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02x42 - Tweeg the Vegetable

Posted: 03/09/24 16:13
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Ah, fresh specimens.

The Sorcerer will want
to know about this.


Gimmick: Captain Zelza, it would
seem your vessel's ability

to hold water
is somewhat limited.

Grubby: Yeah, and the boat's
got a big hole in it, too.

Well, what can we do
to help, Captain Zelza?

Let me see how bad the damage
is on the bilge.

I'll put you lubbers
to work soon enough.

Where do you think
we are, Gimmick?

Gimmick: I haven't
the foggiest notion.

Grubby: Wherever it is, it sure
is a creepy-looking place.

What did you find?

Well, swabbies, I've got some
good news and some bad news.

Oh, what exactly is
the bad news?

The hull
is definitely damaged,

and our bilge pump is broken.

Gee, what's the good news?

The good news is that that's
as bad as the bad news
is gonna get.


Oh, that's nice.
I think.

I suppose I could look
at the bilge pump.

[Zelza laughs]
You must've been reading
my mind, Captain Gimmick.

And while he's doing that,

you two can go ashore
and scrounge up some wood
to repair that hole.

But what if we run into
some bad guys?

Don't worry, Captain Zelza.

We'll be happy to help
in any way we can.


Man: 432. 433.

[squawks] Hey, Sorcerer.


Have I got news for you.

What it is,
you clumsy creature?

Can't you see I'm busy
counting my money?

[squawks] Too busy
to make even more money?

Did you say "more money"?

Tell me more. I'm all ears.

Shipwrecked on the beach

are the weirdest-looking
creatures I ever saw.

Lots of arms and legs.

One's got a shiny head.

Another one's covered with fur.

Sorcerer: Excellent, my pet.

Summon my henchmonsters.


Hey, henchmonsters!

Must you scream like that?

-But you said--
-I don't care what I said!

[squawks] Neither do I.


You summoned us, Sorcerer?

Yes, henchmonsters,
identify yourselves.



Not too original, are they?

No, but they're
extremely... loyal.

Take the Mower-mobile
and follow my feathered pet.

He'll lead you to some
new inmates for our zoo.

-Be off!
-[all snort]

All: Yes, Sorcerer.


All right, all right.
Hold your horses. I'm coming.

Oh, it's you.
What are you doing here?

What's the matter,
rock got your tongue?

Pardon me, Your Gruesomeness.

Is this important,

You tell me. You're the one
who pulls down the big bucks.

Never mind the sarcasm.
Just tell me the news.

Tweeg's at the door.
What shall I do with him?

Well, now that
his brain's pure oatmeal,

you might as well sell him
to the Ying Zoo.

Your cruelty is my command.

[sniffs] Hmm.

My nose says there's news here.

I knew it. It's Tweeg.

The green goof himself.

Something's up.

He looks even more dazed
than usual.

[laughs] He must've
just paid his M.A.V.O. dues.

Well, that's a wrap.

Now let's see what's cooking
over in Ying.

Tweeg? Where are you, Tweeg?

Now where did that thieving
lizard disappear to?

Oh, I hope he hasn't
wandered off again.

Quellor wants me to sell him
to the Ying Zoo.

Here, Tweeg!

Come on, Tweegy!

Yoo-hoo! Tweegy, Tweegy, Tweegy!

-Hey, g*ng.
-Wow, L.B.

Where have you been
keeping yourself?

L.B.: Where youse guys always
said I'd wind up, in jail.

Oh, that's my L.B.

Where's Tweeg?

I don't know
how to tell you guys this

but the boss is brainless.

What else is new?

I mean it.

He had his brain zapped by
some kind of magic black box.

Turned his medulla oblongata
into pure mush.

[laughs] That's great.
Who did it?

The klutz did it to himself.

Ah, the poor slob.

Never mind poor slob, poor us.

That's right.

Now we'll never get a penny
of that salary he owes us.

And all we got to show
for his trying to make gold
out of buttermilk

is a bunch of doughnuts.

Well, at least
we won't starve.

Hey, wait a minute.

♪ Poor old Tweeg,
his brain got fried ♪

♪ He's wandering through
the countryside ♪

♪ There's bills to pay
and we're all broke ♪

♪ We need some cash
and it's no joke ♪

I know what we gotta do,
sell doughnuts for the revenue.

