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02x37 - The Third Crystal

Posted: 03/09/24 16:10
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[loud noise]


Yoo-hoo, Gimmick...

We're back.

Heavens to Grundo.
This is terrible.

It's terrible
that we're back?

No, no, no, I mean
it's terrible that someone
has stolen the crystals.

The crystals?

Come on, Grubby.
We'd better find out
what happened.

Why do these things
always have to happen
just before lunch?

Hold on, Gimmick.
We'll be right up.

Are you sure
all of them are missing?

Well, to be precise,
five of them are missing.

That means only one
of the original six

we found
at the Hard to Find
City is left.

This is all my fault.

I never should have
left them out where
someone could steal them.

It's not your fault,

Yeah, don't be too hard
on yourself.

Besides, we still have
the one crystal left.

Uh, yes,
I suppose you're right.

And don't forget the crystal
from the black box

Teddy found at the bottom
of Leekee Lake.

Grubby's right.

But it doesn't replace
those missing crystals.

I wonder what could have
happened to 'em.

I haven't a clue,

It's a most
perplexing conundrum.

Hmm. Hey, fellas,
I've got an idea.

Why don't we
think about it over lunch?

I think lots better
on a full stomach.

Grubby, this is serious.

Anyway, it wouldn't
be polite to have lunch

without inviting Fuzz.

Now that you mention it,

has anyone seen Fuzz?

He seems to have

Well, that's odd.

He's usually too shy to stray
too far from the house.

He certainly is.

Uh, boys, I'm beginning
to smell a conspiracy.

Hmm. Let me sniff around
a little.

Maybe I can pick up
his trail.

[Grubby sniffing]

Gee, fellas, all I smell
are those grundleberries

Teddy and I
picked for lunch.

Maybe Quellor sent
some M.A.V.O. villains

to steal the crystals
and they kidnapped Fuzz.

Why wouldn't they take
the black box?

You have a point there,

But that still doesn't
explain what happened to Fuzz.

Maybe if we start
at the beginning
we'll find the answer.

That is a most
excellent idea.

go back and try to remember
everything you did.

Well, the first thing
I remember is starting
grammar school.

Oh, I was only six
at the time.

No, Gimmick.
I meant before you noticed
the crystals were missing.

Oh. Oh.
Well, to start with,

I placed all six crystals
on this, uh, table.

Then I placed one in this
copper holder like this.

Then I shined this light
through it.


And the next thing
I knew...

Say, fellas...

Not now, Grubby.
I'm trying to demonstrate
a scientific phenomenon.

But I might be seeing things
or not seeing things or...

I give up.

What is it, Grubby?

Well, unless I'm so hungry
I can't see straight,

I'd say Gimmick's fireplace
just disappeared.


I assure you, Grubby,
that such a phenomenon

is scientifically

The fireplace
cannot possibly have--

See what I mean?

Uh, uh, no, I don't.

Er, eh, uh, I mean,
uh, yes, I do.

Actually, what I mean is...

turn the crystal around

and point the other end of it
at the fireplace.

Like, uh, this?

-It worked!
-Boy, what a relief.

For a minute there, I thought
I was imagining things.

This is the third crystal
to reveal its special powers.

Hmm. I have a feeling
the missing crystals

are not really
missing at all.

Then where are they?

They're here.
But they're invisible.

All we have to do is shine
the light through the crystal

and the missing crystals
will reappear the same way
the fireplace did.

A most unusual theory.

Go ahead, Gimmick.
Give it a try.

[laughs] Just might be
a scientific possibility.

Okay, here, uh, it goes.

It worked.

Teddy was right.

Well, we found the crystals,

but we still
haven't found Fuzz.

Here, Fuzz!

Here, Fuzz!

-Oh, Fuzz!

[music playing]

♪ Fuzz, Fuzz ♪

♪ Fuzz was just here
this morning ♪

♪ Without Fuzz, just what
would we ever do? ♪

♪ Now suddenly he's gone
without a warning ♪

♪ We want Fuzz back because,
Fuzz, we all love you ♪

♪ We're not quite sure
just what Fuzz does that
makes him so darn cute ♪

♪ If Fuzz were here
he might be hiding
in this hiking boot ♪

♪ He might
be all curled up ♪

♪ And sleeping
underneath the bed ♪

♪ I hope he didn't leave
because of something
that I said ♪

♪ Fuzz ♪

♪ Fuzz ♪

♪ Fuzz was just here
this morning ♪

♪ Without Fuzz just
what would we ever do? ♪

♪ Now suddenly he's gone
without a warning ♪

♪ We want Fuzz back ♪

♪ Because, Fuzz ♪

♪ We love you ♪

♪ Lookin' for Fuzz ♪

Well, I give up.

