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02x57 - Thin Ice

Posted: 03/09/24 16:22
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream with me
tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[wind whistling]

You'd be fools to go out
in this weather.

Of course, that doesn't
always stop people.

Um, have some tea, boys.

Thank you.

We're lucky that you rescued
us from the snow storm.

Yeah, I was almost
a Bounder popsicle.

Even when the snow stops,

it's going to be mighty hard
getting anywhere.

You don't intend to wait here
until spring thaw, I hope?

-Just asking.

It will be tough to get
through the snow drifts.

How do you get around?

I don't.

Sensible people
stay indoors.

We use snow shoes, Teddy.

Snow shoes? Aren't they
kind of cold on the feet?


These are snow shoes.

With these on,
you don't sink into the snow.

I think L.B. and I will need
something a bit larger.

Oh, Zeb can show you
how to make them.

As if I've got nothing
better to do

then make giant snow shoes
for every Tom, d*ck, and Bounder

who stumbles in
out of a blizzard.


This is too small.

What can I use for giant
critters like you two?

L.B., say "ah."


Now, just hold her there, L.B.

First you need to make a frame.

All set, L.B.?

You bet.

Hey, these things are great.


Of course, they take a little
getting used to.

Thanks for everything.

Oh, take care.

Come back soon.

But not too soon.

[door closes]

Be careful, L.B.
Don't go walking
on anymore thin ice.

Don't worry,
I have had it with ice.

I'm heading back to Tweeg's.
I might even be glad to see him.


Uh, good luck
finding your hermit.

Why, thank you, L.B.

Let go of me!
Hands off, I say!


Rule 4, paragraph 2,
section 6.

No shoving
the Keeper of the Gate.

You won't be
the Keeper of the Gate

unless you admit
that I am the new boss
around here.

I obey whoever
owns the black box.

Do you have the black box?

No, but I am
the Supreme Oppressor,

box or no box!

No box, no obedience!

Then you can rot with Quellor!

Throw him in the dungeon!


Hmm. I better check
the want ads.

I'll need a new gatekeeper.

How dare that old hag
imprison me?

Wait until Ickley
hears of this.

He'll get me out.


Rule 9, section 10--


You'll never get out!

what are you doing here?

I refused to obey
The Understander,

Your Vileness.

I give you
my undivided loyalty.

I'd rather you gave me
the key to the cell.

Oh, right.

The world
doesn't deserve someone

as magnificent as I.

But it's stuck with me.

Come on, you, it's time for
your swearing-in ceremony.

I want to look
absolutely stunning.

You better just settle
for less-repulsive.


It was you,

along with Tweeg and L.B.,

who first brought us
news of the crystals

and the Illiop Ruxpin.

For your loyal service
to M.A.V.O.,

I appoint you the new
Understander of Legends.

Thank you,
Supreme Oppressor.

It's nice to finally
get the recognition

I so richly deserve.


[coughing, choking]

And now, to work.

Our first job
is to capture Ruxpin.

My troops are scouring
the countryside as we speak.

But they've had no luck.

What shall we try next?

Ruin him! Smash him!

Destroy all of Grundo,
if necessary.

Say, I like
your go-getter attitude.

Send out the Eclipse.

It should be easy
to spot him from the air.

I've never seen
tracks like that before.

Soldier #2:
Whatever made them is big.
Real big.

They disappear
around that bend.

Follow me, monsters,
on the double.


That's mighty strange.

What sort of creature
suddenly leaves
no tracks?

Nothing I know of.

Well, I guess
that's what it was,

a Nothing.

I know a perfect candidate
for Keeper of the Gate.

He's not too bright,
but he takes orders

if you explain them seven
or eight times... slowly.

Who is this bubble-brain
you speak of?

My baby, Tweegy.

Oh... him.

Well, he's better
than nothing, I suppose.


Well, Maggotheart,

congratulations on becoming
the new commander

of the Eclipse.

Oh, you're too kind.

Mmm. I'll have to watch that.

Spread these around
while you're out.


your assignment is to find
the Illiop Teddy Ruxpin

and bring back the crystals.

[whispering, laughing]

And while you're
out and about,

tell Tweeg he's the new
Keeper of the Gate.


Aye, aye, Supreme Oppressor.

You heard your orders.

I expect total
and complete obedience.

The first monster
to step out of line

will have to deal with me!

It's so nice to have the girls
in charge for a change.

I'll need something to test
the thickness of the ice.

Mr. Hermit?

Mr. Hermit?

I guess he's not here.

"Wanted alive by M.A.V.O.,

Teddy Ruxpin.

Here he comes.
Is everybody ready?


-I can't wait!
-Let's get him.

I'm ready.

-Monsters: Charge!

Get him!

[monsters shouting]



Oh, no!



It's all over now,

Why don't you just
give up... quiet-like?

I hope this works.

Grab him!
Don't let him escape.


Better this than capture.


Chilly weather for a swim.

M-M-M-Mister Hermit!

I-I've... been looking
all over for you.

You and everyone else.
This place is crawling
with M.A.V.O. agents.

Say, how do I know
you're not working with them?

Well, this is
a M.A.V.O. wanted poster.

