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02x49 - The Great Grundo Ground Race

Posted: 03/09/24 16:17
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Louie on microphone:
Welcome back, sports fans,

to another exciting day of
competition of Wizard Week.

This is your announcer Louie
bringing you

the play by play of
The Great Grundo Ground Race.

Oh, man, like,
this could be a close one.

Like, you know,
I'm betting on Teddy.



L.B.: "Villain on board."

More like "Bored Villain."

I hope you know
how much this race means to me,

you sniveling beach ball.

No, but I'm sure
you'll tell me.

I've never challenged
Mommy before.

I'm afraid it might upset her.

What a thoughtful son you are.

Upset her when I leave her
sucking dust at the finish line.


Ignore my previous statement.

The biggest surprise today,

Eleanor Tweeg has formed
her own team,

refusing to be humiliated
anymore by her own son.

That nitwit son of mine

isn't going to show up
his own mother, is he?

You never know
with Tweeg.

[sniffles] If he does,

he'll break his poor
old mother's heart.


[normal voice] Then I'll be
forced to break his kneecaps!

Louie: And you
certainly can't ignore

the Wooly What's-It
and his team of Fobs.

Are you fellers almost ready?

Ready when you are, Wooly.

Okay, then here goes!



I'm afraid one of you fellers
will have to get off.

[Fobs cheering]

Let's go, Wooly!

[Fobs laughing]


The Elf-Woodsprite entry

is an unusual
spring-powered design

built by
the students themselves.

How's that, Seymour?

It's a perfect fit,
Ms. Leota.

Now, when the car slows down,

I'll fly back
and wind it up for you.

Tweeg: Allow me to do it.

Oh, why thank you.

But please,
don't wind it up too much.

You can trust me.


I warned you!
Not too much!

[Tweeg laughs] Sorry.

I guess I don't know
my own strength.


What do we do now?

-[all groaning]
-Quickly, students,

if we work together, we might
still be ready by race time.

Things would go
much quicker

if Grubby here
would use

all of his
natural talent.

A fella's got to eat.

I think you may have let
your bet with Tweeg

get in the way of
having fun, Gimmick.

Certainly not.

I'm, uh, I'm having fun.

Don't I look like I am?

Oh, uh, sure.

As the racers approach
the starting line,

let's look at the route
they'll be taking.

The race starts here,
at the base of the volcano.

Our racers then cross
the Great Desert,

making sure to avoid
the Mudblup Caves.

Then through Woodley Bog
and Boggely Woods.

Finally ended up
in Gimmick's Valley

where they'll camp
for the night.

And who's responsible for
this incredible event?

Our own wonderful Wizard.

-[crowd cheering]
-Thank you. Thank you.

If you care to,
you may throw money.

And just what a wonderful
prize awaits the winner
of Wizard Week

is anyone's guess.

Yes, mine, too.

I wish he wouldn't keep yapping
about this blasted prize.

Racers, on your marks...

-Elf: There he is!
-Elf #2: Go get him!

[crowd cheering]

-...get set...
-Watch out now, buddy.

[blows raspberry]


-Louie: And there's the start.

The racers are all
running neck and neck.

Wait for me!

Well, almost all the racers.

Yes, sirree,
a great start to a great day.


What's this?

What a terrible way
to start the day.

Uh, something wrong,
Your Reekiness?

My breakfast is still moving.

Well, we're take care of it
right away.

-[bowl shatters]

I just lost my appetite.


I was sure I got them all.

No, no. That idiot Tweeg.

He's participating
in The Great Grundo
Ground Race today.

I want you three to get down
there and bring him back.

But the race has already
started, Your Nastiness.

Then you'd better hurry,
hadn't you?

Louie: He's a move by that
intrepid threesome in their
mighty airship.

Soon we shall come
to the mountain pass

at Woodley Bog.

Oh, boy.
This sure is exciting.

Gimmick: Indeed it is.

we need more coal

to power ourselves
over the pass.

I'm afraid we'll have to go
into the Mudblup cave for that.

Unfortunately, that appears
to be the only solution.

Grubby: Yuck.
Sure hope we don't meet up

with any of them slime-os.


Perhaps we could use

the invisibility crystal
so they can't see us.

Good thinking, Gimmick.

