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01x32 - Anything in the Soup

Posted: 03/09/24 16:06
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

That's it, Teddy.
Keep adding more, uh, fuel.

Okay, Gimmick.

And, Grubby, keep turning
that propeller.

I'd like to increase
our velocity.

How come we're in such
a hurry, Gimmick?

The Grunges
have asked for our help.

It seems someone
is stealing vegetables

from their, uh, garden.

I thought your crystal

said Grunges were mellow.

How come they're
getting upset over a few
missing vegetables?

Well, these aren't
ordinary Grunges, my boy.

These are Jungle Grunges.

And they're very concerned
about the, uh, food they eat.

That's right.

Jungle Grunges grow
their own vegetables

for their
Grunge gumbo soup.

Yes, indeed.

♪ Now, Grunges love
their gumbo soup ♪

♪ They eat it
day and night ♪

♪ Grunge gumbo
is the only thing that
satisfies their appetite ♪

♪ They pick the finest
vegetables and throw them
in a pot ♪

♪ Grunge gumbo
makes them healthy ♪

♪ So Grunges eat
a lot of yummy gumbo ♪

Grunge gumbo.

♪ The finest soup
in all of Grundo, gumbo ♪

Grunge gumbo.

♪ The Grunges love
their yummy, yummy gumbo ♪

♪ To make Grunge gumbo
you must have some veggies
in great numbers ♪

♪ 40 carrots, 10 zucchinis,

♪ A peck
of pickled peppers ♪

♪ And a bunch
of mustard greens ♪

♪ 100 ripe tomatoes
and 10,000 lentil beans ♪

♪ To make that gumbo ♪

Grunge gumbo!

♪ The finest soup
in all of Grundo, gumbo ♪

Grunge gumbo.

♪ The Grunges love
their yummy, yummy gumbo ♪

♪ Yummy, yummy gumbo ♪

Gimmick: Why, these
vegetables are enormous.

It's easy to see why
you're so proud of them.

Yeah, a veggie a day
keeps the majoogies away.

Eating these is what
keeps us so healthy.

Say, do you guys
ever eat any roots?

Well, what do you mean

taproots, or legumes?

Um, uh, hmm.
Never mind.

Trina, look, the thieves
have been at it again.

I see what you mean, Topper.
Vegetable vandalism.

And look over there.

Now, that's downright mean.

Now you see why
we asked for your help.

Yeah, vegetables
are serious business.

I think I have the solution
to your problem.

I call it the Newton Gimmick
Intruder Incarcerator--

guaranteed to foil the most
cunning veggie-nappers.

You see, we hook a rope
to the top of a tree

and bend the tree
to the ground,

and we attach the rope
to the net.

Like this.

Is that
all there is to it?

Just one more thing.

Never, never step
into the net.

Like this.

-Look out!
-Watch out.


It worked!

Just like I said it would.

Boy, I gotta
hand it to you, Gimmick.

It's just what we need.

It does work very well,

Now, uh,
how do we get you down?

Down? Uh, uh, down...

I'm afraid I haven't
worked that part out yet,

but I'm sure
I'll think of something.

Why me? Oh!

Why is it always me?

L.B.: Oh,
quit blubbering, Twink.

You're rusting
the chain.

This is all your fault,

sentenced to hard labor
in the M.A.V.O. laundry--

the smelliest
and most disgusting pit

in all of Grundo.

It ought to remind you
of home. [laughs]

You know, I could almost
stand being a prisoner

if I weren't shackled
to a Bounder ball and chain.

How do you think I feel?

Being chained
to a guy that looks
like a striped zucchini.

Ooh! Are you calling me
a vegetable?

Why not?
You got the brain
of a rutabaga.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I wonder
what Buffy would say

if she could see her hero
in convict's clothes.



You know, Buffy.

That little red bean bag
who thinks you're so cute.

That's it, Twicks.

I can put up with
your petty insults,

but when you malign that
paragon of bounding beauty,

you've gone too far.


