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02x47 - Wizard Week

Posted: 03/09/24 16:16
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Thirty-six, 37, 38,

Hey, Wiz, you going
for the record?



Ah, this is perfect!

The string is broken.
So am I!

Ah, you're still not
mooning over that

Wizard World fiasco,
are you?

I can't help it.
Everything reminds me of it.

Especially these--

empty pockets.

No sense crying
over spilt milk.

It's a beautiful day.
Why don't you take a walk
or something, huh?

Forget it, Louie,
I'm too depressed.

What you need
is to throw a party.

A party? For whom?

For yourself, that's whom.

A party. Hmm.

We'll have party hats,
cake, games...

You'll see. It'll be great.

Why, I do believe you're right.

Sure, we can invite your
brother, the Sorcerer.


Oops, sorry.
I wasn't thinking.

I think a party
is the stupidest suggestion

I ever heard.

Suit yourself, Wiz.

I still think
it's a terrific idea.

Do you got a coin?

Sorry, I don't loan money
to bad risks.

I just need it to flip.

I think better
when I flip something.

Here, catch.

This is a button!

Beggars can't be choosers.

Hey, Wiz,
what's an 8-letter word
meaning "celebration."

Don't bother me
with crossword puzzles.

Can't you see
I'm trying to think?

Okay, okay.


Eight letters
meaning "celebration."

I got it-- Festival!

Louie, that's it!
A festival!

A huge celebration honoring
all the wizards in Grundo.

-We'll have games,
events, prizes.

We'll charge admission
and entry fees
for competing teams.

We'll make a fortune.

I told you flipping
helps me think.

I think you're the one
who's flipped.

I tell you, it's a great idea.

One question--
How many wizards
are there in Grundo?

Huh? Just me-- Ha!

I'll get all the attention,

all the glory,
all the money!

Louie, take this down.

-Okay, sh**t.
-"Wizard Week,
a stupendous opportunity

to demonstrate your
skill and ability.

Don't miss this chance.."

" win, win, win.

Entry fee: three pieces
of copper per team."

Wizard Week!

That certainly
sounds exciting.

It sure does. What sort of
events are there, Teddy?

Well, let's see.
There's a water race,
and air race,

and finally,
there's a ground race
covering most of Grundo.

And the winners get
a big mystery prize.

Gimmick: Oh, my! He he.
That's quite a challenge.

Gee, if we entered as a team,
do you think we could win?

Well, I don't see
why not, Grubby.

With me as the greatest
inventor in Grundo,

and you two as the
greatest, uh, assistants,

we can't lose!

Then it's settled! We enter
Wizard Week as a team.

I'll shake to that.

Wizard Week, huh?

A bunch of races and a big
mystery prize.

Tweeg will want
to read about this.

I better go steal
a newspaper.

-Hey, Tweez! What's cooking?

Oh, you klutz, now look
what you've done.

Must you shout?

But I got some really
big news for you.

Have you seen
a Grundo Gazette yet?

Of course not.

What could possibly
interest me in that rag?

Wizard Week, Tweep.

Races all over Grundo.

And a big mystery prize
for the wining team.

Sounds pretty stupid to me.

That's not what Gimmick
and his friends think.

Gimmick and his friends?

Yeah, they said
they can't lose

because Gimmick
is the greatest inventor

in Grundo.

What?! Give me that paper,


Why can't you hand things
to people like everyone else?

'Cause I ain't got hands.

You always have
an excuse, don't you?

Ah, here we are:
"Win, win, win!

Big mystery prize."

Why, I could win
that prize easily.

I don't know, Tweek,

that Gimmick guy
is pretty smart.

Smart? Ha!

I'll show you smart.

There's a first time
for everything.

We'll see who's the greatest
inventor in Grundo.

That bifocaled billiard ball
will be sorry he ever entered.

Take this to Gimmick
and wait for an answer.


I've got work to do.

"Dear, uh, baldy.

So you think you can beat
the real "greatest inventor
in Grundo," do you?

I, Jack W. Tweeg,

challenge your team.

The loser leaves
this valley forever."


"What do you say,

If you're afraid to enter
your junk, I understand.