♪ Unless we wanna end up poor ♪

♪ We'll sell these doughnuts
door to door ♪


♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts,
what a chore ♪

♪ Don't give me no
"ifs," "ands," or "buts" ♪

♪ Just buy lots of doughnuts ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Everyone should
buy some more ♪

♪ Don't buy this gum,
candy, or nuts ♪

♪ Just buy lots of doughnuts ♪

♪ Go to the door
and ring the bell ♪

♪ When somebody answers,
start to sell ♪

♪ How will I know?
What will I say? ♪

Just keep on talking
till they pay.

What a brainstorm.

♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts,
what a chore ♪

♪ Don't give me no
"ifs," "ands," or "buts" ♪

♪ Just buy lots of doughnuts ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Everyone should
buy some more ♪

♪ Don't buy this gum,
candy, or nuts ♪

♪ Just buy lots of doughnuts ♪

Male: ♪ Suppose the customers
won't buy them ♪

L.B.: ♪ Well, they shouldn't
knock 'em till they try 'em ♪

Male: Yeah, right.

♪ Satisfaction guaranteed ♪

♪ These doughnuts here
are what they need ♪


♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts,
what a chore ♪

♪ Don't give me no
"ifs," "ands," or "buts" ♪

♪ Just buy lots of doughnuts ♪

♪ Selling doughnuts
door to door ♪

♪ Everyone should
buy some more ♪

♪ Don't buy this gum,
candy, or nuts ♪

♪ Just buy lots
and lots and lots ♪

♪ And just buy lots
of doughnuts ♪

-What'll we sell?
-♪ Lots and lots of doughnuts ♪

Gosh, Teddy, we sure aren't
having much luck finding wood.

Grubby, Zelza and her crew
are depending on us.

Hey, Teddy,
what's that over there?

Teddy: I don't know.

I've never seen
anything like it before.

Who do you suppose
it belongs to?

Well, come on.

Excuse me, but "come on" where?

Don't play dumb with me.
Just hand over the money.

What money?
We don't owe you any money.

You do if you wanna
get past here.

This is a Troll booth.

-A Troll booth?
-You know, a booth
that's run by a Troll.

What's the matter, haven't you
two ever been to Ying before?

No, and at this rate, I don't
think we'll ever come back.

Now, Grubby,
we should respect
other people's customs.

You said it, pal.

That'll be one piece
of copper.

Well, uh,
here you are, sir.

Okay, pass.

It's highway robbery, I tell ya.

Maybe so, but the quicker
we find some wood,

the quicker we can
get out of this place.

Can't be quick enough
for me.

Okay, everybody,
you know what to do, right?

Yeah, sell these
dumb doughnuts

to any poor sucker
stupid enough to buy 'em.

You got it, Hugo.

And then we'll all meet
at the Wizard's place
and count our money.

Gee, L.B., I'm sure glad
we hitched our wagons together.

Me, too, Buffy.

And speaking of getting hitched,

there's something
I've been wanting to ask you.

Oh, yeah, L.B., ask me.

Ask me anything.

Well, uh, it's just that,

uh... well,

Go ahead, L.B., say it.

Could you pull
this thing for a while?

-I'm getting kinda tired.

I don't know if I can
do this, Harry.

I ain't the salesman type.

Ah, there's nothing to it, Hugo.

If you're shy,
don't look at their faces.

Look down at their feet.

Hey, good idea.

Hugo: Good day, madam.

My, what lovely corns
and calluses you have.

Wanna buy some doughnuts?

Well, that depends.

Are they sugarless, whole wheat,
suitable for a low-salt diet?

Well, that is...

I don't eat just anything,
you know.

How many calories do they have?

Are they fried
in peanut oil?

And another thing,
are they natural ingredients

or do they contain
harmful chemicals?

Come back here while
I'm talking to you.

What's this?

You'll pay me one dozen
buttermilk doughnuts

for information about Tweeg?

That's the deal, Wiz.
Take it or leave it.

I'll take it.

Lucky for you
I have a sweet tooth.

Now, let me concentrate.

-[alarm blaring]
-That's my cue.

Wizard: Tweeg. Tweeg.

I the Wizard summon you.

Hey, there's the boss.

Wizard: As promised.

So handover those doughnuts.

How come he looks so weird?

He always looks weird.


my favorite kind.

That's all I've got on Tweeg.

Thanks a whole bunch, Wiz.

At least I know
where he is.

He fell for it, huh?

Hook, line, and sinker.

-Have a doughnut.
They're not bad.
-In a minute.

First I've got some footage
I think you'll be interested in.

Recognize that guy?

Why it's my evil little brother.

Evil and rich little brother,
you mean.

