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02x45 - The Big Escape

Posted: 03/09/24 16:14
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Hurry up, L.B.

You're slower
than Tweeg's mind.

We've got to get to him
before Quellor does.

I might be able
to go faster

if I wasn't pulling
such a lumpy load.

What was that?

I said, uh,
"Watch out for the bumpy road."

Ouch! Ugh. Idiot.

You almost made me drop
the Ying Zoo brochure.

Oh, gee.

I wouldn't wanna get
the boss' face dirty.

It's such a beautiful
picture of him. [laughs]

Seeing as how he finally
turned buttermilk into gold,

he does seem, well,

less repulsive than usual.

L.B.: Yeah. Maybe only ugly.

Don't exaggerate.

He'll never be
that good-looking.

How about "hideous"?

Mm, still too flattering.


You're getting warm.


What a pain.


Oh, you sure have
a way with words, Eleanor.


[creature crying]

Teddy: Don't be sad.

Everything will turn out
all right.

You'll see.

Oh, that's easy for you to say.

You just got here.

Well, how long
have you been here?

Uh, so long that
I don't even remember

what it's like to be free.

-I don't even know where I am.
-You don't?

Well, I know I'm in a cage
of some sort.

Well, we're in the Land of Ying
in the Sorcerer's zoo.

But don't worry,
we'll get out of here.

You really mean it?

You'd help me escape?

You have my word.

But why?

Because, to me, freedom

is the most important thing
there is.

♪ I know there is a place
out there ♪

♪ Where I can feel the wind ♪

♪ Once you have known freedom ♪

♪ No bars can hold you in ♪

Creature: ♪ Freedom ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

♪ I once tasted freedom ♪

♪ I was free to feel the sun ♪

♪ Freedom's for everyone ♪

Teddy: ♪ Freedom, freedom ♪

♪ I once had my freedom ♪

♪ Nothing can imprison me ♪

♪ For what I know
what it is to be free ♪

♪ Freedom
doesn't only mean ♪

♪ You can get up
and leave ♪

♪ Freedom means
you can do and say ♪

♪ The things
that you believe ♪

Both: ♪ Freedom, freedom ♪

♪ I once tasted freedom ♪

♪ I was free to feel the sun ♪

♪ Freedom's for everyone ♪

♪ Freedom, freedom ♪

♪ I once had my freedom ♪

♪ Now nothing can imprison me ♪

♪ I know what it is to be free ♪

Both: ♪ To be free ♪

We'll find a way out of here.

I promise.

Hey, what's this?

Creature: What is it?

It says "Teddy"
on the floor of my cell.

Hmm. He must be getting
into personalized cells.

Why, that's my mother's name.

Now, that's what I call
a coincidence.

I wonder if the escaped
Illiop is my father.

That's it.
More to the left.

Easy, uh, now.


I'm getting tired of this.

Yeah, why should
we work so hard?

We're nothing but
the Sorcerer's personal slaves.

Uh, yes, uh, I'm not all that
happy about that either,

but this wonderful
structure we're building,

think of the scientific

If you ask me,
the real challenge
is getting out of here!

-Don't worry, Gimmick.

I've got an idea. Listen up.



Oh, my heavens. Look!

Here's another one of them
Octopedes for ya.

You can put 'em to work on
that gizmo you're building.

Uh, why, yes,
uh, thank you.

Grubby, I'm so very pleased

you're safe and sound.

Tell me everything
that's happened.

What's happened
isn't too good, Gimmick.

Teddy's in jail.

-In jail?
-That's right.

In a cage that's made
especially to hold Illiops,

with all kinds
of locks and stuff.

They must be real worried
about Teddy escaping.

Why, those barnacle-covered
bilge rats.


Zelza, tell the others

to get lots of saws
and lengths of rope.

Aye-aye, Gimmick.

Now, Grubby,

here's what I want
you to, uh, do.

Step aside, Sorcerer.
I've come for Tweeg.

What in the name
of Grundo is a Tweeg?

That is a Tweeg.

The amazing Troll-Grunge
with no brain?


You want me to give you
my star attraction?

My greatest w*apon against

my brother's ludicrous
Wizard World?

In a word, yes.

Well, try this word-- never.

Not at any price.

Listen, you pathetic
party trickster.

How would you like
to be the next

-mindless attraction
in your own zoo?

In that case,
you can take Tweeg.

In fact, you can take
anything you like.

All I want is Tweeg.

And that.

Sorcerer: There.
That should do it.

Ready, Your Foulness?

Of course I'm ready, you fool.

Now get on with it.


Yes, Sorcerer. Yes, indeed.

This will do very nicely

-between my lightning power...

...and Tweeg's
buttermilk formula.

I will be the undisputed
supreme power

in all of Grundo.


Ah, Tweeg.
How lovely to see you.

Hello. Good-bye.

Now then, Tweeg, it's time
we gave you back your memory.

Temporarily, of course.

Gee, thanks, Mum.

I'll promise
I'll be a good little boy.

You'd better be.

Now stand still and I'll zap you
with the reverse memory eraser.

Huh? Oh.

All right,
you overstuffed blob,

I'll show you
who's Supreme Oppressor.

-Wrong, Tweeg.

I'm about to show you something.
Come with me.

-Tweeg: What?

Tweeg: You mean
my gold formula works?

I'm rich! Ya-ha-hooey!


You can't treat me like this.

I'm a full-fledged genius.

My recipe for turning
buttermilk into gold works.

Don't you mean
my recipe?

Ooh! Oof.

Ha. That's what you think,
Mr. Smarty Pants.

Now, now, Tweeg,

don't you remember what happened
the last time you challenged me?

"Troll-Grunge with no brain"?

