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02x61 - Father's Day

Posted: 03/09/24 16:24
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

It's another beautiful
Grundo day.

Gimmick and Grubby
both like the Hermit
as much as I do.

In fact, right now,
Grubby is teaching him
to make cookies.

The Hermit is one more puzzle
in our quest to solve the
mystery of the crystals.

I've known he was special
ever since he rescued me
from Leekee Lake.

No! No, no...

Easy, friend. All is well.

If we're ever going to discover
why the crystals were made

and who made them,

we've got to know more
about Quellor's black box.

The box contained
a strange crystal

that did unusual things.

It projected an image
of my mother and me

when I was just
a young Illiop.

But I guess by now
we should be used to surprises
from the crystals.

Gimmick thinks the crystal
stethoscope shows that the
Hermit had his memory erased,

and that's why
he doesn't know who he is
or where he came from.

Teddy? Teddy?

Huh? Oh, yes, Grubby?

Gimmick and I are gonna show
the Hermit around the valley.

Good idea.

Could you take the cookies
out of the oven for us?

They'll be done soon.

-Don't forget.

I won't.

Is the Hermit the same Illiop
who escaped from the Ying Zoo?

Did he carve those names--
my mother's and mine--

in the floor of that cage?

We've got to try to restore
the Hermit's memory.

Maybe he can answer
all these questions.


Whoa! Oh, no!
The cookies!

I forgot all about them.

[Tweeg clears his throat]

Where's my copy of
the "Grundo Gazette"?

You know, Tweez,
maybe if you paid for it

you'd get to read it
more often.

-[Louie laughs]

If you have to hold it
that close,

maybe you need glasses,
Twicks. [laughing]

-Very comical.
-Okay, so what's the news?


"L.B. and Tweeg wanted
dead or alive by M.A.V.O."

Hey, Tweet, they spelled
your name wrong.


Don't you understand,

M.A.V.O. Wants us dead!



We must be very careful, L.B.

Our every move must be
carefully considered.


Oof! Ugh!

How long did you
consider that move, Twank?


Quick, L.B.,
lock all the shades.

No, I mean
roll down the doors.

No, I mean get me down!



Oh! They'll send
assassins after me.

K*llers, maulers,

Not to mention bakers,

-and candlestick makers.

Some thug from M.A.V.O.
may be on his way here
at this very moment.

"L.B. and Tweeg wanted
dead or alive by M.A.V.O."

[gasps] Oh, my.

This is terrible.
It says here

that Quellor's evil minions

are searching the countryside

and won't rest
until they get Tweeg.

What's a minion?

Um, it's probably
like an onion.

Or maybe a million onions.


I'm looking for a dude
name of Tweeg.

Jack W. Tweeg.

Well, you don't have far to go.

Take this path out of the woods,

go across Gimmick's valley,
and you'll see Tweeg's tower.

-That's right.
-You can't miss it.

But be careful
of the evil onions.

Yeah, there's
millions of them.

Thanks, little dudes.

Uh-oh, I just
thought of something.


I hope those feet didn't
belong to a-- a minion!

Hmm, what do you think, L.B.?
Will anyone recognize me

Ask me again after
you shave your legs.

I'm serious.

All right, what if I
sounded like this?

And then danced around
like this?

Singing, "Oh, where, oh, where
have the little Fobs gone"?

[groans] I'd turn you in
to M.A.V.O. myself.

Oh! They're gonna get me
no matter what I do.

Why me?
Why is it always me?

Hey, hey. I got an idea.

Why don't you
make your own black box?


Say, I've got an idea.

Let me guess--
you're gonna make
your own black box.

-How did you know?
-Let's just say a little
bird-brain told me.

Bah! I'll show Quellor
that he's not dealing
with some ordinary idiot.

Yeah, there's nothing
ordinary about you, Tweel.

I'll build a black box
and take over M.A.V.O.

Ah, here's a box.

And here's some black paint.

-Now, what else do I need?
-A crystal?

That will be your job,
my little rotund run-amuck.

Quickly, go to Gimmick's house
and steal a crystal for me.

What, now?
But I got a date.

A date? With what?

That lovesick beach-ball, Buffy?

Of course I mean now,
you dodo.

Now, move it!

And don't stop to flirt
with that Bounder girlfriend
of yours.

