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01x31 - The Mushroom Forest

Posted: 03/09/24 16:06
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

-[bird caws]
-[music playing]

Teddy: ♪ It's so hot ♪

♪ You just want to be lazy ♪

♪ So hot ♪

♪ It'll almost drive you crazy ♪

♪ It's the kind of day
that you would almost ♪

♪ Rather stay in bed ♪

Grubby: ♪ It's the kind of day
that you could fry ♪

♪ An omelet on your head ♪

♪ There's nowhere to hide ♪

♪ Even inside
it's like an oven ♪

♪ You know
it's so hard to bear ♪

♪ The heat's everywhere ♪

-♪ It's even above and below ♪
-♪ Below ♪

♪ 'Cause it's so hot ♪

♪ It's the worst you ever felt ♪

Both: ♪ Yes, it's so hot ♪

Grubby: ♪ That you think
you're gonna melt ♪

Both: ♪ Yes, it's so hot ♪

♪ So hot, so hot ♪

♪ It's so hot ♪

Gimmick, how come you thought
it was such a great idea

-to visit the Great Desert
in the summertime?

Well, Grubby, you must admit

there are some beautiful
rock formations here.

Yeah, but I'd bet they'd be
just as beautiful in the winter.

You're probably right.

Say, Gimmick, aren't we near
the Mushroom Forest?

Why, yes, I believe we are.

-And isn't
the Mushroom Forest...

...damp, dark, and cool
all year round?

Yes, it is.

Say, I have an idea.

Why don't we visit the,
eh, Mushroom Forest?

It's damp, dark, and cool
all year round.

I wonder why we didn't
think of that.

[Teddy chuckles]

Well, Quellor,

I told you those crystals

Tweeg gave us were fakes.

You said maybe
they were fakes.

Yes, but I was sure

that maybe they were fakes.

Meanwhile, the Illiop Ruxpin
has the real crystals.

In his hands,
they could destroy

the Monsters and Villains

we Gutangs would be happy

to bring you the Illiop
and the crystals.

For a small fee,
of course.

Aren't you Gutangs ever evil
just for the fun of it?

Yes, but that costs extra.

Okay, Ambassador,
we'll pay your fee.

Send a squadron of Gutangs

to seize the Illiop
and bring him to us.

[Gutangs cheering]

Right away, Quellor.
I'll bid you.

Quellor: Bognostroclum.

At your service,
Great and Horrendous One.

Bring us the one responsible
for this whole mess.

With pleasure.


Oh, thank goodness you're here.

There's been a terrible mistake.

Let me out.

Rise and shine, you slugs.

Quellor wants to see you.

Oh, it's about time.
A guy could rot in this dungeon.

That's the general idea.

Follow me, and no talking
in the corridors.

Ah, you'll pay
for this, Buggle--

Stog-- Boss-- Noga--


That's Bognostroclum.

Ah! Whatever!
You'll pay for this.

Just as soon as I've explained
everything to Quellor,

and he makes me
Assistant Supreme Oppressor.

How do you put up
with this guy?

It ain't easy.
Let me tell you.

So, Tweeg,

how are you finding
your new accommodations?

The dampness is terrible.

And the insects,
they're as big as Bounders.

Hey, I resent that remark.


There's been a terrible mistake,
I tell ya.

Has there?
And what might that be?

Uh, uh...

-It was L.B. who planned the
attack on your headquarters.

There's your traitor, Quellor!

We've had enough of
your foolish pranks, Tweeg.

You might as well
get used to the dungeon.

It'll be your home
for a long, long time.

Take them away,

And make sure
they work hard.

As you command,
Your Vileness.

Move it, you two!

It's nice and cool here.

Hey, fellas,
I feel a lot better already.

So do I.

-Whoops! Oof!


Most interesting.

What is it, Gimmick?

Wasn't this
a rock a moment ago?

Gee, I don't know.
It looks like a bush to me.

Well, yes, it is,
but it wasn't.

That is to say,
most peculiar.

-Maybe the heat's
getting to him.
-I wonder.

Wow. These big mushrooms
would make great chairs.


Hey! My chair's walking away.

What we are witnessing here

is scientifically impossible.

So how come it's happening?

Eh, well...

possibly it has to do
with sunspots.

Well, why you figure it out,

I'm gonna get my chair back.

