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02x53 - Harvest Feast

Posted: 03/09/24 16:20
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Good friends,
my sister and I are pleased

that you will stay
for the Harvest Feast.

We're all looking
forward to it, Arin.

And thanks
for inviting us.

Alas, we are unable
to offer an abundance
of food this season.

This cursed drought,
you understand.

You mean
there's nothing to eat?

Don't worry, Grubby.

That single peanut
you gave to us

has saved our kingdom
from starvation.

Wow. You must have cut it up
into some pretty small portions.

No, no.

She means it's the only
crop that's done well
despite the drought.

Gimmick: Hmm.
Most puzzling indeed.

What's puzzling, Gimmick?

According to my calculations,

Grundo has received 7 1/2%
more precipitation

than in the previous annum.

-He means it rained a lot.

You know that's true.

We've had to cancel
more than one royal picnic
because of rain.

But the fact remains
the streams that water
our kingdom's fields

have been reduced
to mere trickles.

But if there's been
lots of rain,

why's there no water?

I don't know.

It's almost as though someone
were, uh, stealing it.

[all chattering]


What? Who? Oh!



Now, what was it I was
supposed to do again?

Eh, oh.

Oh, maybe if I think about
where I've been,

I'll remember where
I'm supposed to go.

Now, let me see...

Who's crashing into my tree?

I'm very sorry.

I was sorting through these
invitations to King Nogburt's
Harvest Feast.

Oh. Well, you should
be more careful.

Let me help you.

Stay still, I say.

Oh, why, this one's for me.

I should get ready right away.

Uh, before you go,

can you tell me where
I might find, uh,

find, uh...

Oh, yeah,
this Fuzzy Who's-It fella.

No one by that name
lives around here.

Oh, that's too bad.

Well, I--I must be off.

Oh, boy.




I think that's everyone.

But I do wish I could have
found that Furry... Fuzz--

What's-It fella.

[jabbers] Nobody's home.

I'll just leave
this invitation

to my Wooly What's-It Feast.

Ooh, sorry.

Where is everybody?

I guess they'll all
get my invitation.

Ooh, I'd better head home
and start cooking.


Stop here, L.B.

I'm gonna make a fortune.

Look at these poor saps.

They haven't seen water
since, uh... since...

Since the last time
I saw a paycheck?

Yes! Ha ha!

I mean, uh, no.
I mean, shut up, L.B.

You'll get paid when I get paid.

Do you mind if I don't
hold my breath?

Tweeg: This new rain-making
machine can't miss.

You know the plan, L.B.
Get to work.

Illipers and Perloons,

Grundonians and Nogburtnicks,

I bring you what you've
been waiting for.

I bring you... rain!

Ha ha!

This machine is guaranteed
to make it rain.

No fuss, no muss.

And no refunds.

So make it rain already.

Okay, okay.

Hold your coffers
for crying out loud.

[people chattering]

I need absolute quiet.

I must concentrate!

Okay, here it comes.

Ready? One, two...

[crowd gasps]


-It works! It works!


King Nogburt:
A wondrous machine.

It travels beneath the water,
you say.

Yes, King Nogburt.

Or you can walk underwater
with this.

It's truly a marvel
of the modern world.

Uh, perhaps Your Majesty

would like to take a little,
uh, uh, spin.

Aruzia: Yes, Father.
Why don't you go for a ride?

Hmm. Why not?

After all,
I am the king.

Uh, good luck, uh, Newton.

Uh, toodle-oo, Eunice.

Gimmick: Heavens to Grundo.

It's very dark down here.

King Nogburt:
Yes, it's quite a muddy moat.

Tell me, what happens
if I pull this lever?

Gimmick: Oh, dear!

King Nogburt:
And how about this one?

Gimmick: Whoa!

I had no idea
the moat was so large.

Uh, I don't think it is.

According to my calculations,

we're not in the moat anymore.

Ah. Then where are we?

I haven't the foggiest notion.

I wonder
what happened to 'em?

They should have
been back by now.