Jack W. Tweeg, Esquire."


Uh, skin-scalp?!

Uh, junk?!

He always did
have a way with words.

You tell your boss
that I, uh, accept

his, uh, challenge!

And tell him to pack his bags.

Whatever you say,

That's, uh, Gimmick!

Newton, uh, Gimmick!

That's telling him, Gimmick.

Now, if you boys
will excuse me,

I've got some, uh,
inventing to do.

Ooh! Baldy!


I'll show that--
that green goof!


[all gasp]


[metal clanking]

[all gasp]







That's right, folks.

Wizard Week starts tomorrow.

Hey! Tweedle!

Ow! Thunderation, L.B.

I thought I told you
not to shout.

Well, you know how tough
it is for us bubbleheads
to ever learn anything.

Oh, never mind.
What did Gimmick say?

He accepted your challenge.

Ha ha! Excellent!

I'll finally have the chance
to drive that little drip
out of this valley forever.

I don't know, Twerp.

I still think Gimmick
and his friends

are the team to beat.

They may be the team to beat,

but we're the team to cheat.


Gee, Grubby,

I've never seen Gimmick
run around so much.

Yeah, the way he's moving,
you'd think he had eight legs.

Ha ha.

It's not good for him
to get worked up like this.

He's not thinking clearly.

What do you mean?

Well, this is the third time
he's had us check this wheel.

Haven't you finished
with that, eh, wheel yet?

I need you up here!

Uh, we're coming, Gimmick.


That must have hurt.

Gimmick, maybe you'd
better slow down a bit.

You're not
getting anything done
rushing around like this.

But the races!

The ship has to be,
uh, ready,

and there's so much to do!

But getting upset isn't
gonna help get things done.

You've got to relax.

Yeah, and work
at your own pace.

That way,
you'll enjoy the work.

And it won't cost you
as many thumbs.


[crowd cheering]

Oh, boy! Everyone
in Grundo must be here.

This is just what
the Wiz needed.

I don't know why I didn't
think of this before.

This is the greatest scam
I've ever been part of.

And now, sports fans,
our competitors.

I give you... the parade
of Wizard Week contestants.

Boy, Grubby, this
sure is a lot of fun.

Yeah, kind of makes you
feel important.

[Wooly jabbering]

Hey, everybody!

Nice of you to come.

Super nice.

Super-duper nice!

-All right, man!

Hey, root for us, man!
Root for us!

Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.

The eyes of all Grundo
are upon us, Aruzia.

I'm certain we won't
disappoint them.

[crowd booing]

Do you hear that, Mummy?

Oh, they hate me.

Well-deserved respect
for a great villain.

Too bad there ain't one here.

That's telling him,

They hate me, I tell you.

They hate me!

Oh, Louie?

Yeah, Wiz?

You may now bring out the cart
with the huge giftwrapped prize.

Oh, uh, will I need help?
Is it heavy?

Don't worry,
you can handle it.

Good luck
in the contest, Wooly.

Gee, that's awful nice, Teddy.

Uh, good luck to you too,
fellas! [jabbering]

I hope your team
does well, Aruzia.

My, what fine sportsmanship.

Thank you, Grubby.

On behalf of the royal family,

I'd like to wish
your team all the best.

Gee, I feel like I've won
something already.

Well, what is it,

Uh, well,
I suppose I should wish you
good luck, too.

Oh, well,
in that case...

...good luck to you too.

-[trumpets sounding]
-[all exclaiming]

Look at the size
of that prize.

It is quite enormous,
isn't it?

I wonder what it is.