Well, in that case,
I volunteer to go. [laughs]

A little more to the right,
please, Grubby.


-Gimmick: Oh, my!
This is most unusual.
-[Grubby gasps]

What's happened
to Grubby?

I believe I've used
the wrong crystal.

Hey, I appear to be slowed down.

What are we gonna do?
We can't leave him like this.

Just give me a moment
to consider the options

of such a situation.

I don't think we have a moment.

The sun is moving
behind the clouds.

That means it'll be dark enough
for the Mudblups to come out.

Oh, no!
There they are!

Quick, reverse the crystal
and see what happens!

Splendid idea, Teddy.

-[Mudblups grumbling]

Hey, watch it, slime-o.
Let me outta here.

Gimmick: Heavens to Grundo!

I believe we have discovered a
new use for this, eh, crystal.



[laughing in slow-motion]

[normal voice]
Let's see if it works
on anything else.



[slow to normal voice]
I've got an idea.

How about those ants
down there?




May I suggest
we conclude these festivities

and collect
our much needed fuel?

Good idea, Gimmick.
Let's go.

Grubby: Now that we know
what the fast crystal does,

why don't we use it
to win the race?

Teddy: Well, that wouldn't
be fair, Grubby.

The rules say we have
to make all our equipment.

And we didn't make the crystals.

Grubby: But if we don't
use the crystals,

Tweeg might win by cheating.

Gimmick: In which case,
I'll lose my house.

Teddy: Well, I wouldn't want
that to happen, Gimmick.

But just because Tweeg cheats
doesn't mean that we should.

Grubby: Hmm.
I never thought of it that way.

Teddy: Anyway, Gimmick's
inventions are so good,

they're really
all we need to win.

[Gimmick chuckles]
Well, thank you, Teddy.

I certainly hope you're right.

Full speed ahead!

It looks good for Teddy
and his friends.

With this kind of great lead,
they'll be hard to catch.


[Wooly grunts, crashes]

[jabbers] You guys okay?

-I think so.
-Fobs: Yeah.

-Are you okay, Wooly?
-I guess so.

Hey, where are we?


The Mudblup Caves.

Oh, dear. I was afraid
that's what it was.

I wonder which way
we go from here.

Look. Octopede prints.

[Wooly jabbers] Those gotta be
Grubby's footprints.

He's the only Octopede
in Grundo.

And they lead
right into the cave.

[jabbers] Then I guess
that's the way we have to go.

There you have it, folks.

Wooly and the Fobs
are making a big move.

Here's a new development.

It's Arin and Aruzia
following the What's-It.

Ooh, bad move.

They must think the hairy
wonder knows where he's going.

And right behind them and into
the cave go Leota and Seymour.

Followed by Tweeg.


Louie: Who's busy throwing
all the extra weight overboard.



[Eleanor screaming]

Oops. Sorry, Mommy.

Stop calling me that!

It's spineless wimps like you

that give mommyhood a bad name.

-[Wooly shouting]


Huh? [grumbling]

Huh? [grumbling]




Seymour: What do we do now?

Mudblup: New prisoners!

We'd better do as he says.

I think we should stay
and fight.

Trust me, Seymour.
We surrender.


These bars are too wide
to hold us in here,

and you knew it
all the time!

That's right.

Now, isn't this better
than having to fight
a big muddy bully?


On to Woodley Bog, man.

This is Louie high above
the Mudblup Caves

in the sports-reporter-copter.

The Surf Grunges
are catching a good wind

which should take them
to the pass.

Manfred: This way, dudes.


Ginnie: Awesomely weird
directions, you know.

But, like,
you're the navigator, man.

Totally in control, dudes.

Louie: But what's this?

It seems everybody's
making mistakes.

Yes, folks, there are more
goofs here than at the monthly
meeting of M.A.V.O.

-Arin: Look out!
-[Aruzia screaming]

-That was close!

-[Leota screams]


Hang on, fellers.


Tweeg: Watch where you're going,
you brainless furball.


[screaming continues]

Hmm? [gasps]

At last, a way out of here.

Along with my chance
to get ahead.

Don't worry, L.B.,
we'll soon end up on top.

Did you say "stop"?

Okay. You're the boss.

