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02x60 - M.A.V.O. Costume Ball

Posted: 03/09/24 16:24
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

I've gotta get back
to the airship.

I hope nothing's happened
to Gimmick, Grubby, and Wooly.

Hey, look, it's Teddy.

Am I glad to see you.

Did you hear that?
He's glad to see us.

Well, we're not glad
to see him.

No way. This Illiop
is making me sick.

Yeah, us too!

What's the matter
with you Fobs?

Nothing. Tell us, Teddy,
does your face hurt?

No, why?

'Cause it's k*lling us.


That's a good one.

Uh-oh. That has to be
the effect of the crystals.

when they're in
M.A.V.O.'s evil hands.

And if it can make Fobs mean,

what'll happen
to everyone else?

By adjusting the inclination,

I can reduce
the drag coefficient.

Only my genius
could conceive of such
airship technology.

Uh, I think Gimmick
is using them long words

just to confuse me.

No, he's not, Wooly.

It's just that you're
kinda stupid.

Why does everybody
make fun of me?

Probably because
it's so easy. [laughs]


You rang, oh,
Supreme Tongue Depressor?


What's wrong with you guys?

As a matter of fact,

we've never felt worse.

hey, can we throw someone
in the dungeon for you?

Nah, I just had the floors
washed, and they're still
covered with newspapers.

Gee, everyone around here
is in a rotten mood.

Yeah, ain't it great?

I got an idea.

We'll have a costume party

and celebrate the spread
of evil across the land.

I hope that teaches
you a lesson,

you miserable excuse
for a monster.

And I got just the right guy
to deliver the invitation.


Enough with the fun.

Tweegy, we're having
a costume ball,

and I pick you for an
extra-special assignment.

Oh, goodie.
You want me to chair
the refreshments committee.

No, something even
more important.

Oh, you want me to be
assistant Supreme Oppressor?

Nope. Even better.

Oh, ooh, I can't believe it!

You want me to-- to-- to--

deliver the invitations.

Me with my supreme brain
and intellect.

And what
do they want me to do?

Be a lowly messenger.

This is so humiliating.

I just hope no one sees me.

Hmm. Now, what would be
in that bag?

Dweezle, my pet, steal
one of those envelopes.


What if he catches you?
He won't even see you.

This is Tweeg
we're talking about.


Oh, they can't
do this to me.

I'll show them.
I'll show them all.


Well done, my pet.
Well done.

Hmm. What's this?

They're having
a costume party, are they?

This will be a perfect chance
for me to regain control
of M.A.V.O.


Gosh, am I glad to see you.

I couldn't find
the Hermit,
and what's worse--

Certainly took your
sweet time getting here.

Pretty inconsiderate,
I'd say.

Gee, I'm sorry, fellas,

but I was captured
by M.A.V.O.,

and they took
the crystals
away from me.

what should we do?

Do? Eh, well,
I'm doing the best I can.

You can't rush a genius,
you know.

Now, let's see.
If I incline the degree of
rotation a bit to the right...

No, no, Gimmick. I mean,
can't we do something about
getting the crystals back?

Will one of you morons
please give me a hand?

I may be the brains,
but I still need some brawn.

Hey, who are you callin'
a moron, chrome dome?

He's calling you a moron,
caterpillar pork.

Stop this. Stop!

It's the crystals that
are making you argue.

What we need is a plan
to rescue the Hermit.

And get the crystals
back from M.A.V.O.

I'm sorry, Grubby.

I shouldn't have
called you a moron.

I should have said,

you can't talk about
my friend like that.

What do you mean, "friend"?

Please, all of you,
listen to me.

Oh, shut up, Teddy!

Mmm, doesn't this goulash
smell divine?

Smells more like
swamp scum to me.

I can hardly wait till L.B.
uses the memory eraser on you.

Then you'll be off
to the Ying Zoo!

And I'll
have my kitchen back.

Hmm, too much mushroom mulch.

Oh, delivering an invitation
to my own mummy.

Oh, how embarrassing.

I'll just leave it here
on the doorstep.

Oh, er, uh, hi, Mummy.
What's new?

What do you want,
you sniveling little ingrate?

Oh, well, at least
you're in a good mood.