-♪ What will it be? ♪
-♪ I'm sure it's
something neat ♪

-♪ I hope it's a book ♪
-♪ I hope it's something
good to eat ♪

♪ Whatever it is,
you won't believe your eyes ♪

♪ When you see
that wonderful prize ♪

-♪ It's probably gold ♪
-♪ I'm sure that
it's a magic potion ♪

-♪ Maybe a surfboard ♪
-♪ Or a jar of suntan lotion ♪

♪ Whatever it is
will be a big surprise ♪

♪ When we see that
wonderful prize ♪

♪ I hope that it's something
ugly or rotten ♪

-♪ I know what it is ♪
-♪ You do? ♪

♪ Yes, it's...
I've forgotten ♪

- ♪ Oh! ♪
- ♪ What will it be? ♪

♪ I'm sure
it's something great ♪

♪ If you'd like to see,
just pay your money,
don't be late ♪

♪ Whatever it is,
you won't believe your eyes ♪

♪ When you see that
wonderful... ♪

♪ Lots of fun-derful ♪

♪ See that
wonderful prize ♪

So, what's in the box, Wiz?

♪ The same thing I bought you
for your last birthday ♪

Oh, you mean there's
nothing in there?


I'll get something

All we need now is the box.

You'd better get something
in there in a hurry.

I wouldn't want to get
any of them mad.

Especially the big, purple,
furry guy.

Relax, Louie,
I know exactly
what I'm doing.

Let the games begin.


Louie [over P.A]:
Will the teams please assemble
for the three-legged race.

I'm a genius.

An absolute genius.

Why is that, Boss?

A little dab of this
hot-foot powder

in the others'
running shoes

will guarantee
that you two win.

-You mean-- But how?

While they all stop
to rip off their shoes,

you and Buffy will bound
over the finish line.


-[gasps] Step on it.


Hey, come on, Buffy, move it!
Goody eight-shoes is winning.

Hmm. Huh?

Ooh! Ooh! Ah!

[cries out]

-Wow! Wow! Wow!
-[Fobs squealing]


Aw, that's better.



Congratulations, Grubby.
That was quite a race.

And you placed first
and second.

Well, that's the advantage of
having two sets of four legs.


Louie [over P.A.]: Contestants
for the high jump, please.

for the high jump.

Why fool around?
Let's put the bar
as high as it will go.

Are you sure
you wanna do this?

Of course I'm sure.

Are you nuts, Twank?
I can't jump that high.

Of course you can, L.B.,
with the help of this.

A balloon?

[laughs] Precisely.

Just stuff this
in your mouth

bound up to the bar
and float over.

How do I come back down?

just bite the balloon.

Off you go.

That's high enough, L.B.

Now bite the balloon.


Remember, folks,
this Wizard Week spectacular

is brought to you
by your own special wizard,

so show him
how much you care.





You won't be sticking around
for long, will you?

Louie [over P.A.]:
The obstacle course
relay race

is about to begin.

Are you sure
this is gonna work?

You ain't exactly known
for being a great shot, Tweeb.

Don't worry.
This time, I've calculated
for height and wind direction.

What else is there?

There's got to be something.

There's nothing else, L.B.

Now, if you'll pull that lever,
it's over the wall I go!

Okay, Boss.


Let's see.
Height? Mm-hmm.

Wind direction?

And... oh yeah.


Now I remember-- distance.


Ha! Nobody can see me from here.

This is the perfect place
to make up the time

my idiot son lost for us.

Hey, that's not fair.

What's your problem, Bub?

You're supposed
to use the rope.

If you don't--

If I don't-- what?



If you don't, then you can't
get across the water.

Ha ha!

Phooey. At this rate,
I'll never catch up.

Heavens to Grundo!


This is a flagrant violation

of all the rules
of this contest,

you horrid little Bounder.

I know. [laughs]

Did you see what he, uh, did?

Like, don't worry, Newton.

Like, let the good times
roll, dude.

Louie [over P.A.]:
Gimmick's team and the Grunges

are tied for first
in the obstacle course.

Tomorrow the water races
will be held at Leekee Lake.

And remember,

Wizard Week
is brought to you
by your local wizard.

Today was certainly exciting.

I can't help but wonder

why we never had a
festival like this before.

Neither can I.

I guess it wouldn't be fair
if me and Teddy and Gimmick

won every year. Ha ha.

Well, I think day one
went rather well.

Don't you, Louie?

Yeah, sure,
but you better come up
with something special

to put in that box.

That mob could turn ugly
if you don't come up with
a really super prize.

Oh, don't be
such a worrywort.

I'll think of something.

[theme music playing]