I don't feel like snooping.

I don't feel like spying,

and I sure don't
feel like stealing.

I guess I must be in love.



Uh, I'm down here.

Oh, hello L.B.

Hiya, Teddy. If I asked,
would you lend me
a cup of flour?

-How about a couple
of copper coins?

Of course, L.B.

What about lending me
one of your crystals?

Well, I'm afraid
I can't do that.

Okay, bye.

But you're welcome to come
inside for milk and cookies.

The new batch
is almost ready.


No fooling?
You'd invite me in?

-I just did.
-You mean, through
the door and everything?

Sure, L.B. Come on in.

I'll get the cookies
from the oven.

I burned the first batch.

Great, my favorite flavor.

Charcoal chip.

I meant these cookies, L.B.

Uh, thanks. Maybe later,
when you finish cooking them.

So, uh, why do you
want a crystal?

Tweez is trying
to make a black box,

-just like the
one Quellor's got.

But it's okay if you don't
give me the crystal.

Tweez would just end up
zapping his mind,
just like the last time.

Tell me, how did Tweeg
ever get back to normal?

Simple, Quellor just turned
the crystal around in the box
and fired it at him.

-[door opens]

Wonderful life, isn't it?

Fresh air, exercise,

a Bounder in my house.

expansion, uh--

A Bounder in my house?!

Out, out, you horrid
little Bounder.


Head him off!

It's okay, hold on!

-Corner, uh, him!
-You're it!



Come back here.

He's over there.

This way! He's over here!

Wait! Stop!

Hey, uh, thanks
for having me over.

Let's do it again sometime, eh?

Teddy, you let him get away.

Yes, because I invited him in.


And he gave me the solution
to our problem.

Uh, what problem?

The seventh crystal

can be used
to restore memories.


If the Hermit
had his memory erased
by the black box, then...

Then the black box can be used
to bring his memory back.

don't you mean to say,

"The black container
can be utilized to restore

his internal, um,
cognitive retention"?

-[Grubby laughs]
-Oh! Why, yes. He he he he.

Do you think you could
make a black box, Gimmick?

Of course I can make one.

But whether it will work or not
is a different question.




Buffy, you really
make an impact on me.

L.B., you just floor me, too.

Buffy, my love,
I was wondering...

Yes, L.B.?



That's a lovely rhinestone
you're wearing.

Mind if I borrow it?

Certainly, sugar-face.

That's great. Thanks.

And, uh,
would you give me something?

Like what, honey-horn?

Like a ring with a diamond
the size of an F-O-B egg?

Well, it's like this,
my love, my sweet,

my little rust-colored
ball of affection.

-Ah-- Ah--
-No. No!



Whoa! Whoa!


Don't hurt me!
I give up!

Oh, L.B.,
don't be such a moron.

-We don't need
disguises anymore.

I've got the black box!
Ha ha ha!

-Did you get a crystal?
-Sure, boss.


Just let them
try to get me now!

I am Tweeg, the mighty
holder of the black box.


[male humming]

Ooh, that looks
like the place.

It's just about finished.

One final tweak and...

He he! There we have it.

One Newton Gimmick

in basic black.

All right, let's try it.

I don't know
if we ought to.

We're taking the word
of a Bounder

that this thing's
gonna work.

L.B. has helped me
before, Grubby.

I'd like to remember my life,

the way all of you
remember yours.

I say we give it a try.

Okay, it's your memory.

Well, here goes.

-Do you think it worked?
-I'm not, uh, sure yet.

Are you... all right?

Uh... y-y-yes.

It's all
coming back to me now.

What is?

I'd left Rillonia
on a trading expedition.

I remember waving goodbye

to my beautiful wife, Ilana,
and our baby son.

Ilana? And what was
your son's name?

My son's name... was Teddy.


-My son!

It is you!

You were
so small when I left.

Before you were born,
your mother and I

used to explore
the Rillonian wilderness,

gathering rare herbs
and spices.

Some were used for cooking
and some were for medicine.

Then after you were born,

your mother ran the business
from home,

while I continued our work
out in the field.

Well, how did you come to be
the Hermit of Leekee Lake?

I was, uh, I was traveling
in Northern Rillonia

when I decided to investigate
the land across the sea.