Heh. That's ridiculous.

My brain is as vast as the--
the-- the Great Desert.

And it will be
just as empty

if you don't give me
that formula.


Don't keep me waiting, Tweeg.

You wouldn't dare.

If you zap me again,
I won't remember anything,

and my buttermilk-to-gold recipe

will be lost for all time.


Ha, ha, ha-ha, ha.

Foiled by your own device.

You think so, eh?


Well, Tweeg,

what have you
got to say now?

Do you have a pencil?

♪ A cup or two of buttermilk's
the way that we start out ♪

♪ Then add a pinch
of pepper ♪

♪ And a jar
of sauerkraut ♪

♪ Another cup of buttermilk ♪

♪ Eh, let's make that two ♪

♪ A pair of old pajamas ♪

♪ Some cookies and a shoe ♪

Cookies, shoe. Got it.

♪ Add the wings of an insect
and a little bit of hair ♪

-♪ Oh, the eye of a potato ♪

♪ And the legs of a chair ♪

♪ A couple of toes of garlic ♪

♪ A finger sandwich ♪

♪ Another bit of buttermilk ♪

♪ And soon
you will be rich ♪

I will be rich!
I will be rich!

♪ You'll be rich ♪

I'll be rich!

♪ Just a little dash of that,
a pinch of this ♪

♪ You'll be rich ♪

I'll be rich!

♪ That's all you'll
have to do and you'll be ♪

All I have to do
and I'll be rich!

You'll be rich!


That oughta do the trick.

Creature: What are you doing?

And why is it so hot in here?

And what is that smell?

It's the delicious aroma
of root stew.

Well, it smells terrible,

and it looks even worse.

It's an Octopede delicacy.
Trust me.

Your customers'll love it.

Well, be careful with that fire.

The heat's already filling
the ship's airbag.

Gosh. We wouldn't want that
to happen, would we?

It's root stew
for the prisoners.

You guys want a taste?

You're missing
a real treat.

Grubby: Now, Theeg.

Teddy: Good going, Grubby.
You too, Theeg.

Grubby: Yeah, but what a waste
of good stew.

Quickly now,
run to the rollercoaster.

You'll be safe there.

But what about
my friend Teddy?

Don't worry about me.
These are my friends, too.

-They'll help me out.
-Now run!

Everyone to the rollercoaster!

This'll fix 'em. [laughs]

Grubby: Not bad, huh?
A perfect triple-wreath knot.

Sorry we can't
let you out, Teddy,

but there's too many
locks and stuff.

I know, Grubby.

They really don't
want me to escape.

Well, you're gonna.
We're all bustin' out of here.

It's too bad, though.
Just when the food
was getting better.

-What's the rope for?
-You'll see.

Quellor: Oh, I'm bored.

Even this lightning business
is losing its thrill.

Sorcerer, think of something
to entertain me.

Uh, hmm. Uh, hmm.

Uh, I do have
a new specimen in my zoo

that might amuse your vastness.

A rare Illiop.

Illiop? Did you say Illiop?

Yes, they're sort of furry,
cuddly little creatures.

It's got to be Teddy Ruxpin.

Finally locked up
with no escape.

I have him now.



I hope Grubby gets here soon.

Don't worry, Gimmick.
Grubby's a good Octopede.

Look. Here he comes now.

Hi, everybody.
Sorry I'm late.

We were worried, Grubby.

What happened to you?

There was this big pot
of root stew,

and I guess I sort of
got carried away.

Never you mind, Grubby.

You're still
an Octopede hero.

I am? Gosh.

Quickly, Grubby.
Into the car.


Whee! [laughs]

Being a hero is kinda fun.

Good luck, young Octopede.


So the fools think
they can escape, eh?

How wrong they are.

Sludge, assemble
the henchmonsters.

We're going to attack
the rollercoaster.

[Tweeg laughs]
They thought they could keep
a genius like me prisoner.

When will they learn
that the great Tweeg

is not to be trifled with?

Eleanor: Tweeg!



Hey, it's the boss.

Tweeg, you miserable twerp.

You're supposed to be
locked up in a zoo.

How dare you disappoint me.


We came to save you,
and you're already saved.

Well, er, um...

L.B.: Are you okay, Boss?

You're looking even
more repulsive than usual.

Of course he's okay.

He's just happy
to see his mother.

Now give me that gold formula
before I clobber you!

Gee, I sure hope you got
your brain back, Twank.

We finally found a use for it.

Uh, what? Oh, where am I?

Oh, who are you?


Looks like Tweeg is still
the Troll-Grunge with no brain.

But then again, I always
thought of him that way.

Eleanor: Oh, poor Tweegy.

I guess we'd better
get you back home to Mummy's.

Yeah! Mommy's!

You know, Eleanor, I think
I like him better this way.

Shut up,
and keep pulling!

And I know I like it
better this way.


I do hope Grubby made it
to the, uh, sub-water boat.

Zelza: Don't worry, Gimmick.

Us Octopedes
are great swimmers.

I hope he's a fast
swimmer, too.

Here come
the henchmonsters.

[all growling]

Avast, everyone.

Board the cars.

Oh, oh, dear.

We're not going
to have enough time.

Give up, you fools.

Don't you know when
you're beaten?

[gasps] Wh-What's this?

Gimmick: Thank Grundo
for Grubby's root stew.

Grubby: Okay, here goes.


I'll get that Illiop
this time.




Trudge, you fool!
Turn it off.




Well, that's
the lot of them.

We should be
going ourselves.

Yes. To the airship.

Gimmick: Cast off the lines!

Zelza: Aye-aye, skipper.

Strike the mizzen, uh, mast!

[theme music playing]