They have been under
for quite a while.

Don't worry.
I'll just go have a look.

I wonder where they are.

Wait. What's that over there?

A tunnel.

Can we help you?

Oh. Have you seen anyone
pass this way?

Only a big, ugly
fish monster.

Two creatures
were inside it.

It must have eaten them.

Then it went
into this tunnel.

Well, that must have been
the sub-water boat.

You mean they're lost
in some underwater tunnel?

It looks like it.

I would have
gone in to search,

but my air hose
isn't long enough.

Oh, no. Um, uh...

Newton is, uh, lost.

Oh, we must find them.

This will be a sad
Harvest Feast if we fail.

We shall not fail.
Listen, I have a plan.

There are many hollow reeds
growing in the moat.

Gather as many as you can
and bring them here.

Grubby, mix up a batch
of your famous root stew.

It will make a good seal
on the reeds.

Teddy, once the reeds
have been attached,

you will have an air hose
that can reach

to the ends of Grundo.

So you see, I can't do it
without your help.

But what about
the fish monster?

It wasn't a monster at all.

It was my friends
in the sub-water boat.

Please help me find them.

Well, all right.

I'm afraid we're
hopelessly lost,
Your Majesty.

Dear me. I wonder where
all these tunnels came from.

I don't know.

It seems like
an ancient plumbing system.

But of course
that's impossible.

Oh, I shall be sorry
never to see my family again.

I'm afraid I have been
a failure as a king.

Would that I had left a better,
richer kingdom for my subjects.

Don't say that,
Your Majesty.

You're a fine ruler.

And you have such
wonderful subjects.

Like, uh, Eunice.

Whom I shall

never see... again.

-So we're doomed.
-I'm afraid so.

I expect we'll float
around forever.

My, my. My, my, my.

King Nogburt:
I'm truly astounded.

This chamber is larger than
the banquet hall at the castle.

[door thuds]

Company, halt.

All right, hurry up
and shut those sluice gates.

We don't want a single drop
of water getting through.

Yeah, that way
Nogburt's Kingdom

will shrivel up and die
like an old weed.


And when King Nogburt's
Kingdom is weak enough,

we attack.

I must save my kingdom.

but you won't do it

by chasing
a bunch of Gutangs.

Most interesting.

A crystal lock.

The oxygen crystal
in the sub-water boat
might open it.

I'll fetch it right away.

Hmm. This lock seems
to control the main valve.

If we could open that,
we could open the sluice gate.

Don't you agree, King Nog...


What do you think
you're doing?

Found another one
over here.

[Wooly Jabbers]
Ooh, that's good.

I hope everyone starts
showing up soon, though.

I wonder where
everybody could be.

They got nowhere else to go.


There they are.

Thank you.
I'll take it from here.

Hey, who goes there?

Aah! It's a tunnel monster!

Run for your lives!

Teddy, thank goodness
you found us, my boy.

There is still a chance
to save my kingdom.

-How, Your Majesty?
-With this.

You found the crystal.

What will that do,

It will open the main valve
of the aqueduct.

The kingdom will now have
all the water it needs.

Please, hurry.
Before the Gutangs return.

Gimmick: It's, uh, working.

Uh, hadn't we better run?

-Oh, no.

What's that sound?

It's most strange.

you're all right.

Uh, yes, I am, Eunice,
but where's Teddy?

Right over there.


He's coming around.


Teddy, say something.

Grubby. Gimmick.

Is everything all right?

Everything is just fine.

Better than fine.

It's a grand occasion.

The rebirth of our kingdom

and the return
of life-giving water.

Hey, this is fun,

but I keep
missing Twiz.

Step right up and buy
one of these rain-making
beauties yourself.

Guaranteed to leave you
wetter than a Surf Grunge.

Don't crowd.
There's plenty for everyone.

Hey, look, the fountain.

Forget the rainmaker!

Wait a minute.
Come back, you bumpkins.

We had a deal.

I still got a whole
bucket of water here.

What am I gonna do with it?

Twank always told me
never to be greedy.

