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01x30 - Tweeg Joins M.A.V.O.

Posted: 03/09/24 16:03
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Louie: Just one more stop
and I'm through for the day.

I think I'll have some fun
with this one.

-Hey, Spike!

You wanna wake the whole
neighborhood with that snoring?

What are you talking about?
I ain't snoring.

Hey, what's that noise?

Hey, it ain't me, I tell ya.

-Oh, it's that Louie guy again.

Take cover, everyone! [grunts]


It's about time,
you bouncing bubblehead.

Now, where is it?


Here it is.

Here's what,
Mommy dearest?

This ad I put in the newspaper,
that's what.

"Eleanor Tweeg is
pleased to announce that

-her son"--
-Jack W. Tweeg?

Yes. "Will be made
a full member

of the Monsters and Villains
Organization tonight."

-[Tweeg laughs]
-Congratulations, Tweeb.

I don't know
how you pulled it off.

L.B., you'll be smirking

out of the other side of
your pointy little head

when Quellor makes me
a member of M.A.V.O.

But until he does,
I'm still your supervisor.

A minor detail.

You'll verify that
I've completed

the checklist of bad deeds.

I might. If you ever get around
to finishing it, that is.

Tweegy, you've hardly done
anything on that checklist,

and tonight's
your inauguration.

I suggest you run down
to that Newton Gimmick's

and do something really nasty
while there's still time.

-L.B.: You heard the lady,

Move it,
or I'll tell Quellor

all those rotten things
you said about him.

[Wooly jabbers]
Whoa, this is some book, Fuzz.

-Where'd you get it?
-Gimmick wrote it.
It's all about Fobs.

-Gee, what's it called?
-"All About Fobs," of course.

[jabbers] That makes sense.

Hey, look. It says here
in the Grundo Gazette

that Tweeg is getting into
the Monsters and Villains
Organization tonight.

Well, Tweeg finally
got his wish.

Maybe he'll be able
to make some friends there.

And what are
you two fellas up to?

Fuzz was just showing me
this book Gimmick wrote.

It sure looks interesting.

Why thank you, Wooly.

I am rather proud of it.

[Wooly jabbers]
What's that thing, Gimmick?

Huh? Oh, this.

It's one of
my latest inventions.

I call it
my crystal stethoscope.

Gee, what's it do?

It tells us something important
about a person's true nature.

Gimmick invented it after we
found this book

about crystals
at King Nogburt's castle.

Oh, what's this?

That walking purple carpet
is with them again.

Oh, what can they be up to?

Ah, a plot to steal my recipe

for turning buttermilk
into gold, I'll wager.

Let me show you
how my stethoscope works.

It won't hurt,
will it?

Don't worry, Wooly.
It's safe.

-[Wooly jabbers]

Well, what does it say?

Teddy: It says... you're loyal.

It means you're faithful
and true to your friends.

[Wooly jabbers]
You sure are smart,

Ooh, what's that book,

See for yourself, Wooly.

Gimmick: I don't think you'll be
able to read much of it.

Ooh, I can read,
all right.

Miss Leota taught me
at the school tree.

We know, Wooly.

It's just that this book is
written in an ancient language

that none of us understands.

But once we figure it out,

this book will explain
all about the crystals.

[Wooly jabbers]
You sure got some interesting
stuff around here.

If you'd like to see
some of my other inventions,

come upstairs.

Wooly: Oh, boy!
Don't mind if I do.

Oh, this is my chance.
I must have that book.


It's mine at last!



Careful with your roughhousing,
my pets.

Now, you were saying?

There is a prophesy

that once the six crystals
are installed

in the ceiling of
the M.A.V.O w*r room,

darkness will fall
across the land.


No doubt you're aware the sun
has been shining for weeks?

Perhaps there's
a waiting period.

The Understander:
Or perhaps the crystals
are not real.

Quellor: Impossible.

The crystals must be real.

Tweeg would not dare deceive us.

There, you see?
Darkness has fallen.

The crystals must be real.