What's this?

An invitation
to the M.A.V.O.
costume ball.

This'll be fun.

I wonder what I should wear.

Oh, how about something
that shows off the real you?

Like a muzzle and a leash.


Just for that, you can forget
about a Mother's Day present
this year.

The M.A.V.O. costume ball.

I'll bet there'll be a lot
of eligible monsters there.

I can leave you
in Sparky's capable paws.

-Yes, you.

Take good care of him,

and remember,
don't eat the goulash!

I'm saving it
for a special occasion.

What? Garbage day?

Don't be cute.

You know the Mudblup King
simply loves my goulash.

Now be quiet and let me think.

Now, how should I dress?

Perhaps I could go
as a Grunge.

No, no,
that would remind me
of Tweeg's father.

This is supposed to be
a fun occasion.

I need something original.

Something clever.

Ah-ha! That's it.

I'll go as an Illiop.

I'll be the hit
of the party!


And Teddy says that if
you don't help us,

Grundo's not never
gonna be free from evil.

Don't use a double
negative, Wooly.


What you should say is,
"Grundo will never be free."

Okay, Ms. Leota,
if you say so.

But you gotta help.
Teddy needs you.

That's "you've got to" help,

You must enunciate.

And also
you didn't say "please."

Oh, why don't you pick on
someone your own size?

Oh, I'm sorry, Wooly.

I'm just upset because
all our trees are dying.

And I don't know why.

I'm expecting a delegation
of Woodsprites.

Oh, here they are now.

It's probably his fault.

His big feet are probably
crushing the tree roots.

You're wrong.
It's your fault.

You haven't been
pruning properly.

-You're crazy.
-Please, Woodsprites.

We've arranged this meeting
to try and save our trees.

Teddy says he knows
why the trees are dying

and how to make 'em
better again.

Oh, well, then we better
go talk to Teddy.

I suppose these will do,

but I still think
we should have flown
back to my workshop

and made some good ones.

we didn't have time,

if you want a rush job,

you have to suffer
the consequences.

These will be fine.
Thank you.

We're finished, Grubby.

No thanks to you.

Yeah, well,
my mother told me

never to work
on a full stomach.

And of course you always
listen to your mother.

Can we please take off
now to meet Wooly
and the Woodsprites?

-All right.
-Stop rushing us.

-Yeah, we're coming.
-Don't be so pushy.

Teddy: [sighs]
This plan had better work

before the effect of the
crystals does some real harm.

I'm not sure
I can make everyone
work together much longer.

[creature howls]

Your invitation, please.

Here it is.
Is the food gonna be good?

Oh, yes,
especially the rolls.


I'm having such
a wonderfully awful time.

Lovely evening, isn't it,
Ms. Understander?

lots of nasty lightning.

look through this telescope.
You may see some.

I don't see anything,
you nitwit.

Well, try to keep
an eye out for it.


-Oh, hello, Mummy.

So good to see you.


Oh, Tweegy,
I'm so proud of you.

You're turning into
a perfect creep.

Look at all these guys
dressed up like Bounders.

And it's all
in your honor.

My hero.

You just sit tight,
my boundin' beauty.

I got a surprise for you.

Psst. [whispers]

And now,
ladies and gentle monsters,

that ever popular
Bounder ballad

"Your Rotten Heart,
Your Ugly Face."

Hit it, boys.

♪ Like nails
on a chalkboard ♪

♪ Like a stone in my shoe ♪

♪ You're a continual pain ♪

♪ And that's why I love you ♪

♪ Your rotten heart,
your ugly face ♪

♪ Your missin' teeth,
I can't replace ♪

♪ These things
make my heart beat quick ♪

♪ You're the reason
that I feel sick ♪

♪ Oh, you're the worm
in my apple ♪

♪ My snake in the grass ♪

♪ You've got a voice
that shatters glass ♪

♪ Your rotten heart,
your ugly face ♪

♪ Your missin' teeth,
I can't replace ♪

♪ And lovin' you's
a bitter pill ♪

♪ You're the reason
that I feel ill ♪

♪ I give you my word
this is true ♪

♪ And that's why I love ♪

♪ You ♪

Oh, Buffy.