Let's give it
back to him.

You'll be sorry.

[Bounders laugh]

I guess Tweep
is all washed up.


Seymour: Leota, gosh,
how are they gonna feed
all these guests?

That's never been a problem
with me, Seymour.

I eat like a bird.

What are you all doing here?

This is the King's
private property.

Who invited you?

Uh, you did,
Mr. Old Beanly.

I did? Oh!

Well, in that case,
have a good time.

My loyal subjects,

welcome to our most happy
Harvest Feast.

Happier still because those
who have saved the kingdom
from drought are with us.

All: Hooray!

This year we were grateful
to have peanuts to eat,

but thanks
to our friends here,

next year will be bountiful
beyond our dreams.

Isn't someone missing?

-What do you mean, Gimmick?
-I don't see Wooly.

Maybe he wasn't invited.

Of course he was.
Everyone was invited.

Beanly, you did invite
the Wooly What's-It, didn't you?

The Wooly What's-It!
So that's his name.

Oh, dear.
We can't have the feast

without dear, kind Wooly.

The rest of you,
prepare the feast.

Gimmick, Grubby, and I
will fetch Wooly.

-May I come along?
-Well, of course, Princess.

Eunice, would you like
a ride in the airship, too?

Why, Newton,
I thought you'd never ask.

Grubby: Gosh, I'll bet poor
Wooly must feel left out.

I wish there was some way
of getting to Wooly's house
a bit faster.

I believe there is.

Using the old airbag
as a sail

will give us
extra wind power.

[Wooly jabbers]

Gee, nobody came to my feast.


-[door opens]
-Hello, Wooly!

Ugh! Princess Aruzia!

Gimmick, Grubby, Teddy!

Wooly! Boy,
it's sure great to see...

all this food.

I'm afraid Mr. Old Beanly
forgot to invite you

to King Nogburt's
Harvest Feast.

[jabbers] But I gave you
invitations to my feast.

Oh, I'm afraid we haven't
been home to receive them.

Oh, uh, well,

what am I gonna do
with all this food?

We can bring it
to the feast.

[Gimmick laughs]
With our new, enlarged airbag,

we can carry
The Wooly What's-It.

How do you like your first ride
on the airship, Wooly?

Ooh, this sure is fun.


This is the happiest
of Harvest Feasts.

The royal chefs have
outdone themselves.

Yes, such a spirited company.

Dear friends, we are grateful
for the vegetables you brought
us from your gardens,

but, please-- Never mind.

If I may, there's
something I'd like to say.

My dear friends,
I'd like to make a toast

for all the things
we love the most.

♪ Thanks for the world ♪

♪ And thanks for the stars ♪

♪ Thanks for this lovely
land that is ours ♪

Queen: ♪ Thanks for the water ♪

♪ And thanks for the food ♪

All: ♪ For all of these things ♪

♪ We show our gratitude ♪

♪ Thanks for the birds ♪

♪ And thanks for the bees ♪

♪ Thanks for the air ♪

♪ And thanks for the breeze ♪

♪ Thanks for the plants ♪

♪ And thanks for the roots ♪

All: ♪ For all of these things ♪

♪ We show our gratitude ♪

♪ I'm thankful for
the friends we've made ♪

♪ Throughout this land
as we've explored ♪

♪ And without all
the things we mentioned ♪

♪ We'd be hungry
and bored ♪


♪ Thanks for the world ♪

♪ And thanks for the stars ♪

♪ Thanks for this lovely
land that is ours ♪

♪ Thanks for the water ♪

♪ Thanks for the food ♪

All: ♪ For all of these things ♪

♪ We show our gratitude ♪

♪ Thanks for the sun ♪

♪ Which shines on our crops ♪

♪ Thank you for Octopedes ♪

♪ And Illiops ♪

♪ And thanks or the stuff
we forgot to include ♪

All: ♪ For all of these things ♪

♪ We show our gratitude ♪

Teddy: ♪ For all these things ♪

♪ We show our gratitude ♪

[theme music playing]