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01x05 - Lost River

Posted: 03/09/24 21:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

[horse whinnies]

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashing across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion the wonder horse ♪

[orchestral music]

- [Narrator] A long dry
spell on the western range,

a drought means disaster to ranchers

and danger of death to all animals,

especially the wild animals.

When drought devastates his valley,

Champion, king and protector
of his wild horse herd

searches desperately
for new sources of water

that they may live.

[Champion whinnies]

[orchestral music]

- Sure hitting that wild bunch hard.

They got hardly any spunk left.

- How much spunk would you have

if you were this close to dying of thirst?

- Funny world, isn't it?

- Here's this dry spell,
worst in 20 years.

k*lling all the range
critters from jackrabbits up,

ruining the ranches.

But us, it's going to make us rich.

- Suits me that way.

[horse whinnies]

- Hey Wilson, there's that
wild mare I've been wanting.

And we can get her.

The big stallion ain't around.

- I guess we got time,

long as we don't run
into trouble with him.

[orchestral music]

[horses whinny]

- Ho!

- Here comes the stallion, La Due.

Let her go!

[dramatic music]

[horses whinny]

- Use your g*n on 'em!

Let go, I tell ya.

- That was great.

I even lose my rope.

- Yeah, if I had shot

we could have the whole
country nosing around.

- Uh-oh, here comes Baggit.

Come on.
- Come on, ha!

[dramatic music]

- Hey!

This isn't where you supposed to be.

- Sorry, boss, we'll get on it right away.

- Well, step on it.

I'll be back from town in no time.


[orchestral music]

- It's like looking for
a needle in a haystack,

isn't it, Uncle Sandy?

- Yeah, it's worse.

[dog barks]

- [Ricky] Let's see what he's up to.

[dog barks]

[horse whinnies]

- Hey, that sounds like Champ!

- It is, and he's excited about something.

[Champion whinnies]

[ominous music]

Well, what happened, Champ?

Are you all right?

Did Rebel find you?

- He must have.

Hey, Ricky, look!

[gentle music]

[dog barks]

- So that's what it was,
somebody tried to steal

one of your herd and
you wanted me to know.


Sure wish we could catch
the hombre that did that.

- Oh, it isn't exactly a crime
to rope wild horses, Ricky.

[dog barks]

- You did a swell job, Rebel.

Tell Rebel thank you
for bringing him, Champ.

[dog barks]

[dog whines]

I guess I'll ride Champ.

Pony will go home by himself.


- What's got into him?

- Champ, you mean you
won't let me ride you?

- That's what it looks like.

- Uncle Sandy, that's the first time

he wouldn't let me ride him.

You think he's mad at me?

- Oh, I wouldn't say that, Ricky.

Seems like he's got something on his mind.

- But he's never done it before.

Something must be wrong.

- Well, it might be on
account of the drought.

You know, he's bound to
be worried about his herd

not getting enough water to live on.

- That must be it.

And he just didn't feel
like going for a ride.

Come on, Uncle Sandy.

We better find that lost river.

- He ain't in sight.

Better than he thought he'd be.

- Bound to.

- He's probably scared to let
him go faster than a walk.

- Well, if she ain't scared
now, she sure will be.

That coyote howl of yours in good shape?

- Listen.


- Hey, here they come now.


- My goodness, what's that, Mr. Baggit?

- Coyotes.

They're getting mighty dangerous
because of this drought.

- Would they attack us?

- Might.

Tried to pull down a stagecoach horse

just a couple of days ago.


- Coyotes never howl in the daytime!

- Well, maybe this one
doesn't know the rules, Ricky,

or else he's crazy with the heat.

- He's way over there.

Let's see if we can find him.

- I never found one yet when I wanted to,

but we might as well try.

- This dry spell has got them desperate

like everything else,
including the people.

You asked me, you couldn't
have picked a worse time

to come out west try a'ranchin'.

- But I didn't pick a time, Mr. Baggit.

It happened my brother
died and left me the ranch

when I had no choice.

- Well, if you ask me, Mrs. Hilliard,

you could do a lot better
by selling the ranch.

You could find a buyer.

- I just got to make a go of it.

- Listen, them coyotes ain't
going to bother us anymore.

Hope the outlaws don't either.

- Outlaws?

- Yeah, some of them jaspers
been pulling raids lately.

- Well, here's where we stop being coyotes

and start being outlaws.

[ominous music]

[g*n fires]

- That's them.

Hold on tight.


Ain't far to the ranch.

[g*ns fire]

[dramatic music]

- A holdup!

- You stay here, Ricky.

[g*ns fire]

[dramatic music]

[g*ns fire]

- [Man] Whoa!