Just look at all that cash
he's raking in.

Pack up, Louie. We're moving.

-Moving? Where to?
-Why, to Ying, of course.

If my good-for-nothing brother
can haul in big bucks there,

then so can I. [chuckles]

Where'd that thing come from?

It's another Troll booth.

But I don't remember
seeing it here a minute ago.

Me neither, Teddy.

-Well, come on.
Hand over the money.
-[both gasp]

Oh, brother.
Not again.

-We already paid you.
-Eh, I don't remember that.

Well, I think you're mistaken.

I gave you a piece of copper
just a little while ago.

Do you have a receipt?

Well, no.
You didn't give us one.

See? That proves it.
I always give receipts.

-The other guy
sure looked like you.
-He certainly did.

All us Trolls look alike.
It's the big nose.

-The big noses
run in our family.
-I'll bet they grow, too.

Are you gonna pay or do you
wanna stand here forever?

Oh, all right.


And may I have
a receipt, please?

I don't give receipts.

-[metallic squeaking]
-Uh-oh. Listen to that
weird noise.

It's coming from that thing!

Grubby: You know, Teddy,
the longer we stay here,

the less I like it.

-I'm beginning
to feel the same way.

Let's head for cover.

-Whoa! Whoa!

[both panting]

They got away.

[snorts] Hey, aren't those two
of the creatures for the zoo?

No sweat, Fred.

We'll get them on the way back.

First, let's head for the beach

and capture the others.

That sure was close.

Let's pick up some of these
branches and scram out of here.

Good idea, Grubby.

There's no telling
when that thing might come back.

Oh, no.
Not another Troll booth.

You're not gonna pay
that guy again, are you?

Not this time, Grubby.

-What are we gonna do?
-You still have the lantern,
don't you?

The lantern.
Sure, but I still don't...

Ohh, I get it.


Good idea, Teddy.

Okay, come on.
Hand over the money.

-What?! Eh...
-Grubby: Hi, Mr. Troll.

-[Grubby laughs]
-Teddy: Nice to see you again.

Too bad you can't see us.

Eh, Mother was right.

Life on the road is tough.


Oh, it's you.
What do you want?

You wanna buy some
buttermilk doughnuts?

Guaranteed untouched
by human hands.

Forget it.
I'm on a diet.

Maybe Quellor
would like some.

M.A.V.O. regulation 43-B,

subparagraph 13 part B,

"Don't bug Quellor!"
Now beat it!

What a party pooper.

Ooh! Out of my way,
short stuff.

Hey, watch it!

I just returned from Ying
with the Sorcerers payment.

Very well, Maggotheart.

Follow me.


Seeing as how everybody just
walks in, I guess I can, too.

Get them while they're fresh.
Yummy doughnuts.

Just like the ones
Grandma used to burn.

How did he get in here?

I thought I told you
to get lost.

Hey, give me a break.

Just trying to earn
a dishonest living.

Here, Chief,
have one on the house.

Where did this come from?

Well, I'll be boiled in oil.

The boss did it.

You see, Tweeg's been
working on this formula

for making gold
out of buttermilk,

and I guess it finally worked.

send out a search party.

I want that no-brain Tweeg
brought back here.

I shall restore his mind

and get this gold formula
for myself.


-[metallic squeaking]
-Hmm. How very odd.

I've stopped sawing
and the sound continues.

Oh, that explains it.

What an inventive contraption.

I must ask for the plans.

My, what a fascinating vessel
you have there.

What do you call it?

Cut the chatter, skinhead.


Where are the others?

Why they're right behind you.

[squawks] Not them.

I mean the creatures
I saw you with earlier.

Earlier? Hmm.

Oh, well, I've done so much
traveling, you know.

Today! Today!

You were with a bunch of
strange-looking specimens.

Was I? Hmm.

I didn't notice any.

[squawks] Enough of this.

Seize this one, then we'll find
the ones with all the legs.


Gimmick is gone along with
the Octopedes and the airship.

It looks like something
pulled it this way.

Look. They go off
in this direction.

Teddy: The only way we can
catch up with them now

is to follow this river and hope
it meets their trail again.

I'm worried about 'em, Teddy.

Especially Zena.

I wish we'd stayed

Well, look at this way, Grubby.

If we had,
we wouldn't be able
to rescue them.

Hmm. I never thought of that.

But suppose
we can't rescue 'em?

Don't worry, Grubby.
We got a whole belt
full of tricks.

And I've got a feeling we're
gonna need every one of them.

[theme music playing]