They're after me, too.

Well, in that case,
come on, you need to dry off.

Why would M.A.V.O.
be after you?

Well, they've been
after me for years.

Question is,
why were you looking for me?

Well, I wanted to give you
this winter gift.

But I'm afraid
it's a bit soggy now.

Well, thank you.

Come on,
we'd better get you warm.

Teddy, uh, Ruxpin?

Eh, Teddy Ruxpin?

Ruxpin, R--
Eh, do we know anyone
named, eh, Teddy Ruxpin?

Nope, and even
if we did know Teddy,

we wouldn't
tell you where he was.

That's right.

Even if such a person
did exist.

Ooh, I urge you two
to cooperate.

The new Supreme Oppressor

is not as easy-going
as Quellor was.

We already told you,
we don't know where he is.

[laughing] Oh!

Then I'll just have to
bill you for not knowing.

And this bill will cover
the house arrest

I've just
placed you under.

House, uh, arrest?

Oh, yes!

Oh, and if you attempt to leave,
there will be an extra charge.

I'm scared, Gimmick.

I hope Teddy's okay.

So do I, Grubby,
so do I.

I think it will be safer for
both of us at Gimmick's house.

Well, I don't know.

I haven't been around
anyone for so long.

Oh, it'll be all right.

Do you have snow shoes?

No, but I have skis.
They're a whole lot faster,

and we might be
in a bit of a hurry.

I suspect you might be right.

There are the monsters.

I hope we can make it to the
woods before they notice us.

Well, let's do it, lad.
Quietly now.

I never knew and Illiop could
hold its breath this long.

Well, I hear they're
pretty talented.

Now, that's talent.

He's over there,
and there's two of him!

[all exclaiming]

Don't let him escape.




Ah, Mr. Tweeg.

There you are.


Hmm. What for?

Oh, you see,
Quellor is in the dungeon,

the Understander is now
the Supreme Oppressor,

your mother
is the Understander,

I am the commander,

and you are the new
Keeper of the Gate.

I am?

Oh! That's right.

Now, report
to the Supreme Oppressor,

who's actually now
the Understander...


And here's your bill.

-What's this for?
-Poster rental, of course.

Oh! I must say,

it does do wonders
for that door of yours.


A thousand pieces of gold?

For one icky little Illiop?

I don't believe this!

What a marvelous day.

I'm Keeper of the Gate,
and I'm going to be rich, too.

One Illiop, coming up.


Are they still after us?

They certainly are.

We've got them now.

I can almost feel that Illiop
squirming in my hands.

Look out!


That was a close call.



-No, right.

-No, left.
-Oh, wait. I don't know!





Confound those Bounders!

How can they go on strike
when they never do anything?

And how am I supposed
to find Teddy Root-bin

in all this snow?

Ah, someone's coming.

Maybe it's that Teddy Rucksack.

Well, I'd better hide.



Hiya, Tweep, it's a real
drag seeing you again.


That's it, just ahead.

Hello? Zeb? Maple?

It's Teddy Ruxpin.


Oh, why, Teddy.
It's good to see you.

Where's your dang
fool friend going?

What--Wait, Mr. Hermit!

Come back!

It's safe here.

Who was that, Teddy?

Why did he run away?

that's the Hermit
of Leekee Lake.

He's easily frightened.

Fine friend
to run away like that.

Good riddance to him,
I say.

Come and warm yourself.

Oh, you're worried
about him, aren't you?

Yes, he's so lonely.

Besides, there's something...

-really special about him.
-[knocking on door]

My name's Zeb.
This here is Maple.

Welcome to our home.

Thank you.
I'm-- I'm sorry
if I was unfriendly.

I'm just used
to being alone,

as long as I can remember.


Now, is there anything else

we can get you
before we go to bed?

Nothing, thank you, Maple.
You're very kind.

-Goodnight, Zeb.

Yeah, yeah.

Thank you both,
and have a very
good night.

♪ I know you're getting tired ♪

♪ You know I'm tired too ♪

♪ So snuggle up
and close your eyes ♪

♪ Let's sleep
the whole night through ♪

♪ The world
is slowing down now ♪

♪ We've had a lovely day ♪

♪ And now we're getting sleepy ♪

♪ Let's dream the night away ♪

♪ Will you go to sleep
before I do? ♪

♪ Will you close your eyes
real tight? ♪

♪ Will you go to sleep
before I do? ♪

♪ And snuggle
all through the night? ♪

♪ It's really cozy next to you ♪

♪ On that I can depend ♪

♪ You really take
good care of me ♪

Teddy and The Hermit:
♪ I'm glad to be your friend ♪

♪ Tomorrow will be soon enough ♪

♪ To run and jump and play ♪

Teddy and The Hermit:
♪ And now we're getting sleepy ♪

♪ Let's dream the night away ♪

♪ Will you go to sleep
before I do? ♪

♪ Will you close your eyes
real tight? ♪

♪ Will you go to sleep
before I do? ♪

♪ And snuggle ♪

♪ All through the night? ♪

How-- How did you
know that song?

I-- I don't know.

My father made up that song.

He sang it to me
when I was little.

[theme music playing]