[both grunting]

M.A.V.O. Rulebook,
page 511-C

clearly states
no bouncy-bouncy.

We were just on our way
to your quaint little laundry.

Good. There's an extra large
basket of dirty socks
from Rancid Glottage

waiting just for you.


Oh, uh, how nice.

It's always
an honor to wash
Member Glottage's socks.

The get moving.


I'll fix them.
I'll fix them all!

I'll have my revenge,
and one day I'll rule M.A.V.O.

as Supreme Oppressor.

I can see it now--

the Green Meanie.


If we had another rope,
we could lasso the tree top

and pull it down again.

Good idea, Teddy,

except Gimmick used
the only rope we had.

Male voice: Help. Help!

Don't panic, Gimmick.
We're working on it.

Who's panicking?
I'm quite comfortable.

Male voice:
Oh, help please. Help.

Female voice:
No, no, don't bother.

Male voice:
Save us.

Female voice: Never mind.
It's nothing really.

Hey, who's that talking?

It sure ain't us.

I thought the voices
came from over there.

You don't think those
tomatoes are talking,
do you, Teddy?

I doubt it, Grubby.

But I'm sure those voices
came from around here.

Do you see anything?

I think I see
three Anythings.

This, That,
and The Other.

Uh, is that you?

I mean, is this you?
I mean, hello.

Hi, Teddy.

Hello, Grubby.

You're right, Teddy.
It is the Anythings.


Whoa. What's going on?

Talking, uh, things?

Actually, Trina,
they're Anythings.

This, That, The Other,

meet Trina and Topper.

Please don't pick us.

Unless, of course,
you really want to.

What are you
doing here?

Yeah, you fellas live
in the Mushroom Forest.

That's true, but ever since
you changed our names

from Nothings
to Anythings,

we've been feeling
lots braver.

That's right.

Brave enough
to leave our home
and explore the world.

Including this big
vegetable patch.

And we found the most
delicious vegetables
in the world right here.

But this morning
somebody else was here too.

These tomatoes look yummy.

These cucumbers
look extra yummy.

And these carrots
look mega yummy.

They'll taste great
in our Grunge gumbo.

We changed into vegetables
so we wouldn't be noticed.

But some of us
got picked.

And carried off.

Well, why didn't you
tell the Grunges

you weren't
really vegetables?

Oh, we were
too afraid.

Oh, no... [crying]

So you're the ones who've
been eating our vegetables?

Ooh, we didn't know
they belonged to anyone.


But now our friends
will be made into soup.

Gimmick: Quickly, lads.
There's no time to waste.

Take the airship and fly
to the Grunge village.

But, Gimmick, I'm not sure
we can fly the airship
without you.

Sure, we can, Teddy.

But what about you?

Don't worry about me.

Maybe these Grunges
can find a, uh...
a ladder

to get me out of this...
this extremely clever trap.

Sure thing, Gimmick.
What's a ladder?

Beats me.

Never mind me, lads.

Just get, uh, going!

Whatever you say, Gimmick.
Let's go, Grubby.

Come on, fellas.

Okay, mateys,
man the poop deck.

Gipper the mastheads,

and get ready to do
some fancy flying.


Are you sure you know
what you're doing, Grubby?

Sure, I'm sure.

I think.

Well, here goes.

Mm. Mm!


Atta boy, Grubby.
It's up! It's up!

Fly the bloopers.
Avast the yardarm.

Batten down
the whatchamacallit.


Gee, Teddy, it works.





Is this supposed to happen?

I don't think so.

I feel sick.


Hang on, Grubby.
I'll help you.

Or at least I'll try.

An inventive little chap,
this Newton Gimmick,

as these stolen plans show.

Pity that he wastes his talent
doing good in the world.

A terrible waste,
Your Sliminess.

Tell me more
about this Gimmick
and the Illiop Ruxpin.

Very little is known.

We became aware of them
only with the discovery
of the crystals.

From the Hard to Find City.

That's all we know?

Actually, Your Horrorship,

the only guys around who had
anything to do with them

are Tweeg and his
Bounder companion.