You must capture that Illiop
and his friends

and deliver them to Quellor!

to your flying machines!


Excuse me,
Mr. or Mrs. Mushroom?

My word.

This little creature
is so frightened

it can hardly speak.

Don't be afraid.

We won't hurt you.

I'm real sorry I sat on you.

Who are you?

I-I-I-I'm nothing.

-Nothing at all.
-Gimmick: Nonsense.

You're obviously a member of
the fungus bisporus family.

In other words,
you're a mushroom.

I-I told you.
I'm nothing.

Now leave me alone.

What's your name, Mr. Nothing?


-I think he means
"This" is his name.

And that he's called
a "Nothing."

Isn't that right?

Y-- Yeah.

We're Nothings
because we don't have
any shape of our own.

It comes in handy when we want
to hide, and we usually do.

Where are
the other Nothings?

Oh, they're around,

but they're hiding.

They're just too sh--
shy to come out.

All: Huh?

Well, I can certainly see

that the Mushroom Forest

would make an ideal home

for such bashful creatures.

I wonder if there are
any more of these Nothing guys
around here.


[smooches, shouts]

Oh! [laughs]

That tickles.

This is wonderful.

You know something, Teddy?

I get the feeling
we've been surrounded

by these Nothing fellas
all along.

Hello, Nothings.

It's very nice
to meet you.

[all stammering]
Likewise, we think.



My name is That.

I'm The Other.

The Other what?

The Other Nothing.
That's what.

This sure is confusing.

[Nothings giggling]

Would you people like
to play a game with us?

Sure. That sounds like fun.

Oh, boy.
I love playing games.

Indeed. They're most enjoyable.

Nothings: Hooray!


It's the very favorite game
of the Nothings.

We call it hide-and-seek.

[music playing]

Teddy: ♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ It's lots of fun
to play hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ I never get tired of
hide-and-seek ♪

-Not it.
-Not it.

-All: Not it.
-Not it.

Gee, I guess I'm it.

-All: ♪ You lean against
a tree ♪

♪ Start counting
one, two, three ♪

-Grubby: Three, four...
-♪ While everyone goes off
to hide somewhere ♪

-♪ You cover up your eyes ♪

-...six, seven...
-♪ So we will realize ♪

♪ That you're not peeking 'cause
that just would not be fair ♪

Teddy: ♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

-♪ It's lots of fun to play
hide-and-seek ♪

-All: ♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

-♪ We never get tired of
hide-and-seek ♪

-Gimmick: I found a place
to hide.

-♪ You cover up your eyes ♪
-Me too.

-♪ So we will realize ♪

-♪ That you're not peeking
when count the right amount ♪
-...16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

♪ Ready or not, here I come ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek
is lots of fun ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Nothings are good
at hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ It's lots of fun to play
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ It's lots of fun to play
hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Hide-and-seek,
hide-and-seek ♪

-♪ We never get tired ♪
-♪ Never get tired ♪

-♪ Never get tired ♪
-♪ Never get tired
of hide-and-seek ♪

-Hey, what's this game called?
-All: Hide-and-seek.


Down there!

Search the place.

What's this?

Hmm. I think Quellor will be
interested in these.

Very interested.

This is fun.
Hey, fellas.

How about turning yourself
into something to eat?

I'm getting kind of hungry.

-Just kidding. [laughs]

Do you always live here
in the Mushroom Forest?


It's lots easier
to hide here
where it's dark.

Besides, mushrooms
are easy to imitate.

My, Teddy, these fungus fellows
are truly amazing.

I agree, Gimmick.

But I don't think
you should call yourselves
Nothings anymore.

We shouldn't?
What should we call us?

Well, since you can become
anything you want,

I think you should call
yourselves "Anythings."

-[music playing]
-♪ You're not a Nothing ♪

♪ You are an Anything ♪

♪ How high you learn to fly ♪

♪ Is how wide
you spread your wings ♪

♪ You're not a Nothing ♪

♪ You are an Anything ♪

♪ The world is out there waiting
now to hear the song you sing ♪

♪ Just do your best,
use your imagination ♪

♪ Stand up to the test,
you've got lots of inspiration ♪

♪ There's nothing in the world
you shouldn't try to do ♪

♪ 'Cause there's no one
more magnificent than you ♪

♪ We're not a Nothing ♪

♪ We are an Anything ♪

♪ How high you learn to fly ♪

♪ Is how wide
you spread your wings ♪

♪ We're not a nothing ♪

♪ We are an Anything ♪

♪ The world
is out there waiting

♪ Now to hear
the song we sing ♪

Gee, with good friends
like you,

I don't feel like
a Nothing anymore.