If he's hiding, he's doing
an excellent job of it.

Maybe he's outside.
Let's look.

I don't see him.
Do you?

I'm afraid not.

Hey, fellas,
look what I found.

Is it Fuzz?

No, it's a note.

"I've taken Fuzz the Fob.

Leave the valley by morning,

or you'll never see him again.

Signed: Your Friend, Tweeg."

So Fuzz was kidnapped.

So, my little dust mop,

how does it feel
to be at the mercy

of the great and terrible

Scared, aren't you?

Not a bit.

-Ha. Terrified, then?

Trembling with fear?

Not really.

Well, you should be.

I might t*rture you.

Maybe even subject you
to a bit of arm twisting.

Forget it, Tweek.
He ain't got no arms.

Quiet, L.B.!

Can't you see
I'm in the middle
of an inquisition?

And how many times
must I tell you
the name is Tweeg?


It'll be Mudd,

if you don't start
thinking of something
really nasty to do.

Who asked you,
you blithering bubble head?

Hey, we both know
this is your last chance

to stay out
of the M.A.V.O. jail.

On the contrary, L.B.,

it's only
a matter of time

before I'm
Supreme Oppressor
of M.A.V.O.

M-A-V-O! [laughs]

Ugh. Listen, Twick.

We were just lucky to escape
from that Quellor guy

when his airship crashed
into Leekee Lake.

Enough of your
insolence, L.B.!

Can't you see I'm busy
taunting this Fob?

Nya, nya, nya,
nya, nya-nya.

This is embarrassing.

Give it up, Tweek.

Besides, I kinda like
the little guy.

You would.

He's the perfect playmate
for a Bounder--

-small, furry, and stupid.

L.B.: Face it, Tweep.
You better come up with
something more brilliant

than holding a harmless
little Fob hostage.

Yeah, well,
it's a beginning.

And you'll stay in there
till you learn to respect
that dreaded villain,

Jack W. Tweeg.

Oh! Whoa!


I'll get you for this,
you... you... Fob, you!

Oh, brother.

Gimmick: I'll hate to leave
this quiet little valley.

[sniffs] I've grown
quite attached to it.

Yeah, me too.

Teddy: Do we really
have to leave, Gimmick?

As much as I would
prefer to stay,

my own personal interests

are not as important
as the fate

of our furry
little friend, Fuzz.

I've got a better idea.

Why don't we go over
to Tweeg's house
and punch him in the snoot?

That isn't the way
to solve a problem, Grubby.

No, no, it isn't,
enjoyable as it might be.

We have to think
of some other way
to deal with Tweeg.

Hmm. I think I just
came up with an idea.

Oh, bad news,

Ever since the black box
went down with the airship,

the M.A.V.O. members
refuse to pay their bills.


And if it's not
recovered soon,

Quellor's authority
may crumble completely.

We must have that black box.

Send for our
loyal servant Drudge.

He will accomplish
the task for us.


On the double!

Somebody yelled for me?

Quellor wants you.

Oh, good. Then I guess
it's something real mean.

Now, here's what
I wish you to do, Drudge.

First, you will lead
an expedition to Ying

and return with
your cousin Dredge.

Then together you
will recover the black box

from the bottom
of Leekee Lake.

Then we'll take care of that
Illiop and his friends

once and for all.

L.B.: Face it, Tweeb.
You ain't mean enough
to be a member of M.A.V.O.

Stupid enough, yeah,
but mean enough, no.

I agree.

Quiet, you
lint-gathering fuzz ball.

For a bad guy, you're not
very scary, are you?

-Oh, no?

-Says who?
-Says me.

Now, now, kids.

He started it.

I did not.
He did.

Keep it up,
little guy.

You're really getting
on his nerves,

and I love it.


Sorry, Tweek, but you
just don't scare me.

My name is Tweeg.
I tell you, Tweeg!

Now I know I like
this little guy.

When I'm finished
with you and your pals,

you'll regret the day
you ever laid eyes on me.

I already do.

That's tellin' him,

-[door slams]


Who dares barge in
on me like this?

How many times
must I tell you, L.B.?

Make sure the door
is properly shut.

I've been saying
the same thing about
your big mouth.

-Very funny.

Just do as I say.

Yeah. Hey, you never know
what kinda riff-raff
might walk in here.

-[door slams]
-Oh, enough of your tricks,

-Now cut this out.
-I ain't doing nothing, boss.

Oh, don't lie to me.

There's no one else
in the room but you
and this ridiculous Fob.

And I'm sure...

Hey, Twick,
do you see what I see?

Ugh. You mean stars?

I mean a floating Fob.