The Understander:
Hmm. Perhaps this Tweeg fellow
hasn't cheated us after all.

Wooly: Gee, you sure do make
a lot of neat things, Gimmick.

Why thank you, Wooly.

Do you mind if I look at that
crystal book one more time?

Not at all, Wooly.

[gasps] Heavens to Grundo!

-What's wrong, Gimmick?
-The book, it's gone!

Someone must've stolen it.

Gee, who could've done
such a terrible thing?

-Only one person.
-All: Tweeg.

We must get it back.

I'm flattered that you
think so highly of it,

but really,
it's not that important.

Grubby: Gee, Gimmick.
That doesn't sound like you.

It certainly doesn't.
That book is very special.

I suppose.

I'll bet you Tweeg's taking it
to that M.A.V.O. party tonight.

I'll bet you're right,

We'd better take the airship
and find him.

Come on, everyone.

-Well, if you say so.

Although, it seems like a lot of
trouble to go to for a book.

[birds chirping]


What's this?


"Return to Tweeg."

[jabbers] That's a good idea.

Maybe we oughta return some
of these to Tweeg personally.


I'm sorry you can't
come with us, Wooly,
but you're just too big.

Aw, that's all right, Teddy.

I don't mind walking.

I'll see you at
M.A.V.O Headquarters.

-Gimmick: Bye, Wooly.
-Grubby: Good-bye, Wooly.

Teddy: Toodle-loo!

[Tweeg humming]

How come you're in
such a good mood, Tweeb?

You're not even close
to finishing that
M.A.V.O. checklist.

Tweeg: I have no intention
of finishing it,

or paying any of those
ridiculous bills either.

Ain't you worried that
Quellor guy will get mad?

Tweeg: Ha! When Quellor
sees what I've stolen,

he'll probably make me
Assistant Supreme Oppressor.


Aha. I'll take that.


You shouldn't have done that.

-It's a jawbreaker.
-You mean the candy?

-No. The mother.
-[gasps] Yow!



[both yelling]

It's nice to see Tweegy
having such a good time.

-Grubby: Gee, Teddy,
I sure hope this works.
-I'm sure it will, Grubby.

Grubby: I'd hate to think
we got dressed up like this
for nothing.

-Are you ready, Gimmick?
-Yes, I suppose.

[whispers] All set, Wooly?

Okay, fellers.

I'll wait for your signal.

Nobody's home.
Let's go.

Teddy: Wait a minute, Grubby.

Who dares knock
without an invitation?

State your business.

Eh, we're the,
uh, caterers

for tonight's ceremony.

Caterers? What for?

To serve the food, of course.

In that case, you may enter.

-Teddy: Thanks a lot.
-Gimmick: Thank you...

-Grubby: Thanks a bunch.
-...very much.


Silence, everyone.

The Supreme Oppressor
is about to speak.

This session
is now in order.

We will start by singing
the M.A.V.O. song.

♪ We love our M.A.V.O. ♪

♪ M-A-V-O ♪

♪ We love our M.A.V.O. ♪

♪ 'Cause we are the Monsters and
Villains Organization ♪

♪ We all get to use
our wild imagination ♪

♪ To rob and to plunder,
to lie and to cheat ♪

♪ To do all the mean things
that we all think are neat ♪

♪ There are monsters
of every conceivable size ♪

♪ And villains who just love
to put on a weird disguise ♪

♪ And we all like to give you
a real big surprise ♪

♪ At M.A.V.O., at M.A.V.O. ♪

♪ At M.A.V.O. ♪

Assembled members,

we are here to welcome a villain
into our honored society.

Has Tweeg completed
the bad deeds checklist?

No way, your extreme

Ooh, and the only payment

we've received from him
are these two measly jewels!

[crowd jeering]

Explain yourself, Tweeg.

Supreme Oppressor,

I have something far more
valuable than anything on that
silly M.A.V.O. checklist.

[crowd murmuring]


What is this thing, Tweeg?

This ancient book,
which I stole from an Illiop.