I like our new name.

We're Anythings!


-We can do anything!
-Yes, we can.


Ambassador on radio:
We'll fly westward
towards the woods...

According to our spy,

the Illiop and his friends
sometimes go there.

Commander, look below!



It's the guy who smashed up
all our best planes

at the Hard to Find City!

Ooh! I wonder what
those fellers are doing here.

[jabbers] I'd better tell
Teddy, Grubby, and Gimmick.

the Hard to Find City
is ancient,

the architecture--

Oh, dear!
Gutang flying machines!

How dare you
interrupt my lessons!

Where's that Illiop
Teddy Ruxpin?

I don't know.

And if I did,
I certainly wouldn't tell you.

Don't worry.

We'll find him
without your help.

And don't bother coming back,
you ill-mannered ruffian.

Why are they so mean,
Miss Leota?

It's hard to explain,

There are some very unpleasant
creatures in this world.

And the Gutangs
make up most of them.

Tweeg: Imagine an evil genius
like me having to scrub floors!

It's not fair,
I tell ya!

Quiet! Quit yapping
and keep on mopping!

Who let you in here?

State your business,
or else!

We demand to see Quellor.

Is that so?

Well, nobody sees Quellor
without my permission.

And I don't feel like
giving it today, so there!

I like this guy's style.

We have something
of great value

which we stole from
the Illiop's house.


Big deal.

Who said you could
take a break?

Back to work!

All right, follow me.
Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.

Did you hear that, L.B.?

Hear what? [grunts]

No wonder your head
is shaped like a dunce cap.

Those Gutangs said
they stole something valuable

from Gimmick's house.

It must be valuable
seeing as you already stolen
all the worthless junk.

-Very funny, L.B.

Hmm. I just wonder...

[Bognostroclum clears throat]
Your Supreme Evilness.

What is it, Bognostroclum?

These Gutangs
claim to have stolen

something of great value
from the Illiop's house.


Exactly what have you stolen?

These, Quellor.

The plans for
the Illiop's airship.

Quickly! Let me see them.

In due time, Quellor.

But first there is
the matter of payment.

But you've still not brought me
the Illiop Ruxpin

and his friends.

Ah, they will be found.

In the meantime,

surely these plans
are worth something.

Shall we say
four million pieces of copper?

Completely out of the question.

that is our price.

I'm sure our own builders

could make excellent use
of these plans.

Very well.

Four million pieces of copper.

Bognostroclum, see to it
that they are paid.

Right away, Sire of Evil.


All right,
you've had your say.

Now get out!

Four million pieces of copper.

A small sum to pay.

With these plans,
we could build an invincible
airship of our own.

Then we'll destroy that Illiop
along with the Gutangs.


Well, boys, we really should be
getting back to the airship.

I guess you're right, Gimmick.

Well, we're sorry,
but we have to go now.

Yeah, you fellas sure
are fun to play with.

Why thank you.
So are you.


That's a wonderful idea.

Teddy, before you go,

we'd like to make you,
Grubby, and Gimmick

honorary Anythings.


But we can't turn into mushrooms
and stuff like you can.

That's true, but you can
be anything you want.

-He's right, Grubby.

Gimmick: Absolutely correct.

All it takes is
a little imagination.

Yes, and we learned to be

two things
we never were before.

We learned to be brave.

And we learned to be friends.

-Yeah, that's right.
-We did.


-[music playing]
-♪ We're not a Nothing ♪

♪ We are an Anything ♪

♪ How high we learn to fly is
how wide we spread our wings ♪

♪ We're not a nothing ♪

♪ We are an Anything ♪

♪ The world is out there
waiting now ♪

♪ To hear the song we sing ♪

♪ The world is out there
waiting now ♪

♪ To hear the song you sing ♪

-So long!

[all continue
saying good-bye]

-Safe trip!

-Teddy: Buh-bye.
-Grubby: So long.

-Gimmick: Take care.
-Teddy: So long.

[theme music playing]