You fellas aren't afraid
of a harmless little Fob,
are you?

Only a f-f-f-flying one.

How does he do that,

I don't know.

But I find out
you're behind this--

Me? Would I look
this scared if I was?

Go away, Tweeg...

[wailing voices]

-[Tweeg stuttering]
-Grubby: Yeah, go away.

Did that sound like what
I thought it sounded like?

L.B.: If you mean
g-g-ghosts, yeah.

That's exactly
what I mean.


Let me out of here,
you fuzz ball!

Get out of my way!



We sure frightened
those two, didn't we?

We sure did, Teddy.


They looked like they'd seen
a couple of ghosts.

That sure was some
good idea you had, Teddy.

And it worked perfectly.

Thanks for rescuing me,

We can't take all
the credit, Fuzz.

You certainly did
your part well, too.

Aw, all I did was follow
your instructions.

By the way, how did you guys
make yourselves invisible?

-Come with us...

...and we'll tell you
all about it.

This sure beats walking.

Yoo-hoo, cousin Dredge!

It's me, Drudge!

Ah, he's not home.

We'll have to come back later.

-[all screaming]
-Let's get out of here!

What's the matter?
Is it something I said?

Aw, look!

What's the matter?

Haven't you ever seen
a creepy lagoon before?

It's disgusting!

I love this neighborhood.

I grew up here!

Watch out, Drudge.


You're losin' it, pal.

You shouldn't
miss your nap.

Whoa! Cousin Dredge!

Long time no see.

Not long enough.

Come on, cuz.

Let's let bygones
be bygones.

You ate my coloring book.

That was years ago.

It was an honest mistake.

Here, I brought you
some candy.

Slime treats.

Your favorite.

That's better.

Now I have
a favor to ask.

No way.

What would
your dear mother,
Auntie Smudge, say

if she found out you wouldn't
help your own cousin

do something rotten?

Y-Y-Y-You wouldn't really
tell her, would you?

You bet I would.

In fact, I think I'll go
visit my favorite auntie
right now.

Okay, okay. I'll do it,
whatever it is.

Families are
a beautiful thing.

Now where did I leave
that third crystal?

Ah. [laughs]
Here it is.

This had better
work, Gimmick.

I'm too good lookin'--

to be invisible forever.

Don't worry, Grubby.
It'll work all right.

Uh, uh, I think.

Fuzz: Gee,
that's amazing.

No more amazing
than the time

the reducing crystal
made Gimmick and me
smaller than you.

Remember that, Fuzz?

Uh-huh. I sure do.

And what about the time
I got duplicated

by the duplicating

That was pretty
amazing too.

It certainly was.

Maybe someday
we'll find out what each
of the crystals does.


I still think
the disappearing crystal
is the neatest one.

Come to think of it,

maybe that crystal's
the reason my pencils
and stuff

are always disappearing.


♪ Sometimes it isn't clear
why things just disappear ♪

♪ Without a single
reason or a rhyme ♪

♪ Sometimes
you never know ♪

♪ Just where
do those things go ♪

♪ It happens to some people
all the time ♪


♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I can't find
my garden hose ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I just don't know
where it goes ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I turn around,
it's gone ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I can't water
my front lawn ♪

♪ I just can't
seem to keep things
where they ought to be ♪

♪ Why is it such
a hard thing to do? ♪

♪ There ought to be
a gimmick ♪

♪ A gadget or device ♪

♪ That puts things back
just where they ought to ♪

♪ That would be so nice ♪

All: ♪ Things keep disappearing
all the livelong day ♪

♪ I don't understand how they
just get up and walk away ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I can't find
my monkey wrench ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ It should be here
on my workbench ♪

♪ Now you see it
now you don't ♪

♪ My hammer's missing too ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I just simply don't know
what to do ♪

♪ Now you see it,
now you don't ♪

♪ I just don't know
what to, uh, do ♪

Ah, yuck.
This guy's your
cousin, Drudge?

Yeah, my Uncle Grudge's kids
always were little monsters.

Now they're big monsters.

Hey, has this guy
got a sister?


[crickets chirping]

L.B.: Hey, Twink.
You think maybe it's safe
to go back in there now?

Hmm, could be.
Go ahead and see, L.B.

Me? Why me?

Because, well,
I'm bigger than you,

I'm richer than you,
and I'm smarter than you.

That's why.

So home come you're afraid
to go back in?

I am not afraid.

I'm just-- just soaking in
nature, that's all.

While you're at it,
why don't you also
go soak your head?

Admit it, Tweez,
you're scared of those
ghosts in there.

Me? Scared?

I don't even know
the meaning of the word.

[owl hoots]


Now you know
the meaning of the word.



[theme music playing]