine squeals]

[suspenseful music]

That old codger put up a fight.

- What are you gonna do about the body?

We can't claim the gold if
they find out he's been k*lled.

- Well, that depends on
who gets blamed for it.

[horses neighing]

Who gets blamed for it?

Wild stallion and his herd.

[mysterious music]


[g*n firing]

[horses neighing]


That ought to do it.

[Champion neighs]

[suspenseful music]

[Rebel barks]

- Hey, Ricky.

- Hello, Uncle Sandy.

- I got a bone to pick with you.

- But why, I came right
back from school, didn't I?

And I got good marks, too.

- I'm glad to hear it,
but I mean about the barn.

- What about it?

- Come inside.

I don't suppose you know
anything about all this.

- Oh, this.

- You've made a circus
out of the barn again.

- Well, it won't be in the way.

And look.

Go on, Rebel.

Jump, Rebel.
[Rebel barks]

Good boy, Rebel.

And watch, Uncle Sandy.

[Rebel barks]

- Ricky, you know how I
feel about this and why.

- But Uncle Sandy, just
because my dad got k*lled

in a circus trapeze act
doesn't mean I'm going to.

And you know I'm gonna be a rancher.

- Well, then why do you do this?

- I guess it's because my dad
did it when he was my age.

That's all.

- I understand Ricky, but, you know,

I've got a greater
responsibility bringing you up

than if you were my own boy
instead of my brother's.

So be a little careful, will you?

- Sure, I will, Uncle Sandy.

[Rebel barks]

[mysterious music]

[Rebel barks]

Here, Rebel.

- You the owner of this spread?

- That's right.

- Mind if we get some water?

- Help yourselves.

- I'll turn the pump for you.

Did you get shot, Mister?

- We ran into that herd of wild horses.

The k*ller that leads them
liked to slashed me to death.

- You mean Champion?

- He's got a white blaze on
his face and white stockings.

- That's him.
- He's a Champion k*ller,

you ask me.

- Champ wouldn't hurt anybody.

He's as gentle as a lamb.

- Yeah, if you can get near him.

- My trouble was getting away from him.

[suspenseful music]

- There he is.

That's him.

- Comes any closer, I'll drop him.

- Don't sh**t him.

Look, I'll show you how friendly he is.


[Champion neighs]


Come on, Champ, it's all right.

[Champion neighs]

That's funny.

He never did that before.

- I told you that stallion wasn't tame.

He's a k*ller.

You should've let me put a b*llet in him.

Thanks for the water.

- Glad to oblige.

[suspenseful music]

- I can't understand it.

Something must be wrong with Champ.

- Well, now he's coming back.


- Come on, Champ.

[Champion neighs]

- Maybe somebody scared him.

That's why he's so skittish.

- I'd better go see what's wrong with him.

[suspenseful music]

Gosh, it's Grubstake.

Poor old fella.

Better go back to the
ranch and get Uncle Sandy.

Go on, Rebel, go get Uncle Sandy.

[Rebel barks]

[mysterious music]

- If you want to file a claim,
I have to know the location.

Where is it?

- Well, that's pretty hard to say.

We're strangers around here.

We could lead you right to the spot.

- That won't do.

Here's a contour map of the section.

Pick it out.

- Oh, there it is.

It's that creek right at
the head of the canyon.

- Oh, that's Latigo Canyon.

Old Grubstake Smith's
prospecting up there.

How is the old fleabag?

- Search us, we didn't see no one.

- I guess he's gone off the line.

Poor old Grubstake.

Wonder how he'll feel when he finds out

he almost struck it rich.

That is, if you did strike it rich.

- Oh, I guess rich enough.

- Well, it's milky quartz all right.

That's a good sign.

How do you know it's real gold?

- Real gold?

Say, man and boy, I've been
prospecting now onto 30 years.

I should know a color when I see it.

- [laughs] I don't know
how you prospectors do it.

Me, I'm just the official assayer.

I can't tell until I make all the tests.

- [Sheriff] One side, folks.

- [Man] All right, folks,
break it up, come on.

- Where'd you find him?

- Ricky found him up by Indian Springs.

- Looks like he had a bad fall.

- That's what I figure, Sheriff.

- Indian Springs, ain't
that up in the mountains

where that herd of wild horses hangs out?

- Yeah, why?

- We just came by there.

That bunch of mustangs chased us out.

Came after us like a tornado.

- That wild stallion that leads that bunch

almost trampled my partner to death.

- Well, sure, look what they done to me.

You ask me, they came
after this poor devil, too.

Only he wasn't so lucky.

- Sheriff, Champ's not a k*ller.

He's the one who led me
to where Grubstake was.

- Led you?

Oh, that's rich.

Look, boy, all you done
was follow him back

to where he done the trampling.

- He's been trampled all right.

There's no doubt about it.

There's hoof marks all over him.

- Sheriff, you've got to listen to me.

Champ's gentle, I can prove it.

- Well, maybe he can,
but he ain't gonna do it.

Listen, Sheriff, what the
boy says don't make sense.

That stallion att*cked me

and more than likely k*lled the old man.

We feel strong enough about
it to help you get him.