-It contains the secrets of
the crystals. [chuckles]

[thunder rumbling]

There, you see?
Impending darkness.

Fake crystals indeed.

It seems the prophesy
of impending darkness

has indeed come true.

Now let us enjoy ourselves

with a feast in honor of our
newest M.A.V.O. member, Tweeg.

-Hear, hear.

Let the feasting begin.

And let's try to be
neat about it.

Last time you slobs were here,
you made a real mess.

Come on, caterers.

What's the hold up?

We're coming right away, sir.

This is for you.
And this is for you.

And this is for you.

Hey, this food is too salty.



Oh, oh, my.

Take it back
and bring me
something else.

Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.


Heavens to Grundo.


Oh, my gosh.
I'd better signal Wooly.

Wooly: What's Grubby doing?

Ooh! That's my signal!


It's time to teach that Tweeg

not to leave his toys
all over Gimmick's front lawn.

-What is the meaning of this?

And here's another one.


This is too much.

Everyone outside,
and take care of

whatever's interrupting
our meal.

You heard him.
Do as your master says.

Hey, this is kind of fun.


Uh-oh. Now it's not so much fun.

[thunder rumbling]


-You there.
-Who, me?

-Yes, come with me.
-Sure thing, lady.

Hoist me up.

[L.B. grunting]


Why, they're nothing more
than salt.

-I'll take that, thank you.

Hey, come back with that.

Run, Gimmick!

Whoa. Uh-oh. Hang on, fellas.





Quellor: You're no caterer.

You're an Illiop.

At last we meet, Illiop.

We shall put an end to your
interfering once and for all.


[Gimmick panting]
Boy, I think we've lost them.

I think we lost Teddy, too.

Let's take the airship
and rescue him.

By the way, Gimmick,
where is the airship?


-It was here a moment ago.
-It was?

-[crowd shouting]

Heavens to Grundo!

That is most untimely.

Faster, Gimmick!

Whatever it is you're looking
for, hurry up and find it!

[jabbers] Hey, you monsters!

Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?


You're our size.

Aha! I found it! [laughs]

Grubby, if you'll help me set up

the portable
reducing-enlarging machine,

we can be on our way.

Gimmick, that's the best
idea you've had yet.




Quellor, the crystals are
nothing more than lumps of salt.


[Quellor grunts]


[Gimmick chuckles] It worked!

And just in time, too.

-Grubby: Teddy!
-We'd better get out of here!

Cut the support lines.

He must not escape!








"Return to Tweeg."

Look what I found!

So, Tweeg,

you planned this as*ault
on our headquarters

in hopes of taking
over M.A.V.O, did you?

-N-N-Not at all, Your Supreme--

While I decide your fate.

As his supervisor,
it is my opinion

that Tweek could never
have planned this attack.

He's too dumb.

Oh, thank you, L.B.

So, you vouch for this--
this traitor?!

Sure. What have I got to lose?

Quellor: I'll tell you
what you've got to lose.

Your job! L.B., you're fired!

Take them away, Bognostroclum.

L.B.: I guess this means
I can forget about

the M.A.V.O. dental plan?

[jabbers] So long, fellers.

So long, Wooly, and thanks.

I'm sure glad
Wooly got away safely.

Not only that, we got the book
back from Tweeg.

Grubby: Say, Teddy,
where is the book?

Teddy: Well, I don't know.
Gimmick took it.

Here it is, boys.

I must say,
I'm still a bit surprised

by all the fuss over it.

But it's an awfully
special book, Gimmick.

Well, I'm flattered that you
think so highly of my writing.

-Your writing?
-Why, yes.

Isn't that
the crystal book?

No. No, no, no.

It's my book, "All About Fobs."

You mean Tweeg didn't steal
the crystal book?

Oh, no.

If he had,
I would have been most upset.

Then where is
the crystal book?

Why on my bookshelf,
of course.

-Where else would it be?
-[Grubby laughs]

[all laughing]

Teddy: Oh, no.

[theme music playing]