It's not fair.

Everybody gets to go
to the ball but me.

-Ouch! I'm bored.

I'm going
to the M.A.V.O. ball,
and you can guard yourself.

I'm as bad as anybody else.

And this will prove it.

And don't
touch that goulash.

If I can just
reach that cleaver...


Now to get back
to M.A.V.O. Headquarters

and try to rescue
young Ruxpin.

We certainly
got here quickly.

You can thank my brilliant
reduced drag coefficient
for that.

The only drag
around here is you.

Please help me
with the window shades.

I still don't see
what a bunch of stupid
window shades is gonna do.

This way, when we get
the crystals back,

no one will notice
it's gotten lighter outside.

[grunts] I wish these shades
were lighter.

They must weigh a ton.

That's only half
of what you weigh,
my tubby Grubby.

If you can't stop arguing,
at least do it quietly.

They'll hear us.

look at all that food.

[Grubby grunts]

Grubby, no! Gimmick,
help get Grubby out.

He got himself
into this mess.

Let him get himself out.


Oh, Wooly,
thank goodness
you're here.

Help me pull Grubby out.

I always get stuck
doing everything.



why did you pull me out?

I almost made it
to the food.

You can eat later.

First let's finish putting up
the rest of the window shades.

Wooly, you and the Woodsprites
can do the upper windows

that we can't reach.

Hmph. Nobody ever talks
to me unless they want me
to do something.

I'm tired of doing
all the dirty work.

We came here
to save our trees.

do not do windows.

It looks like we'll have
to finish the job ourselves.

-Oh, great.
-Oh, jeez. Oh, boy.

-It's your fault.
-Ah, it's your fault, you.

Well, I don't see why
we bothered putting up
all these shades.

With the Woodsprites gone,

your crude plan
is extremely inoperable.

Well, I have a new plan.

I'm going inside.

Inside? Mmm!
Gee, Teddy, I'll help.

Help yourself to the food
is what you mean.

Both of you please wait here,

and try not to get
into any trouble.

Halt, Illiop!

Ha ha.
Fooled you, didn't I?

This sure is a great Illiop
costume, isn't it?

It sure is.
I fell for it completely.

And the best part is
it was on sale.

Hi, my name
is Teddy Ruxpin.

Can you and I be friends?

-Hey, it's the Illiop.
-Come on, get him.

Uh, get him what?

-Beat him up.
-Yeah, throw him
in the dungeon.

Yeah, hang him up
by his ears.

[all shouting]

[blows raspberry]

I've got the crystal.

Now I hope Leota
and the Woodsprites
do their part.

I feel suddenly rejuvenated.

I know what you mean,

All of a sudden,
I feel better.

you guys, aren't we supposed
to be doing something?

Indeed. You're right.

through the windows.

And we must make
a great deal of noise.

Oh, watch where
you're flying.

We've got to go back
and get those crystals.

Follow me.

[all shouting]

I've captured him.


This is no Illiop.

This wasn't Ruxpin.

It was Eleanor all along.

What a prankster.

Darkness is still upon us.

The storm rages.

The crystals are safe.

All right, hit it, boys.

[playing waltz]

Quickly, we mustn't be seen.

The crystals
are in the stone ring.

Good work,

I suggest that we depart

without undue procrastination.

We better leave
quickly too.

No, wait. It's the Hermit.

I'll head him off
before he gets to M.A.V.O.

Now to show
these double crossers

who's the real boss
around here.


What a great impression
of Quellor.

As Supreme Oppressor
of this here dump,

I award you first place
for the funniest costume,

whoever you are.

And I award you first place.

In line for the dungeon.

[all gasp]

It's Quellor.

And he's got the black box!

Eh, heh heh...
well, it's been fun,

but, uh,
I gotta be going.

[shouts, grunts]

-Ah, it's so bright!

The crystals!

Where are the crystals?

This is what happens
when you work with amateurs.


Funny, you rescuing me.
I was about to rescue you.

I was afraid M.A.V.O.
had you locked up
in the dungeons.

It was very brave of you
to risk your life
to rescue me.

It's easy to be brave
when you care about someone.

I just hope it's easy
to lose weight.


[theme music playing]