[dog barks]

- It's no use, Rebel.

Come on.

- This is Dave Hilliard's sister.

- Oh, well get her inside.

I'll take care of the team.

Rebel, go find Ricky.

[dog barks]

- Thank you.

I'm all right, Ricky.

Now really, I am.

Now I know why they call it the wild west.

Gracious, what a reception!

- Well, it's not like this
every day, Mrs. Hilliard.

- Most of the time, nothing happens

except once in a while.

- Are you really going to try
to run the ranch yourself?

- Well, it may seem absurd,
but I've got to, Mr. North.

At least I've got to try.

- I've been telling her
she ought to sell out

if she can find a buyer.

- I'm afraid Baggit's
right, Mrs. Hilliard.

This isn't a very good ranch.

- Well, that's very kind of you both,

but I just have to stay here.

- Uncle Sandy, tell Mrs.
Hilliard about the drought.

- Well Mr. Baggit has already explained,

but isn't there a chance it might rain?

- No, not this time of year.

- The only chance is the lost river.

- The lost river?

- Well, it may sound
far-fetched, but there's a legend

about an underground river.

- Why, it's history!

The Indians say that long ago,
there was a big earthquake

and the ground opened up

and a huge river that
used to be here got, well,

sort of swallowed.

- It's not history, Ricky.

It's a legend, something
that might have happened

but there's no way of proving it.

- Well, if that's true and
someone found the river,

I suppose it would make a big difference.

- It would make a difference
between life and death

for this whole valley.

- I don't put much stock
in that yarn myself.

- Well I know, but we
have to keep on trying.

Are you going to stay
on as foreman, Baggit?

- Well, there ain't much
left to be foreman of.

Callaway's all sold off,
paid Billiard's bank loan.

- Oh, but you will stay, Mr. Baggit?

I can afford to pay you
for a while, that is.

- Well, at least I'll work my month out.

- That's a good idea.

- Well if there's anything
you need, Mrs. Hilliard

please don't hesitate to call on us.

- And just pray that we'll
be lucky and find that river.

- I will, and thank you both.

- Come on, Rebel!

[gentle music]

[ominous music]

- Who is it?

- Why, it's me, Mrs. Hilliard.

- Oh, Mr. Baggit.

I don't see too well without my glasses.

- Just thought, if you
want to sell the ranch,

feller I know might buy it.

Pay you a fair price.

- But I'm afraid I don't
want to sell, Mr. Baggit.

- Sure, but, well, you never can tell.

- You know, Wilson,

I bet that old girl is just
about ready to hightail it

back to Boston.
- Maybe.

We could have made sure if
Sandy North hadn't busted in.

[hooves clopping]

How did it go?

- She don't scare as easy as I expected.

Wants to keep her ranch.

- She aint got any idea about
us finding the water, has she?

- How could she?

Only the three of us know that that river

is under the Hilliard place.

- Then why won't she sell?

- Don't rightly know.

Some reason of her own, but
I aim to fix it so she will.

- You got to.

If we own this ranch,
we'll practically own

every ranch in the valley.

They all got to come to us for water.

- You don't say?

You going to start doing the
thinking and giving the orders?

- No!

A fella gets anxious, that's all.

- Well, quit getting anxious.

Like I say, she don't scare.

I found out she's as good
as blind without her specs.

- Yeah?

- And I found out a way to
get her plumb discouraged.

[horse whinnies]

What's that?

[dramatic music]

- He's getting mighty close to that water.

- Too close.

- Ain't got a good smell of it yet,

but if he does, it could mean trouble.

- He's practically on top of it!

- Enough for him.

[g*n fires]
[Champion whinnies]

[g*n fires]

- Should have shot him between the eyes.

- Yeah, and what would have happened

when Rick and North came looking for him

and found him dead?

Good enough to scare him off.

- When are we going to
work on the old lady?

- Tomorrow.

First, I got to get rid of her specs.

[dramatic music]

[Champion whinnies]

[dog barks]

- Champ!

[Champ whinnies]

Uncle Sandy!

He's been hurt, Uncle Sandy!

- Well, it's not deep, Ricky,

but Ricky, that's a b*llet wound.

- But who would want to sh**t him?

- Well I don't know who or
why, but I aim to find out.

Get me the ointment, will you?

Champ, this ain't going
to bother you too much,

but you used good sense
coming to get doctored.

- You sure it's not bad, Uncle Sandy?

- The b*llet wound itself isn't too bad,

but the fact that anybody did it is.

You know, we've got
more than the lost river

to look for when we go out tomorrow.

- You bet!

[dramatic music]

- I sure hope those eye
exercises are going to help.