[wolves howling]


An Illiop, are you certain?

-Excellent, my pet.



[monsters shouting]


[evil laughter]

Don't play games with me.
Where are the crystals?

I've told you
a thousand times,

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm just a simple trader.

Well, if you really don't know
where the crystals are,

you're of no use to me.

Quellor used the black box
to erase my memory.

I guess no one
ever found out

what happened to me.

Well, what did happen to you?

I was sold to the Ying Zoo.

Well, after a time,
the Sorcerer took
the zoo on tour.

One of our first stops
was M.A.V.O. Headquarters.



Well, there my cage fell
and broke open, and I escaped.

Oh! Ow...


M.A.V.O. searched and searched,
but they never caught me.

I guess my instincts
as an explorer took over

and I survived.

Well, finally,
I settled on that island

out in the middle
of Leekee Lake.

I lived there
for ten long years

without knowing I had
a wife and son in Rillonia.

-It's certainly
a gripping tale.

I'm so happy
we're together again.

♪ Together again,
together again ♪

♪ We haven't been together
since I can't remember when ♪

♪ You're more than a pal,
you're more than a friend ♪

♪ You're my dad and I'm glad
we're together again ♪

♪ I really can't believe
how much you've grown up ♪

♪ You're certainly not
the baby that I knew ♪

♪ Things are so much better
since you've shown up ♪

♪ I want to spend all my time
just being with you ♪

Ah, shucks.

♪ Together again,
together again ♪

♪ We haven't been together
since I can't remember when ♪

♪ You're more than a pal,
you're more than a friend ♪

♪ I'm your dad and I'm glad
we're together again ♪

♪ I know we've got
a lot of time to make up ♪

♪ There's a lot of
catching up for us to do ♪

♪ I hope that each and every
day I wake up ♪

♪ I'm able to spend some time
just smiling at you ♪

I'd like that a lot.

♪ Together again,
together again ♪

♪ We haven't been together
since I can't remember when ♪

-♪ You're more than a pal ♪
-♪ You're more than a friend ♪

-♪ You're my dad ♪
-♪ I'm your dad ♪

-♪ And I'm glad ♪
-♪ I'm so glad ♪

♪ You're my dad and I'm glad
we're together again ♪

♪ Together again ♪


So, the assassin
knocks at my door.

Well, my black box will
turn his brain to oatmeal.

Bang, bang, bang!


Uh... Pow?

Hey, radical lunch pail
you got there, Tweegy.


Is that any way to greet
your long-lost daddy?

You're not an assassin?

You're my... father?

Hey, hey. Like, right on.

But after all these years,
why did you come looking for me?

I can't give you a loan.
Mummy has all the money
in the family.

Son, like, I made this trek

for a totally awesome
reason, you know?

I'm getting on in years,
and I won't be able to

hang ten
for much longer.

Like, I want you to carry on
the family tradition

of gnarly surfers.

What do you say, huh?

Give up this life of crime

and ride
the radical pipeline

with your Old Man.

But I'm a great villain.
Why would I want to hang ten?

Yeah, knowing Tweeg,
he couldn't hang one.

For once,
you're right, L.B.

You see, I'm wanted,

dead or alive.

Now why would the boss
want to go off

to some beautiful beach
and surf every day?

Just look at all
these wonderful things

Quellor wants to do with him
when he's caught.

Go ahead, read it
nice and loud, L.B.

And I quote:

"Tweeg will be dangled over
a pit of frenzied Mudblups."

Uh-- What?!

"And then thrown off
the highest tower

into the jaws of a giant
Drool Beast."

Uh, Quellor never
mentioned that before.

Usually it's just a simple,
tasteful dungeon.

"And finally,

forced to spend
an entire day

locked up
in a room with...

the M.A.V.O dues

No, no, not that! Oh!

Come to think of it, Pop,

I could use a vacation.
There, surf's up. Like, radical.

Uh, pack the bags.
We leave tomorrow.

L.B.: Yeah, Tweez.
Uh, radical?

Mother and I
missed you so much.

We never knew what happened.

Gone for ten whole years.

I just hope your mother
will forgive me.

Oh, she will.

She always said that something
bad must have happened to you.

She knew you wouldn't
have just left us.

At first light tomorrow,

let's go home.


[theme music playing]