Oh, no. Those two?

Well, I guess
it can't be helped.

Have them brought
before me.

I'm afraid
we'll need their help.



Oh, my gosh.

Are you an Anything?


let's get out of here.

Are you a real cucumber?

-Hear that?
-It's a song.

About soup!

Teddy: Don't worry.
We won't let anything
happen to your friends.

-♪ The Grunges love their ♪

-♪ Yummy, yummy gumbo ♪
-[gasps] Oh!


That's not a potato!

Yeah, and that onion
is our friend.

Ooh, poor guys.

Obviously suffering from
a vitamin deficiency.

They should eat
more vegetables.

Hey, you guys!
Come down for lunch.

Well, how do we land
this thing, Grubby?

I'm not sure.

We either loosen
the whippersnapper...


Or gangway the gazebo.

It's up to you Anythings
to warn your friends.

-Hey, you Anythings!
-You're going to be cooked!

If you don't
speak up.

♪ Even if you're small
and even if you're
feeling scared ♪

♪ Don't let that stop you
from speaking up ♪

♪ Say just how you feel
and if somebody really cares ♪

♪ They will not stop you
from speaking up ♪

♪ Speak up ♪

♪ When you think
something's wrong ♪

♪ Speak up
and be strong ♪

♪ Say "no" when it's
the right thing to do ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody has
more right than you ♪

♪ Say "stop"
when you've had enough ♪

♪ Say no ♪

♪ You can be tough ♪

♪ Speak up ♪

♪ Until you have won ♪

♪ 'Cause you have
as much right as anyone ♪

Ooh, catchy tune.

I'll speak up.
Let's get cookin'.
I'm hungry.


This onion just squeaked.


So did my carrot.
Aah! This potato's
looking at me.

Look out!

-Ooh! Oh.

[ship crashes]

See, Teddy, I told you
I could fly it.

You know, Grubby,
you're sounding more like
Gimmick all the time.

Hee hee.

Uh, hi, guys.
Glad you could drop in.

So, you see, they're not
vegetables at all.

In fact, the Anythings
can be, well, anything.

This one's This,
and that one's, uh, That,

and the other one's, um,
The Other.

And these
are their three friends.

I'm Some.

I'm Another.

I'm One More.

You thought
I was a potato.

Well, we knew potatoes
had eyes.

But's the first time
one ever actually
looked at us.

[laughs] Yes, you guys
give a new meaning

to the expression
"vegging out."

We almost put you guys
in the soup.

You Anythings should
have spoken up sooner.

We were too afraid.

You should never
be afraid to say something

if you think something wrong
is happening to you.

Thanks, Teddy.
We know that now.

Yeah, from now on,
we're gonna...

Speak up!

Stop, I say. Halt!

Desist from cooking
those creatures!

Are we in time? You haven't
eaten anything, have you?


[Gimmick thuds]

No. Everything's fine.

Hi, Mr. Gimmick.

Oh, thank heavens.

Are you all right,

Yeah, how did you
get out of the trap?

Oh, I used
my handy, portable,

all-purpose utility tool

and can opener
to cut the net.

You mean you used
your jackknife?

Uh, yes, Grubby.

It was right in my pocket
all the time.

But how did you
get out of the tree?

Oh, uh, I applied
the scientific law
of gravitational necessity.

Uh, in other words...

I fell out!

[all laugh]

I christen thee "Eclipse."

May all who sail you
bring darkness, evil,

and general rottenness
to the land.

[all cheer]

Tweeg, you may approach.

On behalf of my associate
and myself,

may I say how grateful
we are that you--

Oh, skip the speech, Tweeg.
These are your orders.

You will steal Gimmick's
airship and bring it to us

along with Gimmick
and the Illiop, Ruxpin.

At once, your nastiness.

You can count on me.

I won't fail you.

Ha! [screams]

[both grunt]

That would be a nice change.

He's really got
your number, Tweez.


Oh, shut up.

[theme music playing]