- Oh, I'm sure they will.

- Oh, by the way, Mrs. Hilliard,

the man who wants to buy the ranch?

- Yes?

- He said he'd like to talk to you

even if you don't want to sell right now.

- Well, I'd be glad to talk to him,

but I don't want to sell.

- I'll go fetch him.

- Oh, Mr. Baggit,

before you go, would
you hand me my glasses?

- Well sure, ma'am, where are they?

- Well, I thought I left
them right here on the table.

- No ma'am, I don't see them on the table.

- Oh, I'm always misplacing things,

but I could have been certain.

- Well I'm sure they'll turn up somewhere.

- Oh yes, of course.

I'll find them.

- I'll go get the man and bring him here.

- All right.

Oh, if something should happen to them!

[dramatic music]

[Champ whinnies]

- Hey Molson, he's found it!

[dramatic music]

[g*ns fire]

- You guys gone crazy?

- This fella came back and found the water

like I thought he would.

- All right then, Molson.

You stay here.

This time, sh**t to k*ll.

You come back to the ranch then, La Due.

[dramatic music]

[gentle instrumental music]

- Susan Hilliard, you stop being silly!

The world hasn't come to an end,

but it might almost as well.


Is that you, Mr. Baggit?

- No, it's me, Ricky!

Somebody shot Champ and we're looking for,

that will be all right.

Something wrong, Mrs. Hilliard?

- Oh, Ricky!

I'm a foolish old woman and
I'm going to sell the ranch.

- You are?

What made you change your mind?

- Well, I lost my glasses.

That seems like a ridiculous thing to say,

but it brought me to my senses.

You see Ricky, I'm almost blind.

- You are?

- It's because of my work.

The doctor said because
I was a dress maker,

I must live outdoors.

And when I inherited the
ranch, I thought it was

a wonderful chance, but
now I'm going to sell.

- You mean somebody
wants to buy this ranch?

- Mr. Baggit said he has a man.

- But if there's a chance
of getting your sight back?

- Oh, it's hopeless,

what with coyotes, and
outlaws, and drought.

And now this?

- You better talk to Uncle Sandy.

I'll find him.

[ominous music]

[dog barks]

[dramatic music]

- That's the North kid.

I wonder what he's up to.

- I don't know.

We'd better move fast.


You found your glasses, Mrs. Hilliard?

- Oh, Mr. Baggit.

No, no, I didn't.

- Well, they'll turn up somewhere.

This here is Joe La Due,
coming about buying the ranch.

- How do you do?

- Howdy, ma'am.

- Mr. Baggit, I've
decided to sell the ranch.

- You have?

Well then, the only question is,

you and Mr. La Due will have
to get together on the price.

Here, have a chair, La Due.

- Thank you.

[dog barks]

- Uncle Sandy!

Uncle Sandy!

[gentle music]

Uncle Sandy, you ought to go
up and talk to Mrs. Hilliard.

She's gonna sell her ranch,

but she's got trouble with her eyes

and she ought to keep it.

[g*n fires]

[Champ whinnies]


It's somebody sh**ting at him again!

[g*n fires]

- They're sh**ting from up there.

You go over and see if
you can't help Champ.

[dramatic music]

[g*n fires]

- Champ, you've got to get out of here.

They're sh**ting at you.

Now what's the matter with you?

Is there something in there?


You found it, Champ!

Uncle Sandy, Uncle Sandy!

Champ found water on
Mrs. Hilliard's ranch!

- So that's what this is all about.

- Well, it's a little more
than the place is worth,

but we might as well settle it now.

All I need is your signature
on this bill of sale, here.

- But I can't see to sign
anything without my glasses.

- Well, let me have another look for them.

Must be around here somewhere.

[ominous music]

Hey, here they are.

Must have been on the desk all the time.

- Oh, thank goodness for that, at least.

Oh, what a relief!

- Oh, you might as well sign it.

I read it over and there
are no catches in it.

Well, what's that?

- It's North!

He's got Molson with him.

He must have got wise!

- Well, stand them off.

I'll get this signed.
- What's the matter?

[g*ns fire]

- Whatever's going on in there,

I can't sh**t while she's in there.

- I know!

Rebel, go on!

[dog barks]

Go get 'em!

[dog snarls]
[dramatic music]

- All right, on your feet.

Both of you.

- It's hard to believe.

If I get paid all this
money for the water rights,

I'll be rich!

- Well, it's only a fair price.

- Well, if it hadn't
been for you and Ricky.

- Oh, shucks.

We didn't do it.

It was Champ!

[dog barks]

Well, I guess you helped
a little too, Rebel.

[orchestral music]

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashing across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion the wonder horse ♪