No! No! What I said was--



[all groan]

Oh, me!

Why is it always me?

We're still awaiting the outcome
of the Mudblup cave catastrophe.

And here comes
the first competitors now.

[Mudblup grumbling]



[laughs] Serves you right

for thinking you could beat
Tweeg the unbeatable.

I'm home free now.


Don't stand there gawking,
you pinhead puffball.

Get me out of this muck.

But you ain't in muck, boss.

Well, then what do you call
this stuff?

-L.B.: I call it quicksand.

Oh, no! Help me out of here!
I'm sinking fast!

Kind of a touching moment,
ain't it? [laughs]

Yes, it makes me
want to sing.

Well, then,
hit it, gorgeous.

♪ My, boy, I must ♪

L.B.: ♪ Your mom just must ♪

♪ Bid you adieu ♪

♪ You're sinking fast,
alas, alas ♪

♪ Into the slimy goo ♪

Get me out of here!

♪ You're sinking fast
into the goo ♪

♪ This is our last chance
to say we'll miss you ♪

L.B.: ♪ It's sure been grand
and lots of fun ♪

All: ♪ You're in quicksand ♪

[Bounder lowered]
♪ Quicksand ♪

L.B.: ♪ I'd lend a hand
but I have none ♪

Help me, you idiots.

♪ We'd pull you out
without a doubt ♪

♪ But we're busy
as you can see ♪

♪ We have to sing,
sing-a-ling-a-zing-zing ♪

♪ This harmony so prettily ♪

-L.B., throw me a rope!
-L.B.: In a minute, boss.

There's one more chorus.

♪ You're sinking fast
into the goo ♪

♪ This is our last chance
to say we'll miss you ♪

♪ Nevermore will you be mean ♪

♪ I'd be blue ♪

[Bounder lowered]
♪ Blue ♪

♪ If I was you
and you weren't green ♪

♪ If I were you
and you weren't green ♪

♪ If you weren't green ♪


Rope, L.B.
Get some rope.

You remember?

It's that long thin stuff
that looks exactly like rope!

You ain't exactly in a good
bargaining position, Twaz.

Do you think you oughta try
being nice to me?

I'll be better than nice.

I'll even pay you.

I never thought
I'd hear those words.

Me neither.

I'd love to stay around
and see you cash your check,

but I've got a race to win.

Look! There's the guy
we're looking for.

Oh, just when you think
things can't get worse.


Quellor can't wait
to see you.

Aw, nuts.
There goes my paycheck.

Hey, you guys
better hurry up.

Tweef can't wait
to see Quellor either.

-Sludge: What do you mean?

What's he got to be
so eager about?

You don't understand.

He can't wait 'cause he ain't
gonna last that long.

I'm afraid... [sniffles]
it's fatal.

Uh, what's fatal?

Tweeb's disease.
Woof-and-poof disease.

He coughs at you once,
you're history.

I hope you guys
have had your sh*ts.

Uh, gosh.

Did Quellor say
"collect Tweeg,"

or was it "collect twigs"?

On second thought,
I'm sure it was twigs.


I never thought I'd thank you
for anything, L.B.

Aw, shucks, boss.

So I won't.

And then poof, you just leave?

How can you fools be fooled
by a such a complete fool?

It wasn't easy.

Yeah, it took lots of training.

Step right up, folks,

and get your peanuts, programs,
and hug-your-Wizard buttons.

I think I see
something coming, folks.

Yes, it looks like,
in the lead is...

Yes, it looks like...
it looks like...

a great race!

Awesome, man.

There's Bounder Pass.

On to Gimmick's Valley, man.

And here they come.

It's Teddy, Grubby,
and Gimmick out in front.

Followed by Wooly and the Fobs.

With Arin and Aruzia
close behind.

Then it's Leota and Seymour.

Next with Eleanor and Sparky
only slightly ahead

of Tweeg and L.B.

But wait, what's this?!

The Surf Grunges
have taken the lead!

[crowd cheering]

Louie: And the Surf Grunges
are the winners!

As you can see, no team has yet
emerged as a true winner,

so that fabulous prize
is still up for grabs.

Be with us for the final
exciting day of racing

right here during Wizard Week.

This is Louie signing off.

[theme music playing]