- Ought to have a look at least.

- Come on, we'll show you
where we saw him and his herd.

- Uncle Sandy, we've gotta stop 'em.

- We can't interfere with the law, Ricky.

- But they're gonna sh**t Champ,

and you know he wouldn't trample anybody.

- I know he wouldn't trample you.

I'm not so sure how he'd
behave around strangers.

- Those men are just trying
to put the blame on Champ.

They want him k*lled for some reason.

- Ricky, you're letting your imagination

run away with you again.

[mysterious music]

Ricky, wait.

Look, Bill.
- Yeah?

- Ricky's got some kind of a
crazy idea those two newcomers

have a reason for wanting Champ k*lled.

- Well, I don't blame them.

They just filed a claim up Latigo Canyon.

I don't think they can do
much gold mining up there

with a k*ller stallion
running around loose.

- Filed a claim, huh?

Maybe Ricky was right.

Maybe they did jump
Grubstake's claim after all.

- Who's getting crazy ideas now?

- Well, sometimes children can see things

a lot clearer than us older folks.

- You know old Grubstake hasn't
panned out $10 worth of gold

in 30 years.

What's this?

That's milky quartz.

Same strata of rock
those fellas brought in.

- You sure?

- Sure I'm sure.

- Let's go in your office.

[mysterious music]

- There's the herd.

- Their leader must be
around here somewhere.

[Champion neighs]

- There he is.

There's that k*ller stallion.

- Seems like a crime to k*ll a
magnificent animal like that.

- You wouldn't think so if
you'd ever tangled with him.

[Champion neighs]

[g*n fires]

- Let's head him off.

[suspenseful music]

[Rebel barks]

[horse neighs]

[Rebel barks]

[g*n fires]

[g*n fires]

[suspenseful music]

- Sheriff, wait!

Please, don't let them k*ll him.


- Quick, he's getting away.

[g*n fires]

[Champion neighs]

We got him trapped.

He can't get out of that box canyon.

- Don't!

[Rebel barks]

- Get out of the way!

[Rebel snarls]

Get off!

Go away, go away!

Get off me!

Go on!

Get, get!

Let go.

Let go!

- Call off your dog.

- Rebel, stop it.

[Rebel barks]

[Rebel growls]

- [Man] Get that mutt out of here.

- [Sheriff] Go on, son,
take your dog home with you.

- But Champ's not a k*ller, Sheriff.

I can prove it to you.

- How?
- Just let me call him.

I'll show you how tame he is.

- He's just stalling to let
that k*ller get away again.

- Please, Sheriff.

- Shut up and get out of--

- Just a minute.

There's no harm in letting the boy try.

- Why, he claimed that stallion

would come to him at his ranch.

All he did was run away.

That's what he'll do again.

- Go ahead, son.

- Thank you, Sheriff.

[Rebel barks]

[Champion neighs]


It's me, Champ.

Come on.

[Champion neighs]

- We're just wasting time.

- I'll be the judge of that.

- Go ahead, son.



- Keep coming, Champ.

Good fella.

- Well, I'll be dagnabbit.

It looks like he's coming to the boy.

[mysterious music]

[Champion neighs]

- Get the rope.

- What's the use?

- I said get the rope.

- It's too late now, just like
it's always too late with us.

- It's gonna be too late

if that kid shows him
the horse is friendly.

Where will that leave us with our story

about a k*ller stallion?

[Champion neighs]

- Attaboy, Champ.

[Champion neighs]

See, Sheriff, he is tame.

- Yeah, he sure is.

[Champion neighs]

[suspenseful music]

- Look out, Sheriff!

I told you he was a k*ller.

[Champion neighs]

If he gets loose, you
may be the next victim.

- You'd better finish him now
while you have the chance.

- Don't sh**t him, Sheriff.

- Sorry, son, there's no other way out.

[Champion neighs]

- Go on, Sheriff, sh**t.

- I don't want him to suffer.

I want to be sure of my shot.

[Champion neighs]

[g*n fires]

- You missed him.

[suspenseful music]

Quick, he's getting away!

- Jump, Rebel!

[Rebel growls]

Jump, Rebel!

- Look out, you'll hit the men.

That's your Uncle Sandy, Ricky.

Now you'll have to answer
to him for what you've done.

- Who's with him?

- County clerk.

- Sheriff, arrest those two men.

They brought in gold ore
identical to Grubstake's.

- That's right, Sheriff.

- They must have jumped his claim

right after they m*rder*d him.

- Come back here.

Stop or I'll sh**t.

[g*n fires]

[suspenseful music]

[g*ns firing]

[horses neighing]

[Rebel barks]

[Champion neighs]

Get moving, you two.

- Good work, Uncle Sandy.

But how did you find out

about them stealing Grubstake's gold?

- We didn't.

You really can't prove
anything by ore samples.

I was only backing up
your Uncle Sandy's hunch.

- It was really Ricky's hunch first.

We were just running a bluff.

But don't let that give
you any ideas, Ricky.

- Well, anyway, Grubstake
got what he always wanted.

A goldmine for his daughter back east

he was always talking about.

[Champion neighs]

[majestic music]

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' 'cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